
Selected Essays of Sanyuan Cup: Visit Sanyuan Museum (Essay No. 11)

author:Golden Ganzhou

Visit the Sanyuan Museum

Wang Jun

  A friend said that the Sanyuan Museum in Zhangye City was holding an essay contest and suggested that I have time to visit it. To be honest, the first time I heard about the Sanyuan Museum in Zhangye City, I found the address from their promotional poster: 100 meters east of Ganquan Park in Zhangye City.

  On the weekend, I took a car to Ganquan Park. There are many tourists at the entrance of the park, and there are special food shops on both sides of the pedestrian street, some people are sipping cold drinks on the roadside, and some are eating in the store. As I walked, I looked at the signboards along the street and looked for the Sanyuan Museum. The sun was shining brightly, and I was drowned out in the bustling crowd. When I asked passers-by, some of them said they were not locals and did not know, some said they had never heard of them, and some said they were tourists from other places......

  Just when I was at a loss, an old man with silver hair came across from me, on crutches, in good spirits. I think that with his age, he must know the location of the Sanyuan Museum. I hurriedly greeted him and asked, "Uncle, where is the Zhangye Sanyuan Museum?" He shook his head and said, "I'm here from Neijiang, Sichuan, and I'll look for the Sanyuan Museum again." We looked at each other and smiled, and I said, "Just so let's go together." He nodded, and we became "travel buddies". He said: "I admire the oriental pen Zhang Daqian, he is a native of Neijiang, Sichuan, I heard that there are many Dunhuang murals that he copied in the Sanyuan Museum, and they are all handmade wool silk, mineral pigments painted...... I listened to him talk eloquently, and I didn't know anything about this knowledge, and I couldn't help but admire him so much. Like him, it is called tourism, there is idol worship, there is the pursuit of culture, and there is a love of life. Unlike me, just because of curiosity, because of a friend's recommendation.

Selected Essays of Sanyuan Cup: Visit Sanyuan Museum (Essay No. 11)

  Before we knew it, we were at the gate of Ganquan Park again. We bought two bottles of drinks at the nearby shop and asked the owner about the location of the Sanyuan Museum. Unexpectedly, the shopkeeper was also confused, and when we were about to leave with disappointment, a little boy doing homework in the corner of the store stood up and said, "Grandpa, grandpa, you are now next to the Sanyuan Museum, and we children often visit there on weekends." With that, he ran out, stood on the steps in front of the store, pointed to the alley on the east wall of Ganquan Park and said: "Go 50 meters along this sidewalk, turn right, and you will find the Sanyuan Museum in Zhangye City." We said thank you repeatedly, it was really "fate to meet thousands of miles away, but not to meet on the other side." ”

  The alleyway is very quiet, and the weeping willow branches of the park spread out in the air, shading the sky and the sun, and it becomes a tree-lined path. We walked slowly forward, and I listened to his introduction as if I had traveled through a century.

  During the two years and seven months from 1941 to 1943, Mr. Daqian exhausted his property and led dozens of disciples and monks to Dunhuang to copy the murals in the Tibetan scripture cave. In the desert Gobi, they slept in the open air and lived an ascetic life. Relying on their love for Dunhuang culture and their dedication to art, they have overcome many difficulties and passed on the world's treasures. During this period, they received the help of Hexi celebrities and businessmen, so that this historic cultural and artistic feat could be continued and completed. Many of their works are scattered among the people, and the Sanyuan Museum of Zhangye City treasures Mr. Zhang Daqian's copy of Dunhuang murals, and I can see Mr. Zhang's true works up close, which is my life's wish.

  He spoke with sincerity, and his eyes sparkled, which couldn't help but pique my interest.

  "Isn't that the Sanyuan Museum?" I said excitedly. He turned his head in the direction of my finger, and sure enough, on the top of a building, there were several bright red characters erected - Zhangye Sanyuan Museum. We walked a few quick steps and arrived at the door. He straightened his clothes, and I dusted off my trousers, and we walked into the museum together.

Selected Essays of Sanyuan Cup: Visit Sanyuan Museum (Essay No. 11)

  The heat disappeared in an instant, and he was greeted by a beautiful and huge thangka. I was about to ask him what the pattern was, but he was standing reverently in front of the thangka, with his hands folded and his eyes closed. In this atmosphere, it seems that every sentence reveals my shallowness. I looked around and it turned out that we were standing in a huge patio. This is the center of the whole building, and on the east side of the patio, there is a red brocade hanging on it, on which is the full text of the "Diamond Sutra" written in gold letters, which looks particularly eye-catching. I thought it to myself, and this is probably the most serious thing I have done in recent years. Although I don't know the teachings, there seems to be a mysterious power that cleanses my soul.

  I looked back at him, and he was very religious, prostrating himself to the few Buddha statues on the ground, so he barely moved his position. I couldn't help but crouch down and look at the Buddha statue under the brocade of the scriptures. The Buddha statue is not damaged in the slightest, the bronze gilt statue is exquisitely crafted, the law is solemn, and it is exquisite! There are also two Buddha statues carved from the original stone on the left and right, with different forms and vividness. In addition, there are two huge porcelains, I also know what the name is, what year, I just think it is very old and beautiful. The glaze on the porcelain reflected the blurred light, and I suddenly remembered the lyrics in "Blue and White Porcelain" sung by Jay Chou: Azure is waiting for the smoke and rain, and I am waiting for you...... I stand on the patio, with a thick aura of Buddhist culture, as if I am visiting the holy land of Buddhism and bathing in the light of Buddha.

Selected Essays of Sanyuan Cup: Visit Sanyuan Museum (Essay No. 11)

  I was fascinated by him, so I went to the south exhibition hall on the first floor alone—the passionate collision of Buddhism in the east. In the exhibition hall, several statues of Bodhisattvas stand on the ground in the middle. Inside the glass cover on the four walls are the murals copied by Zhang Daqian, as well as the calligraphy and painting works of other famous artists. Although I have little knowledge of works of art, these works of art have a strong visual impact and spiritual shock to me, and I am amazed by the ingenuity of the authors, the craftsmanship of the works, and the preservation of these works in such a museum by such a good preservation. I walked out of the exhibition hall, and then browsed the east and north exhibition halls on the first floor in turn, the exhibition hall in the Northern Wei and Northern Qi stone carving Buddha statues, Zhang Daqian copied Dunhuang murals, Dunhuang Tibetan scripture cave treasures, Silk Road silk weaving culture, all made me breathtaking.

  Before I knew it, it was already 12 o'clock, and I returned to the courtyard and saw him in the exhibition hall carefully admiring the Dunhuang murals copied by Zhang Daqian. I walked up to him and took out my phone to signal him to check the time, he nodded, and walked out of the exhibition hall with me. I said, "After lunch, you can continue your visit." He nodded, as if still immersed in the atmosphere of art.

  We ate together on the pedestrian street in front of us, and he took a promotional card from the Sanyuan Museum and looked at it carefully, as if planning a route for the afternoon visit. He kept chattering, on the second and third floors, there are more than a dozen exhibition halls, fine porcelain famous wood, famous rhyme Jin Zhangye works exhibition, modern and modern famous couplets, five famous kiln porcelain, modern and modern calligraphy and painting works, a century-old master Ganzhou treasures...... is still pinching his fingers to plan, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, it is really a bluff trip.

I said goodbye to him after dinner because I had something to do in the afternoon, after all, I can visit whenever I have time. Besides, if I come and return with a good time, it is not worth my trip.

Selected Essays of Sanyuan Cup: Visit Sanyuan Museum (Essay No. 11)

Author's mailing address: Linze Pingchuan Middle School