
If you don't encounter rain, how can you know that the moon is good

author:A scorching fire essay

"After the rain, how can you know that the bright moon is good", this concise and profound sentence is like a spiritual light of wisdom, illuminating the direction of our progress on the road of life. It contains profound philosophies that are worth pondering and savoring.

The road of life is not always smooth sailing and sunny. Just as the sky will be overcast and the road will be bumpy, we will inevitably encounter all kinds of setbacks and difficulties. These setbacks are like the continuous rain, bringing haze and dampness to our lives, leaving us feeling lost, miserable and helpless. However, it is in these difficult times that we have the opportunity to sharpen our will and discover the strength within ourselves.

If you don't encounter rain, how can you know that the moon is good

Mencius once said: "Heaven will descend on the people, and they must first suffer their minds, strain their muscles and bones, starve their bodies and skins, empty their bodies, and act chaotically. "Those great people have all achieved brilliant careers after going through many hardships. For example, Confucius, who traveled all over the world and encountered walls everywhere in his life, always adhered to his ideals, and eventually became a thinker who influenced thousands of generations. Another example is Sima Qian, who was tortured by the palace because of the disaster of Li Ling, which was such a shame and pain, but he endured the humiliation, wrote a book with anger, and completed the "Historical Records", which is known as "the swan song of the historian, the "Lisao" without rhyme". As Rabindranath Tagore said, "Only by going through hellish trials can we develop the power to create heaven; Only a bleeding finger can pop out the sound of the world. ”

When we are in adversity, like being in the rain, we tend to feel hopeless and frustrated. But if we can persevere and face the difficulties bravely, we will find that these setbacks are actually the catalyst for our growth. They have taught us to be strong, to cherish and to understand that success is not easy to come by. Just as the edge of the sword is sharpened, the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold. Only by experiencing the baptism of wind and rain can we be more resilient and more mature.

"If you lose your horse, you don't know if you are blessed", temporary setbacks and failures do not mean eternal misfortune. Sometimes, at the same time as you lose, you also gain. For example, failing an exam may make us realize the shortcomings of our study methods, so that we can work harder to improve, and ultimately achieve better results in the future. A setback in the relationship may make us know more about how to love and how to cherish the happiness that truly belongs to us. As Su Shi said: "Life is like a reverse journey, and I am also a pedestrian." "In this uncertain journey of life, setbacks are only temporary.

If you don't encounter rain, how can you know that the moon is good

In the journey of life, we can't only see the rain in front of us, but ignore the bright moon after the rain. Know that there is no eternal darkness and no endless suffering. As long as we have hope and firm faith, we will be able to walk through the wind and rain and usher in the beautiful moonlight. "There will be times when the wind and waves will be long, and the clouds will sail into the sea." When we encounter difficulties, we must have such heroism and self-confidence as Li Bai, and believe that we can finally break through the haze and sail to the other side of success.

"Thousands of blows are still strong, and the wind is blowing from east to west, north and south." Life is like a symphony, with low notes and rousing melodies. The rain is part of it, and so is the bright moon. Only by experiencing the low wind and rain can we more deeply appreciate the beauty of the bright moon; Only by persevering in the darkness can we truly feel the warmth and strength of the light when it comes.

If you don't encounter rain, how can you know that the moon is good

Let's be brave enough to face the setbacks and difficulties in life, not to complain, not to give up. Because we know that after the rain, there will be a bright moon. On the stage of life, write your own wonderful chapter with tenacity and wisdom, let every setback become a ladder to success, and let every bright moon illuminate our way forward.

The philosophical phrase "After the rain, how can you know that the bright moon is good" reminds us to face the ups and downs of life with a positive attitude. Firm faith in the wind and rain, and be grateful for life under the bright moon. In this way, we can gain more wisdom and growth in this life journey full of challenges and opportunities, and realize our life value.