
Only 70 kilometers away from India, why did China spend hundreds of billions of dollars in 20 years to build a new city on the border?

author:Coarse tea and light rice look at all kinds of states

Shiquanhe Town, a shining pearl on the western Tibetan plateau, attracts tourists and explorers from all over the world with its unique geographical location and environmental characteristics. It bits

Shiquanhe Town, a shining pearl on the western Tibetan plateau, attracts tourists and explorers from all over the world with its unique geographical location and environmental characteristics. It is located in the Ali region of China's Tibet Autonomous Region, bordering the Indian-controlled region of Kashmir, just 70 kilometers away. This distance not only makes Shiquanhe a strategic location on the Sino-Indian border, but also gives it a special geopolitical significance.

Nestled in a basin within the mountains of the plateau, the town of Shiquanhe has an average elevation of 4,377 meters, making it one of the highest towns in the world. At such high altitudes, the air is thin, the climate is dry and cold, the solar radiation is strong, and the sunshine hours are long. The average annual temperature is only 0.2°C, with the average temperature dropping to -12.4°C in January and 14.2°C in July. Such extreme climatic conditions can be a challenge for both the people who live here and the tourists who visit.

Only 70 kilometers away from India, why did China spend hundreds of billions of dollars in 20 years to build a new city on the border?

The Shiquan River, the river of life, originates from a glacial lake north of Mount Kailash and meanders from east to west through the town of Shiquan River before joining the Indus River. The Shiquan River is not only one of the major rivers in Tibet, but also the main source of the upper Indus River. The river basin is in a semi-desert and desert area, the climate is arid and rainless, but the river itself is abundant in water, clear to the bottom, and the banks of the river are lined with green trees, bringing vitality and vitality to this desolate plateau.

Nourished by the river, the town of Shiquanhe has formed a fertile land with agriculture based on animal husbandry, herds of cattle and sheep, and vast grasslands, making it a rare oasis on the Tibetan plateau. The groundwater recharge of the river accounts for 67% of the annual runoff, the intra-annual distribution and inter-annual variation of runoff are relatively stable, the river water temperature is low, the annual average water temperature is only 3°C, the river freezes for a long time, and the shore ice begins to appear at the end of October, and does not completely melt until the middle and late April of the following year.

Only 70 kilometers away from India, why did China spend hundreds of billions of dollars in 20 years to build a new city on the border?

The town is not only a treasure trove of natural landscapes, but also a cultural center with a long history. There are rich historical relics and cultural landscapes here, such as the ruins of the Guge Dynasty, Pangong Lake, Kunlun Mountains, etc., which have witnessed the prosperity and glory of this land. The ruins of the Guge Dynasty, a place of World Heritage value, are home to many temples, palaces and dwellings, making you feel as if you have traveled back in time to that ancient era. Pangong Lake, the largest inland lake in Tibet, is a great place to enjoy the beauty of the plateau lakes and the highest bird habitat in the world.

The branch of the Kunlun Mountains is close to the town of Shiquanhe, where the steep peaks and glaciers are extensive, making it a paradise for mountaineers and photographers. Here, people can enjoy the spectacular natural landscapes such as snow-capped mountains, glaciers, and plateau meadows, and feel the magic and beauty of nature.

Only 70 kilometers away from India, why did China spend hundreds of billions of dollars in 20 years to build a new city on the border?

Ali Prairie, located around Shiquanhe Town, is a vast plateau meadow. Here, tourists can ride horses and gallop to feel the vastness and magnificence of the grassland, and it is also a good place for eco-tourism, with rich wildlife resources.

The development of Shiquanhe Town has also benefited from its geographical location, and has now become a transportation hub, economic and cultural center, and border trade center in western Tibet. The construction of cities and towns has been continuously improved, with industrial enterprises such as power plants, water plants, automobile repair factories, and printing plants, as well as public service facilities such as primary schools, middle schools, hospitals, and epidemic prevention stations. With the opening of the Xin-Tibet Highway, the traffic conditions of Shiquanhe Town have been greatly improved, making this plateau town glow with new vitality.

Only 70 kilometers away from India, why did China spend hundreds of billions of dollars in 20 years to build a new city on the border?

However, Shiquanhe Town is also facing the challenge of natural disasters, such as droughts, floods, locust plagues, etc., which have had a certain impact on local agricultural and animal husbandry production and residents' lives. Despite this, the people of Shiquanhe Town are still tenacious and live in harmony with nature, showing the unique charm and vitality of the plateau people.

Located on the roof of the world, Shiquanhe Town, with its magnificent natural landscapes, rich history and culture, and unique geographical location, has become an unmissable stop in exploring the Tibetan Plateau. Here, people can feel the magic of nature, appreciate the vastness of the plateau, experience the weight of history, and experience the beauty of harmonious coexistence between man and nature.

Only 70 kilometers away from India, why did China spend hundreds of billions of dollars in 20 years to build a new city on the border?

Shiquanhe Town, a border town that now shines brightly in the Ali region, is full of hardships and challenges in its historical evolution and construction process. Before 1964, it was a barren Gobi Desert, inaccessible and harsh. However, as the wheels of history rolled forward, the fate of the land also changed dramatically.

In 1964, the relocation of the Ali Military Division marked the birth of Shiquanhe Town. The arrival of the military sub-district not only brought popularity to this desolate land, but also laid a solid foundation for its development and construction. Under the guidance of the military sub-district, Shiquanhe Town began to establish communes, and gradually formed a social structure characterized by the integration of military and civilian.

Only 70 kilometers away from India, why did China spend hundreds of billions of dollars in 20 years to build a new city on the border?

The process of building Shiquanhe Town is a history full of challenges and struggles. The natural environment of cold and lack of oxygen, and the rugged geographical conditions of the terrain have brought great difficulties to the builders. However, these difficulties did not deter the brave builders, who overcame one difficulty after another with firm faith and indomitable spirit.

In the course of more than 20 years of construction, the appearance of Shiquanhe Town has undergone earth-shaking changes. From the original barren Gobi to today's prosperous town, every step of development has condensed the hard work and sweat of the builders. Here, they cut rocks, built roads and bridges, built houses, laid pipelines, and changed the face of the land bit by bit.

Only 70 kilometers away from India, why did China spend hundreds of billions of dollars in 20 years to build a new city on the border?

During the construction process, the infrastructure of Shiquanhe Town has been greatly improved. The improvement of transportation conditions has made this border town more closely connected with the outside world; The guarantee of water and electricity supply provides convenience for the lives of residents; The establishment of public service facilities such as education and medical care has improved the quality of life of residents. The construction of these infrastructures has laid a solid foundation for the development of Shiquanhe Town.

With the continuous improvement of infrastructure, the economy of Shiquanhe Town has also developed rapidly. Agriculture and animal husbandry, as the pillar industry of the town, has developed by leaps and bounds. There are herds of cattle and sheep, vast grasslands, and the prosperity of animal husbandry has led to the growth of the local economy. At the same time, Shiquanhe Town also actively develops border trade, taking advantage of its unique geographical location to carry out trade with neighboring countries and regions, which further promotes economic prosperity.

In terms of cultural construction, Shiquanhe Town has also made remarkable achievements. The inhabitants here are mainly Tibetans, who inherit a rich ethnic culture. During the construction process, Shiquanhe Town paid attention to the protection and inheritance of ethnic culture, and held various cultural activities, such as Tibetan New Year, Xuedun Festival, etc., showing the unique charm of Tibetan culture. At the same time, schools have also been established in the town, which has improved the cultural quality of local residents and cultivated batches of knowledgeable and skilled talents.

After more than 20 years of unremitting efforts, Shiquanhe Town has developed from a barren Gobi Desert to a border town with a certain scale and influence. Its inhabitants live a stable life, a prosperous economy, and a rich and colorful culture. However, the development of Shiquanhe Town has not stopped, and it is meeting new challenges and opportunities with a more open attitude. In the future development, Shiquanhe Town will continue to adhere to the people-oriented, promote the comprehensive development of economy, society, culture and other aspects, and strive to build a more prosperous, harmonious and beautiful border town.

The construction of Shiquanhe Town is a history full of hardships and challenges. The Ali area, which is known as the "forbidden area of life", has an extremely harsh natural environment, high cold and lack of oxygen, and a changeable climate, which has brought unprecedented tests to the builders.

First of all, the shortage of materials in the Ali area is a major problem in the construction of Shiquanhe Town. Due to the remote location, inconvenient transportation, and long and fragile supply lines, many basic building materials and daily necessities are difficult to arrive in time. This not only increased the construction cost, but also seriously affected the progress of the project. Builders had to exert great creativity and self-sufficiency in extremely limited conditions to solve the problem of material shortages.

In addition, the harsh climatic conditions are a severe physical and psychological test for the builders of Shiquanhe Town. The Ali region has a high altitude, thin air, cold and harsh winters, and strong ultraviolet rays in summer. Working in such climatic conditions poses a great threat to people's health. Many of the builders experienced altitude sickness, but they still stuck to their posts, showing tenacious will and indomitable spirit.

In addition, the construction of Shiquanhe Town also faced construction problems caused by high altitude. Large-scale construction is carried out on the plateau above 4,500 meters above sea level, the mechanical efficiency is greatly reduced, and the manual labor intensity increases. The builders were required to perform high-intensity physical labor in the thin air, which was a great test for their bodies and will.

Under such conditions, the construction of Shiquanhe Town took more than 20 years and invested hundreds of billions of yuan, which is almost an impossible task in the eyes of ordinary people. However, with the support of the state, the hard work and selfless dedication of the builders, Shiquanhe Town eventually turned from a barren Gobi desert into a town that began to take shape. In this process, countless builders have made great efforts and sacrifices, and their stories have become an indelible historical memory of Shiquanhe Town.

With the passage of time, the infrastructure of Shiquanhe Town has been continuously improved, and the urban functions have been gradually enhanced. The new bridges, roads, buildings and public service facilities have not only improved the living conditions of local residents, but also provided a solid foundation for the economic development and social progress of the region. Today, Shiquanhe Town has become the economic and administrative center of Ali Prefecture, an important gateway connecting Tibet with the outside world, and a window to showcase the development achievements of western China.

The construction of Shiquanhe Town is a magnificent triumphant song of human beings fighting against nature. It not only reflects the spirit of the Chinese people who are not afraid of difficulties and has the courage to pioneer, but also shows China's great achievements in urban construction in the plateau region. In the future development, Shiquanhe Town will continue to adhere to the concept of green development, strengthen ecological environmental protection, promote sustainable economic and social development, and make greater contributions to the construction of a beautiful, harmonious and prosperous Ali area.

The construction of Shiquanhe Town is not only a transformation of a piece of desolate land, but also a national action of far-reaching strategic significance. The border between China and India has a long history, and the border between the two countries has never been formally demarcated, leading to constant territorial disputes. In this complex geopolitical context, the strategic location of Shiquanhe Town is particularly critical.

The town of Shiquanhe is located near the Line of Actual Control (LAC) on the Sino-Indian border, just 70 kilometers from India. This unique geographical location has made Shiquanhe Town an important border post on the mainland facing India. In the 1962 Sino-Indian border self-defense counterattack, Shiquanhe Town was the front line of the confrontation between our army and the Indian army, and its strategic importance is self-evident. Over time, although the border situation has eased, the strategic position of Shiquanhe Town has not weakened as a result. On the contrary, as the mainland attaches more importance to the border areas, the strategic value of Shiquanhe Town has become more and more prominent.

From a strategic point of view, the construction of Shiquanhe Town is of great significance to strengthening the logistical support of border defense. As an important border town, the prosperity and development of Shiquanhe Town can provide solid logistical support for the officers and soldiers stationed on the border line. From material supply to personnel rest, from intelligence collection to command and dispatch, Shiquanhe Town plays an irreplaceable role. In addition, with the continuous improvement of infrastructure, Shiquanhe Town has become an important transportation hub connecting western Tibet and Xinjiang, which plays an important role in improving the mainland's logistics and transportation capacity and strategic delivery capacity in this region.

At the same time, the existence of Shiquanhe Town also plays an important role in defending against the potential threat of the Indian army. On this plateau, the town of Shiquanhe is like a strong fortress, always vigilant for the wind and grass on the border. In the event of an emergency situation on the border, Shiquanhe Town can quickly become a forward command post and strategic support point for our army, providing strong support for the border defense troops. In addition, with the advancement of the "Belt and Road" construction, Shiquanhe Town is also constantly strengthening its own economic strength and comprehensive national strength, providing more powerful support for consolidating border security.

At the strategic level, the construction of Shiquanhe Town is also an important measure for the mainland to demonstrate its sovereignty and determination to the outside world. By building a modern town in this once no-man's land, the continent has declared its sovereignty over the land to the world. This action is not only a powerful response to the problems left over from history, but also a prevention and deterrence of possible territorial disputes in the future. By strengthening the construction of Shiquanhe Town, the mainland has demonstrated its firm will and strong ability to safeguard the territorial integrity of the country.

In short, the construction of Shiquanhe Town is an important strategic layout of the mainland on the Sino-Indian border issue. It is not only about border security and territorial sovereignty, but also about national image and regional stability. With the continuous development of Shiquanhe Town, this modern town on the plateau will surely write a strong stroke in the history of the development of the mainland's frontier.

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