
The solution to the long beans

author:Seed bank app

1. The sowing density should not be too large, so as not to crowd the seedlings after emergence. At the same time, about 30% of the seedlings were removed from the ground cover in time.

2. Time seedlings and planting.

The solution to the long beans

3. Strengthen ventilation and light transmission, and control temperature and humidity. After the seedlings are unearthed and before planting, ventilation and light transmission should be carried out, the temperature and humidity should be reduced, and the low temperature exercise should be strengthened to control the excessive growth of the seedlings.

4. Reasonable fertilizer and water management. In the preparation of nutrient soil, we should pay attention to the amount of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, and control the amount of nitrogen fertilizer. The water and top dressing in the seedbed are strictly controlled, and nitrogen fertilizer can not be applied when top dressing is required.

The solution to the long beans

5. And time seedlings. About 20 days before planting, the seedlings are often overcrowded, and the seedlings should be moved appropriately to separate the large and small seedlings and expand the living space of a single plant.

6. Use chemicals to control the growth. Once the seedlings grow, in addition to taking the above measures, 50% chlormequat can also be sprayed with 2000~2500 times.

The solution to the long beans

The solution of the long bean is introduced here, I hope it will be helpful to everyone. If you want to buy high-quality and high-yield carob seeds, you can download the seed bank App, and the country's excellent carob varieties are available for everyone to choose.

The solution to the long beans

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