
Prevent a rebound! Dongfeng Town continues to crack down on violations of laws and regulations of "special liquor".

author:Civilization Dongfeng

In the past few days, the Dongfeng Market Supervision Branch and the Dongfeng Town Food and Drug Administration have adhered to comprehensive policies, implemented whole-chain governance, strictly cracked down, strengthened deterrence, increased the exposure of violations of laws and regulations in the production and sale of "special liquor", and achieved phased results in the special action to crack down on the production and sale of "special liquor".

Prevent a rebound! Dongfeng Town continues to crack down on violations of laws and regulations of "special liquor".

Since the launch of the special operation, the Dongfeng Market Supervision Branch and the Town Food and Drug Administration have continued to carry out in-depth investigations on high-end restaurants, hotels, specialty restaurants, catering service providers and liquor stores that are mainly engaged in business banquets. Focusing on liquor bills, warehouses, and settlement statements, we will severely crack down on violations of laws and regulations in the manufacture and sale of counterfeit and shoddy liquor products in the name of "special supply" party and government organs and the military.

Prevent a rebound! Dongfeng Town continues to crack down on violations of laws and regulations of "special liquor".

Up to now, the town has inspected a total of 89 online and offline liquor business units. Next, Dongfeng Town will adhere to the normal long-term crackdown, prevent the recurrence, promote the normalization of offline investigation, online monitoring, law enforcement investigation and punishment, etc., and insist on hitting as soon as it emerges to prevent a rebound.

Prevent a rebound! Dongfeng Town continues to crack down on violations of laws and regulations of "special liquor".

Edit | Jiang Ting, Liu Rui first trial| Xie Yinying's second instance | Chen Feilong, Yu Lixia third trial | Liu Jia

Source | Dongfeng Market Supervision Bureau, Dongfeng Town Food and Drug Administration

Prevent a rebound! Dongfeng Town continues to crack down on violations of laws and regulations of "special liquor".