
What is the meaning of "one person raises one side of water and soil"?

author:Eagle Pupil World

These days, there is always news about the torrential rains in the southern provinces of the country, which have flooded many urban areas. Due to the vast land area of China, there are "world differences" in meteorology, humanities and environment.

What is the meaning of "one person raises one side of water and soil"?

China has a vast land area▲

I once heard a "joke about a person" who was depressed, and his Shanghai friends and Guangdong friends replied completely differently.

The former is a literary and artistic person, recommending yoga and watching the sea in a foreign manner, giving himself a "moment" to communicate with nature, and the latter's answer is short and powerful: "heavy moisture". At that time, I laughed at the post, and because the description of the characters of the people in the two places was too simple and rude, the stereotype was deepened.

Speaking of "heavy humidity", the author has a deep experience, has an intuitive and deep impression of the local climate, and can understand why the compatriots in Guangdong Province are always worried about "dampness". In May, Jiangnan is still cloudy and sunny, warm and cold, but Lingnan is already a summer scenery. Not to mention the sudden entry into more than 30 degrees Celsius at the time of departure, and the "one-stop" experience of rainfall, sunrise, and humidity and heat in the local area, I really felt "damp".

What is the meaning of "one person raises one side of water and soil"?

Gangnam Mayday"

and the locals Kan Dashan, they said that "back to Nantian" is difficult, the indoor walls are watery, the food is hairy, and "Xiaoqiang" is infested.

A returnee scholar I know had to leave Guangzhou and return to the United States to find a job due to persistent eczema. In the middle of spring, Guangzhou's eyes are full of stout-looking large-leaved green trees, and the tip of the nose lingers with the faint fragrance of early laurel and white orchids. The vegetation is luxuriant, and the mosquitoes are arrogant, and they are bitten outside the house in a moment. The two red envelopes on the back of the hand went home two weeks before the swelling completely subsided.

But there are two sides to the story. Winters in the subtropics seem to be better than elsewhere. It is no wonder that people across the country are willing to come south for a holiday during the Spring Festival, and many people from the Northeast buy houses locally. Also, this climate is a return to the basics. I heard that those who came to apply in well-dressed and three-piece suits learned to clip flip-flops and wear old man's shirts in a few days, and swaggered through the market. Without him, seek comfort. It can be seen that the external environment, including the climate, affects the way of life, which also shapes the personality of individuals and groups.

What is the meaning of "one person raises one side of water and soil"?

Winters in the subtropics seem to be better than elsewhere▲

Yesterday I visited Johannesburg's No. 1 "Chinatown" in South Africa. Suddenly heard the local sound, the familiar melody: "Three points are destined, seven points depend on hard work, and love to fight will win." "Of course, the singing is in Hokkien.

This is a song sung by Ye Qitian and lyrics by Chen Baitan called "Love Fights to Win", and this voice naturally brings me back to the long years. The first time I listened to this song was in the 80s of the last century, when a music video was played in the living room of the neighbor's house, the door was opened, tables and chairs were set up, and people came to sit casually. Sit on the bench and listen to the "life is comparable to the waves of the sea, sometimes rising and sometimes falling." Good luck, bad luck, why do you have to do it according to the work", although I was still young at that time, I also felt that it was very reasonable, especially the metaphor of the sea of life, which is closer to the seaside style of southern Fujian. In southern Fujian, this song is a household name, and almost no one knows about the complex of love to fight to win.

What is the meaning of "one person raises one side of water and soil"?

South Africa's No. 1 "Chinatown" in Johannesburg▲

A lot of Hokkien songs suddenly appeared in my mind, all of which I had heard before, such as "The World's First" once sung by Andy Lau.

At the beginning, it was the same sea, but it reversed the loss of "a moment of discouragement and a moment of discouragement, and a moment of despair and chills" in "Love Fights to Win". "A glass of wine and two corners of silver, three or five times to get together, if you want to talk about feelings, I am the world's first", written heartily, the image of friends on the road of life, love and righteousness, jumped on the paper.

and Chen Lei sang the song "Just Be Happy", I like its simplicity and true temperament. "In the sea of life, we need to understand it. Sometimes sober, sometimes light. (Life is long, and you don't need to know everything, sometimes you understand, sometimes you can't do it randomly). The lyrics themselves are very casual, and these few short sentences are like a portrayal of the character of the southern Fujian market. "Ignore it" (whatever), I'm afraid only Hokkien people will understand. If the two of them encounter something trivial and suddenly pop out of "light eyes", it is estimated that they will have to look at each other and smile at each other and understand each other. And then the lyrics, are all the fireworks of life, "Returning to work is not enough to blame the car, the house is not big enough, the food is not delicious, and the injury is not good" (always suspect that the car is not strong enough, the house is not big enough, the food is not delicious, and the wife is ugly), these trivialities, chickens and dogs jumping, it is really a portrayal of daily life, and the last accent "Just be happy", repeatedly singing, really makes people laugh.

What is the meaning of "one person raises one side of water and soil"?

Chen Lei sang the song "Just Be Happy"▲

Because of this "contempt", I can't help but think of culture. Even if you are so far away from home, you can quickly think of so many old wines in your mind.

This song of southern Fujian is really wine, the older it gets, the more fragrant it is. And the more I grow up, the more I can understand the mellowness of the lyrics of the year, or inspirational, or affectionate, or responsible, or "contemptuous". Inadvertently, they have accompanied me for so many years and so far. I believe that it will also accompany generations of Hokkien people to grow up and walk. It seems to have laid the foundation of culture for life. Whether you are in your homeland or thousands of miles away, the roots of culture are inherited.

What is the meaning of "one person raises one side of water and soil"?

A taste of home

is reminiscent of the famous article "Orange Over Huai for Mandarin" in "Yan Zi Spring and Autumn Period: Inner Miscellaneous", which describes Yan Zi's witty face to the insult of the monarchs and ministers of Chu to Qi State:

"Yan Zi avoided the table and said: 'When the baby hears it, the orange is born in Huainan and is orange, and the orange is born in Huaibei, and the leaves are similar, but the taste is different. So what? The water and soil are also different. Today's people live in Qi and do not steal, and when they enter Chu, they steal, and they get the water and soil without Chu so that the people are good at stealing? Over the years, the text has been interpreted by orthodoxy to mean that one side of the water and soil supports the other side.

In the author's interpretation, this is not the case. Although "orange is born in Huainan is orange, and born in Huaibei is orange", it can be attributed to "water and soil are different", and "the people's livelihood is long in Qi and does not steal, and when it enters Chu, it is stealing" cannot be attributed to "the water and soil of Chu make the people good at thieves". Because the former is caused by the natural environment, and the latter is caused by the transmission of the human environment, the two are not the same.

So what are the factors that contribute to a "character's" personality psychology, appearance, and speech expressions?

What is the meaning of "one person raises one side of water and soil"?

"Orange over Huai for Citrus" ▲

We all know the terms "marine culture" and "loess culture".

Shanxi is one of the representatives of "loess culture". Shanxi is far away from the ocean, close to the Yellow River, the open culture of the ocean has little impact on Shanxi people, and is greatly influenced by the "loess culture" and traditional Chinese thought, so Shanxi people have the characteristics of honesty, simplicity and relative conservativeness.

Guangdong is a representative area of maritime culture. Maritime culture is an open culture. Living in an area close to the sea, there are many opportunities for sea exchanges with other countries and regions, and there are many influences from foreign cultures. In this way, the psychological characteristics of Cantonese people who are easy to tolerate and accept foreign cultures and new things have been formed.

Shandong's geographical location is relatively special, it stretches to the Pacific Ocean on one side and the Yellow River on the other, which is influenced by the dual influence of "marine culture" and "loess culture"; At the same time, it is located in the transition zone between the south and the north, so the Shandong people have the dual character characteristics of the southerners and the northerners. On the one hand, he is shrewd and capable, and on the other hand, he is bold and impulsive.

What is the meaning of "one person raises one side of water and soil"?

Loess culture▲

The historical process and historical culture of a region have a subtle impact on people's character.

The Manchus and other nomadic peoples mostly lived in Northeast China, and the nomadic life required them to have a strong physique and an almost barbaric character. Nomads can sing and dance, are reckless and impulsive, and are very righteous, these character traits have been handed down and influenced the character of modern northerners, especially northeasterners.

Very few nomads live in southern China, so it is difficult for their national culture to have an impact on the character of the southerners. The land in Jiangsu and Zhejiang is fertile, the water source is abundant, and the people live a rich and stable life, so they will feel at ease in their own life. Successive emperors favored the residents of Jiangsu and Zhejiang because they made great contributions to the finances but never rebelled. These historical origins have also created a comfortable attitude and character traits of Jiangsu and Zhejiang people.

Shandong is the birthplace of Confucian culture, and under the influence of Confucian culture, Shandong people have a very strong sense of ethics and morality and are relatively conservative. Their sense of family is stronger than in other regions, and they are very traditional in their ethical and moral concepts, especially sexual values. At the same time, under the influence of the golden mean, many Shandong people are engaged in politics, and they are also very shrewd.

What is the meaning of "one person raises one side of water and soil"?

Shandong is the birthplace of Confucian culture▲

Mr. Lin Yutang once said: "Cantonese people are all manly".

Cantonese people are very brave, and this bravery is not the same as the bravery of northerners, but they dare to take risks and have team spirit. Most of Guangdong is coastal, and the vast majority of people make a living from fishing. At sea, there are strong winds and waves every day, and it requires the cooperation of many people, which has prompted the Cantonese people to form a brave character and a strong team spirit.

Most of the residents of the northern region live a subsistence life by farming, and rarely cooperate with the outside world, so the character traits of the northerners are more suitable for independent work.

What is the meaning of "one person raises one side of water and soil"?

Most of Guangdong is coastal▲

Sunlight causes the brain to produce serotonin, which makes people feel good.

The climate in the Northeast is cold, people are mostly active indoors, receive little sunlight, and secrete less serotonin, which makes the Northeast people short-tempered.

The ancients once described the relationship between the character and climate of the people in the Wuyue area: "The south wind can relieve the people's sorrow; The smoke of the south wind can enrich the wealth of our people. It means that the climate in the Wuyue area is warm and moist, and there is no cold northwest wind in the north, so that the people here have a gentle temper and can make a fortune in business.

What is the meaning of "one person raises one side of water and soil"?

The climate in the Northeast is cold▲

The impact of eating habits on people's temperament is also huge.

Jiangnan people in Shanghai, mainly in Shanghai, like to eat light sweet foods and fish, because sweets contain a large amount of nutrients that can be converted into brain 5-HT precursors, so too many people in Jiangnan have high levels of 5-HT in their brains. 5-HT is the most important neurotransmitter for maintaining a good mood and changing the way of thinking, and Jiangnan people have a good temper and flexible brain.

The boldness of the Northeast people is recognized, but the Northeast people are impulsive and their patience cannot be compared with the Wu Yue people, but the Northeast people are outgoing, dare to be superficial, and have good humor, and love to joke and funny, so there are obviously more artists in the Northeast than in other regions. The ruggedness of the Northeast people is also closely related to the environment, most of the Northeast has a wide land, large mountains and dense forests, and is in the alternating area of grassland culture and agricultural culture, so the character is bold. In addition, people in the Northeast like to eat meat, and the consumption of green leafy vegetables and sweets is obviously not as good as that of Jiangnan people. This will definitely affect the level and activity of 5-HT in the brains of Northeasterners.

What is the meaning of "one person raises one side of water and soil"?

Jiangnan people like to eat light and sweet food and fish▲

One side of the water and soil supports the other side of the people, and more emphasis is placed on the influence of the natural environment on people's natural attributes and biological characteristics.

The social reality has repeatedly verified that the different human environments of one side will affect and determine the differences in the spiritual temperament and cultural character of one side, and then transmit and react to the natural environment of one side.

What is the meaning of "one person raises one side of water and soil"?

One side of the water and soil to raise one side of the people▲

I call it "one side of the people to raise the other side of the water and soil." ”

"Brother Moon Feelings" Don Bai Juyi

In times of difficulty, the world is empty, and the brothers are bound to travel to the west and the east.

After the countryside was deserted, the flesh and blood were displaced from the road.

The hanging shadow is divided into thousands of miles of geese, and the roots of the words are scattered as nine autumn pengs.

Looking at the bright moon together, we should cry, and the hometown heart is the same in five places overnight.