
16 years after the official announcement, 51-year-old Chen Huilin only used one trick to tear off the "fig leaf" of the star in the entertainment industry

author:History of Wholesale
The information in this article comes from Yangcheng Evening News 2009-07-15 "Chen Huilin still wants to give birth to a daughter to make up "good"? 》; Yangtze Evening News 2008-10-20 "Chen Huilin's Luxury Wedding Exposed, Warm and Touching for 16 Years of Love (Photos)"; Beijing News 2011-03-12 "Chen Huilin Aborted Twin Daughters" and other official media news, but in order to improve the readability of the article, the details may be polished, please read sensibly, for reference only!


Big waves, small waist, tight skin, amazing hair volume, how good can a 51-year-old beauty star maintain? When fans met Chen Huilin shopping in the mall, they sighed that the pig-killing knife was really not so fair.

16 years after the official announcement, 51-year-old Chen Huilin only used one trick to tear off the "fig leaf" of the star in the entertainment industry

If it is said that relying on dressing up can barely make up for the age gap caused by the growth of time, but Chen Huilin's face looks no different from when she first debuted, you must know that this is a super long span of 29 years.

16 years after the official announcement, 51-year-old Chen Huilin only used one trick to tear off the "fig leaf" of the star in the entertainment industry

And some actresses even choose to be infertile for life in order to maintain their appearance and body shape, but Chen Huilin has experienced childbirth, miscarriage, and rebirth, and can still maintain her current figure, no wonder some fans say that she is being chased by God to enjoy food.

16 years after the official announcement, 51-year-old Chen Huilin only used one trick to tear off the "fig leaf" of the star in the entertainment industry

It's not bad to say this, she was born with a golden spoon in her mouth, and she became popular as soon as she debuted, she was in a relationship for 16 years, and she married her first love for the first time, no matter what way you want to look at it, she is a proper winner in life.

16 years after the official announcement, 51-year-old Chen Huilin only used one trick to tear off the "fig leaf" of the star in the entertainment industry

But who would have thought that behind the glamorous look, there is a regret that cannot be made up for in a lifetime.

A typical representative of "rich daughters"?

Some people say that the reason why Chen Huilin can still maintain the state of a girl at the age of 51 is completely the result of being "rich" in a wealthy family environment, which is a foundation created by the family, and it is also based on self-confidence in her own superior conditions.

16 years after the official announcement, 51-year-old Chen Huilin only used one trick to tear off the "fig leaf" of the star in the entertainment industry

For the post-80s and 90s, compared with Chen Huilin, who became a radiant star as soon as she debuted, her deep family background is more worthy of being talked about by everyone, after all, the name "Princess Lin" did not appear for no reason.

16 years after the official announcement, 51-year-old Chen Huilin only used one trick to tear off the "fig leaf" of the star in the entertainment industry

Chan's family controls Hong Kong's largest jewellery brand, which means that since birth, Chan has been labeled as a "rich daughter", maybe she doesn't understand what this means, but it is undeniable that she has encountered much less distress since she was a child than ordinary people.

16 years after the official announcement, 51-year-old Chen Huilin only used one trick to tear off the "fig leaf" of the star in the entertainment industry

"Buy it if you like it!" This is the words that Chen Huilin heard the most when she was a child. While many of her peers are still thinking about whether to save a month's living expenses just to buy a bag, Chen Huilin has already lived a life of "buying, buying, buying".

16 years after the official announcement, 51-year-old Chen Huilin only used one trick to tear off the "fig leaf" of the star in the entertainment industry

After all, in the eyes of many people, rich ladies, how to be happy, so many people have prejudices against rich women, saying that they are selfish, mean, and extravagant, and it seems that once they develop an attitude of "arrogant and lascivious" life, they will definitely be criticized.

16 years after the official announcement, 51-year-old Chen Huilin only used one trick to tear off the "fig leaf" of the star in the entertainment industry

But Chen Huilin's life is not as smooth sailing as everyone thinks, especially when he was 16 years old, the divorce of his parents made her always have an infinite yearning for a complete family, which is one of the reasons why she dared to enter the marriage hall after 16 years of love with her first love.

16 years after the official announcement, 51-year-old Chen Huilin only used one trick to tear off the "fig leaf" of the star in the entertainment industry

Living in a wealthy family environment, Chen Huilin is very traditional in other aspects except for her likes to buy things, especially in learning, she almost does not need to be supervised by her parents, and she is good enough.

16 years after the official announcement, 51-year-old Chen Huilin only used one trick to tear off the "fig leaf" of the star in the entertainment industry

Perhaps because her family is engaged in the jewelry business, Chen Huilin hopes to contribute to the family in the future, so she chose the "design" major, and was admitted to Parsons School of Design in New York with excellent grades.

16 years after the official announcement, 51-year-old Chen Huilin only used one trick to tear off the "fig leaf" of the star in the entertainment industry

If Chen Huilin's excellence so far is the result of "rich daughter", then entering the entertainment industry has nothing to do with her status as a rich daughter.

Intentionally planting flowers does not bloom, and unintentionally planting willows and willows into the shade

In 1994, Chen Huilin returned to Hong Kong from the United States, at this time she wanted to apply for a design or advertising agency for a period of internship, but the company took a fancy to her excellent external conditions, did not agree to her employment application, but recommended her to be a model.

16 years after the official announcement, 51-year-old Chen Huilin only used one trick to tear off the "fig leaf" of the star in the entertainment industry

After that, she naturally filmed two commercials, the company valued her potential, and let her participate in the recording of Jacky Cheung's MV, but was discovered by art director Xi Zhongwen, under his introduction, Chen Huilin met the agent Zhong Zhen, but she didn't expect the other party to be very optimistic about her, and soon took her to sign a contract with Zhengdong Records.

16 years after the official announcement, 51-year-old Chen Huilin only used one trick to tear off the "fig leaf" of the star in the entertainment industry

For the mixed entertainment industry, excellent appearance conditions are just a start, whether you can get mixed in this industry depends on talent and hard work, and it is obvious that there is no shortage of Chen Huilin.

16 years after the official announcement, 51-year-old Chen Huilin only used one trick to tear off the "fig leaf" of the star in the entertainment industry

The purpose of the record company to sign a newcomer is to bring benefits, so after observation and training, the company created two albums for Chen Huilin in 1995, which can be regarded as a stepping stone for her to step into the entertainment industry.

16 years after the official announcement, 51-year-old Chen Huilin only used one trick to tear off the "fig leaf" of the star in the entertainment industry

The Hong Kong entertainment industry in the 90s has not yet begun to decline, and it is very difficult to stand out from a group of powerful opponents, so in the first two years, Chen Huilin's fame can only be described as a small fight.

16 years after the official announcement, 51-year-old Chen Huilin only used one trick to tear off the "fig leaf" of the star in the entertainment industry

Fortunately, in 1997, the company's tailor-made album "Love Me Don't Love" for her was launched, and she became an upstart in the music industry with the title song "Notepad", and in 2001, "It's Better to Dance" made her voice all over the streets.

16 years after the official announcement, 51-year-old Chen Huilin only used one trick to tear off the "fig leaf" of the star in the entertainment industry

It is said that in the whirlpool of the entertainment industry, how can a good-looking actress not have scandals? Maybe they also want to find some lace news, but Chen Huilin doesn't give them the slightest chance, with a deep background, she actually just treats singing and acting as an ordinary job, after all, even if she doesn't do anything, she can enjoy life comfortably at home.

16 years after the official announcement, 51-year-old Chen Huilin only used one trick to tear off the "fig leaf" of the star in the entertainment industry

Perhaps it is precisely because of the lack of motivation for this kind of competition, so most of the time Chen Huilin prefers to choose the state of "lying flat", and she has always been kind to the staff around her, and many stars who have worked with her say that people with a temperament like her are really rare in the entertainment industry.

16 years after the official announcement, 51-year-old Chen Huilin only used one trick to tear off the "fig leaf" of the star in the entertainment industry

It wasn't until 2008 that Chen Huilin's "big melon" finally hit fans, but this "melon" was exposed by herself, and she said with tears in her eyes on the concert stage: "Everyone, I'm getting married!" ”

The end of 16 years of love supercar

Because of the influence of her parents' divorce, Chen Huilin has always been very cautious about her relationship, and it was not until she was 20 years old that she met her first boyfriend Liu Jianhao when she was studying in the United States.

16 years after the official announcement, 51-year-old Chen Huilin only used one trick to tear off the "fig leaf" of the star in the entertainment industry

At that time, the family situation that was able to go to the United States to study was generally good, in fact, Liu Jianhao was indeed a rich second generation, although the family background may not be as good as Chen Huilin's family background, but it is not much worse.

16 years after the official announcement, 51-year-old Chen Huilin only used one trick to tear off the "fig leaf" of the star in the entertainment industry

I used to hear that boyfriends and girlfriends who fell in love abroad would definitely break up when they returned to China, but the relationship between Chen Huilin and Liu Jianhao drifted back to Hong Kong from the other side of the ocean.

16 years after the official announcement, 51-year-old Chen Huilin only used one trick to tear off the "fig leaf" of the star in the entertainment industry

Liu Jianhao is not worried about Chen Huilin's involvement in the entertainment industry, even if he knows that the entertainment industry is a mixed place, and many artists and even actresses are stuck in the "quagmire" and cannot get out, but he has absolute trust in his girlfriend.

16 years after the official announcement, 51-year-old Chen Huilin only used one trick to tear off the "fig leaf" of the star in the entertainment industry

Every time I perform a concert, I can always see Liu Jianhao cheering for his girlfriend offstage, isn't this kind of "you make trouble on stage, I laugh off the stage" feeling that many girls yearn for very much?

16 years after the official announcement, 51-year-old Chen Huilin only used one trick to tear off the "fig leaf" of the star in the entertainment industry

For Chen Huilin, her boyfriend's support is the greatest comfort, but due to the impact of her parents' failed marriage, she still didn't dare to take that step bravely, so it wasn't until 16 years later, when she eliminated the deepest mustard in her heart, that she could finally shout loudly: "I'm getting married!" ”

16 years after the official announcement, 51-year-old Chen Huilin only used one trick to tear off the "fig leaf" of the star in the entertainment industry

The wedding is very grand, it is the wedding that many girls yearn for, but for Chen Huilin, who has a wealthy family since childhood, she doesn't care about these, what she cares about is that after being with her boyfriend for 16 years, he can still treat herself as if she first saw her, which is enough, and other added value, in front of this precious relationship, it is really not a big deal.

16 years after the official announcement, 51-year-old Chen Huilin only used one trick to tear off the "fig leaf" of the star in the entertainment industry

The married life is still happy, and her husband still supports Chen Huilin to continue her career, but she wants to enter the next stage of her life.

Life's biggest regret

Chen Huilin was 36 years old when the two got married, and for her, it was perfect to be a mother, so in the second year after marriage, the two came with good news.

16 years after the official announcement, 51-year-old Chen Huilin only used one trick to tear off the "fig leaf" of the star in the entertainment industry

After giving birth to her son, Chen Huilin was not satisfied, she felt that life should have both children and daughters, so the "human creation plan" never stopped, and two years later, the good news came again - pregnant twin daughters.

16 years after the official announcement, 51-year-old Chen Huilin only used one trick to tear off the "fig leaf" of the star in the entertainment industry

It was originally a cause for celebration, but it was unfortunately miscarried in the 5th month of pregnancy, and in the face of physical pain, the psychological pain came even more intensely.

16 years after the official announcement, 51-year-old Chen Huilin only used one trick to tear off the "fig leaf" of the star in the entertainment industry

Everyone thinks that after this experience, Chen Huilin should not have any more children, who would have thought that at the age of 40, she would be pregnant again, this time it is still a baby boy, but fortunately, the child was finally born safely, which finally brought the greatest comfort to her wounded heart.

16 years after the official announcement, 51-year-old Chen Huilin only used one trick to tear off the "fig leaf" of the star in the entertainment industry

At this time, Liu Jianhao finally breathed a sigh of relief, he was really afraid that his wife would never be able to get out of the shadow of losing her child, but fortunately, everything was in the past.

16 years after the official announcement, 51-year-old Chen Huilin only used one trick to tear off the "fig leaf" of the star in the entertainment industry

With two children, she began to return her focus to the family, she is such a person who understands, what kind of things to do at what age, this kind of freedom should be innate, and for children, she also has her own set of education methods.

16 years after the official announcement, 51-year-old Chen Huilin only used one trick to tear off the "fig leaf" of the star in the entertainment industry

Outside of life, Chen Huilin is very keen on public welfare, but she always pays silently, building schools, treating diseases, and funding poor college students, as long as there is a need, she will spare no effort to help, it is reported that her annual expenses for public welfare and charity will not be less than one million.

16 years after the official announcement, 51-year-old Chen Huilin only used one trick to tear off the "fig leaf" of the star in the entertainment industry

As a mother, she loves public welfare so much, and the two children are naturally deeply affected, and they often follow Chen Huilin to participate in various volunteer activities, which is a rare experience for them as rich children, maybe Chen Huilin wants to continue her public welfare behavior in this way.

16 years after the official announcement, 51-year-old Chen Huilin only used one trick to tear off the "fig leaf" of the star in the entertainment industry

Look at the ugly stars in the entertainment industry, Yang Mi was once deeply involved in the "fraudulent donation" turmoil, and Ruby Lin relied on the "red carpet" to rub the popularity of public welfare, but she has always advocated not pulling out a dime, such behavior is not uncommon in the entertainment industry, compared with them, Chen Huilin has really achieved what it means to practice herself.

16 years after the official announcement, 51-year-old Chen Huilin only used one trick to tear off the "fig leaf" of the star in the entertainment industry

It is this kind of silent dedication that gives her the title of "female version of Gu Tianle", as for these, she no longer cares, she only hopes that her children can have a charitable heart in the future.


Today's Chen Huilin is almost 52 years old, although she occasionally appears in front of the public, but she can't see that her face has been carved by the years.

16 years after the official announcement, 51-year-old Chen Huilin only used one trick to tear off the "fig leaf" of the star in the entertainment industry

Can you say that her life is smooth sailing, but she has also suffered a lot of setbacks, and she can always maintain this state, in addition to being described as natural beauty, it can only be said to be a kind blessing.

16 years after the official announcement, 51-year-old Chen Huilin only used one trick to tear off the "fig leaf" of the star in the entertainment industry
16 years after the official announcement, 51-year-old Chen Huilin only used one trick to tear off the "fig leaf" of the star in the entertainment industry
16 years after the official announcement, 51-year-old Chen Huilin only used one trick to tear off the "fig leaf" of the star in the entertainment industry

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