
The International Day Against Drugs is → like the state

author:Xiangzhou financial media

June 26 this year is the 37th "International Anti-Drug Day", on the same day, Xiangzhou County held an anti-drug garden party with the theme of "preventing drug abuse among teenagers and sharing a green and drug-free life" in the basketball hall of the Cultural and Sports Center, to further deepen the national anti-drug publicity and education work, and improve the awareness of the masses to recognize, prevent and reject drugs.

The International Day Against Drugs is → like the state

The scene of the event

The atmosphere of the garden party was warm, and a variety of anti-drug propaganda display boards, pictures and slogan banners were arranged, and through vivid pictures, real cases and detailed data, the harm of drugs and the importance of anti-drug work were intuitively demonstrated to the masses. In the exhibition area, drug simulation models were exhibited to let the public understand the types, characteristics and hazards of drugs. The on-site staff also distributed anti-drug proposals and anti-drug knowledge publicity materials, so that anti-drug knowledge could be more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and create a clean and harmonious drug-free social environment.

The International Day Against Drugs is → like the state

The scene of the pot throwing activity.

At the event site, three interactive games were also set up: the drug pitching operation, the anti-drug lantern riddle, and the anti-drug circle, so that the masses could learn anti-drug knowledge in a relaxed and happy atmosphere. The participants were enthusiastic and actively participated in the games, saying that through these games, they had a deeper understanding of the types, characteristics and dangers of drugs, and also strengthened their determination to stay away from drugs.

The International Day Against Drugs is → like the state

The scene of the lantern riddle guessing activity.

It is understood that on the day of the event, a total of 20 exhibition boards were set up at the venue, and more than 2,000 copies of anti-drug publicity and education-related knowledge publicity materials and small gifts were distributed.

The International Day Against Drugs is → like the state

Participants sign on the signature wall.

Chen Feng, deputy county magistrate, director of the county public security bureau and deputy director of the Narcotics Control Commission, Lan He, chief procurator of the county people's procuratorate and deputy director of the Narcotics Control Commission, and Jiang Xinyuan, president of the county people's court and deputy director of the Narcotics Control Commission, attended the event.

On the same day, the students of Xiangzhou County Central School brought a wonderful performance; The county leaders, the member units of the anti-narcotics committee, and the township leaders who participated in the activities signed the anti-drug oath board in an orderly manner.

Reporter Wen Xigui Correspondent Lu Shiyi