
The second season of "New York Scourge".

author:Nanzhu Wushuang array forward

Unprecedented, Murderer Starring!

How did the self-righteous suspect fall into the net?

How did "favorable economic conditions + family background" create such a calm and calm perverted murderer?

Creepy real cases

It's just presented to us nakedly.


The Jinx Season 2[/b]

The second season of "New York Scourge".

6 episodes in total

"New York Disaster" is directed by Andrew Yaretzky and written by Andrew Yaretzky, Marc Smerling, and Zachary Stewart-Pontier.

is a crime suspense documentary starring Robert Dest, Andrew Yaretzky, Gary Napoli, etc., which premiered in the United States on February 8, 2015.

The second season of "New York Scourge".

If you want to talk about the origin of "New York Disaster", you have to go back to "All Good Things" released in 2010.

"All Good Things" is based on the most notorious murder mystery in New York history, and the cast is also very good, starring Gosling.

The second season of "New York Scourge".

In 1973, Robert Dest, the son of a wealthy New York real estate tycoon, married Catherine McCormack Doucet, a beautiful poor student, and the two left the city to enjoy a quiet time in the countryside.

The second season of "New York Scourge".

Everything seems to be happy, but in 1982 Catherine suddenly disappeared and could not be found. In 2000, Durst's friend Susan Berman was found dead in his home, and the disappearances of 20 years ago were reawakened, and Durst was questioned about both cases, but neither was prosecuted due to lack of evidence.

Not only that, but bizarre things happened again.

In 2001, Durst's neighbor, Maurice Black, was killed and his body was dismantled, and he was again charged on suspicion, but was acquitted after being defended by a prominent lawyer until he was tried again in 2004, and Durst was sentenced to five years in prison.

The second season of "New York Scourge".

The three bizarre cases are inextricably linked to Dest, which is why he is called the "New York Disaster".

The second season of "New York Scourge".

Not long after the movie was released, the real party Durst was not very satisfied, and the story was not restored to a high degree. So he personally called director Andrew Yaretsky and asked him to interview him.

The second season of "New York Scourge".

So there was HBO's "New York Disaster", and the response to the documentary was very good, after all, it was performed by myself.

But even more dramatically, before the final episode of the documentary aired, Durst forgot about the existence of a wireless microphone when he went to the toilet.

The second season of "New York Scourge".

He exposed himself in his self-talk: "Okay, you're caught...... What exactly did I do? Of course, (I) killed them all. ”

As a result, Durst was once again arrested by the FBI on suspicion of murder.

The second season of "New York Scourge".

This time, however, he was no longer so lucky, and the prosecution indicted him on first-degree murder charges, calling 80 witnesses and more than 300 pieces of evidence.

The second season of "New York Scourge".

The documentary, which originally described "unsolved murder cases", dramatically helped solve the case and achieved a high score of 9.1 on Douban.

If the first season was about Durst playing a game with the world, then the second season is about how he lost in what he saw as a game.

The second season of "New York Scourge".

In March 2015, the day before the end of "The Black Giants", Durst was arrested by the FBI.

The second season of "New York Scourge".

Los Angeles County Attorney John Lewin said in an interview that even senior prosecutors, relying on their instincts for many years, did not feel Dest's identity as a murderer.

The second season of "New York Scourge".
The second season of "New York Scourge".
The second season of "New York Scourge".
The second season of "New York Scourge".

Durst has been arrested and released many times in his life, and he always has two options. One is to shut up, don't say anything, say more and make more mistakes; The second is to open your mouth to explain.

And Durst chose to open his mouth every time.

The second season of "New York Scourge".
The second season of "New York Scourge".

The reason why John always likes to solve unsolved cases is because criminals always think they have won, and he likes to jump out and show evidence, as if saying to criminals, "You didn't win." ”

Dest is tantamount to this kind of criminal, challenging the law and doing whatever he wants, but deliberately exposing his flaws, playing a game of cat and mouse with everyone, and finally playing himself in......

The second season of "New York Scourge".

John has been investigating complex homicides for decades, but solving them through documentaries is unprecedented.

The second season of "New York Scourge".
The second season of "New York Scourge".
The second season of "New York Scourge".

If the first season showed us the bizarre process of solving the case, the second season sorted out the details of the case in more detail and sorted out the ins and outs of the trial process.

The program team also responded to the moral and ethical controversy left over from the first season - whether the evidence was provided to the police in a timely manner, and it turned out that the producers submitted the materials to the police as early as 2013.

The second season of "New York Scourge".

The documentary restores the truth of the matter from the perspective of many people and different perspectives.

The second season of "New York Scourge".

Durst is an out-and-out contradiction.

As the second generation of the super-rich in the United States, Durst has excellent material conditions. His Durst family has a lot of influence in New York, with assets of more than $4.4 billion, and is one of the richest families in the United States.

The second season of "New York Scourge".

But with such a family background, Durst, who should have been at ease and spent all his time, embarked on the road of crime, entered and exited the police station several times, and was deeply involved in public opinion.

The second season of "New York Scourge".

This is inseparable from his upbringing, and at the age of 7, he witnessed his mother commit suicide by jumping off a building, resulting in his withdrawn personality and difficult to communicate.

Although this claim was denied by his father, the complex image of Durst is undeniable. In the documentary, we can feel his obvious narcissistic tendencies.

The second season of "New York Scourge".

In addition, he suffers from Asperger's syndrome.

For Dest, wealth only exacerbated his depravity.

The second season of "New York Scourge".

Money can't buy a sincere relationship, but it can make a large number of people flock to it, who break the law, ignore morality, and help Durst escape the law, so that they have the opportunity to share the benefits.

The Durst case sharply points out the loopholes in the American judicial system and the ruthlessness of capital, and it can only be said that reality is always a more dramatic existence!