
Shi Lei - a national first-class artist

author:Calligraphy and Painting Masters
Shi Lei - a national first-class artist

Shi Lei, the master of Zhengxin Hall, a native of Xi'an, Shaanxi, a member of the Shaanxi Educational Calligraphy Association, a member of the Shaanxi Hard Pen Calligraphy Association, graduated from the Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts, one of the eight major academies of fine arts, and is the executive deputy director of the Xianyang Branch of the Art Museum of the Chinese Academy of Hanlin Academy, an in-service outstanding teacher of the Lianzi Center of the Shaanxi Educational Calligraphy Association, the principal of Baqiao Training School, and the secretary-general of the Oukai Research Institute. Since childhood, he loves calligraphy and painting art, for decades as a day all over the Qin, Han, Wei and Jin dynasties and Tang and Song Dynasty classic calligraphy monuments and Chinese painting classics, due to their own persistent efforts, after entering professional colleges, like a fish in water, calligraphy and painting skills are becoming more and more sophisticated, calligraphy and painting style gradually matured, formed their own unique artistic style, was exceptionally promoted to the youngest secretary general of the Ou Kai Research Institute, its regular script works have won many awards in national and provincial professional exhibitions, and have been collected by relevant museums, colleges and universities at home and abroad. He is known for his landscapes, flowers and birds in painting, and is known as a living little "Li Kuzen" in the land of Sanqin.

In 2001, he was included in the compilation of "Forever Lei Feng 60th Anniversary National Calligraphy and Painting Collection"; In 2013, he won the silver medal of the HSBC Cup National Calligraphy Competition and won the title of Top 100 National Calligraphers. In 2013, he won the top 100 calligraphy competition of "Meet in Jinling"; 2015 Selected for the 2nd Temporary Post Exhibition. In 2018, he was selected for the Zhuangzi Cup Calligraphy Competition.

Shi Lei - a national first-class artist
Shi Lei - a national first-class artist
Shi Lei - a national first-class artist
Shi Lei - a national first-class artist
Shi Lei - a national first-class artist
Shi Lei - a national first-class artist
Shi Lei - a national first-class artist
Shi Lei - a national first-class artist
Shi Lei - a national first-class artist
Shi Lei - a national first-class artist

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