
"June and autumn drive the dead cow, July and autumn are slow", this year is the beginning of autumn in June or the beginning of autumn in July?

author:Warm the three farmers with the text

This year's beginning of autumn is August 7, the beginning of autumn, as one of the traditional Chinese 24 solar terms, marks the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. It is not only a simple climate transition point, but also carries rich cultural connotations and folk customs. Among the folk, there are many proverbs and sayings about the beginning of autumn, among which "the dead cattle are driven in June and autumn, and the autumn is slow in July and autumn" is a widely spread saying. So, is this year's beginning of autumn in June or July?

"June and autumn drive the dead cow, July and autumn are slow", this year is the beginning of autumn in June or the beginning of autumn in July?

1. Is this year "June Autumn" or "July Autumn"

This year's beginning of autumn, according to the ancient lunar calendar, is like a bright star, quietly descending on August 7, which happens to be the fourth day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar. This day marks the turn of the seasons, from the scorching summer to the threshold of the golden autumn. At this moment, we can't help but ask: is this year's beginning of autumn a short and cool summer of "June and Autumn" or a long and warm summer of "July and Autumn"?

After careful observation and reading through ancient books, we learned that this year's beginning of autumn is "July Autumn". This "July Autumn" is like a gentle gentleman, his arrival does not bring a sudden coolness, but like the afterglow of summer is reluctant. There is a proverb: "July and autumn, swim slowly", which vividly depicts the leisurely and slow arrival of autumn.

So, how will the climatic characteristics of this "July and autumn" affect our agricultural production and social life? For farmers, this long warm summer has provided them with more time to take care of their crops, allowing food crops such as rice and corn to grow to the fullest. However, this also means that there is an increased risk of pests and diseases, which requires farmers to take extra precautions. In social life, such a climate allows people to continue to enjoy the afterglow of summer, but at the same time, they need to be wary of the health risks caused by hot weather.

In short, this year's "July Autumn" has brought us a different autumn, bringing not only the hope of a good harvest, but also the challenges and tests.

"June and autumn drive the dead cow, July and autumn are slow", this year is the beginning of autumn in June or the beginning of autumn in July?

2. "Driving Dead Cattle in June and Autumn"

"Drive the dead cattle in June and autumn", this proverb is like a vivid picture, slowly unfolding on the fields in the sixth month of the lunar calendar. At this time of autumn, it was as if an anxious farmer, dressed in a cloak and holding a long whip, hurried over, anxiously urging the tired ploughing oxen. This depiction of "driving dead cattle" not only vividly shows the rapid pace of autumn, but also profoundly reveals the urgency and arduousness of agricultural activities.

In this autumn of "driving the dead cattle", the golden wheat waves have not yet completely swayed and danced in the breeze, and the ears of rice have already hung down heavily, as if whispering the good news of a good harvest. Farmers are like industrious bees, shuttling through the golden fields, racing against time to speed up the harvest. Their faces were full of exhaustion, but their eyes were full of determination, because they knew that every moment was precious in this short time of harvest.

This autumn of "driving the dead cattle" is not only a hurried passer-by in nature, but also a testimony of the hard work of farmers. Every grain of grain carries their hard sweat and expectations, and every golden field tells their indissoluble bond with the land. In this harvest season, farmers use their hands to write the hope and beauty of life.

"June and autumn drive the dead cow, July and autumn are slow", this year is the beginning of autumn in June or the beginning of autumn in July?

3. "July and Autumn Slow"

And "July and Autumn Slow and Leisurely" is like a leisurely poet, at the end of summer, leisurely chanting autumn poems. At this time, autumn is no longer so hurried, but like a leisurely traveler, walking slowly. Farmers have more time to organize their farming in detail, and they don't have to rush as they did in June. They can leisurely harvest the paddy, dry the golden corn, and enjoy this leisurely and quiet autumn time. This kind of autumn is full of the comfort and calmness of life, as if everything is proceeding in an orderly manner according to the rhythm of nature.

When the heat of summer gradually fades and the autumn mood grows stronger, the land seems to slow down. At this time, the farmland is no longer a scene of hurried labor, but full of leisure and calmness. Farmers can look at each crop in more detail, looking for changes in their growth as if they were art objects. They have time to adjust the pace of irrigation and fertilization to ensure that each seed is optimally nourished.

During this "slow" time, the farmers no longer rushed to achieve results, but learned to wait. They know that only patience and care can make crops bloom in the most brilliant light on the autumn stage. At the same time, this ample time also provides them with an opportunity to prepare for the next round of planting. They began to plan their winter and spring planting schedules, selecting high-quality seeds and preparing fertile soils to lay a solid foundation for future agricultural production.

Therefore, "July and Autumn Slow" is not only a depiction of the seasons, but also an interpretation of the farmers' attitude towards life. It teaches us that patience and care are equally important in agricultural production. Only in this calmness and calmness can we reap full hope and joy.

However, for city dwellers, the proverb "July and autumn are slow" seems to herald a gentle feast. This is not only an expectation of coolness and comfort in autumn, but also a call for a quiet and serene life. In this season, the summer heat gradually subsides, replaced by a faint, slightly cool autumn mood. Like a gentle painter, it gently splashes colors on the canvas of the city, decorating the trees on both sides of the street with a golden yellow, and painting people's faces more warmly.

At this time, the city seems to have become a fruitful orchard. In the streets and alleys, various autumn fruits such as apples, pears, and persimmons are ripe, exuding an attractive aroma. In their spare time, people can stroll through the streets and alleys, enjoy this gift from nature, and taste the sweetness of autumn.

"June and autumn drive the dead cow, July and autumn are slow", this year is the beginning of autumn in June or the beginning of autumn in July?

Fourth, the customs of the beginning of autumn?

On the day of the beginning of autumn, there are many customs and activities related to it. For example, in the southern region, people eat "Liqiu porridge" at the beginning of autumn, which symbolizes a good harvest and good fortune. In the northern region, there is a custom of "biting autumn", and people will eat some melons and fruits to celebrate the arrival of autumn. In addition, there are also events such as the "Beginning Autumn Festival" or "Summer Sending Festival" held in some places to pray for a good harvest and peace in autumn.

In addition to the above-mentioned customs and activities, climate change during the beginning of autumn is also worth paying attention to. With the arrival of autumn, the temperature gradually decreases and the humidity gradually decreases. This climate change also has an impact on human health. Therefore, in the beginning of autumn, we should pay attention to adjusting our daily routines and eating habits to adapt to the climate characteristics of autumn. At the same time, it is also necessary to strengthen exercise and keep warm to prevent common diseases and discomforts in autumn.

"June and autumn drive the dead cow, July and autumn are slow", this year is the beginning of autumn in June or the beginning of autumn in July?

In short, the proverb "drive the dead cattle in June and autumn, and slow and slow in July and autumn" is short, but it contains rich cultural connotations and folk customs. This year's beginning of autumn is on the fourth day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar, which belongs to the "July Autumn". On the occasion of this autumn, let's enjoy the beauty of autumn, taste the fruits of autumn, and feel the breath of autumn!

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