
The "divine beast" is out of the cage, these things must be remembered!

author:Shanghai Fengxian

The holiday is coming, and the mythical beast is out of the cage

In order to help students further establish

The consciousness of "cherishing life, safety first".

Make sure every student spends their time

A safe, enjoyable and meaningful holiday

On the morning of June 28

Jinhui Town Siyan Primary School

carried out a lively and interesting

Summer safety publicity and education activities

Let's take a look

Summer safety education class

At eight o'clock in the morning, the students came to the school one after another, and the classroom was very lively, and everyone was exchanging what they had seen and heard recently.

In order to let the students spend a safe, healthy and meaningful summer vacation, the school explained the summer arrangements and safety education lectures to all teachers and students in the form of radio and television, emphasizing the safety priorities of water, electricity and other aspects during the summer vacation.

The "divine beast" is out of the cage, these things must be remembered!
The "divine beast" is out of the cage, these things must be remembered!

In the classroom, the teachers successively popularized safety knowledge from fire safety, traffic safety, psychological safety, food safety, personal home safety and other aspects, guided students to master more self-rescue methods and emergency response measures, and greatly enhanced the safety awareness of students.

Visit and learn in the public safety experience classroom

The "divine beast" is out of the cage, these things must be remembered!

After enriching the theoretical knowledge, the teacher also led the students to visit the school's public safety experience classroom to apply the theoretical knowledge to practice.

The "divine beast" is out of the cage, these things must be remembered!

The experience classroom covers a variety of fields, such as fire safety, traffic safety, campus safety, home safety, first aid safety, emergency evacuation, falling from height and other safety knowledge sections.

The "divine beast" is out of the cage, these things must be remembered!

The teacher introduced the types, principles and scope of application of fire extinguishers to the students in detail, focusing on the operation essentials and precautions of fire extinguishers.

The "divine beast" is out of the cage, these things must be remembered!

Subsequently, under the leadership of the teacher, the students experienced the interactive experience of multi-person practical fire extinguishing system, escape knot rope experience, safety knowledge quiz and so on.

The "divine beast" is out of the cage, these things must be remembered!
The "divine beast" is out of the cage, these things must be remembered!

Through the teacher's explanation and personal experience, the students realized that potential safety hazards are everywhere. Only by tightening the strings of safety at all times can we prevent problems before they occur.


Summer safety tips for elementary and middle school students

The "divine beast" is out of the cage, these things must be remembered!

1. Prevention of drowning incidents

1. Do not play in areas such as rivers, hydrophilic platforms, ponds, etc.

2. Do not pick up items that have fallen into rivers and other waters.

3. Do not wash your hands, feet, things, fishing, etc. by the river.

4. Do not go wild swimming in rivers, lakes and other waters.

5. Don't frolic in the pool.

6. If you find a drowning person, immediately seek adult help, and at the same time throw a lifebuoy, foam board, lifesaving rope, etc. to the drowning person, but do not blindly rescue.

2. Pay attention to traffic safety

7. Consciously abide by traffic laws and regulations, and do not violate various prohibition signs.

8. Do not ride a bicycle under the age of 12, and do not ride an electric bicycle under the age of 16. Those under the age of 12 who ride electric bicycles should wear safety helmets.

9. Don't look at your phone, listen to music, or play while walking or cycling. In case of extreme weather, dress clearly and avoid dangerous objects such as billboards, transformers, distribution boxes, and high-voltage wires.

10. Do not play at the entrance and exit of motor vehicles, on the side of the road or in the blind spot of the vehicle.

11. Consciously abide by the norms for public transportation vehicles.

12. Do not cross the railroad tracks at will, do not walk on the side of the railroad tracks, or play at the railroad crossing.

3. Pay attention to home safety

13. Don't play in bay windows or on balconies.

14. Do not touch household appliances with wet hands or a damp cloth.

15. Don't open the door to strangers.

16. Don't throw objects out of the window.

17. Regulate the use of gas equipment, knives, etc.

18. Don't play with fire, and if you find a fire, call 119 in time.

Fourth, the safe use of the Internet

19. Control the use time of electronic products such as mobile phones and computers, and do not indulge in the Internet.

20. Do not disseminate personal information of yourself, your family, or others online.

21. Do not play violence, pornography, or other online games that are harmful to physical and mental health.

22. Do not engage in cyberbullying.

23. Be cautious of making netizens and be cautious of meeting netizens. Do not participate in cash recharge, "gift" purchase, online payment and other tipping services to prevent online fraud.

24. Discoveries of network products or services that endanger physical and psychological health should be promptly complained about and reported.

5. Pay attention to travel safety

25. Do not participate in "donkey tours" or adventure tours.

26. Do not travel to areas with frequent geological disasters. In case of extreme weather, do not go to dangerous areas such as mountains and river valleys, and do not wade into the water rashly.

27. Take buses, cruise ships, airplanes and other means of transportation, and consciously fasten your seat belt.

28. When staying in the hotel, you should know the fire escape channels and safety exits in time.

29. Do not stay in places with danger signs, and do not take photos or photographs in places where photography is prohibited.

30. In case of emergencies, obey the command and respond calmly.

VI. Strengthen psychological security

31. Look at the people or things around you with a rational and peaceful mind.

32. When you feel troubled, you can solve it through exercise, communication, confiding, etc.

33. When mood swings are strong, take the initiative to seek help from parents, teachers, the 24-hour hotline of the district psychological center, or the 12355 or 962525 psychological hotline.

34. When encountering setbacks, you can use positive psychological cues to stimulate your confidence.

35. Recognize your efforts and accept the results of your exams.

36. Learn to manage your emotions and live each day happily.

7. Properly handle contradictions and disputes

37. Get along with classmates and friends.

38. Don't use swearing, foul language, sarcasm or sarcasm when chatting or playing.

39. If there is a conflict or dispute, calm down your emotions first.

40. Resolve conflicts and disputes in a civilized manner.

41. When conflicts and disputes escalate, teachers and parents should be promptly sought to intervene to resolve them.

42. If you find that you are threatening to retaliate against or injuring others to threaten to retaliate, you should report it to your teacher, parents or call 110 as soon as possible.

The holiday season has begun

Cicadas chirp and summer days are long

Safety is paramount

Dear students,

Let's raise awareness of security together!

Have a happy and peaceful summer vacation

The "divine beast" is out of the cage, these things must be remembered!