
You will eventually learn to respect those you have mocked!

author:Zhai Xinbing talks about management
You will eventually learn to respect those you have mocked!

Ms. Sun is my favorite Chinese teacher.

Teacher Sun has only taught me for one year, the third year of junior high school.

In Mr. Sun's class, every time I leave class unconsciously.

Mr. Sun's lecture style is like today's talk show; Listening to Mr. Sun's class is like listening to cross talk.

Maybe it's because of Mr. Sun that I really like Chinese.

I especially enjoyed Mr. Sun's composition class!

You will eventually learn to respect those you have mocked!

Mr. Sun likes to use his classmates' essays as model essays.

Listening to his explanation of Fan Wen, you will feel that there are so many writers lurking among your classmates. All the students who are regarded by him as a model text, everyone feels that they should be a writer in this life, otherwise they will be sorry for their talent, and I am one of them.

Of course, there are exceptions, and that is the classmates who are regarded as negative examples by Mr. Sun.

Teacher Sun explained the positive model texts, all of which made your name public, which made you feel more face-saving and particularly encouraged; However, when explaining the negative model essays, Mr. Sun never named them, and even did not mention which class.

What impressed me the most was a negative sample essay that Mr. Sun had taught.

You will eventually learn to respect those you have mocked!

Mr. Sun did not mention who wrote this essay, and we all thought that it was a student from other classes, because Mr. Sun taught Chinese in several classes.

The title and content of the essay have been completely forgotten today; However, I remember the classroom atmosphere of that class clearly!

In that class, we laughed almost from beginning to end, and every time Mr. Sun read a sentence, we laughed out loud.

We are all curious that there is such a ridiculous article in the world, and besides, such a ridiculous article is actually from a classmate!

So much so that after class, we still can't get enough.

This class is the last class of the morning.

You will eventually learn to respect those you have mocked!

At the end of class, I walked out of the classroom side by side with the sports committee.

I happily said to the sports commissioner: It's so funny, it's going to make me laugh to death!

I saw that the sports commissioner's face was pale, his eyes flashed with an eerie and fierce light, and he gritted his teeth and squeezed out a sentence from between his teeth: I will kill him sooner or later!

At this time, it dawned on me that the essay was written by the sports commissioner.

In the afternoon, the sports committee did not come to class.

You will eventually learn to respect those you have mocked!

Soon, we graduated from junior high school.

Because our school only has a junior high school, there is no high school, so after graduation, students go their separate ways, and many students have lost contact forever, like leaves drifting away in the wind, disappearing into the distant wilderness.

What happened to the Sports Commissioner? Did you go to high school? What kind of work did you do? I don't know anything about it, and I haven't heard from it decades later.

The only thing that is certain is that he did not kill Teacher Sun.

Because, Mr. Sun and I later became colleagues. Moreover, Mr. Sun worked until his retirement, and he was safe and sound!

Another thing that seems certain is that, just as I fell in love with the language from then on, the sports councillor will hate the language from then on.

Although the sports committee did not kill Mr. Sun, he inadvertently killed the sports committee's interest in learning, especially in learning Chinese.

You will eventually learn to respect those you have mocked!

I didn't blame Mr. Sun at all, because our cognition back then stayed in that dimension.

It seems to be a human instinct that we always like to base our happiness on the pain of others.

When I was a child, my friends and I loved to laugh at the disabled people around us, the blind, the lame, and even the short, all of whom we made fun of;

Later, when we went to school, we started laughing at our classmates who didn't study well;

When we grow up and go out into society, we still laugh at the poor and the failed around us......

You will eventually learn to respect those you have mocked!

In Stephen Chow's movie "Yangtze River No. 7", when the teacher asked Zhou Xiaodi, the son of a migrant worker, "What is your ideal?" Zhou Xiaodi replied: "My ideal is to be a poor person!" ”

There is no doubt that Zhou Xiaodi was ridiculed wildly by the whole class.

When Zhao Benshan's sketches were the most popular in China, he was invited to perform in the United States, but as a result, they were generally resisted by Americans. Because, Zhao Benshan's sketches are full of imitation, sarcasm and ridicule of people with disabilities, which makes Americans extremely disgusted.

Today, most of us have come to realize that this practice does not seem to be a manifestation of civilization.

Each of us is moving from ignorance to civilization step by step.

You will eventually learn to respect those you have mocked!

Wanweigang's "Elite Daily Lesson" tells a small story:

A Chinese student studying in New Zealand wrote an essay on the theme of "Hardship in order to become a master", and as a result, the professor awarded him a score of zero.

The professor said, why do you have to be a "human being"? What about the others? Shouldn't people be equal to each other?

It's a toxic struggle.

There is a particularly good comment on the Internet: "Eat hard", this is not to treat yourself as a person; "Fang is a superior person", which is not to treat others as people.

Obviously, the cognition of this New Zealand professor is not in the same dimension as the cognition of this Chinese student.

You will eventually learn to respect those you have mocked!

In Beijing 11th School, each grade of mathematics is divided into five levels from easy to difficult, and students with different grades will be arranged to study in different levels of classes. Students who are not good at mathematics will be placed in the first level, they learn the most basic and simple mathematical knowledge, although they are not good at mathematics, but mathematics does not hurt their dignity.

Don't think that these students are unproductive, in fact, many of them will become writers, painters, musicians, dancers...... They're just not good at math.

Do you think that Beijing No.11 School's approach is more clever than other middle schools?

Dear readers, are you still laughing at others today?

When you learn to respect them, your cognitive dimension is upgraded!

You will eventually learn to respect those you have mocked!