
Gather the strength of committee members and actively give full play to the advantages of the Association for Science and Technology to help enterprises develop with high quality

author:Xi'an popular science
Gather the strength of committee members and actively give full play to the advantages of the Association for Science and Technology to help enterprises develop with high quality

Since the establishment of the Xi'an Association for Science and Technology Sector Committee Studio in April 2023, it has conscientiously implemented the work deployment of the Xi'an CPPCC, actively played the advantages of the sector, done a good job in the construction of the four platforms of the CPPCC, and gave full play to the four service functions of the Association for Science and Technology. Actively contact the masses and enterprises in the sector, extend the work to the grassroots level, strengthen the bridge and platform for production, education and research, give full play to the role of the members of the Association for Science and Technology as "clairvoyant, ear to the wind, and wisdom and stars", and continuously enhance the ability of members of the Association for Science and Technology to perform their duties and innovate.

Gather the strength of committee members and actively give full play to the advantages of the Association for Science and Technology to help enterprises develop with high quality

In May last year, the studio organized member enterprises of the Association for Science and Technology to carry out mutual assistance, scientific research exchanges, industrial cooperation and other activities with a number of universities and research institutes to help match industry, university and research, and promote two large manufacturing enterprises to be awarded the internship and employment base for college students, helping to solve the problem of employment of college graduates and the shortage of front-line manufacturing technical talents in enterprises. In June last year, combined with the "100 people and 100 sessions" committee members propaganda activities deployed by the Xi'an CPPCC, the studio organized and carried out the "100 people and 100 sessions" eight key work special lectures in 2023, and preached the key work of Xi'an in eight aspects to the studio members, representatives of science and technology enterprises, the masses in the sector, and the heads of relevant functional departments, etc., and explained policies and measures around the issues that science and technology enterprises are generally concerned about, encouraged participants to take the initiative to publicize, and used practical actions to help the high-quality development of Xi'an.

Gather the strength of committee members and actively give full play to the advantages of the Association for Science and Technology to help enterprises develop with high quality
Gather the strength of committee members and actively give full play to the advantages of the Association for Science and Technology to help enterprises develop with high quality
Gather the strength of committee members and actively give full play to the advantages of the Association for Science and Technology to help enterprises develop with high quality
Gather the strength of committee members and actively give full play to the advantages of the Association for Science and Technology to help enterprises develop with high quality

The new era has given the committee members a new mission, and the new mission must have new achievements. Xi'an Association for Science and Technology Sector Committee Studio this year to give full play to the role of the platform and service mission, continue to strengthen the main position and role of enterprises in scientific and technological innovation, accelerate the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, with new energy materials, hydrogen energy applications, remote sensing monitoring, ecological and environmental protection industry as the starting point, under the guidance of the Municipal Association for Science and Technology, actively lead the member enterprises of the Association for Science and Technology to go out, please come in, show advantages, make up for shortcomings in the way of cooperation to promote more scientific and technological achievements in cooperation and integration, with higher requirements to play the advantages of the sector to serve the society, It has made positive contributions to the practice of promoting Chinese-style modernization in Xi'an.


Source: Xi'an Science and Technology Workers' Home, Xi'an Aerospace Base Advanced Manufacturing Consortium Association for Science and Technology Copyright Protection Statement: Xi'an Science Popularization is a public welfare public account focusing on disseminating science and popular science knowledge, and does not participate in any commercial activities and obtain commercial benefits through the content (including text, pictures, audio, video, software, programs, etc.) collected and edited. The copyright of the content of this official account belongs to the original author, if there is any infringement, please contact and delete it in time, if you need to reprint, please indicate the source, thank you!

Gather the strength of committee members and actively give full play to the advantages of the Association for Science and Technology to help enterprises develop with high quality
Gather the strength of committee members and actively give full play to the advantages of the Association for Science and Technology to help enterprises develop with high quality