
To solve the "urgency, difficulty and expectation" of new forms of business and new employment groups, the 2.0 model of the Party and Mass Service Station in Situan Town makes this summer cooler!

author:Shanghai Fengxian
To solve the "urgency, difficulty and expectation" of new forms of business and new employment groups, the 2.0 model of the Party and Mass Service Station in Situan Town makes this summer cooler!

In order to further strengthen the party building work of new forms of business and new employment groups in Situan Town, continuously innovate and explore ways and projects to implement the party building work system of new employment groups of "connecting the United States with a new heart", actively extend and expand to new business practitioners such as truck drivers, and enhance the party's political leadership, ideological leadership, mass organization and social appeal, Situan Town carried out the summer care activities of Happy Truck, Warm Harbor and Situan Town Truck Drivers.

Focus on party building to lead and optimize the "warm new" position

Site renewal

To solve the "urgency, difficulty and expectation" of new forms of business and new employment groups, the 2.0 model of the Party and Mass Service Station in Situan Town makes this summer cooler!

The "Driver's Home" Party and Mass Service Station has been upgraded to 2.0, adding tags, blood pressure monitors, thermometers, site decorations and practical items, flexibly equipped with materials according to actual needs, and providing personalized services.

To solve the "urgency, difficulty and expectation" of new forms of business and new employment groups, the 2.0 model of the Party and Mass Service Station in Situan Town makes this summer cooler!

And initially establish a mechanism for the mobile party members of the new business and new employment groups in the four regiment towns, and place the registration book of the mobile party members, the two-dimensional code of "the identity of the mobile party members of the truck drivers and the registration of the volunteers of the four regiments" in the site, and guide the surrounding truck drivers to scan the code to participate in the use.

To solve the "urgency, difficulty and expectation" of new forms of business and new employment groups, the 2.0 model of the Party and Mass Service Station in Situan Town makes this summer cooler!

The takeaway brother's "Riding Joy" post station is also placed with a standing card to facilitate collaborative management and guide the new employment group to take the initiative to show their identity.

Warm "new" action

To solve the "urgency, difficulty and expectation" of new forms of business and new employment groups, the 2.0 model of the Party and Mass Service Station in Situan Town makes this summer cooler!
To solve the "urgency, difficulty and expectation" of new forms of business and new employment groups, the 2.0 model of the Party and Mass Service Station in Situan Town makes this summer cooler!

At the same time, the volunteers guided the truck drivers to scan the QR code card of the demand questionnaire to collect the needs of the truck drivers for working and living in the fourth regiment, so as to provide personalized resource distribution services for the truck drivers in the future.

Strengthen service guarantee and build a "warm new" platform

Let's walk healthily

Truck drivers have "doctor" to rely on

To solve the "urgency, difficulty and expectation" of new forms of business and new employment groups, the 2.0 model of the Party and Mass Service Station in Situan Town makes this summer cooler!
To solve the "urgency, difficulty and expectation" of new forms of business and new employment groups, the 2.0 model of the Party and Mass Service Station in Situan Town makes this summer cooler!

Truck drivers who transport goods all year round are sedentary, rested and sleep are reduced, and often experience cervical and lumbar spine pain. The town Party and Mass Service Center and the Ping An Community Health Service Center jointly carried out the "Walking Health Bar" service project, providing on-site blood pressure measurement, blood sugar measurement, shoulder and neck health care, and health consulting services for truck drivers, guiding truck drivers to pay more attention to their health in addition to their busy work, and distributing medical resources to the Party and Mass Service Station of truck drivers, so as to make health services "walk" to the people with practical actions.

Fun sports

Leisure and fitness deliver happiness

To solve the "urgency, difficulty and expectation" of new forms of business and new employment groups, the 2.0 model of the Party and Mass Service Station in Situan Town makes this summer cooler!
To solve the "urgency, difficulty and expectation" of new forms of business and new employment groups, the 2.0 model of the Party and Mass Service Station in Situan Town makes this summer cooler!

Carry out interesting activities such as pot throwing, wheel rolling, and rapid three-in-a-row chess to enrich the daily life of truck drivers and enhance the cohesion and centripetal force of truck drivers. The lively and pleasant atmosphere allows the truck drivers who are running around all day to relax and enhance interaction.

Adhere to the demand orientation and do the "warm new" care

Warm "new" condolences

Distribution of summer toiletries

To solve the "urgency, difficulty and expectation" of new forms of business and new employment groups, the 2.0 model of the Party and Mass Service Station in Situan Town makes this summer cooler!
To solve the "urgency, difficulty and expectation" of new forms of business and new employment groups, the 2.0 model of the Party and Mass Service Station in Situan Town makes this summer cooler!

Volunteers distributed practical and heart-warming condolences to the truck drivers, including towels, shampoo, shower gel, cooling oil, toothpaste, toothbrushes, and salt soda, to send care and care to the hearts of the truck drivers.

Grow any door

To solve the "urgency, difficulty and expectation" of new forms of business and new employment groups, the 2.0 model of the Party and Mass Service Station in Situan Town makes this summer cooler!
To solve the "urgency, difficulty and expectation" of new forms of business and new employment groups, the 2.0 model of the Party and Mass Service Station in Situan Town makes this summer cooler!

In addition, the town party and mass service center also invites the children of new forms of business and new employment families to participate in the "growth of any door" public welfare class, so that children can learn new skills, master new knowledge, meet new partners, and open up new horizons at home, enrich the spiritual and cultural life of children of new forms of business and new employment groups, improve children's hands-on ability, and build a warm "new" home for new forms of business and new employment groups.

In the next step, Situan Town will continue to focus on the actual needs of new employment groups, adhere to the "extension of tentacles" in service, "expansion of connotation" in function, and "excellence" in quality, so as to promote new forms of business and new employment groups to "help and feel at ease".

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