
"Ordinary Road" Wang Ye: I cried before I learned about my father Wang Zhifei, and I hope he remarries happily

author:Big talk about entertainment

Wang Zhifei's childhood was spent in a special family. His parents are both deaf and mute, his father was deaf due to injections for an eye disease when he was a child, and his mother was caused by taking the wrong medicine for meningitis.

Such a family background brought a lot of challenges and discrimination to the young Wang Zhifei. In the community, it is common for children to chase after his parents and shout "dumb" and even throw stones at them.

Whenever this happens, little Wang Zhifei will rush up to fight with those children, even if he is always beaten with a blue nose and swollen face, he never flinched. Once, a bicycle was lost in the community, and someone falsely accused Wang Zhifei's father of stealing it.

"Ordinary Road" Wang Ye: I cried before I learned about my father Wang Zhifei, and I hope he remarries happily

In the face of the accusations of his neighbors, his parents could only cry silently, and Wang Zhifei cried until the police returned his father's innocence. In order to help the family, Wang Zhifei has helped his parents glue matchboxes and wash beer bottles since he was a child, and he is often busy until 11 o'clock at night before going to bed.

These experiences taught him to be strong and responsible early. When he grew up, Wang Zhifei had a dream of acting, but he was repeatedly frustrated. In 1982, after graduating from high school, he applied for the Central Academy of Drama, but failed due to nervousness.

The following year, the Chinese opera performance department did not recruit students, so he had to enter the factory as an electrician. It wasn't until 1984 that he was admitted to the China Railway Art Troupe and became an actor. However, after entering the showbiz, due to the lack of background and connections, Wang Zhifei once fell into a trough.

"Ordinary Road" Wang Ye: I cried before I learned about my father Wang Zhifei, and I hope he remarries happily

He became decadent and addicted to video games all day long. My mother often came to deliver food, but she had to leave it outside the door. It wasn't until one day that he saw the disappointment in his parents' eyes and suddenly woke up.

He tearfully smashed the game console and confessed to his parents: "Mom and Dad, I'm sorry I let you down." This difficult upbringing has shaped Wang Zhifei's indomitable character and laid the foundation for his future success.

Despite the twists and turns of the road, he never gave up his acting dream, and finally won the Best Supporting Actor Award at the China TV "Golden Eagle Award" in 2000 for "Outstanding Encirclement", and his career began to get on the right track.

"Ordinary Road" Wang Ye: I cried before I learned about my father Wang Zhifei, and I hope he remarries happily

In 1996, Wang Ye's birth brought unprecedented joy to 31-year-old Wang Zhifei. Wang Zhifei, a first-time father, loves this little life very much, and has become an optimistic father.

The process of choosing his son's name was full of joy: first, "the king", he felt that it was too big; changed to "prince" and "prince", which is too vulgar; In the end, the name "Wang Ye" was decided. Whenever he is not filming, Wang Zhifei is always busy bathing his son, making milk powder, and coaxing him to sleep.

He likes to rub his son's little ass with his face and hold him like a doll. Sometimes, when his son was drooling, he would even lick it clean with his lips. On the walls of the house, he is plastered with cute photos of his son, each of which is full of love from his father.

"Ordinary Road" Wang Ye: I cried before I learned about my father Wang Zhifei, and I hope he remarries happily

Wang Zhifei's eyes were full of tears, but he had to force himself to turn around and leave. Mother Li Jian led the crying Wang Ye to the balcony, Wang Zhifei didn't dare to look at his son anymore, and hurriedly went out.

That back has become a pain imprinted in Wang Ye's heart. Since then, Wang, who was originally cheerful and lively, has also become introverted and silent. At a young age, there was sadness in his eyes that did not belong to this age.

He always wondered why his parents divorced suddenly? Obviously, they were still talking and laughing when they were together, why did the world turn upside down overnight? This problem has plagued Wang for many years, and it has become a wound in his heart that is difficult to heal.

"Ordinary Road" Wang Ye: I cried before I learned about my father Wang Zhifei, and I hope he remarries happily

As he grew older, Wang gradually learned the truth about his parents' divorce from his mother. It turned out that his parents often quarreled behind his back, and the main reason was that Wang Zhifei's scandal was rumored outside.

Not long after, Wang Zhifei fell in love with the beautiful actress Zhang Xinyi in a high-profile manner. This made Wang also mistakenly believe that his father abandoned him and his mother because of another woman, and began to reject and resist his father in his heart.

Every time his father came to see him, the king deliberately hid from him. Even when his father walked into his room, he didn't want to look at him directly. No matter what his father asked, he lowered his head and replied coldly, "I don't know."

"Ordinary Road" Wang Ye: I cried before I learned about my father Wang Zhifei, and I hope he remarries happily

However, when his father left, Wang would also secretly lie by the window, watching his father's back in the distance with teary eyes, and his heart was full of contradictions. After entering Beijing No. 22 Middle School for high school, Wang was also obsessed with singing and wanted to be a singer.

However, this dream was strongly opposed by his father. Wang Zhifei thinks that his son's voice is average and will not have great development in the music world, so he insists that his son learn to act.

For this reason, the father and son had a violent conflict. During a quarrel, Wang also angrily asked his father: "You didn't want me when you were a child, why do you want to point fingers at me now?" This sentence was like a sharp sword, which deeply pierced Wang Zhifei's heart.

"Ordinary Road" Wang Ye: I cried before I learned about my father Wang Zhifei, and I hope he remarries happily

He was so angry that he raised his hand to hit his son, but the king met his face without fear. Looking at his son's stubborn appearance, Wang Zhifei suddenly realized that his son had grown up, but he missed the years that accompanied him to grow up.

This realization made Wang Zhifei have mixed feelings, and tears poured out unconsciously. In May 2014, on the eve of the college entrance examination, the father and son had another dispute over filling in the volunteers. Wang Zhifei insisted that his son apply for the performance department of the art academy, but Wang also wanted to be admitted to the conservatory of music.

After the dispute, Wang also ran away from home. This rebellious behavior made Wang Zhifei's blood pressure rise sharply, and he and his ex-wife each mobilized relatives and friends to look around. For four days, Wang Zhifei lived like a year and suffered a lot.

"Ordinary Road" Wang Ye: I cried before I learned about my father Wang Zhifei, and I hope he remarries happily

This experience made Wang Zhifei truly experience the difficulties of being a father for the first time. He realized how difficult it would be to be a father if his son was rebellious and disobedient.

For Wang Ye, this exodus was also an important step towards independence. The experience of running away from home became a turning point for Wang Ye to become independent. Although he finally returned safely four days before the college entrance examination, this experience made him realize that he had grown up and needed to take responsibility for his own life.

After the college entrance examination, Wang also participated in Zhejiang Satellite TV's "I Am Not a Star" program. However, the father and son quarreled again due to disagreement at the show site, and even pushed each other, resulting in the interruption of the program recording.

"Ordinary Road" Wang Ye: I cried before I learned about my father Wang Zhifei, and I hope he remarries happily

Wang Zhifei said angrily to his son: "Don't consume father, don't mention that you are my son!" Then he left the scene, leaving Wang Ye to cry alone. Wang Ye, who did not achieve satisfactory results in the college entrance examination, insisted on his choice and began to learn to sing.

Despite the hardships of the road, full of entanglements, tears and bitterness, he never gave up on his dream. He began to participate in small performances and groped his way through the music scene. This experience is similar to the role of Fan Xiaotian he played in "Ordinary Road", which shows the bitterness and persistence of young people in the workplace.

In 2016, Wang also ushered in his 20th birthday. This year, Wang Zhifei took the initiative to find his son and said: "You are now an adult, maybe you will fall in love in the future, and boys must have their own space."

"Ordinary Road" Wang Ye: I cried before I learned about my father Wang Zhifei, and I hope he remarries happily

He gave a small duplex building under his name to Wang Ye. Every detail of this house embodies his father's painstaking efforts - every tile and curtain on the wall was personally selected and bought back by Wang Zhifei.

He also bought his son a piano in the hope of supporting his son's musical dreams. When Wang Zhifei handed over the key to his new home to his son and said, "You are free to choose your own path in life", Wang also suddenly noticed the gray hair on his father's temples.

At this moment, a trace of pain welled up in his heart, and deep down he began to re-examine his relationship with his father. Soon after, through his uncle's narration, Wang also learned about his father's little-known hardships.

"Ordinary Road" Wang Ye: I cried before I learned about my father Wang Zhifei, and I hope he remarries happily

He learned that when he was born, his father had wrapped him in a coat in the cold winter and walked five or six miles north to pray for good luck for the child.

These stories are like a thick book, allowing Wang Ye to truly understand his father for the first time. Thinking of the confrontation with his father over the years and the harm caused to him, Wang also shed tears of guilt.

At that moment, he reconciled with his father in his heart. In November 2016, Wang Ye and his father Wang Zhifei were invited to participate in the program "Luyu Appointment". This public appearance became an important opportunity for the relationship between father and son.

"Ordinary Road" Wang Ye: I cried before I learned about my father Wang Zhifei, and I hope he remarries happily

In front of the camera, Wang Zhifei candidly told the bits and pieces of his son, from the warm past when he was a child to the "war" over the years. Every sentence is full of deep fatherly love, he said: "A father always loves his son, no matter how much friction he has had with his child, it always stems from the word 'love'."

These sincere words touched Wang Ye's heartstrings. For the first time, he truly felt his father's love, and he also realized his past rebellion and misunderstanding. Wang also sincerely apologized to his father on the show: "Dad, I'm sorry, I was ignorant before!" Although Wang Zhifei pretended to be relaxed and ridiculed, saying that there are three superfluous things in the world, one of which is "the son said sorry after hurting his father", but when the father and son hugged each other tightly, the tears welling up in their eyes expressed the true emotions in their hearts.

Wang also said sincerely: "Dad, when I grow up, I won't let you worry about it in the future." This quote is both a commitment and marks a new chapter in their relationship. With his father's advice and encouragement, Wang was also admitted to the Performance Department of the Central Academy of Drama in 2017 for further study.

"Ordinary Road" Wang Ye: I cried before I learned about my father Wang Zhifei, and I hope he remarries happily

This decision is not only a respect for his father's profession, but also a re-planning of Wang Ye's own future. Two years later, Wang also graduated from Chinese opera and officially stepped into the film and television industry. Wang Zhifei relied on his resources and experience in the entertainment industry to create filming opportunities for his son.

In 2022, when Wang Zhifei took over the filming of "Ordinary Road", he recommended his son to the crew. Although he only has the right to recommend and has no right to decide, this intention makes Wang also deeply feel his father's love.

In the end, Wang also relied on his own strength to impress the director in the audition and successfully won the role of the actor "Fan Xiaotian". This is not only an important breakthrough in Wang Ye's acting career, but also a testimony to the further repair of the relationship between father and son.

"Ordinary Road" Wang Ye: I cried before I learned about my father Wang Zhifei, and I hope he remarries happily

Since then, Wang Ye and Wang Zhifei are no longer opposing father and son, but have become close partners who support each other and make progress together. On May 3, 2023, the 36-episode contemporary urban drama "Ordinary Road" was simultaneously broadcast on CCTV's eight prime-time and Tencent Video, triggering a craze and heated discussions among netizens.

In this drama, 27-year-old Wang also plays the male protagonist "Fan Xiaotian", a public assistant who works in a law firm and dreams of becoming a trainee lawyer. His performance has won unanimous praise from the audience and the media, and his acting career has ushered in a new breakthrough.

What's even more remarkable is that Wang Zhifei played the role of "Zuo Dajian" in the play, and the father and son competed on the same stage, which became a highlight of the play. This collaboration is not only their first time on the screen, but also a precious experience of working together after their relationship is reconciled.

"Ordinary Road" Wang Ye: I cried before I learned about my father Wang Zhifei, and I hope he remarries happily

In real life, Wang Ye's growth is not only reflected in his career, but also in the handling of family relationships. He learned to respect his father's remarriage partner Zhang Dinghan and treat his half-sister well.

Wang also sincerely hopes that his 58-year-old father can reap happiness in his new marriage. Looking back on the past, Wang was also full of emotion. "I cried when I learned about my father's past," he said. The misunderstandings and conflicts between us in those years all stem from my ignorance and prejudice.

Now that I'm older, I finally understand how difficult it is for my father. These words showed his deep understanding and apology for his father. Today's Wang Ye not only plays a positive young man in "Ordinary Road", but also strives to become a son who reassures his father in real life.

"Ordinary Road" Wang Ye: I cried before I learned about my father Wang Zhifei, and I hope he remarries happily

He believes that after all these years of running-in and understanding, the relationship between father and son will get better and better. And Wang Zhifei's biggest wish is that his son can avoid detours and have a happy and stable life.

He hopes that Wang Ye's emotional path will be smoother and he will have a happy and stable marriage in the future. On this seemingly ordinary but challenging life path, Wang Zhifei and Wang Ye, a father and son, are moving forward hand in hand and writing their wonderful stories together.

Their experience is not only a warm record of a family, but also a microcosm of an era, showing the changes in Chinese family relationships and the possibility of intergenerational reconciliation.

"Ordinary Road" Wang Ye: I cried before I learned about my father Wang Zhifei, and I hope he remarries happily

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