
The final of the 6th "Core Power" project was successfully held

author:Set micronet

From June 28th to 29th, the 8th Jiwei Semiconductor Conference with the theme of "Crossing Boundaries and New Quality Future" was held in Xiamen International Conference Center Hotel. On the first day of the conference, the General Assembly of the Semiconductor Investment Alliance and the final of the 6th "Core Power" project selection were successfully held, and 13 high-quality projects were shortlisted for the competition.

The final of the 6th "Core Power" project was successfully held

Secretary General of the Semiconductor Investment Alliance, founder and chairman of Aijiwei

Lao Qi, Secretary General of the Semiconductor Investment Alliance, founder and chairman of Aijiwei, delivered an opening speech. Lao Qi said that in the past six years, the "Core Power" Competition, as a major event held at the same time as the Jiwei Semiconductor Conference, has received widespread attention and recognition, and the Semiconductor Investment Alliance has also become the most active and wide-ranging investment alliance at present.

Talking about the current situation of the industry, Lao Qi pointed out that although the current period is at a low ebb, it is also returning to benign from another perspective.

"With the intensification of geopolitical games, China's confidence and determination to lay out the entire integrated circuit industry chain exists, and after several years of precipitation, China's integrated circuit industry is promising and must develop. For enterprises, it is necessary to change the financing-loss development model of the past few years to achieve healthy development while maintaining profitability. For investment, good projects and opportunities still exist, but there is a certain exit mechanism problem. Lao Qi said.

Lao Qi pointed out that AI, as the tipping point of the fourth industrial revolution, will bring opportunities to the development of many enterprises, but for entrepreneurs, how to find their own "independent landing site" is the key.

The final of the 6th "Core Power" project was successfully held

Xu Lun, vice president of Aijiwei

Subsequently, Xu Lun, vice president of Aijiwei, made a report on the overview of China's semiconductor investment and financing in the first half of 2024, and introduced the 6th "Core Power" project selection competition.

The "Core Power" competition is a project selection activity jointly created by the Semiconductor Investment Alliance and Aijiwei. Since 2019, the "Core Power" competition has been successfully held for six sessions, aiming to build the best docking platform for entrepreneurs and investment institutions, tap the innovative forces of China's semiconductor industry, and promote the iterative upgrading of the whole industry. Over the past 6 years, the "Core Power" competition has become the most influential entrepreneurship competition and financing platform in the domestic semiconductor industry. Among them are not only "IC unicorns" such as Black Sesame Intelligence, Muxi Integration, and Huafeng Technology, but also hard-core enterprises such as Hefei Hengshuo, which have been successfully listed.

Since the recruitment of the 6th "Core Power" Project Selection Competition was launched in June 2023, it has attracted the attention of many domestic innovative projects and investment institutions. After 20 preliminary rounds, including 14 online roadshows, offline roadshows were held in Shenzhen, Jiangyin, Suzhou, Quanzhou, Haimen, Hefei and other places, including IP, EDA, design, equipment, materials and other more than 140 enterprises in the whole industry chain, more than 100 top investment institutions participated.

Finally, Shanghai Weichong Semiconductor Equipment Co., Ltd., Zhongke Guangzhi (Chongqing) Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai Weijing Technology Co., Ltd., Etteman Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd., Fujian Fudou New Materials Co., Ltd., Suzhou Xinshinuo Semiconductor Equipment Co., Ltd., Zhixinke (Hefei) Chip Design Co., Ltd., Shanghai Gongding Semiconductor Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Jieyang Microelectronics Co., Ltd., Huajing Sensing Technology (Wuxi) Co., Ltd., Guangdong Weirong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd., Hefei Xinyihua Intelligent Machinery Co., Ltd, Hefei Kunlun Xinxing Semiconductor Co., Ltd. and other 13 projects stood out and entered the finals.

The final of the 6th "Core Power" project was successfully held

Among these 13 projects, there are many leaders in the field of domestic semiconductor equipment and new forces in the field of chip design, facing hot application fields from automotive to artificial intelligence (AI), the projects have shown their strong strength in technical barriers, competitive advantages and disadvantages, and business models. At today's finals, the relevant persons in charge of the above-mentioned enterprises further introduced the project and answered the questions of the on-site judges.

It is understood that the above projects will be reviewed by a jury composed of 48 top domestic investors and a jury composed of representatives of 300+ outstanding investment institutions, and this year's "Most Investment Value Award" and "Investment Institution Recommendation Award" will be selected and announced and awarded at the main forum of the 8th Jiwei Semiconductor Conference in 2024 on June 29.

The final of the 6th "Core Power" project was successfully held

At the event, Chen Bishan, general manager of the Industrial Service Center of the Silicon Valley Service Platform Company of HKUST, introduced the Silicon Valley of HKUST from the aspects of positioning, resources and advantages.

According to Chen Bishan, HKUST Silicon Valley is a source of scientific and technological innovation and a gathering place for emerging industries with scientists, technology entrepreneurs, and global alumni of universities as the core, relying on the new space of Hefei urban area. It is planned that by 2025, a new paradise of "science drifting" will be formed, which will bring together 100,000 "science drifters", 200 billion funds, and 10,000 science and technology entrepreneurship and service subjects.

In addition, HKUST Silicon Valley has a complete scientific and technological innovation system, a rich scientific and technological innovation financial system, all-round policy support and high-quality development space and other resource advantages. Last year, HKUST Silicon Valley proposed to recruit global partners and establish three major systems: innovation unit partners, innovation center partners, and sub-fund partners, to accelerate the convergence of global innovation resources and empower enterprises and talents to grow rapidly by providing full-chain science and technology innovation services, scenario docking services, and science and technology innovation financial services.

The final of the 6th "Core Power" project was successfully held

Han Pengkai, Vice President of Aijiwei, introduced the landing and development of the "Hefei Jiwei Industry Innovation Base", which is the first batch of global partner innovation units of USTC Silicon Valley.

Han Pengkai said that Hefei Jiwei Industry Innovation Base will rely on the industrial resources and service advantages of Aijiwei in the field of semiconductors, accelerate the integration of integrated circuit industry chain manufacturing-based enterprises in the base and provide one-stop services for the whole chain, focusing on the introduction of a number of technology-based enterprises with core technologies and development prospects, as well as providing relevant supporting services for the preparatory period and after the landing of mature projects, and strive to build a new innovative and entrepreneurial semiconductor industry platform.

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