
Unabashedly Zhu Yawen: Song Jia was disgusted by his speech, and Guo Qilin was speechless unexpectedly

author:Fun facts classic stew
Unabashedly Zhu Yawen: Song Jia was disgusted by his speech, and Guo Qilin was speechless unexpectedly
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Unabashedly Zhu Yawen: Song Jia was disgusted by his speech, and Guo Qilin was speechless unexpectedly

In the audience's impression, Zhu Yawen has always been the powerful actor who created the image of a tough guy in "Red Sorghum". His masculine temperament and excellent acting skills have made him known as the "walking hormone" and have won the favor of countless fans.

Recently, however, a very different Zhu Yawen has surfaced — a sharp-tongued and misbehaved figure who is replacing the on-screen tough guy of yesteryear.

From verbal confrontations with Guo Qilin in public to ambiguous rumors with many female stars, Zhu Yawen seems to be experiencing a dramatic image transformation. The former "favorite wife model" is now frequently mired in controversy, which makes people wonder: What caused the actor's sudden "loss of control"? Is it the expansion of fame, or is it the revelation of nature? Let's uncover the mystery of Zhu Yawen and explore the true face of this actor.

Zhu Yawen's tough guy image is not accidental, but stems from his unique growth environment and life experience. Zhu Yawen, who was born in Jiangsu Province, grew up in a family full of military atmosphere since he was a child.

Unabashedly Zhu Yawen: Song Jia was disgusted by his speech, and Guo Qilin was speechless unexpectedly

His father and grandfather were both military men, while his mother was a university teacher. Such a family background has shaped Zhu Yawen's resolute and strong character, and at the same time, it has also buried some hidden dangers for his words and deeds in the future.

Receiving a strict militarized education from an early age, Zhu Yawen was taught to remain steady and have a strong sense of responsibility. This type of education cultivated his tenacity, but at the same time, it also made him appear too straightforward and even a little stubborn.

This personality trait will be both an advantage and a disadvantage in his future acting career.

Despite the serious family atmosphere, the young Zhu Yawen has a soft spot for TV shows. He often tried his best to prolong the time he watched TV, and this love of film and television eventually led him to the path of acting.

Unabashedly Zhu Yawen: Song Jia was disgusted by his speech, and Guo Qilin was speechless unexpectedly

With excellent results, Zhu Yawen was successfully admitted to the Beijing Film Academy and became classmates with Liu Yifei, Luo Jin and other well-known actors in the future.

However, Zhu Yawen, who has just entered the entertainment industry, is not all smooth sailing. He once faced the dilemma of having no drama to film, and it was not until he played the unruly Zhu Chuanwu in the TV series "Breaking through the Guandong" that he really opened a breakthrough in his acting career.

Zhu Yawen's unique tough guy temperament was fully demonstrated in this role and won the love of the audience.

Since then, Zhu Yawen has begun to firmly embark on the tough guy route. The cooperation with Ni Dahong in "Under the Zhengyang Gate" has greatly increased his popularity. But what really made Zhu Yawen famous was undoubtedly "Red Sorghum" co-starring with Zhou Xun.

Unabashedly Zhu Yawen: Song Jia was disgusted by his speech, and Guo Qilin was speechless unexpectedly

Yu Zhanao, who he played in the play, was masculine and domineering, which not only won a large number of fans, but also won the Magnolia Award.

In this way, with his own efforts and unique temperament, Zhu Yawen has transformed step by step from the son of a soldier to the image of a tough guy on the screen, which has left a deep impression on the hearts of the audience.

However, this road to fame also laid the groundwork for his words and deeds in the future, so let's continue to pay attention to how Zhu Yawen's story develops.

Zhu Yawen's "favorite wife" used to be an important part of his public image, which won him the favor of many audiences. The shaping of this image began with his love story with his wife Shen Jiani.

Unabashedly Zhu Yawen: Song Jia was disgusted by his speech, and Guo Qilin was speechless unexpectedly

The two fell in love when they collaborated on the TV series "Love in the Vast Land", and then entered the marriage hall hand in hand. In order to wholeheartedly support her husband's career, Shen Jiani resolutely chose to quit the entertainment industry, taught her husband and children at home, and gave birth to two lovely daughters for Zhu Yawen.

Zhu Yawen has expressed his deep affection for his wife in public many times. He once said affectionately: "As long as my heart beats for another day, my love for my wife will last for a day!" Such remarks allowed him to establish an image of a loyal and affectionate perfect husband in the hearts of the audience.

He also emphasized that although he is sexy, he is never abusive, saying that family values are above all else. These statements further consolidated his "favorite wife".

However, this carefully crafted image gradually collapsed in a series of events. The turning point came in 2018, when Zhu Yawen participated in the recording of the "Sound Immersion" program, and his interaction with his friend Song Jia caused controversy.

Unabashedly Zhu Yawen: Song Jia was disgusted by his speech, and Guo Qilin was speechless unexpectedly

When asked how his friendship with Song Jia was established, Zhu Yawen's answer was shocking. He said that Song Jia was reluctant to accept his invitation at first, but agreed after a night of deliberation.

As soon as these words came out, the guests at the scene were surprised.

What's even more disturbing is that Zhu Yawen went on to say that no matter who is ruined, he will feel distressed, but if it is destroyed in her (Song Jia), he can accept it calmly.

These remarks not only made Song Jia speechless on the spot, but also made the audience question Zhu Yawen's "single-minded" image. These words stand in stark contrast to his previous claim of "always maintaining a safe distance from his female colleagues."

Unabashedly Zhu Yawen: Song Jia was disgusted by his speech, and Guo Qilin was speechless unexpectedly

Subsequently, Zhu Yawen was also involved in a number of controversial incidents of interacting with women. At one point, an intimate photo of him with a certain female makeup artist attracted public attention. In the photo, Zhu Yawen hugged each other tightly without any scruples, which made people question his understanding of the "sense of proportion".

Another controversial incident occurred in Li Jiaqi's live broadcast room. Zhu Yawen suddenly took Li Jiaqi into his arms and applied lipstick to him, which made Li Jiaqi look very embarrassed and made the audience feel uncomfortable.

This series of events made Zhu Yawen's carefully shaped "favorite wife character" collapse. The public began to question whether his words and actions were true and consistent with his professed family values.

From a praised "model of favorite wife" to a controversial public figure, Zhu Yawen's image has undergone a huge transformation. This transformation not only affected his status in the public mind, but also brought a lot of challenges to his acting career.

Unabashedly Zhu Yawen: Song Jia was disgusted by his speech, and Guo Qilin was speechless unexpectedly

The 13th Youth Film Festival in 2019 became a watershed moment for Zhu Yawen's public image. At this star-studded event, Zhu Yawen showed an unexpected appearance, which surprised the audience and netizens.

On the same day, the organizer arranged a talk show performance for Zhu Yawen, originally to give the actor a stage to show his talent. However, this well-intentioned arrangement turned into an embarrassing disaster.

As soon as Zhu Yawen took the stage, he exuded strong dissatisfaction. He made no secret of his reluctance to say that he did not want to attend the festival. This attitude immediately caused discomfort in the audience.

What is even more shocking, however, is what happens next.

Unabashedly Zhu Yawen: Song Jia was disgusted by his speech, and Guo Qilin was speechless unexpectedly

Zhu Yawen suddenly set his eyes on the audience and said in a sarcastic tone: "Cross talk actors can come, why can't I come?" This sentence is undoubtedly aimed at Guo Qilin in the audience, because he is the only cross talk actor present.

This blatant provocation made the atmosphere tense in an instant.

Although Guo Qilin was surprised by this, out of politeness, he was ready to get up and respond. However, just as he picked up the microphone, Zhu Yawen immediately interrupted: "Don't don't, I don't dare to listen to you."

This rude way of interrupting not only embarrassed Guo Qilin, but also made the audience feel uncomfortable.

Unabashedly Zhu Yawen: Song Jia was disgusted by his speech, and Guo Qilin was speechless unexpectedly

However, Zhu Yawen does not seem to realize that his words have crossed the line, but have intensified. He continued: "The power of your faction is unfathomable and intimidating, and I really don't dare let you speak again! These words not only alluded to the influence of Deyun Club, but also carried obvious mockery, making Guo Qilin's face more and more ugly.

Immediately afterwards, Zhu Yawen began to allude to Guo Degang and Yu Qian, saying: "To be honest, I admire your father very much, I don't know how Uncle Yu Qian is doing?" Although these words caused a burst of laughter, the laughter was full of embarrassment and unease.

In the face of Zhu Yawen's repeated provocations, Guo Qilin finally couldn't bear it anymore. He countered: "Look, can such an actor be able to do acting work? However, Zhu Yawen still did not relent, and even openly exposed the shortcomings of Deyun Club: "I look forward to the next opportunity to invite your father to Xining, which may help improve your family's score on Douban."

These words are undoubtedly alluding to the low rating of Deyun Club's works on Douban.

Unabashedly Zhu Yawen: Song Jia was disgusted by his speech, and Guo Qilin was speechless unexpectedly

In the face of such sharp words, Guo Qilin chose to treat him politely. He said that he would definitely take his father to visit Xining next time, because everyone has a movie dream in their hearts.

This kind of decent response not only dissolves the current embarrassing atmosphere, but also highlights Guo Qilin's cultivation.

This verbal exchange finally ended with Guo Qilin's decent response, but Zhu Yawen's public image completely collapsed at this moment. His words and deeds not only make people question whether he is suitable to continue to engage in acting career, but also make people have deep doubts about his personality.

The incident became an important turning point in Zhu's career, which had a serious negative impact on his career and public image.

Unabashedly Zhu Yawen: Song Jia was disgusted by his speech, and Guo Qilin was speechless unexpectedly

Zhu Yawen's controversial words and deeds did not stop with the end of the Youth Film Festival incident. During the filming of the highly anticipated 2021 film "Above the Cliff", he once again sparked controversy for misconduct.

At that time, the crew held a birthday celebration for young actor Liu Haocun. In the candle lighting session, Zhu Yawen's behavior was uncomfortable. He suddenly hugged Liu Haocun tightly into his arms with both hands, claiming to block the candle with his palm to prevent it from going out.

This move seems very ambiguous to others and has aroused widespread doubts. It is worth noting that there was no significant wind in the room at that time, and Zhu Yawen's behavior seems to lack a reasonable explanation.

These ongoing controversies have had a significant negative impact on Zhu's career. His resources began to dwindle dramatically, and many directors shunned him.

Unabashedly Zhu Yawen: Song Jia was disgusted by his speech, and Guo Qilin was speechless unexpectedly

Even in the recently released movie "Volunteers: Heroes Attack", Zhu Yawen's acting skills still received some praise, but the film failed to attract much attention.

Zhu Yawen's career seems to be at a low point, and people can't help but worry about his future. This series of events has also triggered the public's in-depth thinking about the words and deeds of entertainers, emphasizing the importance of public figures should be cautious in their words and deeds.

Zhu Yawen's experience undoubtedly sounded the alarm for the entertainment industry. As a public figure, you should be cautious in your words and deeds, because every detail can be magnified and scrutinized.

However, we should not completely deny the talent and potential of an actor.

Unabashedly Zhu Yawen: Song Jia was disgusted by his speech, and Guo Qilin was speechless unexpectedly

Recently, Zhu Yawen seems to have realized his own problems. He began to try to transform and strive to create an image of a "warm man". Although the shift still seems a little jerky, it at least shows that he is making positive changes.

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