
No wonder Taishang Laojun wanted to help Wukong take off the hook knife, and see what Bodhi said, Laojun's color changed when he heard it

author:Academy of Literature and History

When Taishang Laojun threw Sun Wukong into the gossip furnace for exercise, why did he deliberately remove the hook knife that limited his mana?

In the sixth chapter of the original work, Erlang God led the Meishan brothers to suppress Sun Wukong and besiege Sun Wukong. Just when the two sides were inseparable, Taishang Laojun suddenly threw out a King Kong Zhuo and smashed it directly at Sun Wukong's head, Sun Wukong was caught off guard and fell on the spot. Erlang God and the Meishan brothers took the opportunity to rush up and capture Sun Wukong alive.

In view of Sun Wukong's high mana, Erlang God was worried that he would take the opportunity to escape, so he took out a sharp weapon called a hook knife and pierced Sun Wukong's pipa bone. The pipa bone is Sun Wukong's weakness, once pierced, his mana will be greatly damaged, and he will be reduced to a monkey with mediocre strength.

After capturing Sun Wukong alive, Erlang God immediately escorted him to Heaven and handed him over to the Jade Emperor for disposal. The Jade Emperor sent someone to escort Sun Wukong to the demon slaying platform and torture him to be executed. But he never expected that no matter what kind of torture Heavenly Court used, it would never be able to hurt Sun Wukong in the slightest.

No wonder Taishang Laojun wanted to help Wukong take off the hook knife, and see what Bodhi said, Laojun's color changed when he heard it

Just when the Jade Emperor was distressed, Taishang Laojun, who was watching the execution, said: "The monkey stole the elixir, and my five pots of pills, both raw and cooked, were eaten by him in his stomach and forged into a piece, so he refined the body of King Kong, and he couldn't hurt it in a hurry." It's better to hand over this monkey to Lao Dao, throw him into the gossip furnace for exercise, and refine my Dan, and he will be ashes. ”

The Jade Emperor then handed Sun Wukong over to Taishang Laojun to dispose of.

However, Taishang Laojun threw Sun Wukong into the gossip furnace, but did a puzzling thing, "That Laojun went to Tushi Palace, untied the rope of the great sage, put the instrument that pierced the pipa bone, and pushed it into the gossip furnace."

Taishang Laojun took off the hook knife on Sun Wukong's body, isn't it equivalent to helping Sun Wukong recover his mana? Once Sun Wukong recovers his mana, will he stay in the gossip furnace honestly, waiting to be refined by Taishang Laojun?

Of course not. As soon as Sun Wukong was thrown into the Bagua Furnace, he immediately hid in the Xun position of the Bagua Furnace, which was a vent and the temperature was low, but instead he was not refined, but refined into a fiery eye, and later overturned the Bagua Furnace and set off a new round of trouble in the Heavenly Palace.

No wonder Taishang Laojun wanted to help Wukong take off the hook knife, and see what Bodhi said, Laojun's color changed when he heard it

Speaking of which, everyone must be very curious, why did Taishang Laojun take off the hook knife on his body when he threw Sun Wukong into the gossip furnace? We can see the clues from the words of Patriarch Bodhi.

In the second chapter of the original work, after Sun Wukong practiced in Fangcun Mountain for seven years, the Bodhi Patriarch decided to teach him spells and asked: "Taoism has three hundred and sixty gates, and all of them have positive fruits, I don't know which one you want to learn?" ”

Bodhi Patriarch asked Sun Wukong to choose skills from the three hundred and sixty Taoist sects to learn, what does this mean? It is very likely that he is proficient in all the spells of the three hundred and sixty pong sects, otherwise if he is not proficient in one pong sect, he will not let Sun Wukong choose it like this, in case Sun Wukong chooses him, wouldn't it be very embarrassing?

The words of the Bodhi Patriarch were enough to make the Taishang Laojun change his complexion when he heard it. You must know that with all the spells of the Jingdao Family's three hundred and sixty sects, he is enough to fight with Taishang Laojun. And we know that Patriarch Bodhi is not only proficient in Taoist magic, but also has a very high attainment in Buddhism, so his strength is likely to be stronger than Taishang Laojun.

No wonder Taishang Laojun wanted to help Wukong take off the hook knife, and see what Bodhi said, Laojun's color changed when he heard it

Since the strength of the Bodhi Patriarch is stronger than that of the Taishang Laojun, and Sun Wukong, as a disciple of the Bodhi Patriarch, is deeply loved and respected by the Bodhi Patriarch, just imagine, does the Taishang Laojun dare to really refine the Sun Wukong?

Some people must say, since he didn't dare to refine Sun Wukong, why did Taishang Laojun suggest that the Jade Emperor throw Sun Wukong into the gossip furnace?

Because the Jade Emperor knew very well that the reason why the torture of the heavenly court could not hurt Sun Wukong was precisely because Sun Wukong stole the elixir. Taishang Laojun, as the owner of the elixir, should always have something to say. Therefore, he suggested throwing Sun Wukong into the gossip furnace just to deal with the Jade Emperor.

But he couldn't offend the Bodhi Patriarch, so he had to throw Sun Wukong into the gossip furnace, but he couldn't really refine him, so he helped Sun Wukong take off the hook knife and secretly helped him escape this catastrophe. What do you think?