
Dr. Stanford is pleased to mention township civil servants! Then I'm ???

author:Zhejiang Huatu

The family is so shocked! That's too much, isn't it?

Dr. Stanford is pleased to mention township civil servants! Then I'm ???

In the past, there were Harvard master's degrees in Hangzhou Yuhang Sub-district Office, Harvard Ph.D. ashore in Shenzhen Nanshan Sub-district Office, Yale University graduation ashore Zhengzhou township civil servants......

Today, Dr. Stanford has come ashore as a civil servant in the township of northern Anhui

Dr. Stanford is pleased to mention township civil servants! Then I'm ???
Dr. Stanford is pleased to mention township civil servants! Then I'm ???
Dr. Stanford is pleased to mention township civil servants! Then I'm ???

Dr. Stanford plans to hire a township civil servant with the first score in the written test, interview, and overall score.

Dr. Stanford is pleased to mention township civil servants! Then I'm ???
Dr. Stanford is pleased to mention township civil servants! Then I'm ???
Dr. Stanford is pleased to mention township civil servants! Then I'm ???

Image source network Infringement deleted

The student is from the Department of Physics of the University of Science and Technology of China, and won the Guo Moruo Scholarship during the school (known as the first scholarship in New China, I heard that he can get the Guo Moruo Scholarship, and the first place in each class is expected to be weighted in four years), and after graduation, he went to Stanford University for further study!

Dr. Stanford is pleased to mention township civil servants! Then I'm ???

The research direction is also at the forefront of the world.

Dr. Stanford is pleased to mention township civil servants! Then I'm ???

For a while, all kinds of voices came one after another, and it was generally believed on the Internet that this was a great waste of talent. Some say that the "involution" of employment is so serious now, some lament that the end of the universe is compilation, and some think that returnees are no longer popular. In fact, the top-level wisdom contained in this may be beyond the comprehension and cognition of ordinary people.

In today's society, the establishment of civil servants has long been regarded as an "iron rice bowl" due to its stability and social status. For many people, compilation represents a sense of security in life and a sense of professional security. Even a highly educated person like Dr. Stanford may be attracted by the stability of the establishment~

This phenomenon has also led to a reflection on the meaning of education. Does a high degree of education have to correspond to a high-paying career? What is the ultimate purpose of education? These are questions worth pondering. At the same time, it also enlightens us that education should pay more attention to cultivating students' sense of service and social responsibility.

Dr. Stanford's decision to become a civil servant in a township is not a simplistic manifestation of "establishment fever". Behind this phenomenon is the interweaving of individual choices, social needs and values. It reminds us that while respecting individual choices, we should also provide everyone with a broader career development space and more diverse life possibilities.

In this era full of opportunities and challenges, let us understand and respect every career and every life choice with a more open and inclusive attitude.