
Sister Sha Shouwei丨The rule of law is preached into the campus, and "Sha Shouwei" protects growth

author:Ping'an Grand Ferry

Sister Sha Shouwei丨The rule of law is preached into the campus, and "Sha Shouwei" protects growth

Ping'an Dadukou 2024-06-28 15:48 Chongqing

Sister Sha Shouwei丨The rule of law is preached into the campus, and "Sha Shouwei" protects growth
Sister Sha Shouwei丨The rule of law is preached into the campus, and "Sha Shouwei" protects growth

In order to do a solid job in protecting the school and the park, and closely follow the goal of "safe campus" construction, the Dadukou District Public Security Bureau took the "Sister Sha Shouwei" and the summer public security crackdown and rectification special action as the starting point, gave full play to the functions and roles of the public security organs, further strengthened campus safety education, and enhanced students' awareness and ability to "know danger and avoid danger". Recently, sponsored by the Dadukou District Narcotics Control Office, Baqiao Police Station, and Baqiao Town Safety Office, and undertaken by the Shuangcheng Community of Baqiao Town, the "Youth Defense Line, You and I Build Together" legal education activity was held in Bayu School. At the event site, the police conducted special lectures on "preventing campus bullying", "staying away from sexual assault" and "preventing drugs and drugs" through on-site teaching, video playing, listing actual cases, and interactive exchanges.

According to the physical and mental characteristics of the student group, the community police started with the small story of entertaining and teaching, simplified and popularized the professional terms, and used specific examples to explain the law and discuss matters with the law, explaining to the students the specific content, common forms and legal consequences of bullying on campus, popularizing the methods and legal knowledge of effective response and prevention of campus bullying, and telling students to abide by the law, and to say "no" to campus bullying together as unreasonable and cruel bullies, indifferent bystanders, and silent victims!

Sister Sha Shouwei丨The rule of law is preached into the campus, and "Sha Shouwei" protects growth

Through interactive questions and answers, volunteers from the Ping An Office explained physiological knowledge, common sense of life and legal knowledge, helped students distinguish the boundaries of privacy, distinguish and prevent sexual assault, and guided students to love and respect their bodies and learn to use legal weapons to protect themselves. At the same time, he warned the students to "know honor and disgrace, make friends carefully, distinguish right from wrong, and be good at defending rights", establish a correct outlook on life and values in adolescence, learn to resist bad stimuli and temptations, and avoid going astray.

Sister Sha Shouwei丨The rule of law is preached into the campus, and "Sha Shouwei" protects growth

Combined with simulated drug models, anti-drug education videos and manuals, the anti-drug police focused on the identification methods of new drugs with a very confusing appearance, such as "jumping candy", "pain relief tablets" and "rainbow smoke", preached the types, harms and prevention skills of narcotic drugs, emphasized the harm of drugs to individuals, families and society, reminded students to improve their ability to recognize, distinguish and reject drugs, and warned students to cherish life and stay away from drugs.

Educate people with the law, moisturize things silently. More than 400 students from Bayu School participated in the legal education activity, and the lectures of the police and volunteers were warmly welcomed by the teachers and students, laying a solid foundation for building a safe and harmonious campus environment. In the next step, the Dadukou District Public Security Bureau will continue to carry out in-depth legal education and publicity activities, and effectively carry out the action of "Sister Sha Shouwei" through the forms of "Vice President of Legal System Entering the Campus" and "Deputy Secretary of Legal System Entering the Community", so that the concept of the rule of law can take root in the hearts of minors, and let the light of the rule of law illuminate the road of youth growth.