
Inherit the spiritual pedigree and forge the brand of procuratorial culture

author:Jingtai Procuratorate

More than 100 years ago, the revolutionary pioneers founded the Communist Party of China, forming the great founding spirit of adhering to the truth, sticking to the ideals, practicing the original aspiration, undertaking the mission, not afraid of sacrifice, heroic struggle, loyalty to the party, and living up to the people, which is the source of the spirit of the Communist Party of China. Over the past 100 years, the Communist Party of China (CPC) has carried forward the great spirit of party building, built up the spiritual pedigree of Chinese communists in the course of long-term struggle, and tempered a distinctive political character. The history is endless, the spirit is passed down from generation to generation, and the procuratorial organs across the country continue to build the red blood, constantly build the procuratorial culture brand in the performance of procuratorial duties, and inherit and carry forward the party's spiritual pedigree. On the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the procuratorial culture brands of 10 local procuratorates were published to tell the story of the procuratorial organs inheriting the spirit of the party.

Carry forward the spirit of the Soviet region

Create the brand of "ancestral hall popularization of law".

Narrator: Liu Hui, deputy head of the judicial police detachment of the Ganzhou City Procuratorate in Jiangxi Province

【Spirit of the Soviet District】 Firm faith, truth-seeking and pragmatism, wholeheartedly for the people, honest and honest, hard work, striving for first-class, selfless dedication.

Ganzhou, Jiangxi Province is the former capital of the Red Army, the cradle of the Republic, the main body and core area of the former Central Soviet Region, also known as the "Cradle of Hakka". The ancestral hall is an important place for sacrifices and deliberations, and has an important educational role for the Hakka people. In order to inherit the spirit of the great Soviet area, we set up a conflict and dispute mediation room in the ancestral hall, and used the importance and particularity of the ancestral hall to use the local dialect and oral language familiar to the villagers to carry out legal popularization education and effectively enhance the legal awareness of the villagers.

In April 2024, I participated in the mediation of a dispute and chatted with Zeng Peng, a prosecutor from the Ruijin City Procuratorate, on the way to Mixi Village, Jiubao Town, Ruijin City. "Why did you choose to mediate in the ancestral hall?" "This is the 6th time I have organized Luo Ping and Luo Jun to mediate, and both sides refused to give in the first 5 times. This time, I invited the elders of their family to come over, and it was more appropriate to come to the ancestral hall. Zeng Peng said.

An hour later, we arrived at Mixi Village. After simply arranging the mediation venue, the mediation will officially begin when the town and village cadres and elders arrive. At this time, there were more villagers watching the excitement on the side.

Zeng Peng first introduced the facts of the case and expressed the procuratorate's hope that the two sides would reconcile. As soon as the words fell, Luo Jun said: "I still mean this, 50,000 yuan." Luo Ping said: "Your son beat my son first, and your son himself admitted it." I'll pull them away, and you'll say I'll beat your son." ”


Seeing that the mediation had entered a stalemate, Zeng Peng hurriedly said: "Don't quarrel, don't quarrel, so many people don't come to see you quarrel today, they all want to help you solve the problem." ”

"Children are not sensible to fight, and adults are not sensible? Brothers make trouble like this, let others see our Luo family jokes! "Lao Luo, who has been silent, has spoken, he is the oldest and highest person in the family," it was Luo Ping who impulsively asked him to apologize to Luo Jun. Luo Jun asked for 50,000 yuan if he didn't spare people, you don't know Luo Ping's situation, I want to cover you twice! ”

Seeing that the elders were angry, Luo Ping and Luo Jun stopped talking. Subsequently, under the interpretation and coordination of all of us, the two sides reached an agreement that Luo Ping paid Luo Jun 20,000 yuan in compensation, and Luo Jun issued a letter of understanding.

Zeng Peng also used this case as an example to explain the relevant legal knowledge of intentional injury and legitimate defense to the villagers present. The whole mediation was over, and it was already more than 12 noon. While congratulating Zeng Peng for successfully resolving the conflict and dispute, I went to the car with Zeng Peng to eat instant noodles. "This can also be regarded as 'the good style of the cadres in the Soviet area, bringing their own dry food to the office'." We laughed. (Luo Ping and Luo Jun are pseudonyms)

Comments: Xiong Liangming, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of the Procuratorate of Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province

In handling petitions from the masses related to the procuratorate, the emphasis is on promoting the effective resolution of problems. The Ganzhou Municipal Procuratorate was inspired by the spirit of the Soviet District, clarified the goal of striving for excellence, carried forward the good style of cadres in the Soviet District, inherited the glorious tradition of the procuratorate in the Soviet District, and organically combined and promoted each other to build the brand of "Ancestral Hall Law Popularization", carry out law popularization and solve the demands of the masses for letters and visits, and contribute to the promotion of the rule of law in procuratorial letters and visits.

Carrying forward the spirit of the Soviet District, our hospital takes the ancestral hall as a "quality inspection station" to inspect the style, and promotes the cadres and police to go deep into the masses to investigate the people's feelings, solve the people's worries, and warm the people's hearts; Inherit Hakka culture, take the ancestral hall as a "cultural station" to unite the people, and give full play to the role of the ancestral hall in moral governance and education; grasp the public's demand for rule of law, use ancestral halls as "information stations" to listen to the voices of the people, and increase the pertinence and effectiveness of popular legal education; Assist grassroots governance, use the ancestral hall as a "mediation station" for investigating and resolving contradictions and disputes, and strive to promote contradictions not to be handed over, resolved at the grassroots level, and resolved locally, relying on regional characteristics to do procuratorial work in practice.

"Checking the heart and shining brightly" continues the revolutionary torch

Narrator: Guo Lei, a police officer from the Political Department of the Yaozhou District Procuratorate of Tongchuan City, Shaanxi Province

【Zhaojin Spirit】 Loyalty to the party's firm belief, tenacious struggle of heroic spirit, rooted in the work style of the masses.

The older generation of proletarian revolutionaries in the Shaanxi-Gansu border area ignited the fire of the revolution in the northwest and gave birth to the great spirit of Zhaojin.

Three years ago, in the middle of summer, after a day of walking, I met "them" for the first time - the 10 tombstones of the soldiers who died in the battle of the tomb pass. With the changes of the years, some of the tombstone bodies are broken and damaged, and the inscriptions are blurred.

Being in the red hot land, relocating the martyrs' tombs to the revolutionary martyrs' cemetery for proper protection is not only the duty of the procuratorate for public interest litigation, but also the unshirkable and glorious task of the procurator. Therefore, our court and the Xi'an Military Procuratorate jointly formulated and issued procuratorial suggestions, suggesting that the administrative supervision department should repair the broken and damaged tombstones in a timely manner, clean up the surrounding weeds and domestic garbage, strengthen the protection of martyrs' cemeteries and sites, strengthen the protection and management of martyrs' memorial facilities, facilitate the masses to pay respects and mourn, and maintain the solemnity and solemnity of martyrs' memorial facilities. At the same time, our hospital held a public announcement service meeting in the cemetery of the martyrs of the Tomb Interception War, and invited local people's congress deputies, CPPCC members, lawyers and villager representatives to participate. With the joint efforts of many parties, the 10 tombstones of the unknown martyrs are now neatly standing in the Yaozhou District Martyrs' Cemetery, and the damaged tombstones have been repaired and protected with glass covers.

Nowadays, it has become the habit of all Yaozhou prosecutors to pay homage to the martyrs in the martyrs' cemetery in Yaozhou District. Walking in the footsteps of the martyrs is the best tribute to the martyrs. Our institute has built a party building activity room with the theme of the spirit of Zhaojin, carried out the party day activities with the theme of re-taking the Red Army Road, and used the spirit of Zhaojin as a fresh party class teaching material; Establish a "lantern shining" procuratorial vanguard team, rush to the front line of case handling, set an example, and bravely take responsibility, protect the people's hearts by doing practical things for the convenience and benefit of the people, build a diversified mechanism for resolving contradictions and disputes, and integrate the feelings of the procuratorate for the people into grassroots governance.

Inherit the spiritual pedigree and forge the brand of procuratorial culture

The Yaozhou District Procuratorate of Tongchuan City, Shaanxi Province held a flag-awarding ceremony for the "Horse Lantern Shines" procuratorial vanguard.

Although the smoke is far away, the years are thick. In the new era and new journey, our hospital will continue to dig deep into the value of the era of the spirit of Zhaojin, firmly believe in the original intention, faithfully perform its duties and missions, and contribute to the procuratorial strength and demonstrate the procuratorial responsibility in this red hot land.

Comments: Hu Yulong, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of the Yaozhou District Procuratorate of Tongchuan City, Shaanxi Province

As a prosecutor in the new era rooted in the red hot land, how to not forget the original intention to better inherit the spirit of Zhaojin, so that the red procuratorial gene can be passed on from generation to generation, is a topic that we continue to think about and self-ask. In 2023, our hospital will combine the advantages of Yaozhou's red resources, strive to follow up and inherit the red procuratorial gene of the Shaanxi-Gansu Border District, actively build a brand of "inspection of the heart" party building and business integration, absorb the light of "loyalty to the party" in the procuratorial work, practice the original mission of "sincerely serving the people", adhere to the responsibility of "righteous justice", temper the "ingenuity to cast the soul" procuratorial iron army, build a solid "clean heart and self-discipline" clean and honest nature, and integrate the red culture of the procuratorate into every case handling link and every detail of the procuratorial work. Use practical actions to protect the precious red wealth of Yaozhou, and make the spirit of Zhaojin an inexhaustible source of power to lead the high-quality development of procuratorial work.

Inject the spirit of Yimeng into the entire process of procuratorial performance of duties

Narrator: Liu Na, Deputy Director of the Civil Prosecution Department of the Linyi City Procuratorate of Shandong Province

【Yimeng Spirit】 The party and the masses are concentric, the military and the people are deep, the water and milk are blended, and life and death are shared.

My hometown, Linyi, Shandong Province, is a red hot land, where Wang Changyu, the "Yimeng Mother" who founded a wartime nursery, raised more than 40 descendants of revolutionaries to grow up; 32 women, including Li Guifang, the "red sister-in-law" of Yimeng, demolished the door panel of their house, jumped into the icy river, and built a "fire line bridge" with their weak bodies...... For every Yimeng child, the Yimeng spirit is a proud business card.

Born in Si, grown up in Si, dedicated to Si. In recent years, the procuratorial organs of Linyi City have inherited the red gene and created a procuratorial cultural brand of "Initial Intention Yu Inspection and Dedication to Yimeng", with the Yimeng spirit as the core and the cultural brand as the engine to promote the high-quality development of procuratorial work.

In 2019, the gray-haired Uncle Zhou came to our hospital to apply for supervision, and after talking, I learned that Uncle Zhou signed a 50-year contract to contract 30 acres of barren mountains. One day, someone came to the door and claimed that Uncle Zhou's land would belong to him in the future. After going to court, the courts of first and second instance both held that the case was essentially a dispute over the right to contract and operate land, and did not fall within the scope of civil litigation, and both ruled to reject Uncle Zhou's lawsuit.

In order to ascertain the facts of the case as soon as possible, I went to the village again and again, looking for witnesses one by one, looking through the accounting books one by one, and finally found a breakthrough, and then submitted to the Shandong Provincial Procuratorate to protest, the court retried and changed the judgment, the original contract continued to be valid, and the chestnut orchard built on the wasteland was handed back to Uncle Zhou. It was another autumn, the chestnuts were ripe, and Uncle Zhou specially sent us a bag of freshly picked chestnuts to express his gratitude. I declined the old man's kindness, but at that moment, I deeply felt that doing every little thing and doing every practical thing well for the masses with heart and affection is the inheritance of the Yimeng spirit and the solemn commitment we made to the party.

Inherit the spiritual pedigree and forge the brand of procuratorial culture

Procurators of the Linyi City Procuratorate in Shandong Province carried out publicity on the popularization of intellectual property rights protection.

The civil prosecution department where I work was successfully selected as one of the 12 practical things for the people by the rule of law in Shandong Province in 2022 with its experience and practice of supporting the prosecution of "small cases" and serving the people's livelihood; The procuratorial organs of Linyi City focused on the urgency, hardship and hope of the masses, and did more than 1,500 practical things for the people based on the performance of procuratorial duties. As sung in the popular "Yimeng Mountain Minor", my colleagues and I will continue to take root in the old area of Yimeng, carry forward the spirit of Yimeng with practical actions, and continue the red blood.

Comments: Meng Xianwei, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of the Procuratorate of Linyi City, Shandong Province

One quote its outline, all eyes are open. For the Linyi Municipal Procuratorate, the Yimeng spirit is the "outline" and "soul" that leads the high-quality development of procuratorial work. In recent years, our institute has embedded the inheritance and promotion of the Yimeng spirit into the whole process of the development of procuratorial work, organically combined the red gene with the performance of procuratorial duties, and created the procuratorial culture brand of "Initial Intention and Dedication to Yimeng", as well as the party building cultural matrix of "one station, one corridor and two exhibition halls".

Through the inheritance of the Yimeng spirit and the practice of the connotation of the times, guide the cadres and police to find the value coordinates of serving the overall situation, serving the people's justice and serving the rule of law, so that the Yimeng spirit will be passed on from generation to generation, and become a powerful spiritual force that inspires us to better serve the red hot land of Yimeng.

Let the spirit of Lei Feng shine in every case

Narrator: Liu Dingqi, full-time member of the Inspection Committee of the Wangcheng District Procuratorate of Changsha City, Hunan Province

【Lei Feng Spirit】 Love the party, love the motherland, love the lofty ideals and firm belief of socialism; dedication to serving the people and helping others; Professionalism of doing a line of love, dedication and refinement; The innovative spirit of forging ahead and striving for self-improvement; The entrepreneurial spirit of hard work, diligence and thrift.

As a public prosecutor, do you reconcile the law with the alleged crimes? As an overseer, do you have the wisdom and strength to correct violations and uphold justice? What exactly is a "Lei Feng-style procuratorate" and "Lei Feng-style prosecutor"? According to the "Lei Feng's Seven Questions", we combined the procuratorial work to get the answer of the Wangcheng District Procuratorate - let the spirit of Lei Feng shine in every case.

Inherit the spiritual pedigree and forge the brand of procuratorial culture

The prosecutor of the Wangcheng District Procuratorate of Changsha City, Hunan Province, communicates with the hearing officer about the case.

Justice for the people is the original mission of the "Lei Feng Procuratorate". "There is a lot of pressure, this case is too complex and tricky, and it is difficult for all parties to unify their demands." Yuan Zhiying, head of the Civil and Administrative Procuratorial Department, talked to me about a series of procuratorial and supervisory cases he was handling to protect the rights and interests of rural women in land expropriation. "This case involves the vital rights and interests of the people and must be handled well." Although the case was difficult to move forward, the determination was still clearly visible on his face. With the joint efforts of various parties, the administrative organs have given policy compensation to rural women.

Taking responsibility for the rule of law is the responsibility and courage of the "Lei Feng-style procuratorate". When handling the case of the vice president of a certain college molesting a minor, the child's father angrily beat him to a slight injury and was transferred to our hospital for review and prosecution, while the vice president was detained by public security. Prosecutors Xiao Qian and Ma Lihua were keenly aware that the case was far from being so simple when handling the case. In the end, the vice president was sentenced to two years and two months in prison for forcible indecency, and banned from work for life. For fathers who have a cause and the circumstances are relatively minor and surrender themselves, our court makes a decision not to prosecute in accordance with law; The victims were also properly accommodated in compensation, school transfers, and so on.

Serving the overall situation is the loyal nature of the "Lei Feng-style procuratorate". In May this year, Wu Hao, a police officer from the major crime prosecution department of our court, was selected and honorably became a procurator for aiding Tibet. "I will keep in mind my mission and trust, regard Tibet as my second hometown, and bring our Lei Feng spirit to Tibet." The oath before departure is still in my ears, and Wu Hao has also fulfilled it. It is precisely the selfless dedication of many "Lei Feng-style prosecutors" like Wu Hao that has created the loyal nature of the "Lei Feng-style procuratorate".

Comments: Huang Zhongwei, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of the Wangcheng District Procuratorate of Changsha City, Hunan Province

As the procuratorate of Lei Feng's hometown, the Wangcheng District Procuratorate deeply understands Xi Jinping's thought on the rule of law and Xi Jinping's cultural thought, based on the regional characteristics of Lei Feng's hometown, deeply excavates the meeting point between Lei Feng's spirit and procuratorial work in the new era, and creates a cultural brand of "Lei Feng-style procuratorate".

According to General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on carrying forward the spirit of Lei Feng and the connotation of Lei Feng's spirit, we propose to build a "Lei Feng-style procuratorate" that is "loyal to the party, justice for the people, dedication, integrity and innovation", and requires the cadres and police of the whole court to take this as the standard to examine themselves and carry out their work, and everyone strives to be a "Lei Feng-style prosecutor", handle every case with high quality and efficiency, fully implement the "three goodness", analyze and study the "three structural ratios", and significantly improve the quality and efficiency of cases. Since 2023, 5 cases handled by our court have been selected as national typical cases, 8 cases have been selected as typical cases in the province, and 8 work projects have been made experience speeches in the province.

"Inspection" guards the snowy area and runs the border pass

Narrator: Zhao Tianwen, procurator of the Lhasa Military Procuratorate

【Old Tibetan Spirit】 Special ability to endure hardships, special ability to fight, special ability to endure, special ability to unite, special ability to contribute.

When I first arrived at the plateau, I thought that in the cold and oxygen-deficient environment, the work rhythm would be slower than the original, and the work intensity would be relatively low. It turned out to be more than I expected. Our hospital is responsible for the legal supervision and service work of the Tibetan garrison, and the border guards are stationed in remote areas, and it sometimes takes us several days or even a week to travel back and forth to carry out our work. When we go out, it is a small move, and we have to bring both work materials and daily necessities, so our legal services are "always on the road". Working in Tibet, staying up late and working overtime is the norm, and it is also the norm to live separately. The average person in our hospital has worked in Tibet for more than 10 years, and no one has slackened and slackened, but has been replaced by "perseverance" and "professionalism".

A colleague went to a border regiment thousands of miles away from Lhasa to provide legal services, and his wife was in labor at that time, and the hospital considered sending someone to replace him, but he said: "I am most familiar with the situation here, I am the most suitable, and I will seize the time to complete the work with quality and quantity, and strive to come back before my wife enters the delivery room." "It may not be a long distance for everyone, but in Tibet, where the territory is vast, the traffic lines are long and the road conditions are poor, it may take several days to be thousands of miles away, and the situation of "coming back before entering the delivery room" can be achieved in a few hours in other places, but it is almost impossible in Tibet, there is really an emergency, it is difficult for him to arrive, and everyone knows what this means for him and his wife. At that time, he could only comfort his wife on video and on the phone. I asked him what if he couldn't get back. He said: "We are both 'procuratorial blue' and olive green, the family needs me, the border guard also needs me, I believe that my wife will understand me, and my children will understand me when they grow up, and they will become me." ”

Inherit the spiritual pedigree and forge the brand of procuratorial culture

The Lhasa Military Procuratorate has carried out activities to strengthen border defense.

In recent years, we have persisted in carrying out activities such as border defense, consultation, service, and relief of soldiers' worries, accumulating tens of thousands of kilometers and serving tens of thousands of officers and soldiers. The spiritual force behind this is precisely the spirit of old Tibet that has been carried forward and passed down from generation to generation by generations of officers and soldiers, and when combined with the procuratorial work, it has become the cultural brand of our procuratorate of "'inspecting' the snowy areas and running the border gates." We will always adhere to the belief of "not letting the mission be in arrears", polish the brand and shout the slogan, which is not only a name, but also a spiritual inheritance and an eternal commitment - "inspection" to guard the snow and run the border.

Comments: Zeng Tao, Secretary of the Party Branch and Procurator General of the Lhasa Military Procuratorate

"Inspection" guards the snowy area and runs the border pass - this is a procuratorial culture brand carefully built by our institute by adhering to the combination of military procuratorial construction and carrying forward the spirit of old Tibet. Working on the snowy plateau, the most scarce thing is oxygen, and the most precious thing is the spirit, which is the spirit of old Tibet. I have nearly 20 years of work experience in Tibet, it can be said that I have been working under the influence of the old Tibetan spirit, especially since I was transferred to the procuratorial organs, I have explored and thought about how the procuratorial organs can carry forward and inherit the spirit of the old Tibet in the new era. Taking the "inspection" of the snow area and the law run border pass as a cultural brand is not only a responsibility and responsibility, but also an incentive and spur. We will, as always, carry forward and inherit the spirit of old Tibet, work with sweat, blood and passion to start a business, and continue to write a new chapter in Tibet's military procuratorial cause.

Solid protection of enterprises and protection of the "right to go home" of detained criminals

Narrator: Wu Jingwei, Director of the Criminal Enforcement Prosecution Department of the Procuratorate of Lingshui Li Autonomous County, Hainan Province

【Spirit of the Special Economic Zone】 Dare to try, dare to be the first, and work hard.

Inherit the spiritual pedigree and forge the brand of procuratorial culture

The cadres and police officers of the Procuratorate of Lingshui Li Autonomous County in Hainan Province went to the former site of the Lingshui Soviet Government to carry out themed party day activities.

Inheriting and carrying forward the revolutionary spirit is not empty talk. Our court attaches great importance to integrating the spirit of the Special Administrative Region and the spirit of the Qiongya Revolution into judicial case handling, and implements it in the practice of procuratorial work for the people. In March this year, when I was stationed in the detention center, I learned that Chen, the actual controller of a catering company in Shanxi, had been sentenced to four months of detention by the court for the crime of dangerous driving. Chen's inability to contact the outside world led to the employee's salary being in arrears and the employee's family life also in trouble. What's even more worrying is that a series of practical problems such as suppliers not settling payments as agreed and unable to sign contracts make enterprises face an existential crisis.

After listening to Chen's account, my preliminary judgment is likely that Article 43 of the Mainland Criminal Law, which stipulates that "during the enforcement period, criminals sentenced to criminal detention may go home for one to two days a month" has not been implemented properly, and Chen may not have been aware of the enjoyment of this right. I immediately launched an investigation, and as expected, when Chen was admitted, the Lingshui County Detention Center did not inform him of the legal requirement that he had the right to apply to go home for one to two days a month. After investigation and verification, our court issued a procuratorial recommendation to the public security organs in accordance with the law, and promoted the implementation of the "right to go home" of criminals in criminal detention. A few days later, the public security organs adopted the procuratorial suggestion and approved Chen to go home one day a month in accordance with the regulations to deal with the problems encountered in the operation of the enterprise and ensure the stable development of the enterprise. Our hospital continued to follow up and supervise, and learned that after Chen left the office, he sorted out the accounts, paid the payment, settled the wages of the employees in a timely manner, and signed the supply contract with the relevant units, so that the company continued to develop healthily. At this point, my hanging heart finally let go.

Comments: Zou Zhiyun, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of the Procuratorate of Lingshui Li Autonomous County, Hainan Province

By building the "fire" cultural brand, inheriting and carrying forward the spirit of the Special Economic Zone, and inheriting and carrying forward the Qiongya revolutionary spirit of "23 years of red flags", we have worked the word "Chuang", and dared to break through the new world of Lingshui Procuratorate. Make a fuss about the word "creation", explore the work model of "case handling + hearing + law popularization" according to local conditions, rely on the tropical rainforest national forest park and the national marine economic development demonstration zone to create a centralized handling mechanism for sea-related and forest-related cases, and establish a "'procuratorial + hotline' handling mechanism when receiving complaints" with the county business environment bureau, and actively perform duties to create a new breakthrough in procuratorial work. Since last year, our hospital has successively obtained 7 research projects at or above the provincial level, and 19 cases handled by our hospital have been selected as typical cases released by the Supreme People's Procuratorate and the Hainan Provincial Procuratorate. We should work hard to serve the overall situation, serve the people's justice, and take responsibility for the rule of law through judicial assistance, support for prosecution, public hearings, procuratorial suggestions, etc., and concentrate our efforts to solve a number of issues that the masses are concerned about, such as telecommunications network fraud, salary arrears, ecological and environmental protection, and food and drug safety, and work hard to do new things for the people.

Thanksgiving and forge ahead, Wen Road is passed down

Narrator: Xiao Shuai, member of the Inspection Committee of the Wenchuan County Procuratorate of Sichuan Province

【Earthquake Relief Spirit】 All of us are united, united, fearless of hardships and dangers, indomitable, and people-oriented.

In the past 16 years, we have changed from tent office, basement office to solemn office building, and more than half of the colleagues around us have changed, but no matter how the personnel change, what I see is that generations of Wenchuan prosecutors have carried the flag and competed to be the first, and the spirit of carrying forward and inheriting the great earthquake relief spirit has been engraved in the heart and engraved into the bone marrow, which is reflected in the judicial practice of guarding Minshan Wenshui.

In handling cases, our court has always insisted on serving the overall situation, serving the people's justice, and taking responsibility for the rule of law, and has integrated and systematic thinking throughout the entire process of handling cases.

In April 2021, in the joint operation to protect sand and gravel resources in Wenchuan County, our hospital found that Yang and other 7 people illegally stole sand and gravel and were suspected of criminal offenses, so it recommended that the administrative supervision department transfer the clues to the public security organs; After I intervened in the investigation in a timely manner, I found that Ma and 21 others knew that the sand and gravel sold by Yang and others were the proceeds of illegal mining, but still purchased and transferred them for sale, which was suspected of constituting the crime of covering up and concealing criminal proceeds, so I guided the public security organs to crack down on crime in the whole chain. After the case entered the review and prosecution stage, our court made full use of the criminal policy of blending leniency and severity, accurately applied the plea leniency system, and facilitated all 28 criminal suspects to admit guilt and accept punishment, properly handle them in accordance with the law, and actively recover stolen goods and recover losses, successfully recovering more than 40 yuan of stolen money. At the same time, after our court filed a public prosecution with the court, it promptly filed an attached civil public interest lawsuit, claiming compensation for the loss of national mineral resources of more than 1.09 million yuan and was supported, and at the same time issued procuratorial suggestions to the administrative supervision department in accordance with the law to promote its improvement of the sand and gravel resource utilization and management system, and promoted the "all management" to improve the efficiency of social governance.

Inherit the spiritual pedigree and forge the brand of procuratorial culture

The prosecutor of the Wenchuan County Procuratorate of Sichuan Province went to the replanting and regreening base to check the ecological restoration.

There were traces of mountains and rivers in the past, and now Nirvana has been reborn. Wenchuan prosecutors know better that beautiful homes and lucid waters and lush mountains are not easy to come by. In recent years, our court has actively built a working mechanism of "government inspection linkage", "chief procurator + chief of rivers and lakes" and "chief procurator + chief of forests", forming a joint force for protection, carefully guarding every grass and tree in Minshan and Wenshui, and building a solid ecological barrier in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River with high-quality and efficient procuratorial duties.

Comments: Li Yumei, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of the Wenchuan County Procuratorate of Sichuan Province

Carry the flag and strive to be the first, and be harmonious. Our hospital has integrated the spirit of Dayu's water control, the spirit of the Red Army's Long March and the spirit of socialist rule of law into the spirit of earthquake relief, and formed a procuratorial culture brand of "Wen Road, Rooted in Red Clay, Passing on Salary to the Distance". The brand takes the culture of gratitude as the keynote, interpreting our hospital's adherence to "people-oriented", fully implementing the purpose of "justice for the people", and solidly carrying out the special actions of "procuratorial protection of enterprises" and "procuratorial protection of people's livelihood", so as to alleviate the difficulties of enterprises and protect the legitimate rights and interests of the masses; Concentrate on uniting as one, starting from maintaining social stability, escorting economic development, and promoting the integrated development of urban and rural areas, and go all out to serve the overall situation; Innovate scientific management, promote good management inspection, judicial trustworthiness, and digital good governance, and effectively empower the modernization of procuratorial work; Always maintain perseverance and determination, perform duties with the courage of "taking responsibility for the rule of law", handle every judicial case with high quality and efficiency, strive to show the quality of unity and fearlessness, pave the road of high-quality development in continuation and inheritance, and provide Wenchuan experience for building a modern Sichuan model for procuratorial work.

"Good Chinese people" interpret the spirit of model workers

Narrator: Ni Liangyu, a retired cadre of the Yixian County Procuratorate in Anhui Province

【Model worker spirit】 dedication, striving for first-class, hard work, innovation, indifference to fame and fortune, willing to contribute.

In 2011, I was awarded the title of "Good Person of China". I am a veteran prosecutor with 35 years of party experience and 33 years of procuratorial experience, and although I retired with honor in June 2018, retirement is not a curtain call.

Inherit the spiritual pedigree and forge the brand of procuratorial culture

Ni Liangyu, a retired cadre of the Yixian County Procuratorate in Anhui Province, had a heart-to-heart exchange with young cadres and policemen.

In August 2022, the Party Group of the Yixian County Procuratorate in Anhui Province decided to name me and establish the "'Good Chinese Man' Ni Liangyu Studio", hoping that I would play an exemplary and leading role as a mediator of contradictions and disputes, an assistant manager of team building, a lecturer of policy theory, and an instructor of civilization creation. It was incumbent upon me to accept this new task.

In May 2023, a staff member of a property management office in Yixian County and the owner Yu came to me, and the two parties disagreed on housing maintenance and property fees, hoping that I could mediate. After inquiring about the situation, I told them the allusion of ancient Huizhou to "take a step back and think", persuaded both sides to make a concession, and finally facilitated their reconciliation.

In my daily work, I actively assist the party group of the hospital to do a good job in the ideological work of the cadres and police, communicate with the cadres and policemen as "people who have come over" and "big sisters", help them solve problems, and guide them to strive to be good citizens of society, good cadres and policemen in politics and law, and good members of the family.

In my capacity as a grassroots theoretical lecturer and the person in charge of the lecturer group for law popularization education of the county customs work committee, combined with the grid work of the Yixian County Procuratorate, I led the procurators into organs, enterprises, and campuses to extensively carry out propaganda on party history, theory, rule of law, morality, and culture, and actively create a strong atmosphere of loving the party and the country, advocating morality and upholding the law.

I also worked with my comrades-in-arms and procuratorial friends of the Good People Alliance to carry out civilization building activities and social welfare activities. In February 2023, through the platform of the Huangshan Good People Alliance, I learned that a 5-year-old girl, Yueyue (pseudonym), was found to have uremia, and her family was in trouble. I quickly reported to the party group of the hospital, the county customs working committee, civil affairs, women's federation and other departments, and everyone jointly raised donations for Yueyue, which solved the urgent needs of Yueyue's family.

Since the establishment of the studio, I have led people around me to help more than 70 people for children in difficulty and other groups, resolved 10 contradictions and disputes, and carried out 19 lectures on theory and rule of law. I will continue to interpret the spirit of model workers with the strength of good people, write the "silver answer sheet" with struggle, and convey the "silver temperature" with dedication.

Comments: Huang Jun, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of the Yixian County Procuratorate in Anhui Province

In August 2022, our institute deeply practiced the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important reply to the "good people of China" Li Peisheng and Hu Xiaochun, and established the "Good Man of China" Ni Liangyu Studio after the name of Ni Liangyu, a retired cadre of our hospital, to give full play to the radiation role of the positive energy of "good people of China", and better serve the overall situation, the people's justice, and the rule of law. Open Ni Liangyu's 7 work diaries, full of records of her visits to the needy, resolve mass contradictions and disputes, carry out legal publicity and education for minors, etc., she vividly interprets the spirit of model workers with her retirement and dedication. Under the guidance of the spirit of model workers, our court has promoted the construction of the political quality, professional quality and professional ethics of the procuratorial team as a whole, through the establishment of a system for young cadres and police to attend the procuratorial committee and a system for young cadres and police to listen to the court, regularly hold business seminars, and arrange for young cadres and police to participate in the handling of major, difficult and complex cases, so that the cadres and police, driven by role models and backbones, have continuously improved the level of legal supervision, the procuratorial team is full of vitality, and the image of the procuratorate has become more and more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Carry forward the spirit of poverty alleviation "inspection and protection of Liubao tea"

Narrator: Jia Liangcheng, Director of the Office of the Wuzhou City Procuratorate of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region

【The spirit of poverty alleviation】 Concentric, hard-working, precise and pragmatic, pioneering and innovative, overcoming difficulties, and living up to the people.

"Liubao" is both a place name and a tea name. Liubao Town is located in Cangwu County, Wuzhou City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Liubao Tea is one of the famous teas in China, and it is the pillar industry of Liannong Belt Farmers and Rich Farmers. In order to serve the development of the Liubao tea industry, the Wuzhou Municipal Procuratorate has innovated and created a cultural brand of "Inspection and Protection of Liubao Tea", moistening the original intention with culture, empowering the performance of duties with culture, and fully guarding the construction of tea towns, the healthy development of the tea industry and the legitimate rights and interests of tea enterprises and tea farmers, and helping the tea villages to become beautiful and prosperous.

In 2019, Liubao Town was hit by heavy rains that had not been seen in a century, and severe flooding occurred. After learning of the disaster, our hospital quickly set up a flood relief emergency team, and 20 procuratorial officers and police rushed to the front line to carry out rescue, among which Shanping Village was the most seriously affected. After arriving here, the procuratorial cadres and police immediately contacted Zhu Xuelan, secretary of the party branch of Shanping Village, and held an emergency meeting with the village cadres to discuss disaster statistics and post-disaster reconstruction. When they learned that many farmers' farmland, tea trees and tea leaves had been washed away by flash floods and landslides, and that the losses were serious, the procuratorial cadres and police went door-to-door to inquire and record the disaster situation in detail, assisted the affected villagers in the post-disaster reconstruction work, and promptly delivered relief materials and condolences.

Inherit the spiritual pedigree and forge the brand of procuratorial culture

The prosecutor of the Wuzhou City Procuratorate of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region went deep into the tea garden to visit the needs.

After the flood relief, the attentive prosecutor found that the mountain roads here were winding and the traffic was inconvenient. In order to help tea farmers get rid of poverty and increase income, our hospital signed the "Agreement on Party Building and Co-construction" with the Party Branch of Shanping Village, regularly visited farmers' homes to understand the situation, carried out legal knowledge and popularization of the Civil Code and prevention of telecommunication network fraud, pension fraud and other legal knowledge and policies benefiting the people, and answered the labor contracts, loan disputes and other issues that tea farmers are concerned about.

At the beginning of 2020, some tea farmers reported that the Liubao River was polluted, which seriously affected tea planting and farmland irrigation. Our court performs the procuratorial function of public interest litigation in accordance with the law, conducts on-site visits to investigate and fix evidence, and strengthens communication and contact with local water conservancy, ecological environment, agriculture and rural areas, etc., and promotes the protection of the water source of the Liubao River and the surrounding environment. Through the joint efforts of many parties, the water quality of Liubao River has been significantly improved, and the growth of tea is gratifying.

Comments: Zeng Junning, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of the Wuzhou Municipal Procuratorate of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region

In April 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized during his inspection in Guangxi: carry forward the great spirit of poverty alleviation and accelerate the promotion of rural revitalization. During the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping asked Liubao tea three times and told him to make the Liubao tea industry bigger and stronger. In recent years, the Wuzhou Municipal Procuratorate has kept in mind the entrustment of General Secretary Xi Jinping, innovated and created a cultural brand of "Inspection and Protection, Liubao Tea", and took Huang Wenxiu, a poverty alleviation cadre in Baise in Guangxi Province who is "loyal to his duties and willing to contribute", as an example, to encourage prosecutors to take root at the grassroots level and continue to struggle, and help Liubao Tea Village to become beautiful and prosperous; Guided by the poverty alleviation spirit of "precision, pragmatism, pioneering and innovation", we will actively build a "procuratorial +" diversified protection model, and provide high-quality procuratorial services in the fields of land circulation of tea farmers and protection of ancient tea trees; With the goal of "hard work, win-win cooperation", we insist on brand building and the main responsibility of the procuratorate, the people's cultural needs, and the development of the Liubao tea industry in the same direction, and contribute to the comprehensive promotion of Chinese-style modernization.

Keep integrity and innovation to create a cultural brand of "Haijian Xinxin".

Narrator: Guan Jiantao, full-time member of the Inspection Committee of the Procuratorate of Haizhu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province

【"Three Cows" Spirit】 Serving the people, innovating and developing, and working hard.

I have been working in the procuratorate for nearly 40 years. I remember that whenever a new police officer joins the company, the hospital will appoint an experienced veteran prosecutor as a mentor to teach the newcomer the "first lesson of maritime inspection". I have gradually changed from a procuratorial "Xiaobai" to an inheritor, inheriting not only the professional knowledge of the procuratorate, the experience and skills of handling cases, but more importantly, the spirit of "three cows".

Inherit the spiritual pedigree and forge the brand of procuratorial culture

The prosecutor of the Haizhu District Procuratorate of Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province went to the enterprise to carry out on-site research.

In 1995, I intervened in a smuggling case involving an amount of 5 million yuan in advance to guide the investigation and collection of evidence. We and the public security officers rushed to other places to collect fixed evidence, and traveled thousands of kilometers in three days.

Now, I have also become a veteran prosecutor, and after the new police officers joined the company, we continued to perform the duties of passing on the help and guidance, and continuously improved the work ability of the young police officers through ideological communication, experience exchange, and professional guidance. We also learn from each other, and the young officers bring new vitality and new thinking, which inspires me. Once, we handled a case in which a criminal suspect illegally made profits by selling game plug-in programs, and we had no idea where to start for this kind of "new thing". Just as various questions followed, the young prosecutor shared a lot of knowledge about online games, and I combined my previous experience in handling cases to analyze and guide the social harmfulness of such acts and the methods of crime. Through our joint efforts, the case was prosecuted for the crime of providing intrusion and illegal control of computer information system programs and tools, and the court convicted the guilty person.

We inherit the "three bulls" spirit of having the courage to innovate and break through and overcome difficulties, and have created the "four specials" spirit of the Haizhu District Procuratorate, which is "particularly able to endure hardships, especially able to fight, especially dedicated, and particularly disciplined". It has created a cultural brand of "Haijian Xinxin" with loyalty to the party, daring to be the first, and people-oriented, and inherited the determined pursuit of cultural infiltration team building and talent cultivation.

Comments: Lai Hanwei, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of the Procuratorate of Haizhu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province

Taking advantage of the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, our hospital has always adhered to the spirit of "three bulls", inherited the rich historical accumulation of Haizhu Procuratorate and the spirit of "four specials" of Haizhu Procuratorate, and created a cultural brand of "Haijian Xinxin" with integrity and innovation. In the new era and new journey, we strive to be a good servant of the people, solidly promote the special action of "inspecting and protecting people's livelihood", adhere to and develop the "Fengqiao experience" in the new era, resolve conflicts and disputes at the grassroots level with the rule of law in petition work, and handle the "Administrative Public Interest Litigation Case of Urging and Ensuring Barrier-free Medical Services for the Elderly" was selected as a typical case of procuratorial public interest litigation on barrier-free environment construction issued by the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, and the China Disabled Persons' Federation; Innovate and create the "four-leaf clover" juvenile procuratorial brand, and maintain the title of "Safeguarding the Rights and Interests of Juveniles" in the country for many years. We are brave enough to be a pioneer in innovation and development, carry out the special action of "procuratorial protection of enterprises", build a working mechanism of "government inspection linkage", closely connect with the service model of "Haizhu Partners" to help enterprises, and escort the cultivation of new quality productivity in emerging industries such as industrial Internet and big data applications. We are willing to be hard-working old scalpers, go deep into urban villages to help the front line of comprehensive transformation to fulfill our duties, and procuratorial cadres and police care about the well-being of the masses and work hard to overcome difficulties.

(Source: Procuratorate Daily Author: Chen Qi, Hao Xue, Guo Shuhe, Zhang Yinfeng, Huang Chiyu, Liu Lin, Li Xuanfu, Wu Jingjing, Cao Yingpin, Wu Yigang, Ni Haiyan, Deng Tiejun, Wei Lei, Liu Tao, Chen Haoyang)

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