
The woman releases these signals to indicate that she and you are inseparable, don't believe it

author:Uncle Qiao
The woman releases these signals to indicate that she and you are inseparable, don't believe it

When a woman gets along with you, she is not deeply affectionate towards you, and it is often easy to "get out" from the relationship between you, when there are twists and turns in your relationship, or when you don't develop well and can't give her what she wants temporarily, a woman may say "goodbye" to you, but she leaves without looking back, not because she is affectionate, but because she has no feelings for you, so she will leave in such a dashing manner.

At this time, you don't have to think too much, just a woman who doesn't love you enough to stay away from you, and the position vacated by her departure will naturally be filled after you meet the opposite sex who really loves you.

So what kind of woman is worthy of your life? In fact, the woman releases these signals to indicate that she and you are inseparable, don't believe it!

The woman releases these signals to indicate that she and you are inseparable, don't believe it

1. After a short separation, I will chat with you on WeChat.

After the two people separated, the woman never took the initiative to contact you, did not pay attention to your situation at all, and did not care about your affairs at all.

You look for her on WeChat, you call her phone, she doesn't want to deal with you, always too lazy to reply to your messages, too lazy to answer your calls, the woman releases such a signal, indicating that there is no place for you in her heart.

A woman has real feelings for you, falls in love with you from the bottom of her heart, after separating from you, she will miss you, even if it is just a short separation, she can't control the inner thoughts, often take the initiative to chat with you on WeChat, shouting at you, a woman is so gentle, showing that she really rares you.

The woman releases these signals to indicate that she and you are inseparable, don't believe it

2. I can't let you go, so I take the initiative to come and visit you.

After a woman separates from you, she has not taken the initiative to find you, she can do nothing about your affairs, she can let go of your affairs, even if she hears from your mutual friends that you are in trouble, she is indifferent to you and does not say anything to you, the woman releases such a signal, indicating that there is no place for you in her heart.

A woman has true feelings for you, falls in love with you from the bottom of her heart, and when she can't see you, she will feel uneasy in her heart, she will not let go of you, and will often take the initiative to come over to visit you, shout at you, and bring you surprises.

Every holiday, as soon as she has time, she will ask you to meet, play ball with you, watch movies with you, and do what you want to do.

The woman releases these signals to indicate that she and you are inseparable, don't believe it

3. Like to check your post and inquire about your whereabouts.

After two people are separated, the woman is not interested in your whereabouts, what are you doing, she has no desire to explore, at the same time, she does not want you to pay too much attention to her, you inquire about her affairs, she will feel uneasy, she will feel pressure, the woman has such an instinctive reaction, it shows that there is no place for you in her heart, she does not care about you.

A woman has real feelings for you, and when she can't see you, she will miss you from the bottom of her heart.

She wants to know what you are doing, wants to know if you are doing well, she can't help but check your post, she can't help but inquire about your whereabouts, and the woman releases such a signal, which means that she really values you, don't be unaware.

The woman releases these signals to indicate that she and you are inseparable, don't believe it