
Why did the Japanese soldiers use seppuku to express their loyalty? Aren't they afraid of pain?

author:Pure water is like a heart


In many anti-Japanese war TV dramas, we can almost see Japanese officers who were either ordered by their bosses to cut themselves after the defeat of the war, or they felt that they really lost the dignity of the Imperial Japanese Army, and they had nothing to love, so they chose to commit suicide by caesarean section. When they committed suicide, not only did they not feel any sadness and pain, but they made the people around them feel that he was embarking on another glorious life path, and that process seemed to be very glorious.

Why did the Japanese soldiers use seppuku to express their loyalty? Aren't they afraid of pain?

This seems to give us a question: suicide is suicide, something that can be done with a bullet, but why would they end their lives in such a painful way? Aren't they afraid of pain? Why did they choose this way to die?

Anyone who knows a little bit of physiological knowledge knows that the human abdomen does not have an organ that kills immediately, that is, the abdomen is not a vital part of the human body, and whether it is hit by a bullet or pulled open by a sharp blade, it will not die immediately. Moreover, the abdominal nerve is relatively concentrated, and after being cut by the blade, it must be a very uncomfortable and painful process. So, why did the Japanese samurai choose this way of suicide to end their lives? Moreover, I am afraid that there are only Japanese samurai in the world who can interpret this method of suicide by caesarean section into a culture.

It is said that the first person to seppuku among the Japanese samurai was named Fujiwara Yoshi. This is an event that happened in 989 A.D.

Why did the Japanese soldiers use seppuku to express their loyalty? Aren't they afraid of pain?

After the emperor moved the capital to Kyoto in the late 8th century, the Fujiwara family relied on countless political strategies to manipulate the Japanese imperial family for about 300 years. The patriarch of the Fujiwara family, whether in the court or in the opposition, can influence the court.

In 989 A.D., the Fujiwara family produced a heinous villain, his name was Fujiwara Yoshi. During the day, he was a well-dressed nobleman and polite, but at night, he turned into a thief who did all kinds of evil, doing all kinds of bad things, harassing the streets and alleys of Kyoto. Because of his strong martial arts and cunning, it took a long time for Kyoto to catch him before he finally figured out his details and true face.

One night, Fujiwara Yoshishi returned from another evil act. He made a careful tour of his yard inside and outside to make sure there were no anomalies, and he dodged over the wall.

However, he didn't know that not far behind him, there were three samurai, that is, Kyoto's catchers, trailing behind. They finally identified him and his home address and prepared to arrest him.

Why did the Japanese soldiers use seppuku to express their loyalty? Aren't they afraid of pain?

After the second half of the night, Kyoto's catchers and local garrison officers and soldiers surrounded Fujiwara's residence. However, to the surprise of the officers and soldiers, just as they were about to arrest Fujiwara, the Fujiwara house was brightly lit and the house was wide open.

When the arrester and a large number of officers and soldiers poured into the house, they saw a different kind of strange scene.

I saw this innocent Fujiwara Yoshihiro sitting cross-legged in the hall, with his chest and abdomen exposed, and a snow-bright sword crossed his knees, and he was leisurely blowing a flute. The sound of the flute was melodious and desolate, and no one knew what kind of tune he was playing. Fujiwara Yoshinori apparently knew that the catcher and the officers and soldiers had surrounded his mansion. He was clearly ready for everything, and subconsciously seemed to have been waiting for this day for a long time.

Why did the Japanese soldiers use seppuku to express their loyalty? Aren't they afraid of pain?

The officers and soldiers gathered around the hall and looked at Fujiwara strangely, ready to see what he would do next.

After the song was played, Fujiwara Yoshinori leisurely put down the flute in his hand, and then raised the sword, the tip of which was pointed at his abdomen.

Just in front of the eyes of these fast arresters and officers and soldiers, they saw Fujiwara Yoshishi insert the knife into his abdomen hard, and then cut the abdomen one by one, and then picked out the internal organs with the tip of the knife and threw them at the surrounding officers and soldiers, and after a pause for a moment, he leaned forward and fell to the ground and died.

Fujiwara Yoshi's method of death at that time may have been just to pursue the horror of death, to prove in front of the public that he was not afraid of pain at all, let alone afraid of death.

Why did the Japanese soldiers use seppuku to express their loyalty? Aren't they afraid of pain?

However, perhaps this evil-doer Fujiwara Yoshinori would never have imagined that his method of seppuku suicide, hundreds of years after his death, would become the noblest way of suicide in Japanese bushido. Therefore, Fujiwara Yoshinori has also become a model of Japanese samurai who is not afraid of death and is generous, and his death process has become a compulsory subject for every Japanese samurai. In other words, every samurai looked forward to the day when he could commit suicide by cutting open his abdomen, as Fujiwara had done, and receive "eternal life" in a solemn ceremony.

It is said that this perverted way of suicide caused a sensation in Kyoto, Japan at that time, and even in the whole of Japan, and it actually led a trend of the times.

Why did the Japanese soldiers use seppuku to express their loyalty? Aren't they afraid of pain?

Most samurai in Japan considered this method of death to be particularly shocking, with a sense of grandeur and solemnity, as well as a sense of solemnity in religious rituals, which only the truly brave could truly do. As a result, Fujiwara's actions began to be emulated by most Japanese. In the Kamakura period of Japan, due to the frequent wars, this practice of disembowelment suicide became widespread, and defeated or captured samurai would choose to commit suicide by disembowelment to apologize for their sins.

The popular method at the time was said to be called "Tochichi-cut". The specific method of this suicide is to use a dagger-length sword to cut a cross-shaped knife in the stomach of one's stomach, let the internal organs flow out slowly, and finally let the blood on one's body flow to death.

We can often see in many materials, or in anti-Japanese war dramas, that many Japanese officers of a certain level often carry two knives, a long knife and a short knife. The long knife is called "hitting", and the short knife is called "wakisa". The long sword was mainly used in combat and fighting, and the short sword was also used as a weapon for combat and fighting, but more often it was used as a tool for samurai to commit suicide after defeat.

In the Japanese spirit of bushido, the act of "seppuku" is considered an honorable rendition. Although seppuku is very painful, in fact, this pain is also deliberately created.

In general, seppuku seppuku makes a one-touch incision in his abdomen. Because it was too terrible to remove the internal organs by himself, the method of seppuku was finally modified and changed to the seppuku being slashed by himself. After the first cut in the abdomen, a friend or trusted retainer immediately refills the slash and cut off the head of the seppuku. This kind of person who comes to take on the act of mending the knife is called a mistake, and it is considered a great honor to serve as a person who is wrong. Because the person who serves as the person who makes the mistake is usually the closest person to the person who commits suicide by seppuku.

Why did the Japanese soldiers use seppuku to express their loyalty? Aren't they afraid of pain?

The prevalence of samurai disembowelment began after the Kamakura shogunate, and the vast majority of those who were disemboweled, or disemboweled, were blamed for losing their positions, or were disemboweled before being captured. This continued until the Warring States period. After the opening of Edo, social rule was relatively stable, and the disembowelment of martyrdom and the "disembowelment" as a punishment gradually became the mainstream. Although the shogunate strictly forbade martyrdom, it was unable to stop this historic trend.

As for why the disembowelment was chosen as the noblest way of death for samurai, many countries and nations in ancient times believed that the human soul was lodged in the belly; Therefore, when it was necessary for the samurai to reveal their souls to the outside world, they resorted to the method and ritual of disemboweling their souls to show the public. According to relevant historical records, in order to maintain the appearance and demeanor of suicide, men commit suicide by caesarean section with their knees crossed or kneel, and women who commit caesarean section will tie their legs.

The first person about the Japanese committing suicide by caesarean section is, of course, Fujiwara. So when did it become popular, it is generally believed that after the Heian period, it is generally believed that Minamoto Yutomo was the first person to follow Fujiwara Yoshi's example and commit suicide by caesarean section.

Minamoto is a military commander at the end of the Heian period of Japan, commonly known as "Zhennishi Hachiro". The eighth son of Gen Yoshi, the pillar of the Hanoi Gen clan, is the younger brother of Gen Yoshitomo and the uncle of Gen Yorito. He is said to be seven feet tall and has great jackal arms, his two arms are not usually long, and his left hand is four inches longer than his right, so he is suitable for bowing and archery. During his lifetime, he liked to use a strong bow and a crossbow, and he was also a fast rate of fire, and he was the most famous archer in Japan at that time.

In addition to the Tale of Hogen, a military monogatari that recorded his active role in the Hogen War, and the official history book of the early Kamakura period, Azuma Kagami, which mentions his bravery, his deeds are also recorded in the official history of the Ryukyu Kingdom, such as Nakayama Seken and Tsubaki Tsuki Tsuki, the official history of the Ryukyu Kingdom.

In feudal Japan, if a samurai was given death by a sovereign, disembowelment was regarded as the most honorable way to die compared to pure beheading. It was not until the Edo period that the caesarean section was able to form a complex ritual that was refined and assisted by intersections. From the Warring States period to the early Edo period, the caesarean section would cut the shape of a cross directly into the abdomen without the help of the wrong person, and the internal organs would burst and flow out until they died of excessive blood loss. This laparotomy method is called "ten-character cut". Modern medicine generally believes that by the time the blade reaches the internal organs, the person who has been disemboweled. The last person to commit suicide using the ten-character method was Admiral Nogi Noshinori in 1912.

Noshinori was a Japanese army general (general) and an active promoter of Japan's militarist expansionist policy.

Noshinori was born on November 11, 1849 in Yamaguchi Prefecture. In his early years, he studied under the famous feudal scholar Tamaki Fuminojin of the Choshu Domain. He graduated from the Army Non-commissioned Officer School in 1871 and served in Army units and staff. In 1875, he was appointed commander of the 14th Infantry Regiment of Kokura. In 1877, he participated in the suppression of the Satsuma Domain rebellion. In 1878, he was appointed commander of the 1st Regiment of Tokyo Zhentai.

During the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, Nogi Noshinori served as the commander of the infantry brigade, and in 1895 he was promoted to division commander and sent to Taiwan as governor. Retired from military service in 1900-1904. After the outbreak of the Russo-Japanese War, he returned to the military. In 1904, he was appointed commander of the 3rd Army, which played a decisive role in the capture of the fortress of Arthur and the engagement near Mukden. In 1906, he was appointed military senator to the emperor and president of Gakushuin. On July 30, 1912, Emperor Meiji died, and Nogi and his wife committed suicide by caesarean section to bury Emperor Meiji.

At the end of World War II, Japanese Army General Anami ended himself by seppuku, but he died in great pain, becoming the first Japanese high-ranking general to self-determine by seppuku after the war, which shows how deeply rooted the spirit of bushido is in the hearts of the Japanese.

Why did the Japanese soldiers use seppuku to express their loyalty? Aren't they afraid of pain?

The laparotomy ritual process with the help of the wrong person is as follows:

The disembowelment suicide was dressed in a dignified garment, and the sword used for disembowelment was placed directly in front of him. The knife can be padded with a special cloth. Samurai would prepare for death, such as writing waka called the Verse of Death. When he and his assistant were fully prepared, the disembowelee would uncover the kimono he was wearing, pick up his sword, and stab himself in the abdomen. The laparotomy first makes a left-to-right incision, followed by a second incision slightly upwards to allow the intestines to overflow.

When the suicide made a second cut in his abdomen, the person who helped next to him grabbed the suicide's head and swung the knife to cut the suicide's neck. However, this chopping action is not particularly fast, because it is necessary to ensure that the head of the suicide victim is still adhered to the neck, and the head and neck cannot be completely separated. Since this knife is very precise, it is required that the person who intersects the wrong person must be a master of swordsmanship. The caesarean will discuss in advance with the person who intersected the decapitation when the decapitation would be completed.

Of course, there are also some seppuku suicide people, who use a fan or wooden knife instead of a knife for seppuku, as a formal seppuku, but in fact, the real suicide seppuku is killed by the wrong person. This type of seppuku is called a fan cut. The person who intersected the victim is usually a relative or friend of the person who committed suicide by caesarean section. If a samurai loses but loses gloriously, his opponent may voluntarily act as a mediator in honor of his courage.

The types of laparotomy mainly include the following 12 conditions:

The war bears defeat, (such as Hisamasa Asai).

Accountability: Responsibility for negligence.

Sacrifice: Sacrifice your own life to save the lives of your subordinates or colleagues (e.g. Soharu Shimizu).

Admonishment: In order to advise the lord (e.g. Hisho Masahide).

Honor: Died to save his face.

First abdomen: Embark on the road of death before the lord.

Chasing the abdomen: the righteous abdomen in order to fulfill the morality and righteousness.

On belly: To establish a reputation.

Shang belly: To bring favors to the family and future generations.

Abdomen without thoughts: Abdomen that drinks tears of remorse.

Indignant: Disembowelment indignant at the sin of nothingness.

Death: A punishment for samurai (e.g. Takizenzaburo).

The motive for automatic seppuku is more complicated, in addition to avenging the master and seppuku and dying, there are those who blame seppuku, and there are those who admonish seppuku; There are those who are defeated and do not yield seppuku, there are those who have unsuccessful ambitions, life is worse than death and seppuku, and so on. Whoever automatically cuts his abdomen, there is no 'wrong person' to help. Therefore, when we watched many anti-Japanese war film and television dramas, the Japanese soldiers committed suicide in defeat, and the whole process was done by themselves, without the help of others.

Most seppuku patients use the following methods:

In the first way, force a cross-cut in the abdomen from left to right; Then from the bottom to the top, cut straight to become a cross shape, reaching the heart for the degree.

The second way is to make a horizontal cut in the abdomen and immediately cut your throat.

In the third way, after making a horizontal cut in the abdomen, immediately stab the tip of the knife upwards towards your heart, and then pull it down to form a cross shape.

Why did the Japanese soldiers use seppuku to express their loyalty? Aren't they afraid of pain?

The seppuku knows that such a death will cause endless physical suffering, but they must always hold back the pain and actively achieve their goal. When you are dying, you should keep a clear and clear will and follow the rituals one by one.

First, the corpse should not be tilted, but should only prostrate itself forward in the direction of the knife, and not fall backwards. If you fall on your back to the sky, you are considered out of order. It's a shame.

Second, there should be no wrinkles in the knife marks on the abdomen. If there are folds, it means that the suicide is not determined to die, and he is a little hesitant to go under the knife. As a descendant of a samurai, this is a shameful thing.

Third, the knees must be closed, if they are released, it means that the cultivation is not enough.

Finally, suicide weapons must be properly placed and not left to be scattered. It seems that the seppuku is not only strong-willed to seek death, stubborn in etiquette, but also able to transcend the concept of life and death, and really deserves the title of 'tough guy'.

In addition, there is a legend that in the Edo period, when a high-ranking samurai was given seppuku, it was not necessary to actually disembowel it, but often the seppuku man's hand had just picked up the wakicha short knife, and the person standing next to him cut off the head of the suicide with a single sword, which was called "mimic belly". This means that someone is helping you kill yourself.

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