
"Badminton Gold Medal Coach" Tian Bingyi: Marry the Iron Lady Zhou Jihong as his wife, and now his son is his pride

author:Doudou on the past and the present
"Badminton Gold Medal Coach" Tian Bingyi: Marry the Iron Lady Zhou Jihong as his wife, and now his son is his pride
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"Badminton Gold Medal Coach" Tian Bingyi: Marry the Iron Lady Zhou Jihong as his wife, and now his son is his pride

As night fell, the national badminton team training base was still brightly lit. In a secluded corner, Tian Bingyi held his mobile phone tightly, and a gentle smile appeared on his face.

On the other end of the phone came his longing voice - his wife, the "Iron Lady" Zhou Jihong.

In 2022, the sports champion couple who have been together for 32 years have once again embarked on their respective journeys. Tian Bingyi returned to coach the national team, while Zhou Jihong continued to lead her "dream team".

Their love is like a marathon across time and space, which is both sweet and warm, but also full of challenges.

"Badminton Gold Medal Coach" Tian Bingyi: Marry the Iron Lady Zhou Jihong as his wife, and now his son is his pride

At this moment, through the telephone line, they quietly listened to each other's breathing, as if they had crossed thousands of mountains and rivers. This mundane yet special evening gives us a glimpse into the inner world of the champion couple and how they find a balance between their busy careers and their fiery love.

The 1992 Barcelona Olympics was supposed to be the highlight of Tian Bingyi's career, but it became a turning point in his life. On the eve of the match, fate played a joke on him - he was unfortunately injured.

But the stubborn Tian Bingyi did not give up easily, he chose to go into battle with an injury.

"I can't just give up, this may be my last chance." Recalling the scene at that time, Tian Bingyi's eyes still flashed with the fighting spirit of the past. In order to compete, he had to undergo six occlusive injections.

"Badminton Gold Medal Coach" Tian Bingyi: Marry the Iron Lady Zhou Jihong as his wife, and now his son is his pride

Every swing of the racket is like a struggle against your own limits, and the pain is like a shadow.

However, fate does not seem to favor the brave. Despite his great efforts, Tian Bingyi failed to make it to the finals. This result was undoubtedly a heavy blow to him.

After retiring, Tian Bingyi stood at the crossroads of his life. The lure of a high salary abroad is as tempting as a mirage, but his heart is always tied to the land of his homeland.

"I want to serve my country." He said firmly, his eyes revealing a deep attachment to the motherland.

"Badminton Gold Medal Coach" Tian Bingyi: Marry the Iron Lady Zhou Jihong as his wife, and now his son is his pride

This seemingly simple decision not only completely changed the trajectory of Tian Bingyi's life, but also planted the seeds for the rise of Chinese women's doubles on the international stage. And the most unexpected thing is that it was this decision that created an opportunity for him and Zhou Jihong to meet.

Looking back many years later, Tian Bingyi is full of emotion: "Sometimes, a seemingly failure can be a turning point on the road to greater success. His gaze softened, as if he had returned to that fateful night, "If it weren't for that injury, I probably wouldn't have met Jihong, and I wouldn't have the happy life I have today."

From the loss of the Olympic Games to the coach of the national team, and then to the marriage with the "Iron Lady" Zhou Jihong, Tian Bingyi's life has experienced ups and downs. This experience not only exercised his will, but also made him cherish every opportunity in life even more.

Today's Tian Bingyi has transformed from the high-spirited badminton player back then to a mature and stable gold medal coach. He used his own experience to explain a simple but profound truth: there is no road in vain in life, and every setback may be a turning point to success.

"Badminton Gold Medal Coach" Tian Bingyi: Marry the Iron Lady Zhou Jihong as his wife, and now his son is his pride

It is this positive and optimistic attitude towards life that has allowed him to achieve enviable results in the dual arena of career and love.

In 1963, in an ordinary family in Wuhan, Tian Bingyi, who was only nine years old, was just an ordinary child who was worried about his homework. Like other of his peers, he struggled with his heavy schoolwork and rejoiced in carefree playtime.

However, the god of fate quietly descended this year, bringing earth-shaking changes to the trajectory of this ordinary teenager's life.

"That day, I met the person who changed my life - Coach Chen Fucheng," Tian Bingyi recalled, his eyes shining with gratitude. Coach Tan has just returned from Singapore and is running around to form a badminton club.

"Badminton Gold Medal Coach" Tian Bingyi: Marry the Iron Lady Zhou Jihong as his wife, and now his son is his pride

When he saw Tian Bingyi, who was tall, light-footed and extremely flexible, he felt as if he had found an unpolished diamond.

However, this recruitment plan has not been without its challenges. "I'm the only son in the family, and my parents can't bear to see me suffer," Tian Bingyi said here, a wry smile appeared on his face, "but Coach Chen's sincerity finally touched them."

After some patient persuasion, Chen Fucheng finally took this pearl that had not yet shone into his pocket.

In this way, 11-year-old Tian Bingyi began his badminton career. In the humble Wuhan Gymnasium, he flexibly changed various steps day after day under the strict guidance of his coach.

"Badminton Gold Medal Coach" Tian Bingyi: Marry the Iron Lady Zhou Jihong as his wife, and now his son is his pride

"At that time, the training environment was very difficult, and I had to go back to the warmth of my home late at night every day," he recalled, but his eyes flashed with nostalgia, "but I found endless joy in badminton, and this happiness made me forget all the hard work."

Tian Bingyi's hard work was soon rewarded handsomely. After two years of training in provincial key classes and three years of hard work, his skills are changing with each passing day, and he finally ushered in a precious opportunity to enter the national team.

He was originally aiming for singles, but his trajectory changed because of a sentence from head coach Wang Wenjiao: "You should try doubles."

Fate favored him again. By chance, his doubles partner was unable to compete due to illness, so he temporarily partnered with Li Yongbo.

"Badminton Gold Medal Coach" Tian Bingyi: Marry the Iron Lady Zhou Jihong as his wife, and now his son is his pride

"That coordination was perfect," Tian Bingyi said excitedly, "I relied on my cool head to control the net and distribute the ball; Yongbo is responsible for the backcourt attack with his bold personality.

We are like a whole, and the tacit understanding is amazing.

Looking back, Tian Bingyi sighed deeply: "If it weren't for that chance, if it wasn't for the coach's insight, if it weren't for the support of my parents, I might never have known my talent in badminton."

This experience not only shaped his athletic career, but also influenced his coaching philosophy and family education in the future.

"Badminton Gold Medal Coach" Tian Bingyi: Marry the Iron Lady Zhou Jihong as his wife, and now his son is his pride

In 1992, at an ordinary party, Tian Bingyi, who had retired, met the most important person in his life - Zhou Jihong. At that time, Zhou Jihong was still a rookie in the diving team, and he felt unfamiliar and uncomfortable with the surrounding environment.

"I remember that she had been eating chili peppers that day," Tian Bingyi recalled with a smile, a gentle glint in her eyes, "and the familiar taste of hometown immediately caught my attention."

Zhou Jihong sprinkled the chili peppers brought by his family on the plate, and the appearance of eating them with relish made Tian Bingyi feel an inexplicable sense of intimacy.

Sensing Tian Bingyi's gaze, Zhou Jihong was a little cramped, but he still generously shared his chili powder. "At that moment, I felt like I had found the taste of home," Tian Bingyi said, "and when we chatted, we realized that we were all from Wuhan, and that sense of familiarity suddenly shortened the distance."

"Badminton Gold Medal Coach" Tian Bingyi: Marry the Iron Lady Zhou Jihong as his wife, and now his son is his pride

However, Tian Bingyi is introverted and not good at expression. Fortunately, he has a straightforward good brother Li Yongbo. "Yongbo directly asked Jihong what he thought of me," Tian Bingyi said with a smile, "I was so nervous that I was afraid that she wouldn't like it."

Unexpectedly, although Zhou Jihong blushed, he still nodded in approval. "At that moment, I felt like my heart was going to jump out," Tian Bingyi recalled, his eyes flashing with excitement.

However, as top athletes, they have to keep their feelings deep in their hearts. Both are at the peak of their careers and have to hide their inner joy in order to balance love and career.

It wasn't until Tian Bingyi retired that the two began to seriously think about the future.

"Badminton Gold Medal Coach" Tian Bingyi: Marry the Iron Lady Zhou Jihong as his wife, and now his son is his pride

In 1993, after 11 years of long-distance love, they finally entered the palace of marriage. However, the sweetness didn't last long. Life after marriage is not all smooth sailing, after retiring, Zhou Jihong once felt lost, and even questioned why he won more championships than Tian Bingyi, but he couldn't become a coach like him.

"During that time, we often quarreled," Tian Bingyi said frankly, "I was not good at words, and I always lost." At first, he felt very aggrieved, but after careful consideration, he understood the pain in his wife's heart.

Tian Bingyi did not give up. He began to quietly take on household chores and learn to cook the dishes his wife loved. "I understand the pain in her heart," he said, "and I want to tell her with my actions that I will always support her."

In 1997, Zhou Jihong was invited to serve as the leader of the Chinese diving team, and Tian Bingyi immediately brought his parents from his hometown to Beijing to take care of the children. "We often see each other for 10 days and a half months," he said, "but I know it's her dream and I have to support her."

"Badminton Gold Medal Coach" Tian Bingyi: Marry the Iron Lady Zhou Jihong as his wife, and now his son is his pride

Since the training time of the two could not be synchronized, their lives revolved almost entirely around the team. This situation has sparked speculation and rumors of discord.

But Tian Bingyi always patiently explained: "She is only strong at work, but not in life."

In Tian Bingyi's view, his willingness to be a solid support behind his wife is not a lack of enterprising spirit or a sign of weakness and incompetence, but stems from his deep understanding of "love and respect".

"We have very different personalities, but it is this difference that makes us make each other better," he said affectionately, "Jihong's strength has taught me to be strong, and my gentleness has taught her to be soft."

"Badminton Gold Medal Coach" Tian Bingyi: Marry the Iron Lady Zhou Jihong as his wife, and now his son is his pride

In 32 years of married life, Tian Bingyi and Zhou Jihong have experienced countless challenges, but they have always worked together and supported each other. Their story is not only a touching love story, but also a life model about understanding, tolerance and growth.

As a gold medal coach in the badminton world, Tian Bingyi has made remarkable achievements in athlete training. He has carefully cultivated a number of outstanding female doubles champions, including the well-known Du Jing, Yu Yang, Zhao Yunlei and Tian Qing.

However, when it comes to homeschooling, the stern coach has taken a surprisingly lenient approach.

"I had hoped that my son would be able to get into badminton," Tian Bingyi admitted, with a glint of anticipation in his eyes, "but I would have preferred that he could find his true interest."

"Badminton Gold Medal Coach" Tian Bingyi: Marry the Iron Lady Zhou Jihong as his wife, and now his son is his pride

This open-minded educational philosophy stems from his deep concern for his son's upbringing.

In 2006, fate once again showed its magic. Tian Bingyi's son, Tian Yu, was selected as a "good seedling" of golf during a winter camp in Shenzhen.

This unexpected discovery made Tian Yu have a strong interest in golf. Faced with their son's choice, Tian Bingyi and his wife did not forcibly stop them, but after repeated discussions, they finally decided to respect their son's wishes.

"We gave him three years," Tian recalled, with a hint of reluctance in his tone, "and let him receive systematic golf training in Shenzhen and Australia."

"Badminton Gold Medal Coach" Tian Bingyi: Marry the Iron Lady Zhou Jihong as his wife, and now his son is his pride

This decision means that the time for the family to reunite has become more and more precious, but Tian Bingyi and Zhou Jihong both understand that this is for the sake of their son's future.

In 2009, an unexpected scene emerged. At a charity invitational tournament, father and son met in the arena. "Although we didn't communicate much," Tian Bingyi recalled, his eyes shining with pride, "but I saw his tenacity, and at that moment, I knew he was going to make a difference."

Time flies, and now the 28-year-old Tian Yu has not only improved his golf skills by leaps and bounds, but also found his dream job in the bustling capital of Beijing. This is undoubtedly one of the things that Tian Bingyi and Zhou Jihong are most proud of and gratifying.

"Watching my son grow up and find his own direction in life is what Jihong and I are most pleased about," Tian Bingyi said, with a happy smile on his face. This gratification is not only due to the achievements of the son, but also from the correct choice of the two couples in terms of education.

"Badminton Gold Medal Coach" Tian Bingyi: Marry the Iron Lady Zhou Jihong as his wife, and now his son is his pride

Tian Bingyi's concept of family education reflects his respect for his children's independent personality and the importance he attaches to personal interests. This open-minded attitude not only allowed his son to find his own direction in life, but also allowed this champion family to maintain a harmonious atmosphere.

Tian Bingyi used his actions to interpret a simple but profound truth: true love is not a bondage, but a wings to fly.

The years are like a song, Tian Bingyi and Zhou Jihong have walked hand in hand for 32 spring and autumn periods. In 2022, the champion couple once again embarked on their respective journeys. Tian Bingyi returned to coach the national team and passed on his rich experience to the new generation of badminton players.

And Zhou Jihong used her signature iron-fisted means to build the Chinese diving team into a "dream team" that attracted the attention of the world.

"Badminton Gold Medal Coach" Tian Bingyi: Marry the Iron Lady Zhou Jihong as his wife, and now his son is his pride

Despite their busy schedules, the two maintain a deep relationship. "We may only talk on the phone once in ten days and a half months," Mr. Tian said, with tenderness in his eyes, "but every time I hear her voice, I feel relieved."

This long-term long-distance situation did not weaken their relationship, but made the two cherish each other more.

In Tian Bingyi's view, the true meaning of marriage lies in mutual understanding and support. "We have very different personalities, but it is this difference that makes us make each other better," he said affectionately, "Jihong's strength has taught me to be strong, and my gentleness has taught her to be soft."

Today's Tian Bingyi is not only a gold medal coach in the badminton world, but also a happy husband and proud father.

"Badminton Gold Medal Coach" Tian Bingyi: Marry the Iron Lady Zhou Jihong as his wife, and now his son is his pride

The story of Tian Bingyi and Zhou Jihong illustrates a simple and profound truth: true love is not a mutual replacement, but a mutual achievement. They use their own experience to tell us that even if they are in different arenas, as long as there is love in their hearts, they can compose a moving music of life together.

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