
A farmer marries a foreign bride 10 years younger?

author:Tao Wen

Due to a variety of problems, there are quite a few singles on the mainland, especially in rural areas.

The problem of singles is a big problem for rural families.

As a result, some people have invested in foreign countries, especially those countries in Southeast Asia.

It is undeniable that some newlyweds from Southeast Asia have indeed lived a life with sincerity and sincerity after coming to the mainland, and have solved many problems of rural singles.

However, some transnational marriages seem to have the shadow of crime.

Recently, CCTV's "First-line" program revealed a transnational fraud scam dressed in the cloak of transnational marriage, which was shocking after watching.

A farmer marries a foreign bride 10 years younger?

Because of this new type of scam, it is actually integrated into the words and routines of boxers and little fairies, not to mention rural singles, even urban youths once they encounter it, I am afraid it will be difficult to escape bad luck.

Fu Gang, an old rural bachelor in his 40s, was introduced a few years ago and met Ruan Azhen, a Southeast Asian woman surnamed Ruan Ah Zhen, who was 10 years younger than him, and was most likely Vietnamese.

Fu Gang, who has been a bachelor for more than 20 years, saw that he could marry such a good wife, so he quickly paid a bride price and married Ruan Azhen, a foreign woman surnamed Ruan.

A year later, the foreign newlywed Ruan Azhen also gave birth to a child for Fu Gang. All this, in the eyes of outsiders, Fu Gang's life is really good, he is middle-aged, he actually married such a young wife, gave birth to children, and achieved happiness in life.

A farmer marries a foreign bride 10 years younger?

Ruan Azhen also posted videos on social media, all of which were about her very happy life as a foreigner newlywed in rural China.

It's a pity that happiness is just an illusion that outsiders can see, and it is also an illusion deliberately created by a foreign woman surnamed Ruan.

A farmer marries a foreign bride 10 years younger?

Because at home, the foreign woman surnamed Ruan has a violent personality, scolding as soon as she opens her mouth, stretching out her hand to beat, and abusing her at will. Moreover, the power of the family, especially the financial power, is controlled by her alone.

In order to maintain his hard-won home, Fu Gang was obedient to this foreign newlywed, and he was resigned, for fear that she would run to her parents' house in anger and not come back.

Ruan Azhen also lives a big life and likes to enjoy, which makes Fu Gang feel that he is unable to support her. So Ruan Azhen became even more inflexible and scolded Fu Gang for being incompetent.

However, Fu Gang couldn't have imagined that all of this was actually the trick of his foreign wife Ruan Azhenbu.

A farmer marries a foreign bride 10 years younger?

Because next, Ruan Azhen began to get to the point.

Nguyen told Fu Gang that she wanted to introduce young girls from her Vietnamese hometown to Fu Gang's village, and she would collect a fee from them.

Because of the illusion of harmony between husband and wife and family happiness created by her, she is very attractive to the older singles in the village, and she has long come to ask Ruan Azhen to be a matchmaker, and she can also marry a foreigner newlywed like Ruan Azhen.

So Ruan Azhen said that she would introduce the girls from her hometown to these singles as wives, so those families with older singles have no resistance at all.

A farmer marries a foreign bride 10 years younger?

Of course, if you want to marry Ruan Azhen's maiden woman, you have to pay the price, that is, you have to pay the "bride price" in advance, and this "bride price" must be handed over to Ruan Azhen first.

What Ruan Azhen did even more absolutely was to ask Fu Gang to write a letter of guarantee, and all the "foreign-related marriages" introduced by Ruan Azhen would be borne by Fu Gang alone.

When Fu Gang saw it, he felt that it was abnormal, so he didn't write, but he was beaten by Ruan Azhen with a wooden stick, and directly broke Fu Gang's fingers. Afterwards, Ruan Azhen beat Fu Gang as soon as she lost her temper, and kicked Fu Gang out of the house and prevented Fu Gang from sleeping at home.

A farmer marries a foreign bride 10 years younger?

In the end, Fu Gang had no choice but to give in and write a letter of guarantee according to Ruan Azhen's request.

A farmer marries a foreign bride 10 years younger?

Everything needed was ready, and Ruan Ah Zhen began the harvest, bringing foreign brides and receiving about 5 high bride prices.

And within a month after the foreign bride got married, Ruan Azhen took these foreign newlyweds and ran away.

Those peasants who were deceived and lost their money came to Fu Gang with a letter of guarantee and demanded to repay the money.

However, Fu Gang's wife also ran away, where did he find the money to pay it back!

In the end, Fu Gang was sentenced for participating in this fraud crime.

A farmer marries a foreign bride 10 years younger?

According to the police and prosecutors who handled this case, this kind of fraud crime under the guise of transnational marriage has been found in most provinces and autonomous regions in the mainland, such as Guangdong, Fujian, Anhui, and Jiangxi, and most of them are in rural areas.

A farmer marries a foreign bride 10 years younger?

The fraud criminal gang saw the psychology of the elderly bachelors in the rural areas who had no choice and were eager to get married, and cooperated with foreign women to form a one-stop mode of recruitment, transit, transportation, and trafficking, and using cross-border marriage fraud.

A farmer marries a foreign bride 10 years younger?