
Giving birth to a daughter is "no pressure", and it will not take 10 years, and the parents who give birth to a daughter will be more worried than those who give birth to a son

author:Literary rhyme


In recent years, with the continuous development and progress of society, people's concepts are also quietly changing. Especially in the concept of family and childbirth, with the gradual popularization of gender equality awareness, more and more people have begun to realize that there is no gender difference in childbirth, and daughters can also take on the responsibility of the family, bringing infinite joy and happiness to their parents.

In such an environment, more and more people have begun to agree with the concept of "there is no pressure to have a daughter", and even have a earth-shaking change in the concept of childbearing. So, what is the reason for such a change? What direction will the concept of family fertility develop in the future? Let's dive in.

Giving birth to a daughter is "no pressure", and it will not take 10 years, and the parents who give birth to a daughter will be more worried than those who give birth to a son

1. Patriarchy in the traditional concept

Giving birth to a daughter is "no pressure", and it will not take 10 years, and the parents who give birth to a daughter will be more worried than those who give birth to a son

In ancient society, due to the backwardness of the productive forces and frequent wars, people generally had the concept of "preference for sons over women", believing that men were in charge of the house, and daughters were disasters. Under the influence of this concept, many families hope to be able to have a healthy boy to continue the incense and bring glory to the family.

Giving birth to a daughter is "no pressure", and it will not take 10 years, and the parents who give birth to a daughter will be more worried than those who give birth to a son

Even in today's modern society with abundant materials and advanced technology, such traditional concepts still have a certain influence, and many families are still more inclined to have boys when they have children, and it seems that the birth of girls is a little "indifferent".

Giving birth to a daughter is "no pressure", and it will not take 10 years, and the parents who give birth to a daughter will be more worried than those who give birth to a son
Giving birth to a daughter is "no pressure", and it will not take 10 years, and the parents who give birth to a daughter will be more worried than those who give birth to a son

Second, the changes of the times and the popularization of the concept of gender equality

With the continuous development and progress of the times, people's concepts are also quietly changing. Especially in recent decades, with the continuous popularization of the concept of gender equality, more and more people have begun to realize that there is no essential difference between men and women, and they have equal rights and status.

In such an environment, more and more people have begun to gradually get rid of the traditional concept of "preference for sons", and began to agree with the concept of "there is no pressure to have a daughter", and even have earth-shaking changes in the concept of childbearing. They begin to realize that daughters can also take on the responsibilities of the family, and to a certain extent, daughters can also bring more joy and happiness to the family.

Giving birth to a daughter is "no pressure", and it will not take 10 years, and the parents who give birth to a daughter will be more worried than those who give birth to a son

3. Challenges and changes in the concept of childbearing

Giving birth to a daughter is "no pressure", and it will not take 10 years, and the parents who give birth to a daughter will be more worried than those who give birth to a son

1. The influence of traditional ideas

Although most people in society have begun to agree with the concept that "there is no pressure to have a daughter", it is not easy to completely change the traditional concept. In some remote places, especially some places with deep cultural heritage, people's ideas are still stuck in the past, and they will still be more inclined to have boys, and they seem to be a little "indifferent" about the birth of girls.

2. Universal access to education and the advancement of women

In addition, the popularization of education has also brought a certain impetus to the change of the concept of childbearing. With the improvement of education level, more and more people begin to have the ability to make independent conjectures, they can look at problems more objectively, and pay more attention to personal inner cultivation, instead of being swayed by some traditional concepts.

In particular, women's education has been greatly improved, they have begun to have their own careers and pursuits, and they have begun to realize that in fact, women can also show their strength in all fields of society, they do not want their lives to be limited by "having children", but hope to make greater contributions to the development and progress of society through their own efforts and wisdom.

In this context, more and more women began to choose to marry later and have children later, they hope that through their own efforts, they can first realize their career pursuit, and wait until a certain time and conditions are ripe, and then consider the issue of childbearing, so as to give their children a better growth environment and material conditions.

3. Financial pressures and changes in family structure

In today's society, it is not easy to have a healthy and happy child, especially in a family with relatively poor economic conditions. In today's society, the cost of education and marriage is increasing, and for many families, this is undoubtedly a big test.

Some families are often under certain financial pressure in their reproductive choices, they need to make a choice between childbirth and career, and they also need to give them more companionship and care in the process of their children's education and growth.

In addition, women's roles in education, the workplace and the family have undergone earth-shaking changes, they have begun to have more choices, and they have begun to take on important responsibilities in the family, which will undoubtedly have a certain impact on the concept and structure of the family.

Giving birth to a daughter is "no pressure", and it will not take 10 years, and the parents who give birth to a daughter will be more worried than those who give birth to a son

Fourth, the future fertility trend

Giving birth to a daughter is "no pressure", and it will not take 10 years, and the parents who give birth to a daughter will be more worried than those who give birth to a son

1. Cultural, economic and policy implications

It is foreseeable that in the next ten years, families' conceptions and choices of childbearing will be influenced by cultural, economic and policy factors, and there will be a trend of more diversification and individualization.

With the continuous improvement of women's status, it is believed that the future concept of family fertility will pay more attention to personal wishes and equal considerations, and will no longer be swayed by traditional economic pressures, and they will pay more attention to the quality of children's growth, and will also pay more attention to the emotional communication and companionship between family members.

2. Diverse family structures and reproductive options

The redefinition of family and career in the future society will also promote more diversification and individualization of family structure and reproductive choices. I believe that in the near future, more and more families will choose the "DINK family" or "small and beautiful" family model, and they will create a more colorful life through their own efforts, and will also bring more fresh power to the development and progress of society.

Giving birth to a daughter is "no pressure", and it will not take 10 years, and the parents who give birth to a daughter will be more worried than those who give birth to a son

3. The positive impact of technology

In the future of fertility choices, technology will also bring us more convenience and help. With the continuous development of technology, it is believed that flexible working methods such as remote work will be more widely used, which will undoubtedly have a positive impact on families' reproductive choices and help families better achieve a balance between career and family.

Giving birth to a daughter is "no pressure", and it will not take 10 years, and the parents who give birth to a daughter will be more worried than those who give birth to a son

4. The important role of policy

In addition, future policies will also have a certain guiding effect on fertility choices. With the increasing severity of the aging population, it is believed that the authorities will pay more attention to the population issue, and will also introduce some incentives to encourage families to have children, so as to alleviate the declining trend of fertility and provide children with a better growth environment and social security.

Giving birth to a daughter is "no pressure", and it will not take 10 years, and the parents who give birth to a daughter will be more worried than those who give birth to a son


It can be said that the change of the concept of family childbearing is not only a matter of personal choice, but also a manifestation of social progress and civilization improvement. I believe that with the continuous development of society, people's ideas will become more and more open and inclusive, whether it is a boy or a girl, they will receive the same blessings and joy, and they will also thrive in such an equal environment and contribute to the prosperity of society.

Giving birth to a daughter is "no pressure", and it will not take 10 years, and the parents who give birth to a daughter will be more worried than those who give birth to a son