
Adebenro resurrected with full blood, and replied to the question, more flowers, and the national security of Jinglu before the war was good

author:Dance entertainment



Season Focus: Beijing Guoan's counterattack

The 2024 Chinese Super League season has entered a white-hot stage, and teams are fighting for the ultimate glory and ranking. In a key match in the 16th round, Beijing Guoan defeated the Cangzhou Lions 4-0 at home, which not only ended their previous unfavorable situation against Henan, but also injected a shot in the arm for the team.

Adebenro resurrected with full blood, and replied to the question, more flowers, and the national security of Jinglu before the war was good

Adebenro: The heart of the midfield who makes a difference

In this game, Adebenro's performance was particularly eye-catching. Not only did he provide key assists on the offensive end, but he also showed excellent interception ability on the defensive end. Adebenro's all-round performance was undoubtedly one of the key factors in Beijing Guoan's ability to achieve this big victory.

Adebenro resurrected with full blood, and replied to the question, more flowers, and the national security of Jinglu before the war was good

Multi-point flowering: the tactical advantage of the national security team

In addition to Adebenro's outstanding performance, Beijing Guoan also showed a multi-point tactical advantage in this game. Fabio, Yang Liyu, Wang Ziming and other players also scored goals respectively, and the tactical layout of multi-point flowering made the opponent unguardable, which is also an important reason why the Guoan team was able to win a big victory in this game.

Adebenro resurrected with full blood, and replied to the question, more flowers, and the national security of Jinglu before the war was good

Full lineup: The lineup advantage of the national security team

In this game, Beijing Guoan's full lineup is also a big factor in their victory. The team's main players all came on the pitch, both offensively and defensively, showing a very high level of competition. The integrity of the lineup allows the Guoan team to better execute tactics and give full play to their combat effectiveness in the game.

Adebenro resurrected with full blood, and replied to the question, more flowers, and the national security of Jinglu before the war was good

Morale is like a rainbow: the mental state of the national security team

After the defeat to the Henan team, Beijing Guoan's morale was affected for a while. However, with this 4-0 victory, the morale of the team has been greatly boosted. The players showed high morale and a strong desire to win in the game, and this kind of morale-like mental state is undoubtedly very beneficial for the Guoan team to achieve good results in the next games.

Adebenro resurrected with full blood, and replied to the question, more flowers, and the national security of Jinglu before the war was good

The race for a place in the AFC Champions League: the goal of the national security team

Despite their ups and downs in the league this season, their goal remains the same: to qualify for the AFC Champions League. With this victory, the Guoan team has regained their form, and they will be in a more energetic state to face the upcoming AFC Champions League place.

Adebenro resurrected with full blood, and replied to the question, more flowers, and the national security of Jinglu before the war was good

Ups and downs: Challenges and opportunities for the national security team

The ups and downs of the Guoan team's form in the league this season are undoubtedly a challenge for them. However, with this 4-0 victory, the Guoan team showed their ability to adjust their form and overcome difficulties. The ups and downs of this state are both a challenge and an opportunity for the national security team. As long as they can adjust their form in time, they will be able to achieve better results in the next competitions.

Adebenro resurrected with full blood, and replied to the question, more flowers, and the national security of Jinglu before the war was good

Summary: The outlook for Beijing Guoan

Overall, Beijing Guoan showed their strong strength and high morale in the 16th round of the 2024 Chinese Super League season with a score of 4-0 against the Cangzhou Lions. Adebenro's passing, multi-point tactical advantage, squad integrity and morale boost all laid the foundation for the Guoan team to achieve good results in the next games. In the face of the upcoming AFC Champions League competition, Beijing Guoan is fully prepared, and they will meet the new challenges in the best condition.

Adebenro resurrected with full blood, and replied to the question, more flowers, and the national security of Jinglu before the war was good

Question: Do you think Beijing Guoan will be able to maintain this form in the next matches and successfully qualify for the AFC Champions League?


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