
Focus on the "five big articles" to serve the real economy

author:China Economic Times

Jiangsu Yancheng Rural Commercial Bank combines the work requirements of Jiangsu Provincial Associated Press and regulatory departments, actively gives full play to the responsibilities and responsibilities of local corporate financial institutions, earnestly does a good job in science and technology finance, green finance, inclusive finance, pension finance, and digital finance, and continuously improves the ability of finance to help the high-quality development of the real economy.

Xu Jian

In accordance with the decision-making and deployment of the Central Committee, the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and the Yancheng Municipal Party Committee on economic, financial and rural work, combined with the work requirements of the Jiangsu Provincial Association and regulatory departments, Jiangsu Yancheng Rural Commercial Bank actively plays the responsibilities and responsibilities of local corporate financial institutions, and earnestly does a good job in science and technology finance, green finance, inclusive finance, pension finance and digital finance, and continuously improves the ability of finance to help the high-quality development of the real economy.

Focus on science and technology finance and cultivate fertile soil for innovation

Consolidate the foundation for scientific and technological innovation and development. Jiangsu Yancheng Rural Commercial Bank actively implements the financial technology development plan of Jiangsu Provincial Associated Press, focuses on digital transformation, strengthens top-level design, sets up three professional teams of R&D center, data center, operation and maintenance and security center, and continuously gathers internal motivation through the financial innovation committee, information technology committee and R&D innovation agile team. Develop an online process platform to realize the large-scale centralization of self-built system processes, transform from "people looking for tasks" to "tasks looking for people", and improve the timeliness and accuracy of business processing.

Transform your technology-enabled business. First, customer service is accurate. Jiangsu Yancheng Rural Commercial Bank has successfully selected the "Financial Technology Empowerment Rural Revitalization Demonstration Project" of the People's Bank of China by using the "Sunshine E Loan" channel of Jiangsu Provincial Union to build a "Rural Household Credit Service Based on Big Data Technology" project. The second is to expand the scope of inclusiveness. Jiangsu Yancheng Rural Commercial Bank and Jiangsu United Credit Information Co., Ltd. cooperated to build the "Credit Service for Small and Micro Enterprises Based on Artificial Intelligence Technology" project, using data models to promote precision marketing to increase households and expand coverage, and innovatively developing "Yanxindan" loan products through model development, quota calculation and generation of enterprise whitelists.

Focus on green finance and practice the main responsibilities and main business

Support the development of green agriculture. Jiangsu Yancheng Rural Commercial Bank focuses on the structural reform of the agricultural supply side, vigorously guides the transformation of the agricultural industry, and takes the "inclusive finance into the village and household project" as the starting point to promote the harmonious development of inclusive finance and green agriculture, highlight rural ecological protection and resource conservation, and realize the interaction between production development, affluent life and good ecology. We will further increase the credit supply of new agricultural business entities such as family farms, large planting and breeding households, professional farmer cooperatives, and leading enterprises in agricultural industrialization, actively support the planting and breeding of green pollution-free agricultural products and native products, and innovate models such as "new agricultural business entities + upstream and downstream enterprises", "professional farmer cooperatives + rural households" and "agricultural leading enterprises + rural households".

Support the development of green emerging industries. Jiangsu Yancheng Rural Commercial Bank actively supports green emerging industries to become bigger and stronger, and helps enterprises solve financing problems by carrying out pledged loans for intellectual property rights such as the exclusive right to use registered trademarks and patent rights, and pledged loans for credit insurance policies. Actively support strategic emerging industries such as new materials, energy-saving new energy vehicles, energy-saving and environmental protection equipment, Internet technology and the Internet of Things. Through technological innovation, model innovation, environmental governance, etc., we will realize the green transformation of production methods, continuously improve the quality and efficiency of the green supply system, promote the green transformation of the industrial structure, and promote the improvement of environmental quality through the optimization of the industrial structure.

Focus on inclusive finance and support local development

Continue to do a good job in increasing the number of households and expanding the area. The first is to continue to carry out the upgrading of "whole village credit". Jiangsu Yancheng Rural Commercial Bank comprehensively promoted the quality and upgrading of small inclusive credit loans for rural households, screened intended customers in advance, and pushed intended customers to the grid account manager to improve marketing accuracy. The second is to establish a "party building + finance" work model. In order to further improve the level of inclusive financial services, Jiangsu Yancheng Rural Commercial Bank selects customer groups such as grassroots cadres in villages, new agricultural business entities and other leaders who play a leading and exemplary role in rural revitalization, further optimizes the "Huinong Tong" loan products, implements the "party building + finance" work model, further sinks service channels, and extends the reach of rural services. The third is to continue to carry out the "five visits and five increases" visits. Jiangsu Yancheng Rural Commercial Bank focuses on promoting the visits of customers who have lost in the past two years, the return visits of individual industrial and commercial households in normal operation, and the visits of customers in the provincial credit product directory, giving full play to the "backpack spirit" and "iron foot spirit" to tap more high-quality credit customer resources.

Continue to do in-depth scene customer acquisition. The first is to actively cooperate with PICC Yancheng Branch to explore the "insurance + finance" cooperation model. Jiangsu Yancheng Rural Commercial Bank obtains the agricultural insurance information of customers through quarterly interaction with the data of existing customers of both sides, and grants credit to farmers according to the amount and scale of insurance of farmers, and generates a pre-credit line of 156 million yuan for 1,279 rural households. The second is to actively cooperate with United Credit Investigation and explore the "Credit Investigation + Finance" cooperation model. Jiangsu Yancheng Rural Commercial Bank obtained 8,556 valid ID card information of individual industrial and commercial household operators by obtaining the data of individual industrial and commercial households of Jiangsu United Credit Information Co., Ltd., interacted with the bank's stock customer information, and combined with the bank's stock acquiring merchant information, combined with batch pre-credit, actively urged institutions to carry out individual industrial and commercial household visits, and pre-granted credit to 16,000 individual industrial and commercial households.

Focus on pension finance and serve the silver-haired customer group

Improve hardware facilities and enhance customer identity. Jiangsu Yancheng Rural Commercial Bank actively builds a "public welfare area for the elderly", equipped with love seats, reading glasses, magnifying glasses, first-aid kits, self-service blood pressure monitors and other items, and sets up a public welfare booth for financial knowledge promotion; Strengthen the strength of the hall to serve elderly customers, open up a special green channel for consultation, set up a love window for elderly customers, and give priority to handling business for elderly customers with special service needs; Set up a financial volunteer service team for the elderly to provide "one-to-one" specialist services for elderly customers using intelligent self-service machines; On the day of social security payment when people are concentrated, temporary seats and temporary windows will be added, and self-service equipment services will be provided for elderly customers by special personnel to shorten the waiting time in the hall.

Optimize smart devices to enhance customer experience. Jiangsu Yancheng Rural Commercial Bank's mobile banking has developed a caring version of the model for the elderly, which provides the elderly with a simple interface, font magnification, voice interaction and other age-appropriate designs, which are convenient for the elderly to experience and operate; The hall outlets arrange special personnel to provide guidance for elderly customers throughout the process, assist elderly customers to complete the operation of intelligent machines, and provide warm financial services for elderly customers; In 2023, Longgang Sub-branch and Tinghu District Sub-branch were awarded the "2023 Jiangsu Banking Industry Civilized and Standardized Service Outlets for the Elderly" issued by the Jiangsu Banking Association.

Focus on digital finance and build a smart bank

Integrate digital sources of information. Jiangsu Yancheng Rural Commercial Bank clarifies the rules for system entry elements, improves the accuracy of the system source data caused by manual entry, takes the credit system as the entry point, finds the function point of the system that lacks data verification, and grasps the "bull's nose" of data governance by improving the system function, and improves the integrity of system data. Actively cooperate with the government and Internet companies to obtain external data, integrate high-quality social resources, break down data barriers and data barriers in multiple dimensions, establish the correlation between customer factual characteristics and behavioral characteristics, enrich customer data, and improve the accuracy of customers' 360-degree global information view.

Focus on digital application scenarios. First, online credit. Jiangsu Yancheng Rural Commercial Bank has fully realized that you can complete self-service credit loans of less than 300,000 yuan through mobile banking, online banking, E-road and WeChat applets without leaving home, and small retail loans can be applied for, issued and completed paperlessly online. The second is to establish a target customer group. Jiangsu Yancheng Rural Commercial Bank customizes a series of model rules and AI algorithm model training through the credit data center, selects credit target customer groups in layers and categories, and realizes the customization and inclusiveness of all retail products according to different groups. The third is the output API interface. Jiangsu Yancheng Rural Commercial Bank customizes the screening rules according to the development prospects of the credit business, generates target customer groups, and provides value data to the peripheral systems and legal persons, so as to facilitate the downstream systems to initiate marketing tasks in a timely manner, and the legal persons can carry out special marketing according to different accurate customers.

(The author is Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and President of Jiangsu Yancheng Rural Commercial Bank)

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