
Even the supporting roles are big names! Zhu Yawen's "Haitian Eagle", how hard is the "backstage"?



Recently, a number of new dramas have met the audience one after another, such as the costume drama "Yan Xinji" starring Luo Yunxi , Song Yi and others, after it was launched, the popularity continued to rise, and in less than 8 days, the number of broadcasts exceeded 200 million. and Zhao Jinmai, Zhang Linghe and others starring "The Year of China" is also particularly eye-catching, only 3 days after it was broadcast, and the popularity rushed to the top of the popularity list, and the potential is not small.

Even the supporting roles are big names! Zhu Yawen's "Haitian Eagle", how hard is the "backstage"?

However, there is also a new drama that has also attracted the attention of many audiences, especially friends who like military dramas, and it is the military drama "Haitian Eagle" focusing on the theme of China's aircraft carrier aircraft test pilots, starring Zhu Yawen, Hou Yong, Li Youbin, Du Chun, etc., mainly telling the story of the top young pilots represented by Xie Zhenyu and Yu Tao, under the leadership of Captain Qin Dadi, a meritorious pilot of the Navy, who inherited the story of the older generation's "sea and air eagle spirit".

Even the supporting roles are big names! Zhu Yawen's "Haitian Eagle", how hard is the "backstage"?

Since the broadcast of the show, the ratings have been among the best, with an opening rating of 1.87%, and the highest rating has exceeded 2%, which can be said to be another domestic drama with high ratings. And the audience's feedback is also quite impressive, the shocking big scene, all the acting skills are online, the powerful factions are gathered, and even the supporting roles are big names, how hard is the "backstage" of this military drama?

Even the supporting roles are big names! Zhu Yawen's "Haitian Eagle", how hard is the "backstage"?

Many times, a highly sought-after good drama, often the cast is bound to be a highlight, and this "Haitian Eagle" is no exception, there are too many familiar faces in the play, and many of them are not small, their outstanding performance in the play not only portrays the characters as flesh and blood, but also contributes to waves of highlights.

Let's talk about the two most dazzling supporting roles first, one is Hou Yong, who plays the captain of the test flight team Qin Dadi, and the other is Li Youbin, who plays the head of Yi Zhenbang, the former is the second male, the latter is the third male, there are many scenes, and there are a lot of rivalry scenes between them, every time I watch the performance of the two of them, they are quite enjoyable, their aura, temperament and acting skills are indistinguishable, and the sparks are constant.

Even the supporting roles are big names! Zhu Yawen's "Haitian Eagle", how hard is the "backstage"?

Let's talk about Mr. Hou Yong first, Qin Dadi played by him, originally wanted to retire from the army, but because of the new task, he had to obey the organization's arrangement and serve as the captain of the test flight team. In terms of image and temperament alone, Mr. Hou Yong is very suitable for playing the role of a soldier, and he has also created many military roles before, which has left a deep impression on people. Qin Dadi in the new drama this time is not only the captain, but also a very good pilot, and in the process of test flight, he always rushes to the front.

Even the supporting roles are big names! Zhu Yawen's "Haitian Eagle", how hard is the "backstage"?

In the play, Mr. Hou Yong is in the team, he is a soldier, and he portrays Qin Dadi's enthusiasm, loyalty, responsibility and simple kindness to the fullest, and deduces the soul. At home, he is not only a father, but also a husband and a son, he gave up his small family for everyone, and fulfilled his duties and moved forward bravely in the flying career, fully demonstrating the responsibility and feelings of a soldier.

Even the supporting roles are big names! Zhu Yawen's "Haitian Eagle", how hard is the "backstage"?

Speaking of Mr. Hou Yong, many viewers know better, he not only brought a lot of film and television works to the audience, but also had very wonderful performances in many works, and won many honors and affirmations with many works, and his acting skills have long been at the level of the emperor. Now he is a national first-class actor. The new characters portrayed in the new drama this time are obviously familiar with the performance.

Even the supporting roles are big names! Zhu Yawen's "Haitian Eagle", how hard is the "backstage"?

Let's talk about Mr. Li Youbin, who plays the role of the chief Yi Zhenbang in the play, and from the moment he appears, he gives the audience a reassurance. Just that temperament image, as soon as you stand there, it makes people look very emotional. In the play, the chief is a busy man, from large and small meetings to arranging various tasks, and then to the test flight site, we can see his figure, not only showing the audience a serious side, but also showing an intimate side, it can be said that the soldier's toughness has a tenderness.

Even the supporting roles are big names! Zhu Yawen's "Haitian Eagle", how hard is the "backstage"?

In the play, the role of the chief Yi Zhenbang makes people look awe-inspiring, as the commander-in-chief of the carrier-based aircraft test flight mission, the chief has always been hands-on, and has played the role of a patriarch in the test flight team. Whether it was day or night, even late at night, the chief always thought about doing a good job in the tasks assigned by the party, and led the team members to successfully complete the test flight task of the carrier-based aircraft.

Even the supporting roles are big names! Zhu Yawen's "Haitian Eagle", how hard is the "backstage"?

Aside from the role, when it comes to Mr. Li Youbin, many viewers are very familiar with him, and they have seen a lot of his works, although he is not very outstanding in appearance, but his acting skills are quite amazing, after all, he is a real national first-class actor. Whether it is in the field of film or film drama, he has won honors and affirmations in the industry with his works, and his reputation and prestige in the industry are also very good, so there is generally no shortage of attention for his works.

Even the supporting roles are big names! Zhu Yawen's "Haitian Eagle", how hard is the "backstage"?

In addition to the above two teachers, in the supporting cast, we can also find many familiar faces, such as Guo Guangping who plays Tao Siyong, the political commissar of the test flight team, strict self-discipline, very responsible, every time he and Hou Yong teacher move, each other's aura and acting skills are not lost to each other, and they are also conscientious in the test flight team, and they also have a strong sense of the overall situation, which is impressive.

Even the supporting roles are big names! Zhu Yawen's "Haitian Eagle", how hard is the "backstage"?

For actor Guo Guangping, he is also a powerful actor, and he is also a national first-class actor, and his acting skills have already been recognized by the industry and the audience. In the past, he has starred in many main theme works, and most of them are presented to the audience in positive roles, and he has also created the image of many tough guys. In life, he is also a soldier, so it becomes much easier to play the role of a soldier, and the political commissar portrayed in "Haitian Eagle" this time is very serious and responsible in his work, and he is portrayed very well.

Even the supporting roles are big names! Zhu Yawen's "Haitian Eagle", how hard is the "backstage"?

There is also Li Hongtao, an old drama bone who plays Zhang Tianyi, and Zong Ping, who plays Liang Hua, is also a national first-class actor, and has created many roles, although he is not well-known, his acting skills are not discounted at all. and Guo Dongwen, who plays Mr. Zhou, is also a familiar face, who has acting skills, and is also a first-class actor. Although these people are supporting roles, there are still a lot of shots, whether it is a conference site or a test flight site, you can see these appearances many times, and there are also certain lines, which are all completed naturally.

Even the supporting roles are big names! Zhu Yawen's "Haitian Eagle", how hard is the "backstage"?
Even the supporting roles are big names! Zhu Yawen's "Haitian Eagle", how hard is the "backstage"?

In addition, there are some powerful actors who do not have many scenes, but their strength is not simple, and they also contribute certain highlights in the play. For example, Wu Jingtian played by Ning Xiaozhi, Captain Wu Gang played, Captain Hou played by Hu Yajie and Captain Zhang played by Feng Guoqiang, etc., in fact, when you see these actors, you will find that they often appear in military dramas, and they are all actors with very good acting skills.

Even the supporting roles are big names! Zhu Yawen's "Haitian Eagle", how hard is the "backstage"?
Even the supporting roles are big names! Zhu Yawen's "Haitian Eagle", how hard is the "backstage"?

On the whole, the play can be said to be full of highlights, both in terms of subject matter and actor configuration, the acting skills of new and old actors are online, and there is almost no feeling of skipping scenes after chasing dramas, which makes people watch more and more. What do you think?

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