
At the end of 22, the 108-year-old female Red Army died of illness, her husband was the head of the founding generals, and her son was a major general

author:Coarse tea and light rice look at all kinds of states

The life of the old man Jian Xian Buddha is a legend that spans the centuries. Her story is the epitome of countless heroic figures in that turbulent era, and she is also a witness and participant in China's modern history. On December 30, 2022, the centenarian female Red Army soldier left us peacefully in a courtyard in Beijing at the age of 108. Her death is not only the end of an era, but also a remembrance of that magnificent history.

The courtyard house where the old man lived is located in a quiet place in Beijing. This courtyard house bears witness to the calm and elegance of her later years. The architectural style of the courtyard is simple and elegant, and the courtyard is full of all kinds of flowers and plants, and the four seasons change, and the fragrance of flowers is overflowing. The old man's life is simple and fulfilling, she likes to walk in the yard, chat with her family, and enjoy family fun. Despite her advanced age, she still maintains a clear mind and a good mental state, and often shares her revolutionary experience and life insights with visitors.

At the end of 22, the 108-year-old female Red Army died of illness, her husband was the head of the founding generals, and her son was a major general

The real identity of the old man Jian Xianfo is a hundred-year-old female Red Army soldier. In that war-torn era, she resolutely threw herself into the revolution and became a female soldier. Her husband was a founding general, and they experienced the baptism of war together and witnessed the birth of New China. Their son, inheriting the revolutionary spirit of his parents, also became a soldier and received the rank of major general. This is a military family, and their story is the best interpretation of China's revolutionary history.

In his later years, he took up the position of ministerial leader. Her work is not only about the development of the country, but also about the well-being of the people. With her wisdom and experience, she has contributed to the prosperity and development of China. She has witnessed China's great journey from standing up, getting rich to becoming strong, and also witnessed the historic leap of the Chinese people from poverty and backwardness to being well-off in an all-round way.

At the end of 22, the 108-year-old female Red Army died of illness, her husband was the head of the founding generals, and her son was a major general

The life of the old man is an extraordinary journey. She has experienced the baptism of war, the transformation of the country, and the turmoil of society. Her life is a testimony to China's modern history and the best interpretation of the spirit of the people of that era. Her story inspires future generations to continue to move forward, never forget the original intention, keep the mission in mind, and work hard to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

The death of the old man Jian Xian Buddha makes us look back on that magnificent history again. Her life is the epitome of countless revolutionary martyrs, and also a spiritual symbol of the indomitable and courageous progress of the Chinese people. Her story will always be remembered in the hearts of the Chinese people and become a force that inspires us to keep moving forward. Let us follow the example of the old man Jianxian Buddha, inherit and carry forward the glorious traditions and fine work style of our revolutionary ancestors, and make unremitting efforts to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

At the end of 22, the 108-year-old female Red Army died of illness, her husband was the head of the founding generals, and her son was a major general

Jian Xianfo, a woman who left a deep mark on the history of the Chinese revolution, her life is closely linked to the revolution, and her story has inspired generations. Jian Xianfo and her sister Jian Xianren are known as the "Long March Sisters", and their deeds have been highly praised by Premier Zhou Enlai. Their revolutionary journey is not only a history of personal struggle, but also a vivid portrayal of the important role played by Chinese women in the revolution.

Jian Xianfo was born in a patriotic family in Cili County, Hunan Province, and her father, Jian Chengyan, was a businessman with patriotic feelings. In such a family atmosphere, Jian Xianfo received a good education from an early age, she began to study in private school at the age of 7, and later entered the Cili County Girls' School, and in 1932, she entered the Changsha Hengcui Girls' School Art Normal Class to study. Her family's educational background laid a solid foundation for her later revolutionary activities.

At the end of 22, the 108-year-old female Red Army died of illness, her husband was the head of the founding generals, and her son was a major general

In 1934, the trajectory of Jian Xianfo's life took a major turn, and she joined the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army and threw herself into the torrent of revolution. In the Red Army, she used her expertise and actively participated in propaganda work, such as carving wax plates, painting propaganda posters, etc. Her work was not only to spread revolutionary ideas, but also to boost morale and strengthen the confidence and determination of the fighters.

In 1935, Jian Xianfo participated in the Long March, which was an arduous march and a test of will and faith. During the Long March, Jian Xianfo was pregnant, but she did not flinch, but with strong perseverance, she successfully completed the Long March with her child. During the Long March, she gave birth to her son "Baosheng", a child born on the grass and witnessed the strength and greatness of a mother. Even under such difficult conditions, Jian Xianfo persevered in completing the propaganda mission, and her actions demonstrated the indomitable and selfless dedication of a female Red Army soldier.

At the end of 22, the 108-year-old female Red Army died of illness, her husband was the head of the founding generals, and her son was a major general

Her revolutionary journey was full of challenges and sacrifices, but she remained optimistic and strong. During the Long March, she not only had to face the harsh natural environment, but also had to deal with the double pressure of fighting and marching. Her story is the epitome of countless female Red Army soldiers, who played an irreplaceable role in the revolution, and their dedication and sacrifice made important contributions to the victory of the Chinese revolution.

The life of the Buddha is a life of walking with the revolution. Her deeds are not only a process of personal struggle, but also a vivid portrayal of the important role played by Chinese women in the revolution. Her story will always inspire future generations to stay true to her original intention and continue to move forward.

At the end of 22, the 108-year-old female Red Army died of illness, her husband was the head of the founding generals, and her son was a major general

The family and marital life of Jian Xian Buddha is a story full of legends. The union between her and Xiao Ke is not only the meeting of two souls, but also the resonance of two hearts on the road of revolution. In that turbulent era, the two met in the Red Army and went through the ups and downs of their lives together.

Xiao Ke, known as a Confucian general, was not only an outstanding military commander, but also a scholar who loved literature. His literary creations not only enriched his own life, but also left valuable spiritual wealth for future generations. Jian Xianfo gave great support and encouragement to her husband's literary creation. In her mind, literature is another form of revolution and an important way to convey the revolutionary spirit and ideas. She is well aware that the rejuvenation of a nation requires not only strong material strength, but also rich spiritual culture.

At the end of 22, the 108-year-old female Red Army died of illness, her husband was the head of the founding generals, and her son was a major general

The combination of Jian Xianfo and Xiao Ke is a perfect combination of revolutionary emotions and literary feelings. Their lives, although simple, are full of love and warmth. In the war-torn years, the two supported each other and faced the hardships and challenges of life together. Jian Xianfo is not only Xiao Ke's companion in life, but also his spiritual support. She used her wisdom and courage to provide a steady stream of inspiration and motivation for Xiao Ke's literary creation.

With the joint efforts of Jian Xianfo and Xiao Ke, their son Xiao Xinghua has been well educated and cultivated. Xiao Xinghua inherited his parents' red family style and revolutionary spirit, and became an excellent soldier and scholar. His growth is the best proof of the educational achievements of Jian Xianfo and Xiao Ke. They used their words and deeds to teach their sons that no matter how the times change, the revolutionary spirit and the feelings of family and country can never be lost.

At the end of 22, the 108-year-old female Red Army died of illness, her husband was the head of the founding generals, and her son was a major general

Although Jian Xianfo and Xiao Ke's family life has experienced many twists and turns, they have always adhered to their belief in the revolution and their responsibility to their families. Their home has become a haven of love, warmth and strength. In this harbor, they spent countless unforgettable times together, and also witnessed the birth and development of New China together.

The married life of Jian Xianfo and Xiao Ke is a story full of legends and touches. Their love, which has experienced the baptism of war and the test of time, has become deeper and precious. Their story is not only a love story of two people, but also a microcosm of an era, and a representative of countless revolutionary families. Their lives let us see the greatness and nobility of revolutionaries, and also let us see the warmth and strength of the family.

At the end of 22, the 108-year-old female Red Army died of illness, her husband was the head of the founding generals, and her son was a major general