
The sixth grade graduation ceremony of Dai Nan Central Primary School interacted with teachers and students

author:Beautiful new Taizhou
The sixth grade graduation ceremony of Dai Nan Central Primary School interacted with teachers and students

"The love between teachers and students, classmates, I hope that students will keep this love in mind and take the end of primary school as a new starting point in life!" "I salute the students with three glasses of 'humanistic wine': inspirational wine, Zhuangxing wine, and celebration wine, and soar to 90,000 miles!" On the morning of June 28, at the graduation ceremony of the 2024 sixth-grade students of Dainan Central Primary School, 12 class teachers took to the stage to send a message to the 687 graduates.

Dai Nan Central Elementary School

Dai Nan Central Primary School can be traced back to 1913, when it was called "Dai Ze Mengyang School", and has a history of 111 years. After a hundred years, although the school has changed its location several times, the spiritual inheritance of "enlightenment and uprightness" has always remained unchanged. The school spirit of "righteousness and goodness", the teaching style of "self-cultivation and self-support", and the school style of "righteousness and happiness" have given birth to batches of Dai villains from here to the whole country and the world. Each class of Year 6 students graduates with a simple and inspirational graduation ceremony. This year's theme is: Pursuing dreams of youth to the mountains and seas, raising young people to shine in the future. The school editor published the "Righteous Heart Paradise - Sixth Grade Students' Portfolio" as a gift to the students.

The sixth grade graduation ceremony of Dai Nan Central Primary School interacted with teachers and students

"In the minds of the teachers, we will always be their children. No matter how high and far we fly, they will always have a concern. "Thank you for having you, dear teacher; Thank you, dear alma mater! In the past six years, it has been our dear alma mater that has taught us resilience and bravery. In the past six years, it is a beloved teacher who has let us appreciate the infinite charm of knowledge and learn the truth of being a human being. The poem recitation "Youth Riding the Wind" brought by the sixth-grade teacher team and student representatives vividly expressed the deep affection of teachers and students. In the following programs performed by teachers and students, feelings, passion, and pride are the main themes.

The sixth grade graduation ceremony of Dai Nan Central Primary School interacted with teachers and students

At the scene, the school commended a group of "young people who are just raising them" and awarded them ribbons and honorary certificates. Chen Leyi, the representative of "Raising a Good Youth", said: "Traveling to the ends of the earth, my hometown Dai Nan and my dear alma mater will always be my roots!" ”

The sixth grade graduation ceremony of Dai Nan Central Primary School interacted with teachers and students

Shi Minyu, the mother of sixth-grade graduate Huang Yueran, spoke on behalf of the students' parents. She said that your youth is the starting point of chasing your dreams, and the hard-working teachers teach you to dream bravely and pursue your dreams with all your might. It is like a beacon guiding children to embark on a broad road of knowledge. Let us take the love of our parents and teachers, and use the fearlessness of newborn calves who are not afraid of tigers, and the perseverance and tenacity of struggle to pick up the beautiful scenery in the next journey of life!

The sixth grade graduation ceremony of Dai Nan Central Primary School interacted with teachers and students

Wang Huajun, principal of Daize Middle School, was invited to attend the graduation ceremony. He gave three sentences to the sixth grade: turn gratitude into upward motivation and strive to be the best version of yourself, so that gold will shine wherever it is. He sent a message to the students who were about to study at Dai Ze Middle School: "How big your heart is, how big our stage is; How strong your diligence and self-discipline are, how strong our platform is! ”

The sixth grade graduation ceremony of Dai Nan Central Primary School interacted with teachers and students

In recent years, batches of students have been interning here, and they have seen that the stainless steel products in their hometown have become works of art to the whole country and even the world. Chen Hongbing, the head of the community, also came to the scene. He said, let us transform our dreams into strong perseverance bit by bit, step by step, dedicate ourselves to this colorful youth, and bloom the dawn of a gorgeous life!

The sixth grade graduation ceremony of Dai Nan Central Primary School interacted with teachers and students

"The right path is the best, the right self to support others, and the right heart is willing to learn." He Weijun, a teacher from the Xinghua Municipal Education Bureau, shared with you the "way of learning" as an "old student" of Dainan Primary School.

The sixth grade graduation ceremony of Dai Nan Central Primary School interacted with teachers and students

Liu Zhengqin, principal of Dai Nan Central Primary School, said affectionately in his speech, Good times are always so short, in the six years together, the school has undergone earth-shaking changes, and your changes are also surprising: Before parting, I have three words for you:

The first sentence: Be a reader forever. Our school has always advocated classic reading, created a scholarly campus, and made reading the most beautiful gene of Dai Xiaoren. I hope that no matter how stressful you are in middle school, no matter what you do in the future, you will find time to read it, even if it is a single article, even if it is a phrase. Because that's your business card as a Dai villain: "I'm Dai Xiao, I'm a scholar."

Sentence 2: Be a kind-hearted person. No one is perfect, and so is society, real jade is always flawed, and only fakes are impeccable. So I sincerely hope that you will maintain your kind nature and learn to tolerate the mistakes of your parents and teachers; Learn to tolerate offenses from classmates and friends. When you grow up, learn to tolerate the mistakes of your superiors and subordinates. Mindset determines the state of life. Your life will be filled with choices in the future, and remember that kindness is always more important than being smart! Please get along with the world with a kind heart. Only in this way will good luck come your way.

Sentence 3: Be a person who always has a dream. A person's life can allow for a short period of laziness and occasional relaxation, but you can't get by and get by all your life. You have to have a dream in your heart and work hard for it all your life!

The sixth grade graduation ceremony of Dai Nan Central Primary School interacted with teachers and students

"Grateful to the motherland, grateful to our alma mater, grateful to our parents, let us remember the oath and set off again." All the graduates took the oath under the leadership of Huang Yueran, sonorous and powerful.

Zhi Xiaobo, the main person in charge of the Social Undertaking Office of Dainan Town, and Xu Jianhua, the director of the Xingda Party Office and the main person in charge of the trade union, attended the event.

Article source: Dai Nan release

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