
Zhang Songwen won the award in tears, and the facts have proved that the "hidden rules" of domestic dramas in 2023 have changed

author:Building together

Zhang Songwen, this name can be described as a late bloomer in the entertainment industry. His story is like an inspirational movie, from a tour guide to an acting teacher, to a visiting professor, and now to a powerful actor in the hearts of the audience, every step is full of challenges and perseverance1. In particular, his performance in the TV series "Hurricane" made him a household name overnight.

In "Hurricane", Zhang Songwen's character Gao Qiqiang gradually grew from a small person to the leader of a gang-related organization. His performance in the play not only allows the audience to see the transformation of the role, but also feels the inner struggle and complexity of the character. His acting skills are delicate and profound, and every look and every movement is full of power. This strength not only comes from his years of acting experience, but also from his deep understanding of the role and his delicate observation of life.

Zhang Songwen's success was not achieved overnight. Before becoming famous, he experienced a long period of obscurity and constant effort. He has played supporting roles in many film and television works, and even ran tricks, but he has never given up his love and pursuit of acting. His persistence was finally rewarded in "Hurricane". His name, also because of this drama, began to be known and recognized by people.

Zhang Songwen won the award in tears, and the facts have proved that the "hidden rules" of domestic dramas in 2023 have changed

In addition to his outstanding performance in film and television works, Zhang Songwen also showed his charm in variety shows. He served as an acting director in programs such as "Acting School" and "I Am an Actor", using his rich experience and profound skills to guide young actors and teach acting skills. His teaching style is humorous and deeply loved by the students.

Zhang Songwen's personality charm is also an important reason why he is loved by the audience. He is approachable in life and is willing to interact with netizens and share his life. His Weibo is full of love for life and thinking about performance. His sincerity and enthusiasm made the audience feel his sincerity and purity as an actor.

In general, Zhang Songwen's acting achievements are the best reward for his unremitting efforts and persistence over the years. His story inspires more people to pursue their dreams, no matter how distant and difficult they may be. And his acting skills and personality charm have also made him an irreplaceable and powerful actor in the hearts of the audience.

Zhang Songwen won the award in tears, and the facts have proved that the "hidden rules" of domestic dramas in 2023 have changed

In 2023, the domestic drama market will usher in a diversified spring, with rich themes, significantly improved quality, and the enthusiasm of the audience will also rise. From costume dramas to modern dramas, from suspense dramas to romantic dramas, dramas of various themes emerge in an endless stream, satisfying the tastes of different audiences.

This year, the production level of domestic dramas has made a qualitative leap. The directors pay more attention to the polishing of the script, the actors' acting skills are more exquisite, and the production team is more attentive to the details of costumes, props, scenes, etc. These changes have significantly improved the overall quality of domestic dramas, and the audience's reputation has also risen.

What's more, the audience is getting more engaged. With the popularity of social media, viewers are willing to express their opinions and participate in discussions on social platforms while watching the series. This interactivity not only boosts the popularity of the series, but also allows the creators of the series to understand the needs and feedback of the audience more directly.

Zhang Songwen won the award in tears, and the facts have proved that the "hidden rules" of domestic dramas in 2023 have changed

In addition, secondary creation has also become an important factor in promoting the popularity of domestic dramas. Many talented viewers will create various forms of derivative works based on their understanding and love of the series, such as novels, illustrations, short videos, etc. These secondary creations not only enrich the connotation of the series, but also provide a new impetus for the dissemination and promotion of the series.

In this year, we saw realistic dramas such as "Hurricane", which profoundly revealed social phenomena and aroused the audience's deep thinking; I also saw science fiction dramas like "The Three-Body Problem", which attracted the attention of a large number of science fiction fans with its grand world view and wonderful plot; There are also costume dramas like "Sauvignon Blanc", which have won the love of the audience with their exquisite costumes and touching love stories.

The diversification of domestic dramas and the improvement of reputation are the result of the joint efforts of the entire industry. From screenwriters to directors, from actors to production teams, everyone is using their professionalism and enthusiasm to bring a better viewing experience to the audience. This change not only allows the audience to see the potential and charm of domestic dramas, but also allows domestic dramas to gain more recognition and respect in the international market.

Zhang Songwen won the award in tears, and the facts have proved that the "hidden rules" of domestic dramas in 2023 have changed

In general, the diversification and word-of-mouth improvement of domestic dramas in 2023 is a microcosm of the development of the industry. It allows us to see the infinite possibilities of domestic dramas, and also makes us full of expectations for the future of domestic dramas. With the development of the industry and the continuous change of audience needs, we have reason to believe that domestic dramas will bring us more surprises and touches.

The creative ideas of national dramas are undergoing a profound change. In the past, we may have been accustomed to those TV series with a long rhythm and lengthy plots, but now, Chinese dramas have begun to make a fuss about rhythm control, and the tight plot advancement makes the audience dizzy, and each episode is full of information and dramatic tension. This change is an accurate grasp of the audience's aesthetic needs, and it is also a bold innovation in narrative techniques.

In terms of subject selection, national dramas are no longer limited to traditional costume dramas and romance dramas, but broaden their horizons and involve more diverse fields. From the profound analysis of realistic themes, to the bold imagination of science fiction dramas, to the rigorous research of historical dramas, the diversity of themes of national dramas gives the audience more choices. This diversification not only enriches the connotation of national dramas, but also satisfies the tastes of different audience groups.

Zhang Songwen won the award in tears, and the facts have proved that the "hidden rules" of domestic dramas in 2023 have changed

In terms of plot depth, Chinese dramas began to abandon exaggerated and superficial treatments, and instead focused on internal expression and high-quality products. The creators pay more attention to the delicate portrayal of the characters' personalities, the reasonable layout of the storyline, and the in-depth excavation of the theme ideas. Such a plot is no longer a simple entertainment pastime, but a work of art that can provoke the audience to think and even touch people's hearts.

High-quality has become a new pursuit of national drama creation. From the careful polishing of the script to the excellent level of production, from the superb acting skills of the actors to the artistic control of the director, every link is in pursuit of excellence. This kind of high-quality creative attitude not only improves the artistic quality of national dramas, but also improves the competitiveness of national dramas on the international stage.

In general, the change in the creative thinking of Chinese dramas is a positive response to the trend of the times and a deep insight into the needs of the audience. This transformation allows us to see a broader development prospect of national dramas, and also makes us full of expectations for the future of national dramas. With the continuous exploration and efforts of the creators, I believe that Chinese dramas will be able to create more excellent works and win the love of the audience and the recognition of the market. 9101112

Zhang Songwen won the award in tears, and the facts have proved that the "hidden rules" of domestic dramas in 2023 have changed

In today's national drama market, an obvious trend is quietly emerging - acting actors are gradually becoming the mainstream. This is not only a change in the audience's taste, but also a reflection of the entire industry's pursuit of artistic authenticity. Once, traffic artists became the selling point of the series with their high popularity and topicality, but as time went by, people began to realize that characters without acting support are like soulless shells, which are difficult to touch.

The mainstreaming of acting actors is first reflected in the high matching of roles and acting skills. With their superb acting skills, these actors are able to bring their characters to life, whether it is delicate emotional changes or complex psychological activities, they can be accurately presented to the audience. As mentioned in 27, among the outstanding domestic actors, there are Wang Zhiwen, Jin Shijie, Sun Honglei and others of the "method school", as well as Li Youbin and Huang Bo of the "experience school", who use their respective performance styles and profound acting skills to give life to the roles.

Zhang Songwen won the award in tears, and the facts have proved that the "hidden rules" of domestic dramas in 2023 have changed

In addition, the mainstreaming of acting actors has also contributed to the overall improvement of the quality of dramas. When the series no longer relies on traffic stars to attract attention, but moves people through wonderful stories and excellent performances, the artistic value and enjoyment of the series have been significantly improved. This not only allows the audience to enjoy a higher quality audio-visual feast, but also promotes the healthy development of the entire industry.

At the same time, the rise of acting actors has also provided more opportunities and a more level playing field for new actors. In this market that values acting skills, as long as new actors have enough talent and hard work, they have the opportunity to stand out and realize their acting dreams. Such changes have undoubtedly injected fresh blood and vitality into the national drama market.

However, the mainstreaming of acting actors does not mean that there is no market for traffic artists. In fact, many traffic artists have also begun to realize the importance of improving their acting skills, and have exercised and demonstrated their acting skills by participating in various acting variety shows, such as "Actors Please Be in Place", "Acting School", etc.19. This not only helps to improve their own competitiveness, but also brings more choices and surprises to the audience.

Zhang Songwen won the award in tears, and the facts have proved that the "hidden rules" of domestic dramas in 2023 have changed

In general, the mainstreaming of acting actors is a sign of the maturity of the national drama market, which represents the audience's expectation of high-quality film and television works, and also reflects the return of the industry's serious attitude towards artistic creation. As more and more acting actors are recognized and respected, we have reason to believe that the Chinese drama market will usher in a more prosperous and diversified tomorrow.

In today's film and television creation, script adaptation and the creation of original scripts are undoubtedly the two driving forces for the development of the industry. Adaptations, especially those based on classic literary works or popular novels, tend to attract a large number of fans of the original book. But at the same time, how to innovate on the basis of respecting the spirit of the original work has also become a major challenge for creators.

Respecting the original work does not mean that the adaptation of the script must reproduce every detail of the original work step by step. On the contrary, it is more reflected in the faithful conveyance of the core ideas and emotions of the original work. For example, when adapting a classic novel, the creator needs to deeply understand the author's creative intentions, grasp the theme and character of the work, and then skillfully incorporate these elements into the script to make it fit with the aesthetics and values of modern audiences.

Zhang Songwen won the award in tears, and the facts have proved that the "hidden rules" of domestic dramas in 2023 have changed

At the same time, adaptations also need to be innovative. This innovation can be a plot adjustment, a deepening of the characters, or even a resetting of the story setting. As long as these innovations serve the storytelling and enhance the appeal and appeal of the script, they are all worth trying. For example, some adaptations will add modern elements, or give modern interpretations of certain characters, which can often bring freshness to the audience and can also trigger more thinking and discussion.

In addition to the adaptation, the creation of an original script is equally important. Original scripts give creators more freedom, allowing them to explore social issues more deeply and show their deep thinking. These scripts are often closer to reality, able to touch the hearts of the audience, and resonate. Through observation and reflection on real life, the creator integrates personal insights and social issues into the script, creating works with profound connotation and artistic value.

Whether it's an adaptation or an original, screenwriting requires the talent and effort of the creator. They need to have a keen sense of insight and be able to capture the details of life and deep social phenomena; It requires a rich imagination and the ability to create compelling stories and distinctive characters; It is also necessary to have a deep cultural background and solid writing skills in order to create a high-quality script.

Zhang Songwen won the award in tears, and the facts have proved that the "hidden rules" of domestic dramas in 2023 have changed

In general, the respect and innovation of script adaptation and creation is an important guarantee for the development of film and television art. They not only require creators to have a deep understanding and respect for the original work, but also require them to have the courage to explore and innovate, and constantly promote the enrichment and deepening of the art form. With the emergence of more and more excellent scripts, we have reason to believe that the film and television industry will usher in a more prosperous and diversified future.

In today's era of information explosion, the personalized development of drama platforms has become a key strategy to attract audiences and retain users. Major video platforms, such as Aiyouteng and Mango TV, are developing unique theaters and content according to their own market positioning and audience needs, striving to stand out in the fierce market competition.

First, let's talk about iQIYI. iQIYI's "Fog Theater" is a good example. It focuses on suspense dramas, and has successfully attracted a large number of audiences who like brain-burning plots with high-quality content and a new theater operation model. 32 This type of theater not only provides a new theater-watching experience, but also allows the audience to feel the unique charm of the platform while enjoying the plot.

Zhang Songwen won the award in tears, and the facts have proved that the "hidden rules" of domestic dramas in 2023 have changed

Not to be outdone, Youku has built the platform's content moat through self-made dramas. Youku's self-made dramas not only pursue high quality in content, but also strive to diversify in themes and styles to meet the tastes of different audiences. 35From costume dramas to modern urban dramas, from suspense dramas to romantic dramas, Youku's self-made dramas can always surprise the audience.

Tencent Video has made great efforts in simulcast dramas. It has an increased number of simulcast dramas with platforms such as iQiyi and Youku, which not only allows good dramas to be more widely disseminated, but also makes the competition between platforms more intense. 29 In this way, Tencent Video has successfully attracted the attention of a large number of viewers and increased the popularity and influence of the platform.

Mango TV has attracted a large number of young female viewers with its unique female perspective and youthful atmosphere. Mango TV's solo dramas have a high proportion of women, reaching more than 70%. 33 It has occupied a place in the drama platform by providing female viewers with the content they like through precise market positioning.

Zhang Songwen won the award in tears, and the facts have proved that the "hidden rules" of domestic dramas in 2023 have changed

In general, the personalized development of drama platforms is the trend of the times. Through the development of personalized theater and content, major platforms can not only realize the combination of content and platform characteristics, but also better meet the needs of the audience and improve user stickiness. With the development of new technologies such as 5G, big data, and artificial intelligence, the future drama broadcasting platform will be more intelligent and personalized, bringing a richer and more diverse viewing experience to the audience.

Zhang Songwen won the award in tears, and the facts have proved that the "hidden rules" of domestic dramas in 2023 have changed

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