
Central School of Linshui Town, Huoqiu County: Youyou Home Visit Road has a strong teacher-student relationship

author:Wanxi Online Network

On June 30, the Central School of Linshui Town, Huoqiu County, carried out the summer vacation "everyone visit" and "drowning prevention" safety education activities, aiming to understand the situation of each student, strengthen teachers' sense of responsibility, improve teachers' service awareness, pay attention to the living conditions of left-behind students, and strengthen summer "drowning prevention" safety education.

In the early stage of the activity, Zhao Ruihong, Secretary of the General Party Branch of the Central School of Linshui Town, Huoqiu County, presided over the work deployment meeting of the home visit activities, formulated a detailed plan, and established a leading group for the "everyone visit" work to be fully responsible for the organization and coordination of the summer "everyone visit" activities.

Central School of Linshui Town, Huoqiu County: Youyou Home Visit Road has a strong teacher-student relationship

Linshui Town Central School adopts the method of a member of the leadership team with two class teachers and a number of teachers to carry out comprehensive and safe home visits during the holidays in groups, go to the villages, enter the students' families and parents' work places, and take the form of face-to-face conversations. During the home visit, the teachers felt the great enthusiasm of the parents, and they could see the enthusiastic smiling faces of the parents in every family, and they could communicate cordially with the parents in a relaxed atmosphere.

During the home visits, the teachers learned about the children's family situation, gave feedback on the children's performance at school, checked the students' holiday homework, communicated with the parents to discuss the children's education problems, and listened carefully to the parents' suggestions on the school's work. The home visiting teachers also focused on holiday safety, reminding parents that their children are strictly prohibited from swimming without permission, and used the tragic case of drowning accidents in the summer to inform students' parents to effectively strengthen their children's summer vacation safety supervision, so that parents can urge students to learn and watch more safety knowledge and protection skills reported by the media during the holidays, effectively enhance safety awareness, and distribute "drowning prevention" safety education leaflets. Home visiting teachers require parents to conscientiously perform their duties as guardians, strengthen the education and supervision of their children, and urge parents to improve their safety awareness in all aspects such as "drowning prevention, fraud prevention, fire prevention, electricity prevention, travel, home, and diet", and accompany their children to spend a safe and happy summer.

Central School of Linshui Town, Huoqiu County: Youyou Home Visit Road has a strong teacher-student relationship

It is reported that Linshui Town Central School has always attached importance to good communication between home and school, paid attention to the good interaction between teachers and parents, maintained close contact, and carried out home visits twice a semester to truly enter students' homes and send teachers' care to the hearts of students and parents.

Central School of Linshui Town, Huoqiu County: Youyou Home Visit Road has a strong teacher-student relationship

Safe thousands of home visits, cool summer moistened hearts. Summer home visits shorten the distance between teachers and parents, so that children can feel the care of teachers and parents feel the warmth of the school. At the same time, home visits also allow teachers to re-examine their responsibilities and responsibilities, feel the professional happiness of teachers, and build a safety net for students' holiday safety. Linshui Town Central School will carefully sort out the valuable opinions and suggestions put forward by students and parents, continuously improve the level of education, teaching and management services, and make students' learning and life happier and more exciting, so as to effectively promote the development of the school to a new level. (Correspondent: Chen Xiaoyu)

Central School of Linshui Town, Huoqiu County: Youyou Home Visit Road has a strong teacher-student relationship
Central School of Linshui Town, Huoqiu County: Youyou Home Visit Road has a strong teacher-student relationship

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