
The man killed 73 snakes to relieve the siege, and was "hunted down" by poisonous snakes within a few years, do snakes really have memories?

author:Sponge chat
The man killed 73 snakes to relieve the siege, and was "hunted down" by poisonous snakes within a few years, do snakes really have memories?
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The man killed 73 snakes to relieve the siege, and was "hunted down" by poisonous snakes within a few years, do snakes really have memories?

There is an unusual cemetery in the city of Lichuan in Hubei Province, which attracts a large number of snakes every March, as if performing a mysterious ritual. The owner of this cemetery is named Cheng Diming, who was a skilled snake catcher during his lifetime.

As fate would have it, he eventually died in the mouth of a viper. One summer day in 1991, Cheng Diming was besieged by snakes while working in the fields and unfortunately died.

When people found his body, they were shocked to find that his body was covered with 9 wounds, and the corpses of 17 poisonous snakes were scattered around him, silently telling a thrilling life-and-death struggle.

In the 80s, the snake catching industry emerged in China, bringing the opportunity to get rich for many rural people. Cheng Diming, an ordinary farmer, is keenly aware of this business opportunity.

The man killed 73 snakes to relieve the siege, and was "hunted down" by poisonous snakes within a few years, do snakes really have memories?

He enlisted the apprenticeship of an experienced local snake catcher and was determined to change his fortunes through the art.

Cheng Diming soon showed extraordinary talent. The snakes he catches are always intact, and this unique trick makes him quickly stand out in the market. With fame comes wealth.

Cheng Diming's living standard has improved significantly, attracting the envy of many young people.

Seeing his success, Cheng Diming did not enjoy it alone. He generously passed on his craft to young people who were eager to change their fate. Every day, he would lead his apprentices up the mountain to catch snakes, teaching by word and deed, without reservation.

The man killed 73 snakes to relieve the siege, and was "hunted down" by poisonous snakes within a few years, do snakes really have memories?

This peaceful and fulfilling life lasted for a while, until April 17, 1986, when the gears of fate quietly turned.

That day, Cheng Diming, as usual, took his protégés Zhou Bangjun and Qu Yihua up the mountain to hone their snake catching skills. They searched for a long time, but found nothing. Just as he was disappointed, a red-necked groove snake suddenly appeared in front of him.

Cheng Diming, out of professional instinct, did not hesitate to shoot him to death. However, he didn't realize that this seemingly ordinary act would completely change the trajectory of his life.

Just ten minutes later, a dense rustling sound suddenly sounded in the surrounding bushes. In the blink of an eye, countless poisonous snakes surged like a tide, surrounding the three of them.

The man killed 73 snakes to relieve the siege, and was "hunted down" by poisonous snakes within a few years, do snakes really have memories?

Cheng Diming's face changed suddenly, and he immediately ordered the two apprentices to evacuate, while he stayed behind.

Faced with the snakes attacking from all directions, Cheng Diming responded calmly, wielding snake catching tools to resist hard. Despite his skill, it is difficult to avoid the fate of being bitten in the face of so many venomous snakes.

With a firm will and a cool head, Cheng Diming finally carved out a way out of life for himself and his apprentices and successfully escaped from danger.

The thrilling encounter cost Cheng dearly: he killed as many as 73 poisonous snakes. When they returned to the village breathlessly and told the villagers about the thrilling experience, everyone was in disbelief.

The man killed 73 snakes to relieve the siege, and was "hunted down" by poisonous snakes within a few years, do snakes really have memories?

They were advised to return to the scene and found a large number of snake carcasses, confirming their encounter.

The siege of snakes caused an uproar in the village, and Cheng Di couldn't sleep tomorrow night, full of doubts and fear. After much deliberation, he decided to seek advice from his master.

After hearing what happened to Cheng Diming, the experienced old snake catcher told him with a solemn expression that he might have violated some unknown "snake head taboo".

If you want to save your life, the only way is to immediately put down the snake trap and wash your hands thoroughly.

The man killed 73 snakes to relieve the siege, and was "hunted down" by poisonous snakes within a few years, do snakes really have memories?

Despite his reluctance, Cheng Diming still followed his master's advice. He gave up the snake catching business he had relied on for many years to return to the ordinary life of farming in the fields.

However, his long-awaited peaceful days did not come as expected. Instead, a series of creepy encounters ensue.

Wherever Cheng Diming goes, it seems that he will inexplicably attract the attention of poisonous snakes. He was frequently attacked by poisonous snakes, and his body was always covered with wounds of old and new.

This strange situation made him exhausted, and he lived in fear every day, for fear that a poisonous snake would come out of a corner in the next second.

The man killed 73 snakes to relieve the siege, and was "hunted down" by poisonous snakes within a few years, do snakes really have memories?

However, fate always seems to like to play a joke on people. Just after Cheng Diming barely adapted to this trembling life, news suddenly came from the market in 1988 that the price of non-poisonous pine snakes soared to unprecedented heights.

Seeing the people around him making a lot of money because of catching snakes, the desire in Cheng Diming's heart was ignited again. Despite the vivid memory of the master's warning, the great financial temptation eventually triumphed over the fear.

He picked up the long-sealed snake trap again and returned to his old job.

This decision pushed him into an abyss from which there was no turning back.

The man killed 73 snakes to relieve the siege, and was "hunted down" by poisonous snakes within a few years, do snakes really have memories?

Since resuming snake hunting, Cheng has found that snake attacks have become more frequent and ferocious. They seem to be everywhere and ready to launch a surprise attack at any time. Once, he had just succeeded in capturing a precious pine snake, and a bamboo leaf green that came out of nowhere launched a fierce attack on him.

This thrilling scene is staged almost every day, leaving Cheng Diming exhausted.

Gradually, Cheng Diming began to wonder if these snakes were really targeting him? Did they really remember what he looked like and were taking some kind of terrible revenge? This thought kept him awake at night, but his livelihood forced him to continue this dangerous job.

Every time he goes out to catch snakes, Cheng Diming is like a great enemy, carefully observing the surrounding environment. However, no matter how cautious he was, those snakes always seemed to emerge from unexpected corners and give him a fatal blow.

The man killed 73 snakes to relieve the siege, and was "hunted down" by poisonous snakes within a few years, do snakes really have memories?

Sometimes, even when he has just stepped out of the house, he is attacked by snakes.

This bizarre situation lasted for five whole years. In the past five years, Cheng Diming's entanglement with the snake has become deeper and deeper, as if he has fallen into a nightmare with no end in sight. His heart was filled with fear and doubt, and he didn't know when this strange situation would end.

Every night, he would wake up in his sleep and dream that he was entangled in countless snakes.

The villagers began to discuss, some said that Cheng Diming was targeted by a snake, and some thought that he might have offended some snake god. In any case, this former snake catcher has now become a thorn in the eye and a thorn in the flesh of the snake.

The man killed 73 snakes to relieve the siege, and was "hunted down" by poisonous snakes within a few years, do snakes really have memories?

His life was completely changed, and every day was a brush with death.

Cheng Diming wanted to give up more than once, but the huge income brought by snake catching made it difficult for him to give up. He was caught in a dilemma: continuing to hunt snakes meant dying at any time, but giving up meant losing his financial resources.

In this torment, Cheng Diming spent five long years, until the fatal day that changed everything came.

In the seventh month of the lunar calendar in 1991, this seemingly ordinary summer day became the end of Cheng Diming's life. That day, he went to work in the fields as usual, unaware of the danger looming.

The man killed 73 snakes to relieve the siege, and was "hunted down" by poisonous snakes within a few years, do snakes really have memories?

When Cheng Diming was concentrating on farm work, a rustling sound suddenly sounded around him that made his heart beat faster. He jerked his head up and saw countless poisonous snakes approaching him from all directions.

Fear instantly took over his heart, but years of experience allowed him to react quickly.

Cheng Diming tried to escape, but this time the snakes seemed to be more ferocious than ever. They frantically attacked him, their sharp fangs piercing into his skin.

Although he fought hard, wielding the farming tools in his hand to try to repel the snakes, his efforts were insignificant in the face of so many venomous snakes.

The man killed 73 snakes to relieve the siege, and was "hunted down" by poisonous snakes within a few years, do snakes really have memories?

The fierce struggle lasted for several minutes, and Cheng Diming's physical strength was rapidly draining. The venom spread through his veins, and he felt a gradual loss of sensation in his limbs. Despite his reluctance, he eventually fell to the land he was familiar with.

When the villagers found Cheng Diming, he was already lying in a pool of blood, covered with nine hideous wounds. Around him, the corpses of 17 poisonous snakes were scattered, silently telling of the fierce struggle.

Cheng Diming's bizarre death once again sparked heated discussions among the villagers. Some people firmly believe that this is the revenge of the snake, and believe that Cheng Diming's snake hunting behavior for many years has finally attracted retribution.

It is also believed that this is just an unfortunate coincidence, after all, such an accident is not completely impossible during the season when snakes are active.

The man killed 73 snakes to relieve the siege, and was "hunted down" by poisonous snakes within a few years, do snakes really have memories?

In any case, the former snake catcher finally fell to his most familiar opponent. His death was not only a personal tragedy, but also cast a shadow over the local snake catching industry.

People are beginning to re-examine the relationship between humans and nature, and to think about whether they should continue this kind of behavior, which could have disastrous consequences.

Cheng Diming's bizarre death has sparked widespread discussion in the local area, and people can't help but wonder: Can snakes really remember their enemies and take revenge? This seemingly absurd question actually goes to the heart of animal behavior.

However, from a scientific point of view, the likelihood of a planned act of retaliation by snakes is extremely low. Zoologists point out that an animal's level of intelligence is closely related to its brain capacity.

The man killed 73 snakes to relieve the siege, and was "hunted down" by poisonous snakes within a few years, do snakes really have memories?

As animals with relatively small brain sizes, snakes are almost incapable of generating complex emotions, let alone high-level cognitive behaviors such as long-term memory and planning revenge.

So, what is the reason for Cheng Diming's frequent snake attacks? Scientists have suggested a possible explanation: as a long-time snake catcher, Cheng Diming may have a special smell on his body that can attract snakes.

For example, some snakes secrete substances that are highly irritating when threatened. Although the smell weakens over time, it is difficult to dissipate completely.

Snakes have an extremely keen sense of smell and can easily track these pungent smells. This may be one of the main reasons why they continue to attack Cheng Diming.

The man killed 73 snakes to relieve the siege, and was "hunted down" by poisonous snakes within a few years, do snakes really have memories?

In addition, Cheng Diming's first encounter with snakes coincided with April, which was the golden age for snake breeding. The red-necked groove snake he killed was most likely a female snake emitting pheromones.

The smell of female snakes on Cheng Diming's body may have attracted a large number of male snakes, leading to a series of subsequent attacks.

This explanation could also explain why the snakes gather at Cheng Diming's cemetery every year in March. It is likely that the area still retains a certain smell that is attractive to snakes, leading them to consider it an ideal habitat and breeding ground.

The man killed 73 snakes to relieve the siege, and was "hunted down" by poisonous snakes within a few years, do snakes really have memories?

Therefore, although Cheng Diming's experience may seem bizarre, it may actually be the result of a series of natural factors, rather than a conscious act of revenge by snakes.

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