
In 1995, Yang Jie visited the emaciated white dragon horse, and after 2 years, the white dragon horse's bones were gone, and it was suspected that it was eaten

author:Mangguang popular science

Time flies, time flies, this is an ancient and profound emotion. Whenever we look back on the past, we will always find that the pace of time has flown in a hurry, and it has silently taken away our youth, dreams, and even those people and things that we once thought would always be with us. "Time never returns" is not only a simple description of the passage of time, but also a profound reflection on the impermanence and transience of life.

Life is a journey, and everyone is a traveler in time. From the moment we were born, we embarked on this journey from which there is no turning back. On this road, we will meet all kinds of people and experience each other

"Journey to the West", as one of the four famous Chinese novels, its TV series version occupies a pivotal position in Chinese culture. The 1986 version of "Journey to the West" was directed by director Yang Jie, which not only became a classic in the history of Chinese TV dramas, but also left an indelible mark in the hearts of hundreds of millions of viewers. Yang Jie, the first generation of female directors in New China, with her unique artistic perspective and perseverance, injected soul into this work, making it a masterpiece of art that spans the times.

In 1995, Yang Jie visited the emaciated white dragon horse, and after 2 years, the white dragon horse's bones were gone, and it was suspected that it was eaten

Director Yang Jie's artistic career is closely linked to "Journey to the West". Born in Macheng, Hubei Province in 1929, she worked as an announcer in many radio stations in her early years, and was responsible for the broadcast mission of the liberation of Jinan. Her artistic journey has not been easy, but it is these experiences that have shaped her tenacity and dedication to art. During the filming of "Journey to the West", Yang Jie faced numerous challenges, from lack of funds to technical limitations, from the safety of the actors to the conflicts within the crew, she overcame them one by one, showing extraordinary leadership and artistic talent.

The filming conditions of "Journey to the West" were extremely difficult, the crew only had one camera, and it was impossible to shoot from multiple angles, and the photographer Wang Chongqiu, that is, Yang Jie's husband, had to shoot slowly from angle to angle, which undoubtedly increased the workload of the actors and photographers. There are not many actors in the crew, and the production director Li Hongchang has played many roles in the play, and is affectionately called "the all-purpose dragon set" by netizens. During the filming, Yang Jie and the crew experienced various dangers, including Yang Jie almost falling from the mountain into the cliff, and the four masters and apprentices almost fell when filming the scene of walking through the waterfall. Due to the limited funds and the safety measures of the actors, these difficulties and challenges did not stop Yang Jie's determination to complete this work.

Yang Jie devoted all her efforts to "Journey to the West", and after the broadcast of "Journey to the West" in 1986, it immediately caused a sensation across the country, and the four masters and apprentices were enthusiastically sought after by the Chinese people. However, Yang Jie was isolated by the crew during the critical period, and the four masters and apprentices were reluctant to take Yang Jie when they went to Singapore in 1988, which completely chilled Director Yang's heart, as she said in an interview, ""Journey to the West" is an eternal knot and a pain in my heart, and I haven't seen it for ten years."

In 1995, Yang Jie visited the emaciated white dragon horse, and after 2 years, the white dragon horse's bones were gone, and it was suspected that it was eaten

Director Yang Jie's life is closely linked to "Journey to the West". She used her talent and efforts to present this classical masterpiece to the world in the form of a TV series, so that countless audiences could feel the charm of "Journey to the West" through the screen. Her contribution lies not only in her artistic achievements, but also in her inheritance and promotion of traditional culture. Director Yang Jie's life, just like the "Journey to the West" she poured her heart to, is full of legends, and her story, like "Journey to the West", will always be remembered.

The emotions between director Yang Jie and "Journey to the West" are complex and profound. She poured a lot of effort and emotion into this work, but at the same time, she also experienced various difficulties and challenges in the filming process. Director Yang Jie's emotions are complex emotions intertwined with love and pain.

In the process of filming "Journey to the West", director Yang Jie faced great difficulties. At that time, the production conditions were very difficult, the budget was tight, the equipment was poor, and the filming location was often remote and mountainous, and the conditions were very harsh. According to director Yang Jie's husband, Wang Chongqiu, who is also the cameraman of the show, recalled 9, Yang Jie was in distress several times during filming, and once even almost fell off a cliff. Despite this, director Yang Jie still persevered, and her persistent pursuit of art has never changed.

However, the difficulties in the filming process were not the only challenges faced by director Yang Jie. Within the crew, she also experienced some contradictions and conflicts. According to reports, Director Yang Jie was isolated by the crew during the critical period, and the four masters and apprentices were reluctant to take Yang Jie when they went to Singapore in 1988, which made Director Yang Jie feel very cold. She said in an interview that "Journey to the West" is an eternal knot and a pain in her heart, and she has not seen it for ten years. This complex mood reflects the bitterness and challenges behind artistic creation.

In 1995, Yang Jie visited the emaciated white dragon horse, and after 2 years, the white dragon horse's bones were gone, and it was suspected that it was eaten

Despite all the difficulties and challenges, director Yang Jie's deep affection for "Journey to the West" has never changed. Her love for this work stems from her persistent pursuit of art and respect for traditional culture. During the filming process, director Yang Jie always adhered to the principle of being loyal to the original work and being cautious about renovation, and strived to shoot a beautiful and magical, popular and elegant "Journey to the West". Her creative attitude has not only won the love of the audience, but also the respect of the industry.

Director Yang Jie's emotions are complex emotions intertwined with love and pain. Her love for "Journey to the West" made her overcome many difficulties and persist in completing this work. However, the bitterness and challenges during the filming process also brought deep trauma to her psyche. This kind of complex emotion is an unavoidable part of the process of artistic creation, and it is also an indelible part of director Yang Jie's life experience.

In general, the relationship between director Yang Jie and "Journey to the West" is a challenging and poignant artistic creation process. This journey not only shows director Yang Jie's persistent pursuit of art, but also reflects the complex emotions behind artistic creation. Despite the difficulties and challenges, director Yang Jie's emotions have always been deeply rooted in her love for "Journey to the West", and this emotion is worthy of our deep respect.

In 1995, Yang Jie visited the emaciated white dragon horse, and after 2 years, the white dragon horse's bones were gone, and it was suspected that it was eaten

White Dragon Horse, formerly known as Ao Lie, is a highly symbolic character in "Journey to the West". As the third son of Ao Yan, the Dragon King of the West Sea, the third prince of Yulong, he was sued by his biological father for setting fire to the pearl in the palace and sentenced to death. Fortunately, Guanyin Bodhisattva rescued him and was given a new mission, incarnated as the mount of Tang Seng, and accompanied Tang Seng's master and apprentice to the west to learn scriptures.

The origin of the white dragon horse is full of mythology, and the transformation of its image also reflects the transformation from divinity to humanity. In "Journey to the West", the white dragon horse is not only the mount of Tang Seng, but also an important partner of the four masters and apprentices on the road to the west. His presence facilitates the entire journey, and at the same time symbolizes loyalty and dedication. The image of the white dragon horse is calm, patient, loyal, he is tenacious, obedient to the arrangement, hard-working, hard-working, and clear-hearted.

In the play, the role of the white dragon horse is not limited to the role of foot power. At critical junctures, he will still stand up and show his heroic nature. For example, in the disaster of the Treasure Elephant Kingdom, Sun Wukong was driven away by Tang Seng, Sha Wujing was captured, Zhu Bajie fled timidly, and Tang Seng was transformed into a colorful tiger by Kui Mu Wolf. The white dragon horse took advantage of the night to turn back into the dragon's appearance, flew into the air to find the palace where the Kui Wood Wolf was, and then turned into a palace lady, to give the Kui Wood Wolf a lamp, trying to assassinate the Kui Wood Wolf, although it was unsuccessful, but its brave behavior reflected its loyalty and courage.

The title and fate of the white dragon horse are also part of its symbolic meaning. After obtaining the true scriptures, the white dragon horse turned into a golden dragon in the dragon pool behind the cliff of Lingshan, and was entangled on the pillar of the Qingtianhua watch in the mountain gate, and was named the "Eight Heavenly Dragons Guangli" Bodhisattva. This transformation is not only an affirmation of his loyalty and dedication, but also a symbol of the path from tribulation to fulfillment.

In 1995, Yang Jie visited the emaciated white dragon horse, and after 2 years, the white dragon horse's bones were gone, and it was suspected that it was eaten

The characters and symbolism of the White Dragon Horse have had a profound impact from the story to the real world. In the process of spreading "Journey to the West", the image of Bailongma has gradually become deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and has become a representative of loyalty, dedication, perseverance and other qualities. His story inspires people to stay true to their original aspirations, keep their beliefs, and move forward bravely in the face of difficulties and challenges.

The image of the white dragon horse also reflects the author's deep understanding of spiritual practice and human nature. In "Journey to the West", each character has its own unique character and destiny, and the transformation and growth of the white dragon horse is a symbol of continuous self-improvement and transcendence on the path of cultivation. His story tells us that no matter what the background, with strong faith and unremitting efforts, everyone can achieve self-redemption and spiritual sublimation.

To sum up, the role and symbolism of the white dragon horse in "Journey to the West" are multi-layered. He is not only an important companion on the road to learning, but also a symbol of loyalty and dedication, and his image and story inspire people to constantly pursue self-improvement and spiritual sublimation in real life. The image of the white dragon horse will forever remain in people's memories and become an indispensable part of "Journey to the West".

In 1995, Yang Jie visited the emaciated white dragon horse, and after 2 years, the white dragon horse's bones were gone, and it was suspected that it was eaten

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