
In the event of a war, remember to bring these 3 types of things as soon as possible, so that you can save your life at a critical moment

author:Shi Hai Zhenke Bai Xiaosheng


In recent years, the international situation has been changing, and what deserves special attention is that the Taiwan issue, as China's core interest, has recently frequently become the focus of international public opinion.

In disregard of China's strong opposition, some countries have played with fire on the Taiwan issue, seriously threatening regional peace and stability.

This not only raises concerns among the Chinese people, but also makes us have to think: if war does come, how should we respond?

In fact, as long as you are prepared in these three aspects, you can save your life at a critical moment.

In the event of a war, remember to bring these 3 types of things as soon as possible, so that you can save your life at a critical moment

Be prepared for danger in times of peace

While we all want peace to last, it is the duty of every responsible citizen to take precautions.

Imagine how our lives would change if war suddenly ignited one day.

In the event of a war, remember to bring these 3 types of things as soon as possible, so that you can save your life at a critical moment

The usual peace of life may be wiped out overnight, and it may be replaced by food shortages, water and electricity cuts, and communication outages.

In such extreme cases, the importance of cash reserves is highlighted, and while we live in a highly digital age, paper money can become the only universal medium of exchange when infrastructure is disrupted. Therefore, it is wise to keep a certain amount of cash at home.

In the event of a war, remember to bring these 3 types of things as soon as possible, so that you can save your life at a critical moment

However, while material preparation is important, mental preparation is also essential, and in the face of the fear and uncertainty of war, maintaining a calm and rational mind, as well as a spirit of mutual help with family and neighbors, can often help us to get through difficult times.

We must learn to be fully mentally prepared in peacetime and develop the ability to deal with crises.

In the event of a war, remember to bring these 3 types of things as soon as possible, so that you can save your life at a critical moment

Although it is chilling to talk about war, we must face up to this possibility, and only by fully recognizing the preciousness of peace can we cherish the peaceful life of the present even more. Only by preparing for a rainy day will we be able to respond calmly in the face of possible crises.

Survival issues

Whether it's natural disasters, social unrest or war conflicts, which can upend the order of life we are familiar with in an instant, it is not only a responsibility to know and prepare basic survival materials and skills, but also a responsibility to your family and society.

In the event of a war, remember to bring these 3 types of things as soon as possible, so that you can save your life at a critical moment

First of all, let's talk about the fundamentals of survival - food and water, in times of crisis, a stable food supply is often interrupted, and the human body cannot endure hunger for a long time, which highlights the importance of stockpiling food.

Among them, compressed biscuits are an ideal emergency food. Not only does it have a high energy density, usually containing 400-500 calories per 100 grams, which is enough to quickly replenish the energy needed by the human body; What's even more commendable is its ultra-long shelf life, which can generally reach 3-5 years, and some even up to 25 years.

In the event of a war, remember to bring these 3 types of things as soon as possible, so that you can save your life at a critical moment

This means you can store them for long periods of time without having to change them as often, and the compact biscuits are small and lightweight, making them easy to store and carry, making them ideal rations in times of crisis.

Of course, food alone is not enough, water is the key to sustaining life, and the limit of water shortage in the human body is often no more than three days.

In the event of a war, remember to bring these 3 types of things as soon as possible, so that you can save your life at a critical moment

In times of war or disaster, when tap water systems can be damaged and clean water sources become scarce, it is therefore essential to stock up on sufficient drinking water, and it is recommended to have at least 3 litres of water per person per day.

In addition to bottled water, portable water purifiers or water purification tablets are also a good choice, and at the same time, mastering some simple water purification methods, such as boiling method, solar disinfection method, etc., will also come in handy at critical moments.

In the event of a war, remember to bring these 3 types of things as soon as possible, so that you can save your life at a critical moment

When it comes to water, we have to mention the importance of table salt, although it is common for modern people to consume too much salt, but in extreme cases, salt deficiency can become a serious problem.

Table salt helps maintain electrolyte balance, prevents dehydration, and can be used as a simple food preservative, so don't forget to include some salt in your emergency supplies.

In the event of a war, remember to bring these 3 types of things as soon as possible, so that you can save your life at a critical moment

After taking care of our basic dietary needs, we also need to think about how to protect ourselves in harsh environments.

Protective measures

Keeping warm is a top priority. A good waterproof thermal jacket can save your life in cold, damp conditions, and items like sleeping bags and warm blankets should also be on your preparation list, remembering that hypothermia is one of the number one killers of survival in dangerous situations.

In the event of a war, remember to bring these 3 types of things as soon as possible, so that you can save your life at a critical moment

Darkness often exacerbates feelings of fear and helplessness, which is why reliable lighting tools are especially important in times of crisis. A strong flashlight is a good choice.

The development of modern LED technology has made flashlights brighter, more energy-efficient and more durable, and some high-end flashlights even have waterproof and drop-proof characteristics, making them ideal for use in harsh environments.

In the event of a war, remember to bring these 3 types of things as soon as possible, so that you can save your life at a critical moment

In addition to lighting, flashlights can also be used to send out distress signals, and don't forget to have enough spare batteries or opt for a rechargeable flashlight.

Just as important as a flashlight is a lighter or windproof match, fire not only provides heat and lighting, but is also used to boil water to disinfect, cook food, drive away wild animals, etc.

In the event of a war, remember to bring these 3 types of things as soon as possible, so that you can save your life at a critical moment

Modern windproof lighters have been technologically improved to reliably ignite even in strong winds, rain and snow, making them a must-have in outdoor survival gear.

Access to Information

In times of crisis, when it is important to stay connected and informed, a hand-cranked radio shows its unique value.

In the event of a war, remember to bring these 3 types of things as soon as possible, so that you can save your life at a critical moment

Even in the event of a power outage, you can get the latest news and official announcements by hand-cranking the generator, and some models also come with a phone charging function, which can be described as killing two birds with one stone.

In addition, communication tools such as walkie-talkies and satellite phones are also worth considering, as they can come in handy when conventional communication networks go down.

In the event of a war, remember to bring these 3 types of things as soon as possible, so that you can save your life at a critical moment

Safety is always a top priority, and while we hope we never have to, there are a few simple self-defense tools that may be able to keep you and your family safe in a critical moment.

For example, a multi-functional folding knife can not only be used for self-defense, but also can be used as a cutting tool, can opener and other roles in the wilderness, and anti-wolf spray is also a relatively safe and effective self-defense product.

In the event of a war, remember to bring these 3 types of things as soon as possible, so that you can save your life at a critical moment

Remember, the purpose of these tools is to protect oneself, not to actively attack others.

While preparing your supplies, don't forget to keep your important documents safe, such as passports, ID cards, birth certificates, etc., it is best to make digital copies and store them encrypted in the cloud, and keep the originals in a waterproof sealed bag.

In the event of a war, remember to bring these 3 types of things as soon as possible, so that you can save your life at a critical moment

In an emergency, these documents can be the key to proving your identity and getting help.

Finally, I would like to emphasize that material preparation is important, but psychological preparation is also indispensable, and the ability to remain calm, think rationally, and help others to help others is often the key to overcoming crises.

In the event of a war, remember to bring these 3 types of things as soon as possible, so that you can save your life at a critical moment

Learning more basic first aid knowledge, wilderness survival skills, and cultivating the psychological quality to cope with stress will play a huge role in times of crisis.

Family emergency measures (add a little more)

War can come without warning, so every family should be prepared for a rainy day and have a complete set of emergency plans in place to deal with all kinds of emergencies that may arise, which is not only a matter of personal safety, but also a sign of responsibility for the whole family.

In the event of a war, remember to bring these 3 types of things as soon as possible, so that you can save your life at a critical moment

The first step in responding to a crisis is to develop a family emergency plan, which should include emergency meeting points, escape routes, and how to contact family members. Each family member should be familiar with this plan and rehearse it regularly. That way, when a real crisis comes, everyone is able to act in an orderly manner instead of scrambling.

In the event of a war, remember to bring these 3 types of things as soon as possible, so that you can save your life at a critical moment

Staying calm and sane is crucial in a crisis, panic and panic will only make the situation worse, so it is important to develop the ability to cope with stress and learn some basic first aid knowledge and survival skills in ordinary times, which will not only boost self-confidence, but also really come in handy in times of crisis.

In the event of a war, remember to bring these 3 types of things as soon as possible, so that you can save your life at a critical moment

Adequate preparation can give us the courage and strength to face the unknown, it can not only support us materially through difficulties, but also give us a psychological sense of security, knowing that we are ready, we can face all possible situations with a more calm mind.

In the event of a war, remember to bring these 3 types of things as soon as possible, so that you can save your life at a critical moment

Finally, let's understand that home contingency plans aren't just for extreme situations. In our daily lives, it can also help us better deal with various small-scale emergencies, such as sudden power outages, bursting water pipes, etc., and with a plan and preparation, we can calmly deal with them.

In the event of a war, remember to bring these 3 types of things as soon as possible, so that you can save your life at a critical moment

In short, making a family emergency plan, preparing necessary materials, and learning relevant skills are all manifestations of responsibility to the family. It not only keeps us safe in times of crisis, but also gives us a sense of security and self-confidence in times of crisis.

In the event of a war, remember to bring these 3 types of things as soon as possible, so that you can save your life at a critical moment


Remember, we are not preparing for a disaster, but rather to appreciate the peace of life in peacetime, and at the same time to be able to cope with possible crises in stride.

We are fortunate to live in a peaceful country, but it is our duty to be vigilant and equipped to respond to all kinds of situations.

Let us cherish peace together, but at the same time prepare for possible challenges and face the possibilities of the future with a stronger and more confident attitude.

Reference:"In the event of a war, bring these 5 things as soon as possible, common sense that the people should understand!" 》