
Tianbing Technology Co., Ltd.: State-owned or private? When was it founded and what is the background? What is your main business?

author:Great discoveries of knowledge

#天兵科技通报 "Rocket falls and catches fire"#

A very popular company - Beijing Tianbing Technology Co., Ltd. Many people may have heard of this company, but many people may not know exactly what it does, whether it is a state-owned enterprise, and when it was established.

Tianbing Technology Co., Ltd.: State-owned or private? When was it founded and what is the background? What is your main business?

Is Tianbing Technology Co., Ltd. a state-owned enterprise or a private enterprise?

Tianbing Technology Co., Ltd. is not a state-owned enterprise, but a private enterprise. Although the name sounds lofty, as if it has a national background, it is actually a privately invested and operated company. So, don't be misled by its name.

Tianbing Technology Co., Ltd.: State-owned or private? When was it founded and what is the background? What is your main business?
Tianbing Technology Co., Ltd.: State-owned or private? When was it founded and what is the background? What is your main business?

When was this company founded?

Tianbing Technology Co., Ltd. is a company that has been around for some years. It was founded on June 15, 2015, and it has been several years now. At that time, the global commercial aerospace field represented by Musk of the United States was surging, and we also had our own "Starlink", and Tianbing Technology came into being in this context. They saw the great potential of space technology and decided to devote themselves to this field to get a piece of the pie.

Tianbing Technology Co., Ltd.: State-owned or private? When was it founded and what is the background? What is your main business?

What does Tianbing Technology Co., Ltd. do?

This company is mainly engaged in aerospace-related technology research and development and services. For example, they will develop spacecraft and components, launch vehicles, space engines, etc., and will also do technology transfer and consulting services. Put simply, they will figure out how to make rockets better, safer, cheaper, and then they will tell others how to do it. The scope of this business is quite extensive!

Tianbing Technology Co., Ltd.: State-owned or private? When was it founded and what is the background? What is your main business?
Tianbing Technology Co., Ltd.: State-owned or private? When was it founded and what is the background? What is your main business?

In addition to these, Tianbing Technology will also provide technical services for space launch and space transportation. Do you know? Launching a rocket is a technical task, and there are many factors to consider, such as weather, orbit, safety, and so on. And Tianbing Technology is one of the companies that specializes in providing this kind of technical services!

Tianbing Technology Co., Ltd.: State-owned or private? When was it founded and what is the background? What is your main business?

Of course, the sale of spacecraft and ancillary equipment, launch vehicles, etc. is also one of their businesses. After all, after researching so many good things, you have to sell them to make money! Therefore, Tianbing Technology Co., Ltd. is actually a company specializing in aerospace technology research and development, service and sales!

How is Tianbing Technology doing?

The development of Tianbing Technology, that's really a thumbs up! They have achieved a lot in recent years. For example, they have completed more than 1.5 billion yuan in new financing in the C+ round, which is a big deal! It shows that investors are very optimistic about their development prospects!

Tianbing Technology Co., Ltd.: State-owned or private? When was it founded and what is the background? What is your main business?

Moreover, they are also actively promoting the first flight of the Tianlong-3 liquid launch vehicle, which is a highlight! If they succeed, their position in the aerospace field will be even more secure!

Tianbing Technology Co., Ltd.: State-owned or private? When was it founded and what is the background? What is your main business?
Tianbing Technology Co., Ltd.: State-owned or private? When was it founded and what is the background? What is your main business?

Tianbing Technology Co., Ltd., although it is not a state-owned enterprise, but it is still developing very well! If you are interested, you can learn more about this company! Maybe you'll find out more interesting secrets!

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