
The enthusiastic hostess introduced her daughter to me, but we didn't make it, but she said: Then let's try

author:The secret cabin of emotions
Listen to other people's stories, taste your own life, the ups and downs of life, and be willing to share with you! If you like me, please follow me! For ease of reading, the article will be narrated in the first person, and the names that appear are pseudonyms.
The enthusiastic hostess introduced her daughter to me, but we didn't make it, but she said: Then let's try

Since we opened a new convenience supermarket in front of our house, it has been much easier for me to buy things, and I don't have to go to the big supermarket every time.

In addition, the things in this store are often discounted for activities.

And the owner of the shop, Sister Xiaomei, is also a very enthusiastic boss, so we all like to visit her.

Once, at the time of checkout, Sister Xiaomei's computer was broken, and she couldn't scan the information, so she couldn't be in a hurry. I thought at the time, I studied computer science, and this problem probably wouldn't be difficult for me.

So I dared to propose to help Sister Xiaomei see, indeed, the problem is not big, it is that there is a problem with the software in the process of updating, and the program operation failure caused by the sudden shutdown of the software.

I helped Sister Xiaomei reinstall the system software, and it was back to normal.

Because I helped Sister Xiaomei fix the computer, she was very grateful to me, and she didn't ask for my money for the things I bought that day.

But no matter what she said, I still transferred the money to her, after all, I am not the kind of person who likes to take advantage of others.

Maybe it's because of this incident that Sister Xiaomei has a good impression of me. After that, every time I went to her store to buy something, she would talk to me for a while.

Sister Xiaomei's hometown is from the Northeast, with the innate sense of humor and boldness of Northeast people, she is a person who likes to say everything, from all over the world, and can say a few words about everything.

To be honest, every time I get off work, I feel very sad, but when I go to the store to buy something, and chat with Sister Xiaomei for a while, I feel full of motivation again.

Because every time, she can make me laugh, which makes me depressed and happy again in an instant.

Over time, I became very good friends with Sister Xiaomei, and after that, we almost talked about everything.

It was at that time that I learned that Sister Xiaomei, who was in her early forties, had already enrolled in college.

She said that in their hometown, if the girl did not study, she would marry and have children early.

Many people are actually not old enough, but their children have already been born.

Therefore, the divorce rate on their side is also very high, after all, they are still children, so they got married and had children so early.

If you are not mature in all aspects of your thinking, you will naturally have a bad life.

Sister Xiaomei was also deeply poisoned by feudal thoughts, so after giving birth early, she divorced her husband within a few years.

Her husband only wanted to play back then, so the child would definitely not want it, and Sister Xiaomei didn't want to stay in their place anymore.

So early, I took my daughter Xiaoyue out to work, and then I went around and lived in many places.

Now, reluctantly pulling the child out, Xiaoyue was admitted to university, and Sister Xiaomei has also temporarily taken root in our city.

She told me that she had seen and experienced everything in her life.

She doesn't care about herself, she is mainly worried about her daughter Xiaoyue, who has followed her in this life and has not had a good life.

So she hopes that her daughter can marry a down-to-earth and reliable man in the future and give her a warm and happy complete family.

It was the first time I heard Sister Xiaomei tell me this, and I was inevitably very touched.

I feel very sorry for Sister Xiaomei, and I feel that their mother and daughter have really worked hard all the way.

But I never thought that Sister Xiaomei's intention in saying these words to me was not to show me her hard work to win sympathy.

Instead, I plan to introduce my daughter Satsuki to me.

The enthusiastic hostess introduced her daughter to me, but we didn't make it, but she said: Then let's try

At that time, I was almost dumbfounded, after all, Xiaoyue was only 18 years old, and I was already 34 years old, no matter what, it was not appropriate.

My first reaction at the time was to strongly refuse to object, I said how can you be like this, mess up the mandarin duck spectrum, do you love your daughter or hurt your daughter.

Unexpectedly, Sister Xiaomei said: "Where are you, it is because I love her that I will introduce my daughter to you, Xiaoyue, this child is so pitiful, I haven't received a few days of father's love since I was a child."

That's why I thought, in the future, I must find a good husband for her who is down-to-earth and reliable, the older one is the best, it will hurt people, her mind is mature, and she is also down-to-earth.

You just happen, aren't you such a person, although you are indeed older than my daughter, but you have never been married, what are you afraid of.

Besides, don't you like my daughter Xiaoyue? I didn't even see each other, so I thought about refusing. ”

Sister Xiaomei's words, I was speechless, anyway, she said everything, and I didn't know what to say.

I can actually understand Sister Xiaomei's feelings, to put it mildly, in fact, she just wants to find a "daddy's boyfriend" for Xiaoyue.

It's not just right now, it's very popular, but no matter what, she can't impose her own ideas on her daughter.

What she thinks is 'good' may not be really 'good' in her daughter's eyes.

But I know that I can't persuade her at the moment, and Sister Xiaomei's temper is also very stubborn.

If I don't agree, then she'll keep mentioning it to me until I agree.

So, in order to pretend to deal with her, and to give her a face, I promised to come out to meet her daughter Xiaoyue.

Anyway, when the time comes, just say that it is not suitable between us, and we have seen both the negative and the positive, so she naturally has nothing to say.

So, I promised Sister Xiaomei and asked her to ask her daughter out.

Sister Xiaomei was very happy, and immediately called her daughter Xiaoyue to talk about it, and quickly made an appointment, at ten o'clock in the morning this Saturday.

The location is about Xiangshan Lake Park, not far from our community.

Early that morning, I waited there in advance, and when it was almost ten o'clock, Satsuki came.

That was the first time I saw Satsuki, and from a distance, it was a child, not tall, with a baby face, shoulder-length hair, and a very well-behaved feeling.

People are like their appearance, Xiaoyue, this child is really sensible, and when we met, I got a bottle of water, saying that the weather was too hot, and I had to drink water after a while.

I found a shady place, sat down with Satsuki, and then got straight to the point and asked her what she meant.

"Are you really looking for an older boyfriend?"

As soon as I asked, Satsuki burst out laughing.

"Hahaha, how is it possible, my taste... It's not that heavy, that's what my mom meant, you can see it, right?

Actually, I kept telling her not to worry about me, but she didn't listen, and she kept worrying that I was cheated on by the boys at school.

I really had no choice, so I deliberately promised her to come out to meet you, I thought to myself, I can't make sense with her, then I'll tell you.

Brother Xiaodong (my name), I'm sorry to delay your time. ”

I didn't expect that Xiaoyue, the child, was really quite frank, so I would be relieved.

I looked at Xiaoyue and said to her: "Then our two thoughts are the same, so is this good, let's unify our voices now, and go back and say, we met today, but I don't think we are suitable for each other, we can't talk, and we can't continue."

In this case, no matter what your mother does, she won't force the two of us together, right? What do you think? ”

Satsuki smiled and promised me, "Okay, okay, that's what I mean."

And to tell you the truth, I already have someone I like now, but I haven't confessed to him yet, and when I have good news, I'll tell my mom again.

That's it, I want you to keep it a secret for me, okay? ”

I nodded in response to Satsuki, and looked at her and smiled, our date has come to a happy ending.

After separating from Satsuki, she went to school, and I went to Sister Xiaomei's shop.

Sure enough, Sister Xiaomei saw me and hurriedly came to ask me, "How are you talking to Xiaoyue?" I just called her and asked her to come to the restaurant with you for dinner, but she said she had something to do to go back to school, so she couldn't come.

Tell me, how are you doing today? ”

I pretended to be lost for a moment, and then said to Sister Xiaomei, "Hey, between us... It's not very good to chat.,There's no common language at all.,I can't understand what Xiaoyue says.。

And the topic I talked to her about, Xiaoyue was not interested at all. So we're together, and it's really completely out of place.

Satsuki's thoughts are the same as mine, I think that our age gap is too big, and we are not people of the same world at all.

However, she is embarrassed to tell you about it, for fear of disappointing your hard work, so she can only let me tell you. ”

After listening to me, Sister Xiaomei's expression was quite calm, and she thought about it for a while.

said to me: "It's okay, it's okay, since it's not suitable, then forget about the two of you, I'm not the kind of unenlightened parent, I have to force the two of you to be together."

Actually, I have an idea, but I don't know... Do you agree? ”

I wondered, "What do you think?" Are you going to introduce me to other people again? But don't, I don't want to go on a blind date anymore. ”

Sister Xiaomei smiled and said, "Look at you scared, I haven't said it yet." I've been thinking just now, you and my daughter Xiaoyue are really not suitable, after all, she is too young and still a child.

So since you can't do it, I won't force it, but I really like you as a person, and I don't want to let you go casually.

I mean... Since you are not suitable, then let's both... Try? ”

Sister Xiaomei's words scared me silly in an instant, I can't be a son-in-law together, and now it's time to be a husband again.

However, although her thoughts changed so quickly, how could I feel sweet in my heart.

In fact, I have already become dependent and affectionate with Sister Xiaomei in getting along with her day by day.

Although I don't want to admit that I would like women so much older than me, this feeling in my heart and my actual actions can't deceive people.

So when Sister Xiaomei said, 'Let's try it', I was shocked and excited, and of course, more surprised and happy.

However, I am a very bad person, I pretended not to agree, and angrily scolded Sister Xiaomei a few words, and then left angrily.

The purpose of my doing this is to give Sister Xiaomei a romantic and surprise confession.

After all, it is better for a man to take the initiative to confess this kind of thing.

So, after I left Sister Mei's shop, I turned around and went to a nearby flower shop and bought a large handful of bright red roses.

Then, I came to Sister Xiaomei's shop again, held the flower in front of her, looked at her eyes affectionately and said, "Sister Xiaomei, I like you, are you willing to be my girlfriend?" ”

Sister Mei was stupefied by my actions, but soon she cried with joy.

Then he got into my arms, beat my chest with his little hands coquettishly and said, "You're really bad... Too bad..."

——End of story——

The enthusiastic hostess introduced her daughter to me, but we didn't make it, but she said: Then let's try