
Oh, yes

author:Little Sister Library

On the day my mother's tablet was split by the new lady, I became the eunuch's rival.

Six thousand knee-deep steps in the snow, I knelt down step by step.

"Father-in-law, please love me."

A large inky scent was draped over my shoulder.

Cold, white fingers brushed the snow off my shoulders.

He didn't answer.

The umbrella over my head tilted towards me, shielding me from a blizzard.

This deviation is a lifetime.

"Godfather, she's been on her knees for three hours."

The little eunuch squatted down and sneered and thumped his legs for Wei Changyue, who was sitting on the main seat.

"The six thousand steps you said are not a lot of steps."

A burst of heat blew from the fine official kiln tea set, but in a moment, there was an extra pair of imperial official boots in front of him.

I was so cold that I could barely open my eyes, and I only vaguely caught a glimpse of a corner of the woven golden python robe, and hurriedly leaned over and kowtowed.

"Father-in-law...... Lord Wei, please...... Please, please bear me."

There was a sudden tingling pain in the jaw.

Two pale, cold fingers stuck in the bones, lifting my face strongly, the jade wrench fingers were colder than his, and when they rubbed against my face, they gave me goosebumps on my back.

"Miss Du is not arrogant and looks down on our family, why is she willing to change her mind now?"

I gasped and squeezed out a smile, rubbing the palm of his hand like a cat.

"My lord, the little girl's body is like a willow, and she is thin and stupid, and now she has suffered and knows that she is wrong, so please forgive her sins and accept the little girl."

There was a mocking chuckle in his ears, and his voice was soft.

"Six thousand steps, Miss Du really took it step by step, kneeling down and coming to our house to ask for sin."

It was obviously a cold winter, and he had been kneeling for three hours, and his body was cold.

But my face still burned and hurt.

Before**倨** and then Gong, how can you not be ashamed when you are taken to the table?

Wei Changyue was taking revenge on me, and he seemed to be satisfied with my embarrassment, and his fingers stroked all the way down the gap in the neckline.

His fingers rubbed his fingers around his neck for a moment, and the smile above his head was even worse: "Since Miss Du has changed her mind, our family will accept you, and please Miss Du not to disappoint our family."

I nodded obediently and bowed down.

The cold hand suddenly wrapped around my waist, and my back was suddenly covered with a layer of warmth.

The umbrella above my head to shelter from the wind and snow leaned over my head.

Only then did I see Wei Changyue's face clearly through the cracks.

He looked at me with a smile on his face.


Wei Changyue would ask me to kneel six thousand steps, step by step in front of his mansion, all because I refused his marriage in person.

I have known him since I was a child, and I am also a childhood sweetheart.

I am a concubine, my father does not value me, and my grandmother is kind, but she is also not close to me.

Since I was a child, I have been free-range, climbing trees and walls, and doing everything.

When I was six years old, I climbed a wall to beat apricots, and my feet slipped and I fell from a tree.

Just when I thought I was going to die, there was no sharp pain under me.

It wasn't until he was scratched that he sat up from the ground laughing.

This was my first encounter with Wei Changyue.

At that time, he was not a criminal minister, but he was still the only son of Wei Shaoqing next door, talented and intelligent, and his appearance was like an immortal.

This unexpected fall brought me closer to him.

In the spring, he will fold peach hairpins for me, and in the winter, he will take me to enjoy the snow and make tea.

It was I who was enlightened and literate, and it was he who held my hand and taught me word by word.

When I was twelve, I was drunk and spat out the truth, biting him on the lip while I was drinking, and clamoring to marry him.

He blushed, twisted for a long time before answering, and went to the house to propose his marriage the next month.

But in just one month, everything has changed.

My mother was seriously ill, and my father married my mother's sister and entered the house.

The new lady hated her mother-in-law and shouted and killed all her children.

She threatened that if I dared to agree to Wei Changyue's proposal, I would strangle my younger brother.

For the sake of my younger brother, I reluctantly rejected Wei Changyue.

He red-eyed, put his arm around my shoulder and asked me why I had refused, why I had changed my mind in just one month.

I wanted to throw myself into his arms and beg him to take me away, to go far.

But I couldn't, although my grandmother was not close to me, but she also protected me and my mother for twelve years, and she only entrusted my younger brother to me before she went, begging me to take good care of it.

I can't be without a conscience.

No matter how much I couldn't bear it in my heart, I could only break Wei Changyue's fingers one by one that were almost embedded in my flesh and bones.

I turned my back and held back tears.

"Why, because your Wei family is poor, even if I am a concubine, I am also a big lady, why should I go to your poor Shaoqing's house to eat chaff vegetables, you ...... You don't deserve me!"

"Poor......" he sneered at as he tilted his head back, pulled back his sleeves in front of me, and cut off his robe with me.

My heart felt as if it had been cut open by the knife in his hand, and I couldn't help but want to go up and hug him, but when I thought of my younger brother, I paused.

I could only watch him break the wooden hairpin that had been prepared for me with his own hands, which was the hairpin flower that I watched him carve little by little.

The mountain stream surrounds the clouds, it is him Wei Changyue and I Du Shuiyun.

"Du Shuiyun, I will always remember you."

"One day, I will make you kneel before me and beg me to ask for you."

I stood there with my body bracing on, waiting for his figure to disappear from my eyes before I sat down on the ground, crying silently.

That day was the darkest day of Wei Changyue's life.

was humiliated by his childhood sweetheart's refusal to marry.

After returning home, Uncle Wei was framed and beheaded at home.

Wei Changyue was arrested and tortured in a water prison, and although he left a life, his body was completely broken.

When I found him, he was covered in blood and barely had a good piece of meat.

The corpses were all planned to be thrown into the wilderness to fend for themselves in a roll of broken straw mats.

I sold all the jewelry on my body, only begged to turn a blind eye, and carried him from the east gate to Wanyongfang for medical treatment.

He was delirious, and kept shouting in his dreams, calling Uncle Wei and Aunt Wei.

Suddenly, I heard him call my name.

"Du Shui Yun ......"

I subconsciously held his hand and responded to him uncontrollably: "Brother Changyue, I'm here, I'm not leaving."

He muttered something I couldn't hear, but he fell into a deep sleep.

I want to be here with him until healed.

But I still have a young brother to take care of, so I have to get up and leave.

He slept in the infirmary for five days, and by the time I went to look for him, he was nowhere to be found.

When we met again, he was already a majestic celebrant and a pen, and in the crowd, he looked at me like a knife, and he was bound to win.


He fulfilled his original vow, asking me to kneel in front of him step by step, and begging him to ask for me.

For the sake of my younger brother's life, and for my own sake, I came to the door for the first time after he became the master of ceremonies.

He leaned back on the Taishi chair, obviously dressed up in a homely manner, but he was like the elder brother I remembered, and he was not angry and arrogant.

He was laughing, but I couldn't help but shake my legs and fall to my knees in fear.

The moment I looked at him, it was like being targeted by a snake.

"Isn't this Miss Du, at the beginning, didn't you look down on the Wei family's poverty and regret this marriage in public, why did you come back again, huh?"

I didn't speak, I didn't explain, he had a prejudice against me, it doesn't make sense.

In his heart, I am still the little girl who is greedy for vanity.

The dignity he folded away from me will be regained in me little by little.

Seeing me kneeling on the ground and bowing for a long time, he only raised his head and begged humbly when he came to him.

He smiled, rubbing my face as he smiled.

"Since Miss Du has the heart to admit her mistakes, our family is not an unreasonable person."

He pointed to the snow outside the door.

"From Du's Mansion to our family's mansion, there are a total of 6,000 steps, if Miss Du can kneel over step by step, our family will consider accepting you."

I gritted my teeth and got up to break into the snowstorm, he thought I was leaving, and was about to close the door, when I stretched out a hand stuck in the crack of the door and stopped him.

"Master Wei, do what you say, these six thousand steps, I kneel."

The snow was biting, and my legs were almost numb to my knees.

Until now, my knee is aching.


"Still hurting?"

The hijab was suddenly lifted, revealing Wei Changyue's familiar and unfamiliar face.

His hands were cold, colder than snow and ice, and when he touched my face, he gave me goosebumps on my back.

I subconsciously avoided my face, but he was heavily pushed on the bed, and his cold hand pinched my cheek, forcing me to look directly at him.

"What, you think I'm a eunuch?"

I was pinched out of my tears and trembled, "Don't dare."

"Don't dare?" These two words seemed to be squeezed out of his teeth, and there was a bit of gnashing of teeth.

"Miss Du has knelt down in the snow for 6,000 steps in the cold winter month, why don't you dare?"

He paused, as if he thought of something, a pair of eyes as cold as the moon had frost, and his excessively pale hands covered his body, tearing open the wedding dress alive, and tearing the luxurious and splendid body to shreds.

I didn't dare to hide, so I let him strip me down to a small coat, and my long hair fluttered on the bed.

It was accompanied by a burst of peach blossoms, which was my favorite flavor of the past.

When I was ten years old, he carried me to the Panxiang Temple outside the city to see the peach blossoms, I broke off two peach blossom branches, one fell on his hair bun, and he put a hairpin for me, the faint peach blossom fragrance was full of arms, and it smelled very good.

I nestled in his arms and smiled and said that I would smell the peach blossoms every day in the future, and if I smelled anything else from him, I would drive him out of the house.

He pinched my face and joked that I was a little vinegar vat at me.

It's just a joke, but now I smell it again, but it's a thing or a person.

How nice it would have been if it hadn't happened in that month?

The tip of my nose was sore, and two particularly eye-catching tear stains appeared on the big red pillow towel.

The fingers that roamed over my body slammed, and a strong fist wind brushed my sideburns and landed on the side of my face.

"What are you crying about, what are you wronged!"

"You have been pampered and treated as your eldest lady for so many years, but you are just marrying me a eunuch, do I eat you or what happened to you?"

"What do you have to be wronged by, didn't you ask for it yourself, you yourself want to marry me a eunuch, what are you hypocritical!"

I subconsciously cowered into the bed and cried and sobbed.

He pulled his big hand, and his body shrouded me.

"Du Shuiyun, you are now my wife, your person, you are not allowed to hide!"

I didn't dare to disobey him, so I could only cry and put my arms around his neck.

Let him do whatever he wants with me.

The passionate kiss went down the spine like a storm, leaving a little red mark on the back.

He pressed against me, his body almost embedded in the soft quilt behind him.

is obviously a newlywed, but he did not give birth to a noble son early.

Wei Changyue is a eunuch, and he can't give me a child.

All night, I was tossed and almost dehydrated, and my voice was hoarse.

On the second day he could not speak.

When I woke up, Wei Changyue's hand was still around my waist and told me to be close to him.

That's when I could see his face clearly.

He has changed a lot, and he is no longer as energetic as he was then.

A pair of eyes are covered with black green, and the thinness is terrifying, and only one line is missing.

The loose middle coat revealed a gap, and the skin was still as white as jade, but it was covered with terrible scars.

Not only the scars I had suffered in the water prison, but also many new injuries that I didn't recognize.

There were whips, clubs, and even two eye-catching burn scars.

He must have endured a lot of hardship to get to where he is today.

But now, after he is still a criminal minister, he can't rehabilitate his family.

This is his last resort, even if the position is close to the inner minister, he can't shake the imperial power and make the emperor take back his golden words.

Suddenly his hand was grasped.

Wei Changyue's eyes were fierce, like a beast awakened from a dream.

His expression softened when he saw my face clearly, and I even noticed a moment of relaxation in him.

The look of vigilance changed to that of the cynicism that had been.

"What, you want to do it again?"

The absurdity of last night flashed through my mind, and my face was so red.

He is a eunuch, but the eunuch is not completely......

I hurriedly withdrew my hand, but his wrist was clutched in the palm of his hand, rubbing ambiguously.

"What are you ashamed of, what haven't you seen yesterday?"


I opened my mouth, my throat ached, and I couldn't make a sound.

Only then did he let me go, got out of bed and poured tea, and fed me one bite at a time.

In a trance, I seemed to see the brother next door who was holding me again, gentle as the warm sun.

But if you look closely, the warm sun has long been condensed into ice and snow, and it is biting cold, and even a light touch will sting the skin.

Wei Changyue was very happy yesterday, and today he is still indispensable to serve, and he entered the palace after dressing me with his own hands.

Seeing his skillful craftsmanship, I felt even more uncomfortable for him.

He must have endured a lot of hardships, suffered a lot of scolding, suffered a lot of injuries, broke off the arrogance that originally belonged to the scholars, and went to learn the kung fu of serving people.

If I could, I would like to be with him, even if he is a eunuch.

But the moment I stepped out of the room, a man slammed into me, knocking me on my back.

It was a young girl, with gold and silver, and she was covered in Luoqi.

When he saw me, a look of arrogance appeared on his delicate face.

"You're the woman who doesn't have a face and must marry Brother Wei."

"I don't know what's so good about you vixen."

I caught a glimpse of her waist with the jade pendant I gave to Wei Changyue back then, and that rope was made by me who stayed up all night.

A heart that had just warmed up was cold at this time by ice water.


"Your Jade Pendant ......"

She saw that I was concerned, and her long fingers picked up the jade pendant and shook it in front of my eyes as if showing off.

"This one, it was given to me by Changyue, why, didn't Changyue give you a gift?"


Wei Changyue after the year of the weak crown, there are years that I have never experienced, and I have never participated in these times.

Inexplicably, I feel that I am a little jealous of the girl in front of me, jealous that she accompanied Wei Changyue through the cold and lonely years.

My silence seemed to her to be a kind of fear and avoidance.

She covered her mouth and laughed.

It was obviously a blue sky and a white day, the sun was shining, but the sun was extremely cold when it fell on the body.

I seemed to be sweating behind my back, and a gust of wind blew, and I shivered.

She pouted, as if she couldn't get used to the way I looked.

"What kind of immortal do you think it is, it's just that, even if it's the current Changyue, you don't deserve it, six thousand steps to kneel into the door by yourself...... Hmph, you really do anything for the sake of glory and wealth."

I didn't speak, I bowed my head and passed her.

She can hold this jade pendant, she can move freely in the Wei Mansion, and she can be called 'Miss Lu' by Wei Changyue's godson, all of which shows Wei Changyue's attitude.

I am Wei Changyue, the shame that needs to be washed away is an unbearable past.

And she is the future that Wei Changyue holds in the palm of his hand and does not dare to touch.

Marrying a eunuch has a bad reputation, and he would rather be a sister holding it in the palm of his hand to make offerings.

And for me, it doesn't matter if he has a good reputation or not.

Obviously, I brought all this on my own, and I asked for it myself.

But why is it that my heart hurts like a pinprick?

Obviously, after marrying Wei Changyue, he can use Wei Changyue's power to protect his younger brother and stop the eldest lady's misdeeds.

I've achieved my goal!

I don't know when the Lu girl is gone, and I am sitting where I am, already in tears.

Wei Changyue, he didn't like me for a long time, otherwise how could he use all kinds of tricks and all kinds of objects to humiliate me between the sheets?

But what to do.

Wei Changyue, how should I count all the years that I like you in my heart?


When Wei Changyue returned, it was already late at night.

He is the most trusted celebrant of the Son of Heaven, and he is more trusted by the emperor than his godfather, Yang Rong, the eunuch who holds the seal of the celebrant and waits for the emperor to go to bed.

When I opened the door, I was met with the dew and frost that was still shrouded in the night, and it was very cold.

He walked up to me and looked down at me for a moment, the warm yellow candle flame on the table reflected the half-light and half-dark face, and the expression was not clear, but it was not as good as the night cry of a child in the streets and alleys.

"Who wronged you?"

In a trance, I saw him reach out and rub against my eyes.

I turned my head sideways, "No ......."

As soon as I opened my mouth, even I was startled, and my throat was still hoarse.

Wei Changyue untied his cloak and threw it to the maid, moved his fingers to drive away all the attendants in the house, and quietly watched me sit in place, looking at me as if I was sitting on pins and needles.

Eventually, I couldn't bear it anymore and said, "What do you think I'm doing?"

He suddenly reached out and clasped my wrist, dragged me into his arms, held my face, and prevented me from dodging.

"What the hell is going on?"

My silence seemed to irritate him, and the hand on his cheek snapped abruptly around his neck, his fingers tightened, taking almost all the air from his nose.

"Are you so unhappy to marry me?" He even gritted his teeth, and tears were in his tired eyes, as if they were about to break.

"Du Shuiyun, you yourself begged me to marry me, and now after using me, you feel that marrying me as a eunuch has wronged you, right?"

I was choked and almost out of breath, but I wondered inexplicably, would Wei Changyue do this to that Lu girl?

The people in the house all said that Miss Lu was Wei Changyue's benefactor, Wei Changyue's sister-in-law, and the pearl he held in the palm of his hand.

What about me?

Is it a pet, or is it a tool to vent?

Just when I felt like I was going to faint, the strength on my neck suddenly loosened.

I clutched my chest and gasped for air, only to see a corner of my clothes disappear.

The door was kicked open as if angry, and the huge jade on the official boots even shook in the air.

The cold moon outside the window sprinkled on Wei Changyue's cheeks, colliding with the warm candlelight in the room, so that I couldn't see what he was doing.

How the hell is it for me.

But a voice in my heart said: This is the last chance.

He's gone, he's really gone.

I don't want Wei Changyue to go, I ...... I still like him.

pounced hard, but only had time to grab a small piece of clothing.

It was this insignificant strength, which was difficult to even knock down the blades, but it made him step out of the room, and he was about to merge into the figure of the cold moon.

"What else do you want to say?"

I struggled to my feet, clutching a corner of his coat out of the criss-crossed wrinkles.

"Wei Changyue, why don't you want me anymore?"


Almost instantly, the door was shaken by a gust of wind.

Wei Changyue was like a fierce tiger, staring at me with a pair of eyes, and inexplicably raised a burst of anger.

In the midst of the whirlwind, he picked me up.

This is the first time he has hugged me since I separated from him, just hugging.

He asked me why I said that.

I pursed my lips, hesitated for a long time, buried my head in my chest, and asked as I cried.

"Why did you give her the jade pendant I gave you?"

His expression was a little dazed, and it took a long time to know from my mouth that she was referring to her sister-in-law, Lu Chenxue.

When he heard this answer, his nervous and gloomy expression burst into laughter.

"You've been pretentious for so long, and that's what you're for?"

I looked at him seriously: "That jade pendant was personally selected by me, and I also made it with my own hands, that was the first time I played the rope, it was my heart for you, how can you give my heart to others?"

When he heard this, the smile on his face turned into a sneer in an instant, and his face suddenly enlarged in my eyes, and he leaned down, his lips almost touching mine.

"Then do you know that I come to the door to propose marriage, and it is also a part of my heart, how can you, how dare you live up to my heart?"

At the end of the day, the force of his hand almost crushed my finger bones.


After subconsciously screaming, he hurriedly let go of his hand, but the concerned expression on his face turned into anger the moment he met my gaze, and he turned his face away.

"What do I say to a woman like you who covets power."

When I saw that he was leaving, I hurriedly stepped forward and hugged his waist.

This is the knot in his heart, and it is also a hurdle between me and him that I can't get over.

In the past, I also asked the eldest lady why she didn't hate my mother, my mother obviously wanted to divide her husband, why she was still willing to take care of my mother and all the concubines in the house.

The eldest lady just smiled faintly and handed me a piece of hibiscus cake.

"Because the eldest lady has no love for the master."

At that time, I was still young, and while eating pastries, I asked the eldest lady stupidly, "But I see the eldest lady and the old man...... Well...... Raise your eyebrows."

The eldest lady seemed to hear some joke, and rarely got close to me, and touched my head gently.

"The eldest lady just doesn't care about the master, if you love someone, you will have hatred if you can't let go, the opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference."

At that time, I was still young, and I didn't understand the words of the eldest lady.

Now I do.

Wei Changyue once loved me, he never forgot me, if he was really ruthless and had no heart for me, why would he be so resentful of me and hang on to me?

"Brother Wei......"

"Don't call me that!"

He was agitated and struggled to break my hand away.

I gritted my teeth and hugged him, and said anxiously: "When you came, the eldest lady of my family passed away, and the new lady has not passed the door, she has the love of the master, and she treats us juniors at home as elders, the eldest sister was married to a sixty-year-old man to fill the house, and my father disregarded the life and death of the eldest sister for the sake of the future, and the eldest sister married for me and for the younger brother, and was tortured and passed away last year, and now the new funeral is only a year, she will marry me to fill the house."

"I have no other way to go, Brother Wei."

"The eldest lady is so kind to me, and the eldest sister has sacrificed her life for me, I can't ignore their entrustment, it was like this then, and it is the same now, Brother Wei, I don't want to get rid of you."

"I'm not...... I'm not a vain coveter."

The crying grew heavier, and my struggling hands slowly covered the backs of my hands.


My heart hung in the air, and I nodded with tears in my eyes.

He froze in place, covering his face and muttering something I couldn't hear.

Just as I was about to explain, he laid me down on the bed, wiped away the rouge-stained tears from my cheeks, and gritted his teeth to coax me.

"You're a liar, I don't believe what you say."

"If you want me to believe it, then use reality to prove that I am not your humble gentleman Brother Wei."

"I have the means of eunuchs to torture people."

He spoke fiercely, but the movements of his hands were softer than yesterday.

He stripped off the last of his little clothes, and when I was honest with him, I could clearly hear a soft sigh mixed with gasps.

"Even if you miss it, you are now planted in my hands, and I am also planted in your hands."

It's good.

Although I missed the beginning, now that I have continued, I will be entangled with him for the rest of my life.


Wei Changyue has changed, and he hasn't changed.

What has changed is the means, and what has not changed is the last piece of pure goodness in the heart.

At least I can see the pure goodness.

In addition to his love of talking between the beds, and using all kinds of strange and embarrassing things, he put on his clothes and covered the beasts under his skins.

I had six thousand steps, and he took my hand and walked step by step.

From the cold winter to the middle of summer, from the thin cotton shirt to the light gauze satin, from the lonely body, to the front and back.

He stood under the weeping willow branches, broke off the young branches and lightly understated the hairpin to my sideburns, and next to the willow branches were a few standard hairpins of Xingong.

There are few in the world, and the only ones only appear on the heads of the ladies in the palace.

He will ask for tribute from all nations, and put it on me.

This is the same as before, or the Wei family brother who remembers to keep everything good for me.

"Your father's steproom, I'll take care of it for you."

He stood side by side with me, dressed in a Taoist robe and cape, and threw the fish food into the lake, causing a circle of koi to scramble, and when the tail of the fish fanned, pieces of broken gold rippled out of the lake, gilding his side face with a soft light.

But the words are not soft at all, cold and terrible.

"When my wife was arguing with someone while enjoying the flowers, she accidentally fell into the water, and after the wind and cold, she fell seriously ill and died."

When he looked sideways at me, it was obviously a gentle tone, but he understated that a human life was lost.

Worthy of his name as a living Yama.

But I'm not afraid.

I stood on tiptoe and kissed him lightly on the lips, and that was my answer.

He deepened the kiss, wrapped his arms around my waist, and threw the fish food in his hand into the lake, causing the koi to scramble for it.

I couldn't breathe when I was kissed by him, and tears oozed from the corners of my eyes.

Glancing to the corner of the corridor.

Lu Chenxue looked at it with a pair of gloomy eyes, and the jade pendant was thrown to the ground by her and smashed to pieces.


I did it on purpose.

I care about Wei Changyue very much, and I also mind her.

I've never been a magnanimous person, my heart is small, Mimi is a little bigger, and I can only let go of me and Wei Changyue.

Lu Chenxue's eyes looked at Wei Changyue, just as I looked at Brother Wei at the beginning.

She liked this man.

My man.

Even if it's a eunuch, she likes it so much that she can't let it go.

I also asked Wei Changyue, and when he made me sweat, his fingers went up his spine.

"Can't you just send your sister away?"

His body trembled, grabbed my fingertips and took them in his mouth, licking and sucking ambiguously, and waited for my cheeks to turn crimson before holding me on his shoulder.


"I have no intention of her, but I can't forget my kindness."

"She saved my life, and if it wasn't for her, I would have been lying in a mass grave."

Wild burial?

Isn't that me?

It was I who dug him out of the pile of dead people, and I carried him step by step to the pharmacy on my back and snatched him back from Yama.

How did you become this Miss Lu?

I opened my mouth to explain the truth, but his thin lips pressed against me, and all the words turned into a whimper, drowned out on the bed with a squeak.

is so intimate, naturally Lu Chenxue treats me like a thorn in her eye.

I also deliberately gave her this opportunity to stimulate her to quarrel with Wei Changyue.


On the day of the full moon in the Mid-Autumn Festival, Lu Chenxue blocked Wei Changyue under the corridor like that, and refused to let her enter the inner courtyard to find me no matter what.

Since Wei Changyue became the boss and the supervisor of etiquette, no one dared to be so offended.

But he was always tolerant of his lover and benefactor.

In the face of Lu Chenxue's aggressiveness, he only frowned and endured.

This forbearance was unintentionally adding fuel to the fire, causing Lu Chenxue to smash him with a punch.

"Wei Changyue, didn't you say that you want to be with me for the rest of your life? What is this woman?"

"You're going to leave me behind, aren't you?"

"Wei Changyue, don't forget, I have a life-saving grace for you, and you owe me my life!"

Seeing her crazy appearance, I couldn't help but sweat for her.

Wei Changyue's brows tightened, he was undoubtedly bored, frowned, and turned his face away from her.

Lu Chenxue screamed more and more hysterically.

"Wei Changyue, when I said I wanted to marry you, you shirked and said that you are a eunuch and don't want to delay me for the rest of my life!"

"I listened, I believed, I thought what you said was true, so I couldn't bear to take a step back, only to bow to you, and only be your sister!"

Lu Chenxue's delicate face was crying: "Why are you lying to me, you said you don't want to delay me, can you delay that woman?"

Wei Changyue rubbed his eyebrows, his face full of impatience.

"I said, I only treat you as a sister, I will love you for the rest of my life, and if you fall in love with any son in the future, I will also fight for you and marry you personally."


Lu Chenxue almost vented her anger and slapped Wei Changyue in the face.

Five hideous fingerprints appeared on the already white skin, which only made that face a little sickly terrifying.

"I don't want to be your sister, Wei Changyue, I like you, I like you since I see you, I want to marry you, I just want to marry you!"

I couldn't hold back any longer, ran out of the shadows, pushed her away, looked at Wei Changyue's face carefully, looked left and right, and breathed a sigh of relief after making sure that there were no scratches from my nails.

Wei Changyue looked at me with a smile, and the tenderness in his eyes was like melting ice and snow.

"Don't worry, it doesn't hurt, I'm used to it."

Get used to it, how many grievances have you suffered in the palace, how many beatings have you suffered?

Lu Chenxue just looked at me and Wei Changyue with only each other in their eyes, took two steps back, covered her face and ran back to the room.

I looked at her back, and I felt a little proud in my heart.

Before my tail could be cocked, Wei Changyue's hand slapped on my buttocks, the force was very small, but it was very embarrassing.

"It's really jealous, I can't stand any grievances, so I show off?"

I was not ashamed to be clear, and my backhand was wrapped around his neck.

"I just can't get used to her relying on her sister's name, coveting you secretly every day, you are also wrong in this matter, if you repay the favor and marry out, your connivance is her current eyesore."

There was another slap on the buttocks.

I was ashamed to bite him.

Wei Changyue stopped me and hugged me horizontally.

"Isn't that trying you with her?"

"Now I am sure of your heart, and today I will take you to meet people, to see important people."

Until I was carried into the yard by Wei Changyue, I couldn't think of it.

He actually took me to meet the third son of the emperor, King Jing, who is now the pro-crown king.


As the celebrant and the celebrant Bingbi, he is the closest person to the emperor.

As a close minister of the Son of Heaven and close to the prince and vassal king, in the eyes of the emperor, it is a rebellion and a capital crime that cannot be pardoned.

But Wei Changyue just interlocked his fingers with me, and smiled like King Jing introduced me.

No, it's entrusted to me.

"The eunuch is a person who hangs his head on the belt of his trousers, and he doesn't know which day he will be rejected by the emperor and will be cut by a thousand knives, only the lady is the concern of the eunuch, and please ask His Royal Highness King Jing to take care of it more."

People with arrogance and backbone in their hearts are so willing to kneel down in front of King Jing.

King Jing is a smiling tiger with great ambitions for the throne, and trading with him is tantamount to seeking skin with a tiger.

But this person is willing to put his life and death aside for my sake.

I didn't understand why he did this, and King Jing questioned him as soon as he left.

But he just looked at me with a smile on his face.

"Ah Yun, I am a courtier, and there is no courtier who will not be purged by the new emperor."

"The family members of the ministers did not end well."

When he said this, Wei Changyue just hugged me gently, there was no superfluous movement in his hands, and there were no hairy hands and feet that he usually had heavy desires, he just hugged me and whispered softly in my ear.

"I can die, I can be cut by a thousand knives, as long as my family can overturn the case, the ancestors and ancestors don't have to wear the hat of a rebellious minister and thief, and even the tomb will be whipped."

"This is before."

The hand on my shoulder tightened suddenly.

"Now, there's one more of you."

"I can die without a place to bury, but I want you to live."

I looked up, and there were a thousand words.

Wei Changyue just stretched out his long finger to my lips and said with a smile: "Everything in the world is rarely consummated, there is always a price, and anyone, including the Son of Heaven, will regret it in the future."

"There are things I can do, and I will do it for you, such as your brother."

He ruffled my broken hair, "But there are some things that are indisobedient to God's will, and I can't do it, I can only do my best to arrange and fight for a safe way out for you."

A gust of wind rolled up under the porch, blowing his freshly trimmed hair, and even the warm sunlight falling on his body made him feel a little chilly.

Wei Changyue stood in front of me, but I felt that he was so far away, as if I would lose him at any time.

He is no ordinary man, he is closest to the supreme power in the world, walking on the tip of a knife every moment.

But he is still as steady as Mount Tai, just like his name, Changyue, looking at me fixedly.

"If something happens to me, you must live well, you don't have to wait for me, it's good to find someone to marry."

I slapped him in the mouth and got red circles under my eyes.

"Okay, I won't widow you, and when you die, I'll climb the wall and remarry."

"If you don't want me to go out of the wall, you can give me a good life!"

Obviously beaten, Wei Changyue was smiling, and he nodded after tidying up the cloak for me.

"Okay, you and I have to live well."


But in this world, most of the good things are not strong, and the colored clouds are easy to scatter and the glass is brittle.

This winter, Wei Changyue let the emperor discover and