
The ambiguous unspoken rule of men and women: "whoever takes the initiative first" will have an advantage

The ambiguous unspoken rule of men and women: "whoever takes the initiative first" will have an advantage

What a joy

2024-06-30 23:40Emotional field creators

The ambiguous unspoken rule of men and women: "whoever takes the initiative first" will have an advantage


Brave people, enjoy the world first;

And one of the qualities of bravery is initiative.

But the reality is that many people are "passive";

Wait for others to take the initiative to say hello, otherwise they won't take the initiative;

Wait for the boss to come to him, otherwise he doesn't know what to do;

Wait for others to discover their strengths, rather than taking the initiative to show their strengths.

Even in the relationship between the sexes, they are waiting for the other party to take the initiative, and if the other party does not take the initiative to find themselves, then they will not take the initiative.

This kind of passive person is a snail.

When encountering a little conflict, contradiction, or trouble, he subconsciously hides in his shell.

What is the nature of passivity?

First: laziness

Too lazy to change, too lazy to take the initiative, too lazy to manage relationships.

While envying the sweet feelings of others, he is reluctant to take the initiative to socialize at home;

While wanting to talk to the ambiguous object, he passively avoided every flirtatious signal released by the ambiguous object.

Second: Don't dare to take the initiative

Worrying about your words and deeds will magnify your shortcomings and cause others to give you a bad evaluation.

This kind of person has low self-esteem in his bones and cares too much about the feelings of others;

I often fantasize that I am bad in the eyes of others, and I feel a sense of "shame".

It is more pronounced in intimate relationships.

For example:

You meet the opposite sex you like, and take the initiative to release an "ambiguous signal";

You take the initiative to send messages, ask for warmth, take the initiative to care, and create opportunities for dating.

But your initiative is always exchanged for the other party's retreat or evasion.

Hold on for a while and your patience will be exhausted.

Are you tired?

Ambiguous with a passive (snail-type personality) person is tantamount to running 5,000 meters and being physically and mentally exhausted.

In an ambiguous relationship, the winner is always the "one who takes the initiative".

The ambiguous unspoken rule of men and women: "whoever takes the initiative first" will have an advantage


Only by taking the initiative will you have a chance.

In fact, many people fall into a misunderstanding:

"If the other party likes me, they will definitely come to me."


Even if the other party wants to take the initiative to find you, have you ever thought about a question?

When the other party was about to make a move, an ambiguous object suddenly appeared who was more active than you and had more advantages than you, did you say that he would take the initiative to find you?

Take the initiative, you may not be able to win every time;

But if you don't take the initiative, you won't get anything.

In the relationship between the sexes, passive waiting is a "privilege";

It belongs only to the beautiful, the people at the top of the pyramid, and the people with their own halo and resource attributes.

You have good looks + talent;

You have good looks + ability;

You have good looks + money;

You have good looks + emotional intelligence.


As long as you have all of the above, then you don't need to take the initiative, it's your privilege.

If you are a garden with fragrant flowers and plants, it is natural that there will be warblers, swallows, bees and butterflies close to you;

You don't even need to send out any signals, because you are standing there, and you are the "source of attraction".

For the vast majority of ordinary people, only taking the initiative can win chips and opportunities for you.

What are the benefits of taking the initiative in an ambiguous relationship?

First: it saves you time

Initiative has a time limit.

Like a person of the opposite sex, enter the ambiguous stage, you only need to test for a period of time to know whether the other party is suitable for you;

If it is not suitable, replace the next one, which can save you time and money.

What if you're always passive?

When you meet someone close to you, you will have to be sticky for a long time, and you will be stuck for a long time, which will be a drain on you.

Second: You take the initiative to advance the relationship

Since you have a crush on him and you plan to start an affair, why can't you take the initiative to start?

Is it embarrassing to take the initiative?

Is it a shame to take the initiative?

Of course not.

Since you want to start an ambiguous relationship, what difference does it make who takes the initiative? Why can't you take the initiative?

In fact, in any field, it makes sense to take the initiative.

In the workplace, socializing, and upward competition, all need to take the initiative.

If you don't take the initiative, the nobles will take the initiative to help you?

If you don't take the initiative, money and love will flow to you?

If you don't take the initiative, will pie fall from the sky?

Adults should behave in accordance with human nature and think against human nature.

Taking the initiative can help you filter out most of the people or things that are not suitable, so as to save costs for both parties.

The initiative is the game of the brave, and it is the thinking that only the strong have;

Always passive, you are always internal friction, always being manipulated.

The ambiguous unspoken rule of men and women: "whoever takes the initiative first" will have an advantage


Are you the active party?

Author He Suohuan:

Focus on the analysis of gender emotion, marriage and family, character growth, social relationships, etc., follow me to bring you more knowledge.

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  • The ambiguous unspoken rule of men and women: "whoever takes the initiative first" will have an advantage
  • The ambiguous unspoken rule of men and women: "whoever takes the initiative first" will have an advantage
  • The ambiguous unspoken rule of men and women: "whoever takes the initiative first" will have an advantage

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