
Middle East tyrant Saddam: Where did the million-strong division go, the answer will be revealed after 20 years, unexpectedly!

author:Open-minded Maple Leaf eRt

Saddam Hussein, the former president of Iraq, was a highly controversial figure on the international stage. His life was filled with wars, power struggles, and political intrigues, elements that make up his complex and multifaceted image. In the eyes of some, he was a promoter of national unity and modernization, while others saw him as a brutal dictator who pursued a high-handed policy at home and waged wars of aggression abroad.

Saddam's controversial image stems first and foremost from the way he ruled. After coming to power in a coup d'état in 1979, he established a highly centralized political system. Under his rule, Iraq has undergone massive political purges, ruthless repression of the opposition, and a worrying human rights situation. Saddam's iron-fisted policies and zero tolerance for dissent have made him widely criticized at home and abroad. However, it is also believed that Saddam Hussein maintained the stability and development of the country to a certain extent, especially during his early reign, when Iraq experienced a period of rapid economic growth and social progress.

Middle East tyrant Saddam: Where did the million-strong division go, the answer will be revealed after 20 years, unexpectedly!

In military terms, Saddam Hussein was seen as the military hegemon of the Middle East. His army was massive, and was said to have had more than a million soldiers at its peak. The army was not only outnumbered, but also well-equipped with the most advanced weapons systems in the world at the time. Saddam's emphasis on military affairs stems in part from his extreme concern for national security and his pursuit of regional hegemony. His army played a key role in maintaining power not only at home, but also in foreign wars.

Saddam's military strength was fully demonstrated in the Iran-Iraq War and the Gulf War. During the Iran-Iraq war of 1980-1988, Iraq and Iran fought a bloody eight-year conflict. Although the war ultimately ended in an armistice with no clear winner, it demonstrated the resilience and combat effectiveness of the Iraqi army. However, the 1991 Gulf War was a turning point in Saddam's military power. In this war, the Iraqi army was unable to cope with the high-tech weapons of the coalition forces and ultimately suffered a heavy defeat.

Middle East tyrant Saddam: Where did the million-strong division go, the answer will be revealed after 20 years, unexpectedly!

Saddam's army was able to be loyal to him on the one hand because he cultivated the loyalty of his soldiers through rigorous military training and political education. On the other hand, Saddam Hussein also consolidated the army's support for him by providing material incentives and opportunities for political promotion. However, this loyalty does not come without a price. In wars and conflicts, many soldiers have been forced to participate in brutal battles and even sacrifice their own lives.

Saddam's military policy also had a profound impact on Iraq's economic development. In order to maintain a large army and advanced weapons systems, Iraq has had to invest huge financial resources. To a certain extent, this restricts the country's investment and development in other areas, especially in education, health care and infrastructure construction. Long-term military expenditures have also exacerbated Iraq's financial burden, leading to an increase in the country's debt.

Middle East tyrant Saddam: Where did the million-strong division go, the answer will be revealed after 20 years, unexpectedly!

On the international stage, Saddam's military prowess and controversial image make him an unpredictable character. His acts of aggression and disregard for international law have aroused widespread concern and condemnation from the international community. However, Saddam Hussein also used his military strength to exert some influence in the Middle East, especially in confronting Israel and safeguarding the interests of the Arab world.

Overall, Saddam Hussein's controversial image and military prowess are a part of his political career that cannot be ignored. His way of governing, his military policies, and his foreign behavior have had a profound impact on Iraq and the entire Middle East. Although he was eventually overthrown in the Iraq War in 2003 and executed the same year, his legacy and controversy still resonate in world politics today.

Middle East tyrant Saddam: Where did the million-strong division go, the answer will be revealed after 20 years, unexpectedly!

Saddam Hussein's political career began with his thirst for power and his vision of the country's future. Through coups and revolutions, he gradually seized state power in Iraq. In 1979, Saddam Hussein seized the presidency from his cousin in a bloodless coup, marking the beginning of his 24-year rule.

After Saddam Hussein came to power, he quickly implemented party rule and controlled key positions such as government officials and military officers through the Baath Party in order to consolidate his power. He has set up a tight surveillance system to crack down on any possible dissent. This centralized control of power allowed Saddam to do whatever he wanted politically, but it also sparked widespread criticism at home and abroad.

Middle East tyrant Saddam: Where did the million-strong division go, the answer will be revealed after 20 years, unexpectedly!

In economic policy, Saddam Hussein showed his ambition and vision. Recognizing that oil was Iraq's most valuable resource, he implemented a series of nationalization measures to bring the oil industry under state control. This initiative has greatly increased the country's fiscal revenues and provided a strong impetus for Iraq's economic development. In the 70s and early 80s of the twentieth century, Iraq experienced a period of economic prosperity, and the increase in oil exports led to the rapid accumulation of national wealth.

Saddam Hussein used this wealth to improve the living standards of his people. He implemented a series of social welfare policies, including free medical care and education. These policies not only improved the quality of life of the people, but also strengthened their support for Saddam's regime. In addition, Saddam Hussein also raised the salaries of civil servants, which not only raised their standard of living, but also strengthened their loyalty to the government.

Middle East tyrant Saddam: Where did the million-strong division go, the answer will be revealed after 20 years, unexpectedly!

However, Saddam's economic policies were not without controversy. The nationalization of the oil industry, while bringing short-term economic prosperity, has also led to overexploitation of resources and environmental problems. In addition, some of Saddam's mistakes in economic management, such as excessive military spending and foreign wars, also had a negative impact on the economy. In particular, during the Iran-Iraq War and the Gulf War, Iraq's economy suffered heavy losses, with a surge in national debt, serious inflation, and a decline in people's living standards.

Another problem in Saddam's economic policy was the exclusion of foreign capital. He feared that foreign capital would weaken his power, so he restricted foreign investment. This has limited the diversification of Iraq's economy and made the country's economy overly dependent on the oil industry. When international oil prices fluctuate, Iraq's economy suffers badly.

Middle East tyrant Saddam: Where did the million-strong division go, the answer will be revealed after 20 years, unexpectedly!

Nevertheless, some of Saddam's economic achievements are still worthy of recognition. His policies have improved the living standards of the population to a certain extent, especially in the areas of health care and education. However, these achievements did not hide the controversy over his means of rule and foreign policy. Although Saddam's political and economic methods have achieved some success in the short term, in the long run, they have laid hidden dangers for Iraq's future.

Saddam's political career was full of contradictions and controversies. Although his ruling methods have maintained the stability of the country to a certain extent, they have also sparked widespread criticism at home and abroad. Although his economic policies have boosted Iraq's economic development, they have also brought a series of problems. These problems continue to plague Iraq after Saddam Hussein came to power and have become difficult problems for national reconstruction and development. Saddam's political and economic methods are part of his complex image and an important legacy he has left to future generations.

Middle East tyrant Saddam: Where did the million-strong division go, the answer will be revealed after 20 years, unexpectedly!

Saddam Hussein, having taken power in Iraq, quickly turned his attention to military expansion. He understands that a strong military is the key to national power and regional influence. Therefore, he took advantage of the country's abundant oil revenues to vigorously expand the size of the army and purchase advanced weapons and equipment. During this period, the Iraqi army grew in size and strength, becoming one of the most powerful military forces in the Middle East.

Saddam's strategy of military expansion was aimed at consolidating his domestic power on the one hand, and his ambition of regional hegemony on the other. He hoped to resolve territorial disputes and religious contradictions with neighboring countries by military means. In 1980, when the contradictions between Iraq and Iran intensified, Saddam Hussein believed that waging war was the best way to solve these problems. As a result, he launched the eight-year Iran-Iraq war.

Middle East tyrant Saddam: Where did the million-strong division go, the answer will be revealed after 20 years, unexpectedly!

The Iran-Iraq war was a devastating conflict, not only because of its longevity, but also because of its far-reaching impact on the economies and societies of both countries. In the early days of the war, the Iraqi army achieved some initial victories with advanced weapons and sufficient troops. However, as the war deepened, the two sides were drawn into a war of attrition, and the scale and devastation of the war continued to grow.

In this war, Saddam Hussein used all kinds of weapons, including chemical weapons, at all costs. The war has caused huge casualties and property damage, as well as long-term environmental impacts. However, despite the enormous costs, the Iran-Iraq war ultimately did not solve any fundamental problems, but instead plunged Iraq into a deeper predicament.

Middle East tyrant Saddam: Where did the million-strong division go, the answer will be revealed after 20 years, unexpectedly!

During the war, Iraq's oil exports were severely affected, and the country's fiscal revenues fell sharply. In order to sustain the war, Saddam Hussein had to borrow heavily from other countries, which led to Iraq's huge foreign debt. After the end of the war, Iraq faced the daunting task of reconstruction, but the country's economy was already severely damaged and its external debt problem was becoming increasingly serious.

In addition, the Iran-Iraq war has exacerbated the divisions and contradictions in Iraqi society. During the war, Saddam Hussein brutally suppressed Kurds and Shiite Muslims in his country in order to consolidate his power. These acts further intensified the ethnic and religious contradictions in the country and laid a hidden danger for the subsequent political turmoil.

Middle East tyrant Saddam: Where did the million-strong division go, the answer will be revealed after 20 years, unexpectedly!

In the international arena, the Iran-Iraq war has also seriously damaged Iraq's international image. Many countries condemned Saddam's aggression, and Iraq's status and influence in the international community have declined significantly. After the end of the war, Iraq was faced with the daunting task of rebuilding international relations.

Overall, Saddam's military expansion and the Iran-Iraq war were important events in his political career and an important part of his controversial image. Although these actions have strengthened Iraq's military strength in the short term, in the long run, they have brought huge economic burdens and social contradictions to the country. The defeat of the Iran-Iraq war not only cost Iraq's economy and society a heavy price, but also made Saddam's regime face greater challenges.

Middle East tyrant Saddam: Where did the million-strong division go, the answer will be revealed after 20 years, unexpectedly!

In 1990, Saddam Hussein's policy of military expansion reached a new climax. Iraq invaded neighbouring Kuwait on 2 August because of the huge debt and territorial aspirations resulting from the Iran-Iraq war. Saddam Hussein claimed that Kuwait had been part of Iraq since ancient times and accused Kuwait of over-exploiting oil production, which had led to a drop in international oil prices and harmed Iraq's economic interests. However, this action immediately provoked a strong reaction from the international community, and the UN Security Council adopted a number of resolutions demanding the immediate withdrawal of Iraqi troops.

However, Saddam Hussein did not succumb to international pressure, which led directly to the Gulf War in 1991. The US-led multinational coalition launched a military strike against Iraq aimed at liberating Kuwait and restoring its sovereignty. The war marked a new phase in modern warfare, with coalition forces using a plethora of high-tech weapons, including precision-guided missiles, stealth fighter jets, and advanced electronic warfare equipment.

Middle East tyrant Saddam: Where did the million-strong division go, the answer will be revealed after 20 years, unexpectedly!

In the Gulf War, the Iraqi army suffered an unprecedented blow. The coalition's air superiority and precision strike capabilities quickly weakened Iraq's defenses. The Iraqi army was powerless in the face of high-tech weapons, and many soldiers and officers lost the will to fight early in the war. The rapid advance of the coalition forces and the overwhelming superiority of firepower allowed the Iraqi army to collapse quickly and make it impossible to organize effective resistance.

The rapid end of the war and the rapid collapse of the Iraqi army demonstrated the characteristics of modern warfare. Information technology and precision strike capabilities have played a key role in warfare, changing the traditional mode of warfare. The actions of the coalition forces demonstrated not only their military strength, but also the new face of modern warfare to the world.

Middle East tyrant Saddam: Where did the million-strong division go, the answer will be revealed after 20 years, unexpectedly!

After the end of the war, the whereabouts of the Iraqi army became a mystery. Some of the soldiers surrendered or defected during the war, and many of them were captured by coalition forces or sought refuge in the chaos of the post-war period. There were also soldiers who died on the battlefield, and their remains were buried in an unnamed cemetery. However, the remaining Iraqi army did not disappear completely, and Saddam Hussein took a series of measures to preserve his military power.

Saddam Hussein reduced the remaining army to pieces, ordering them to disguise themselves as civilians and lurk in society. The soldiers were scattered throughout the country and hidden among the general population to avoid detection by coalition forces. Many of them continued to be involved in Iraq's political and military activities after the war, becoming part of the remnants of Saddam's regime.

Middle East tyrant Saddam: Where did the million-strong division go, the answer will be revealed after 20 years, unexpectedly!

In addition, Saddam Hussein took advantage of the chaos after the war to secretly rebuild and reorganize the army. He sought to restore the strength of the army by obtaining weapons and funds through secret channels. These actions have succeeded in preserving Iraq's military potential to a certain extent, but have also exacerbated the instability and division of Iraqi society.

The impact of the Gulf War on the Iraqi army was far-reaching. It not only demonstrates the power of modern warfare, but also reveals the technical and tactical deficiencies of the Iraqi army. The whereabouts and reorganization of the Iraqi army after the end of the war reflected the remnants of Saddam's regime and its thirst for power. These factors continue to play a role in post-war Iraqi society and affect the future development of the country.

Middle East tyrant Saddam: Where did the million-strong division go, the answer will be revealed after 20 years, unexpectedly!

In 2003, with the invasion of American troops, Saddam Hussein's rule finally came to an end. After months of hiding and fleeing, Saddam Hussein was arrested and sentenced to death by Iraq's new government in 2006, ending his life by hanging. Saddam's death was not only the end of his personal fate, but also the end of an era in Iraq. Yet, despite Saddam Hussein's own death, his legacy and influence still have a profound impact in Iraq and the Middle East.

Saddam's grandson, Mesut Uday Hussein, was the son of Saddam's eldest son, Uday, who became a key figure in the family after his father and grandfather were killed. Growing up in Turkey, Mesut was far removed from Iraq's political strife, but he never forgot his family background and identity. Over time, Mesut began to move in an attempt to rebuild the family's influence in Iraq.

Middle East tyrant Saddam: Where did the million-strong division go, the answer will be revealed after 20 years, unexpectedly!

Mesut returned to Iraq, where his goal was to gather the old ministry and rebuild the family's military power. He used veterans and loyal supporters of Saddam's time to try to form a new army. Mesut knew that in order to gain popular support and recognition in Iraq, he needed to show respect for and uphold his family legacy. As a result, he publicly demanded that the United States return the family's remains and treasures, which were seized by the U.S. military during the war and have been kept by the U.S. since then.

To a certain extent, Mesut's actions evoked nostalgia for the Saddam era among some Iraqis. Despite the controversy surrounding Saddam's rule, he remains a symbol of national unity and stability in the minds of some Iraqis. Mesut tried to capitalize on this sentiment and gain popular support by restoring the family's dignity and honor.

However, Mesut's operation also faces enormous challenges. First, the political environment in Iraq has changed profoundly, with new political forces and religious factions dominating the country. These forces were skeptical and even hostile to the return of the Saddam family. Secondly, Mesut himself lacks political and military experience in Iraq, and his actions may be restricted and hindered in many ways.

In addition, Mesut's action to demand the return of the family's remains and treasures by the United States has also attracted the attention of the international community. The United States and other Western countries are wary of the return of the Saddam family, fearing that it could lead to political instability in Iraq and even trigger a new conflict. Therefore, Mesut's actions require not only overcoming domestic resistance, but also skillful diplomacy and negotiations in the international arena.

Despite the difficulties, Mesut did not give up on his efforts. Through social media and other channels, he actively communicated with the Iraqi people to express his respect for his family's legacy and his vision for the country's future. Mesut tried to shape himself as a leader who could connect the past and the future, uniting different factions.

Saddam's legacy and Mesut's actions are a complex and delicate issue in Iraq's modern history. Although Saddam's rule has ended, his political legacy and influence still play out in Iraqi society. As a member of Saddam's family, Mesut's actions and efforts are not only to preserve the family legacy, but also to explore and try the future of Iraq. Despite the challenges and uncertainties on the road, Mesut's actions have undoubtedly added new variables and possibilities to the political situation in Iraq.