
Qilian Reed Sea: Writing oasis poems on the edge of the desert

author:Micro tour of Gansu

Under the vast northwest sky, the Qilian Reed Sea Scenic Area, like a god-sent jade, lies quietly in the arms of Yinda Town, Suzhou District, Jiuquan City, Gansu Province, and looks at the Badain Jaran Desert affectionately. Here, it is the poetry of nature, every stroke and stroke condenses the charm of the years, and every drop of dew and every breeze tells the yearning for the distance.

Qilian Reed Sea: Writing oasis poems on the edge of the desert

Stepping into the scenic spot, the warmth and vitality of summer instantly come to your face. The sun poured on the wetland, sparkling, and the blue sky and white clouds complemented each other, as if the whole world was gently embraced by this golden light. The seas in the wetlands are dotted like stars, and they shine like sapphires set in the earth in the sunlight, shining with a charming light.

Qilian Reed Sea: Writing oasis poems on the edge of the desert
Qilian Reed Sea: Writing oasis poems on the edge of the desert
Qilian Reed Sea: Writing oasis poems on the edge of the desert

In summer, the Qilian Reed Sea Scenic Area shows its unique charm. Reeds and cattails sway in the breeze, swaying gently to the rhythm of the wind, as if offering the most moving dance for the season. The clear water reflects the blue sky and white clouds, and the fish happily weave through the water, occasionally jumping out of the water, stirring up a circle of ripples, adding a bit of life to this tranquil water. The cattails and reeds on the lakeshore rustle in the wind, intertwining with the murmur of the lake to form a moving symphony.

At the edge of the central canal, the hairy willows are verdant, and their branches sway gently in the breeze, as if telling an ancient and mysterious story. These trees, wetlands and seas complement each other, forming a picturesque and beautiful picture, which makes people intoxicated and forget to leave.

The ancient ruins of the Great Wall of the Ming Dynasty lie quietly on the south side of the scenic spot, and still stand tall after the vicissitudes of wind and rain. It has witnessed the vicissitudes of history and guarded this magical land. Standing on top of the Great Wall and overlooking the entire scenic area, you will be shocked by the beautiful scenery in front of you, as if you are in a dreamlike world.

When night falls, the Qilian Reed Sea Scenic Area shows its different charm. A little starlight and bright moonlight sprinkle on the surface of the lake, and the whole scenic area is shrouded in a mysterious and romantic atmosphere. You can take a stroll by the lake and feel the breeze of the summer night and the coolness of the lake; You can also sit on the grass, look up at the starry sky, and feel the vastness and depth of the universe. At this time, the Qilian Reed Sea Scenic Area is like a dreamy fairyland, which makes people intoxicated.

Qilian Weihai Scenic Area not only has magnificent natural scenery, but also contains profound cultural heritage. It is one of the important passages of the ancient Silk Road and a holy place for multicultural integration. Here, you can feel the boldness and tenacity of the people of Northwest China, and you can also appreciate the glory and prosperity of the ancient Silk Road. Whenever the sun sets, the Qilian Reed Sea Scenic Area will be dyed with a layer of golden afterglow, and the scenic spot at this time is more peaceful and peaceful, as if the whole world is immersed in this beauty.

Qilian Reed Sea: Writing oasis poems on the edge of the desert
Qilian Reed Sea: Writing oasis poems on the edge of the desert
Qilian Reed Sea: Writing oasis poems on the edge of the desert

Qilian Weihai Scenic Area is a beautiful poem, which attracts countless tourists with its unique natural scenery and profound cultural heritage. Whether it is full of vitality in spring, enthusiastic and unrestrained in summer, or golden in autumn and covered in silver in winter, it attracts people's attention with its unique charm.

Qilian Reed Sea Scenic Area is not only a flowing picture, but also an eternal poem. Her beauty is not only in the splendor of the four seasons, but also in the heaviness of history. May this magical land, like her name, always carry the greenery of life, and become the eternal oasis in people's hearts, the poem that will never fade.

Source: New Gansu · Gansu Peasant Daily reporter He Chengjun Cao Yong

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