
In the European Championship in the fragmented era, no one watched the game anymore

author:Aoki in the distance

Article author: Daily Yijian

Recently, the European Championship is in full swing in Germany.

But I feel that no, our domestic attention to the European Cup is not as high as imagined.

It's even a little deserted.

As a result, many media began to publish articles discussing "Why no one watched the European Cup?" ”

This topic is also on the hot search.

With the last working day of the week just around the corner, let's talk about it today.

In the European Championship in the fragmented era, no one watched the game anymore

"Nobody is watching" is actually an exaggeration.

It's impossible that no one really watched it, it's just an adjective for the declining attention of the current European Championships.

Why do we feel that the focus on the Euros has dropped?

Some netizens said: "There are old people, there are young people, and there is still the risk of being fired in the middle, such as walking on thin ice, things that have nothing to do with money, and I am not interested." ”

Some netizens also said: "I'm tired of going to work, where do I have the leisure to watch the ball after work?" And now there are more things to do, how many people stay until the early hours of the morning to watch the ball game? In the past, there was no way, only the ball game could bring everyone together and have fun. ”

Of course, more netizens said: "Because of the time difference, most of the games are at 3 o'clock in the morning, and I have to go to work the next day. ”

These three points of view represent the thoughts of the majority.

In fact, not only the European Cup, but also the NBA's attention is not as good as before.

I remember the Riding Battle, when I arrived at the school where the competition was held, it was really empty, although there were mobile phones to watch the live broadcast, but everyone was willing to go to the cafeteria to watch TV.


For that vibe and liveliness.

Not only watching the ball, but also scolding each other, he scolded you for being a brave dog, and you scolded him for being a eunuch.

He scolds you for loving hurdles, you scold him for moving blocks.

But this is already the last peak, and I will never see such a scene again.

With the advent of the era of fragmentation, people's lives are getting faster and faster, and the ways of obtaining information are becoming more and more diverse, and our attention is scattered in various fields, and it is difficult to devote ourselves to an event as in the past.

For example, if you like to watch football, you don't need to chase the whole game for 90 minutes, and after the game, you can just brush up and edit the highlights to see how you score.

At most, it is a key game, open the live broadcast to see if there is a reversal in the last ten minutes, a lore or something.

It's the same with basketball, turn on the live broadcast in the last five minutes, continue to watch it if the score difference is small, and if the score difference is large, just turn off the live broadcast, what to do.

After all, everyone has to watch even a movie quickly, so it feeds a large number of movie commentators.

After telling you a movie in a few minutes, it's not too enjoyable, and when you watch the commentary, you have to drive it at double speed.

It's already a short video, but it's even shorter now.

Slowly, everyone became impetuous and became anxious, so who wants to see the end of a ball game?

Unless it's to see the scene, or you invite a few good friends to come to your house to watch the football together, go out to eat food stalls, and feel the atmosphere.

Otherwise, when you watch the game alone, there is really no need to stare at it from beginning to end, anyway, the result of a game is the most important, plus so many wonderful shots, isn't it the same when you get up the next day to watch the highlights?

You don't have to stay up late, you don't have to waste dozens of minutes, or even hours.

It looks pretty good, I watched the ball without having to stay up late, and it saved time.

In the European Championship in the fragmented era, no one watched the game anymore

But human beings are strange creatures, and the more time you spend on one thing, the more time you experience when you experience 99% of the boring time and are drowsy, and suddenly the 1% of the flashes of light can bring you huge sensory stimulation.

This stimulation penetrates deep into your cerebral cortex, and you will instantly remember it and crave this feeling.

Then you'll be fascinated by it, with the sport.

And this 1% of the shining point is the wonderful performance of the star.

For example, in a football game of 90 minutes, both sides played very conservatively, and the game was very dull.

Seeing the whistle blow, it was time to go to extra time.

And at this moment, a white-robed young player suddenly came out of the oblique stab, only to see him pass lightly, rushing all the way from the midfield, dribbling the ball and connecting several people, and finally shook the goalkeeper, shot, and the ball went in! A shocking kill!

You're about to fall asleep, but when you suddenly score a goal, you jump up from the couch and clap your hands excitedly.

Why are you so excited?

Because of foreshadowing.

After more than an hour of boredom, the sudden sparkle was really exciting.

So you're going to remember that moment, you're going to remember this young player in a white shirt, and then there's a game of him, you're going to watch it, and you want him to do that magic again, and give you the same feeling again.

But if you watch the replay the next day with the same goal screen, when you already know the result, you will have no waves, and you will not feel it at all.

Oh, the ball went in, it won.

You don't get too excited, you just make a little bit of a ripple and quickly forget about the feeling.

As for the white-robed young general, you won't even remember his name in a few days.

Because he is like "that man" who appears in the hundreds of short videos you watch every day, nothing special.

So in the future, you will naturally not chase his game, and slowly, your love and attention to this sport will decrease.

Just like this European Cup, everyone in front of the screen, in addition to Ronaldo, how many other stars can be called?

It's the same as the NBA, except for the James we are familiar with, Curry, Durant, Harden, Paul, who else?

Someone is going to say, and Tatum.

You look at him incredulously: You know Tatum too?

He smiled: A few days ago, Celtic won the championship, I saw it on Douyin hot search, and then clicked in and took two looks at his highlights......

That's all.

If you ask him what Tatum's technical characteristics are, whether he is defensive or offensive, whether he is good at offense or better at organizing tandems, he doesn't know.

This is the impact of the fragmented era.

Because it is so easy to obtain information, countless explosive content pours into our minds every day, and it seems that we read a lot of things every day, but in fact we don't remember anything.

At the end of the day, it's hard to get interested in anything.

The era of fragmentation is gradually changing our habits.

I want to change it back, ignite everyone's enthusiasm and focus on a sport again.

I pondered for a long time, and there were only two possibilities.

Another Yao Ming, or the national football team enters the World Cup?