
There are more resignation bloggers who pretend to be slack than they go to work

There are more resignation bloggers who pretend to be slack than they go to work

New Weekly

2024-06-28 17:31New Weekly official account

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From January to June 012024, Xiaohongshu's "I left my job" topic notes were published more than 1.6 million, viewed 380 million times, and the number of participants in the discussion increased to 56,000.

02 Resignation bloggers include employees of major Internet companies, entrepreneurs, etc., who attract attention by sharing workplace experience, entrepreneurial stories and other content, but some of them have not really left.

03Due to the fierce competition in the industry, the monetization ability of departing bloggers is limited, and it has become more and more difficult to successfully break through, and traffic controls their emotions.

04However, the amplification effect of departing bloggers on social media has caused them to face more new problems in the workplace, such as unstable income and insufficient psychological preparation.

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There are more resignation bloggers who pretend to be slack than they go to work

A big factory badge and a resignation application, coupled with the copywriting of "985 bachelor's and master's degrees, with an annual salary of 400,000 naked resignation", seems to have become the top match for contemporary workers: you can get it, you can put it down, you can see the world, and you can enjoy the wilderness, which is really enviable. Only, is this really the case? The track of "departing bloggers" is becoming more and more "rolled", and most of them are not really going down the hill, but have been groping their way back to the peak.

Author | Zheng Cailin

Edit | Zhan Tengyu

Title Picture | "I'll get off work at the end of the day"

From January to June 2024, Xiaohongshu's "I quit" topic notes have been published more than 1.60+ million, with 380 million views, and the number of participants in the discussion has also increased from 35,000 to 56,000.

The heat is converging from all sides at a breakneck pace, and emotions are tumbling in a pool of traffic called "resignation". Migrant workers are looking at the resignation bloggers who enjoy their freedom one step ahead, and the resignation bloggers are worried about seeking a second employment opportunity in the workers, and everyone is groping in anxiety and curiosity.

"I've tried it for everyone, it's really cool not to go to work" "After not going to work for a month, I decided not to go to work again" "How do the people around me who don't go to work make money......

Every time she saw such a note title, Xie Ziming couldn't help but click in to read it. She works for a media outlet, and overtime is commonplace. The most exaggerated time, she worked hard for three months, just to cut out a five-minute film - "changed and changed, and my aunt was lost." ”

There are more resignation bloggers who pretend to be slack than they go to work


Every day in the whirlpool of work, I want to quit but dare not quit. Xie Ziming divided the collection list into several categories such as "resignation workplace", "resignation travel" and "resignation entrepreneurship", which have almost become the "spiritual nitrogen pump" that supports her to cope with daily work consumption, as if a part of her soul also leaves with the video: "Watching their Vlog is like watching a cool drama, completing what I dare not do in reality." ”

There are more resignation bloggers who pretend to be slack than they go to work

A new career in the name of resignation

In May 2024, Baidu Encyclopedia marked departing bloggers as employment positions, which means that "departing employees, including major Internet companies, choose self-media bloggers as reemployment positions".

In recent years, with the Internet industry reducing costs and increasing efficiency, some employees of large factories have been "dismissed", and some of them have chosen to post severance compensation, work experience, industry insiders and interview skills on social media, which has attracted many people's attention.

@孟羽童Morita是其中知名的一员, she switched to self-media after resigning in 2023, and her self-positioning changed from "secretary of the chairman of the top 500" to "big heroine of the career cultivation department", attracting the attention of young people with her attitude of reversing public opinion at a young age and grasping the initiative in life. Its sharing content can be mainly summarized into several categories such as "dry goods in the workplace", "self-improvement", "how to cultivate a big heroine", etc., at present, there are more than 4 million fans on the whole network, and an advertising offer can range from 10-200,000 yuan.

There are more resignation bloggers who pretend to be slack than they go to work

(Photo/"Restart Life")

Departing bloggers have also diverged into different routes. A year later, @阿颖啦 also joined the list of resignation bloggers, and on March 15, she casually posted a complaint post on her social account of "100 likes will leave": "Commute for 3 hours, and when I arrive at the company, I will take a broken mouse and click on the keyboard, hehe, I really want to leave", and this actually received 279,000 likes. Many netizens commented: "I won't do 100 comments anymore, who is a good person who is still in the company at 12 o'clock in the middle of the night."

With this popular note, Ah Ying finally made up her mind to take this as a new starting point: "I haven't seen so many likes in my life, but I didn't expect it to be brought by resignation." ”

On May 30, @大厂离职博主观察员 (hereinafter referred to as the observer) posted the first note on his social account: "Byte resignation, I can't squeeze in the track, and I hand water next to me." In the notes, the observer set up a flag to publish a "Byte Resignation Blogger Observation White Paper", observing a resignation blogger every day, completing the observation daily report from the three contents of the basic disk, the current situation, and the perception after reading, and attaching his own slogan - "You come to pan for gold, I am responsible for handing over water". With this note, the observer gained 1,000 followers overnight, and more than 6,000 followers in a week.

There are more resignation bloggers who pretend to be slack than they go to work

@大厂离职博主观察员发布的第一篇笔记, it received 80,000 views. (Photo/Interviewee's social account)

There are even bloggers in the industry who observe "observing departing bloggers". The observer told New Weekly that in the "Observing Departing Bloggers" track, one blogger would make a reverse observation based on the notes he posted every day.

In his observation, there are also some "fake resignation bloggers", such bloggers have rough content production, only issued a work license, no workstation photo, no front desk photo, and soon began to "entrain" private goods to advertise.

There are more resignation bloggers who pretend to be slack than they go to work

How many people will be able to support themselves after leaving their jobs?

"Sending resignation notes all the time will make people aesthetically tired after a long time. Those who can monetize on Xiaohongshu are those who have already achieved transformation. ”

Observers told New Weekly that "departing bloggers" may only be temporary, and that "10 out of 100 people may be able to keep their accounts running, and only 1-2 people will be able to monetize."

The most advantageous aspect of ex-professionals is that they provide resume revision and interview coaching services for job seekers. Blogger @学女多Qian (hereinafter referred to as "Lotlot Money") naturally entered this track with his experience as an operation expert in two large factories.

There are more resignation bloggers who pretend to be slack than they go to work

@学姐许多钱在采访 blogger of the "Life in the Wilderness" series. (Photo/Photo provided by the interviewee)

In 2014, many Qian graduated from university and moved to several major Internet companies, until 2020, when his body lit up with many red lights, and he had no choice but to leave the workplace temporarily. After taking a break from the off-site environment, she had time to calmly sort through her past and condense it into 15-20 episodes of notes titled "2 Hours to Get a BAT Offer", which earned her more than 10,000 followers in just a few months. Subsequently, a lot of money went into creating content and operating accounts on the theme of the workplace, and launched paid courses for job seekers.

In order to keep their content up to date, many Qian will even participate in interviews with companies recommended by headhunters from time to time and post their interview experience on social media. Interviews are no longer just about finding a job, but about gaining experience that can be used by more people. In March of this year, a lot of Qian made a series of notes under the name of "Life in the Wilderness", through interviews with people from different backgrounds, to show their thoughts before and after leaving and their future lifestyle.

There are more resignation bloggers who pretend to be slack than they go to work

@学姐许多钱和不同自媒体博主直播聊天. (Photo/Photo provided by the interviewee)

Before deciding on the content and form, a lot of money tried several transformations, doing funny style, doing entrepreneurial direction, and focusing on intellectual content about women's growth, but the traffic was not satisfactory. She has learned in practice that the same note, the same topic, the traffic performance is very different, and other people's experience is sometimes not suitable for herself. She gradually became calmer about this: "(traffic) data is the biggest survivor bias in this era, it has a certain elimination and screening mechanism, and there are actually very few people who can enjoy the dividends of self-media." ”

@牙缝藏菜 didn't consider monetizing his account, and he didn't consider himself a leaving blogger, "leaving is just a stage for me, not my label." She prefers brick-and-mortar work and is currently trying to start her own business.

There are more resignation bloggers who pretend to be slack than they go to work

@牙缝藏菜在家里做手工热缩片, try to see if there is a possibility of setting up a stall. (Photo/Photo provided by the interviewee)

With several years of experience in self-media, a lot of money has accumulated about 200,000 fans on the whole network. Many people feel that their fan base is not large, and it is not advantageous to receive advertisements through the platform, "It is basically the market price, plus (some) brands still play rebates, bloggers are basically at the end of the entire transaction chain, and there is little room for negotiation." ”

Although the first note attracted 80,000 views, observers did not consider monetization. "I was playing with willows unintentionally." He has observed for more than half a month, the content of the departing blogger is homogeneous, if there is no new content or new objects in the later stage, it may be closed after 50 or 100 observations, and he will not observe for the sake of observation.

In addition, when it comes to choosing a sharing platform, most people will choose Xiaohongshu, "compared to other social platforms, Xiaohongshu is the largest text platform in terms of content (at present), and its users are relatively young, and it is also the main force in the workplace." Observers say that 83 percent of their fan profiles are young and 87 percent are women, and that users are mainly 18-35 years old, and that workplace content has a natural appeal to them.

The observer found that of the more than 600 bloggers he observed, none had seen the track as if it were a job. "Some have turned to travel bloggers, some have gone to further study, and if they use 'leaving bloggers' as a job, many people simply don't have enough to support themselves."

There are more resignation bloggers who pretend to be slack than they go to work

(Photo/"We Who Can't Be Beasts")

There are more resignation bloggers who pretend to be slack than they go to work

It may be the wilderness, but it's not a cool text

"Qingbei", "Naked Words", "Annual Salary of One Million", "97 Years", these keywords are placed in the cover picture of bright large fonts, which stimulates Xie Ziming's nerves, and at the same time makes her confused: Can the resigned bloggers in reality really have an ideal "wilderness", or is it just a transition to temporarily ignore the chicken feathers in real life?

According to Xiaohongshu's data analysis platform "Qiangua Data", in the past year, the number of notes related to "naked resignation" and the workplace on Xiaohongshu has increased by 440%, and the total number of interactions is estimated to increase by 128%. In the tens of thousands of notes shared by bloggers, while sharing interview experience, workplace experience, and naked resignation to start a business, it also provides fans with a certain emotional value.

Many Qian and observers mentioned in interviews that a large part of this year's "departing bloggers" came from Feishu's new round of "optimization personnel". In March this year, Feishu announced that due to business adjustments, it is expected that the layoff ratio will reach 20%, involving about 1,000 people.

There are more resignation bloggers who pretend to be slack than they go to work

(Photo/"We Who Can't Be Beasts")

As early as 2021, with the implementation of the "double reduction" policy, the education and training industry has laid off employees, which has a far-reaching impact on K12 online education and other fields. At that time, there was already a group of bloggers on the Internet who had turned into jobs due to unemployment. After three years, the unemployed in various industries gradually enriched the structure of leaving bloggers, and slowly, leaving bloggers were not all forced to make a choice.

Observers told "New Weekly" that most of the departing bloggers seen in the early days were grassroots employees, such as primary product operations or managers, etc., and later found that more and more middle-level and high-level leaders also left the field, and the track of resigned bloggers became increasingly crowded, and it became more and more difficult to successfully break through.

After @西南lrene在接受媒体 "DT Observation" interview, she posted a post on social media to persuade her to quit, and she said in her notes that "resignation" is the current traffic password, which carries many people's imagination of "wilderness", and she can indeed enjoy physical and mental freedom and the pleasure of breathing for a period of time after leaving her job. But a real and long-term life is far from being able to stay free and happy all the time after posting the official announcement of resignation, taking a last day vlog, and making a to-do list, and compose cool articles that have reached the pinnacle of life - there are still many problems.

A lot of money said that income is still an unavoidable problem, and the income from self-media can only ensure the basic needs at present: "Many people think that I am very cool, blowing the air conditioner at home, writing a script, shooting a video to make money, but in fact, all account operations are done by me alone, basically 24 hours a day." He advised friends who intend to resign naked and move to the "resignation blogger" track, leave an industry with a relatively stable income to go outside to "beg for traffic", and be fully psychologically prepared.

There are more resignation bloggers who pretend to be slack than they go to work

(Photo/"The Demon King Who Jumped Ship")

In an interview with Xiaohongshu, @牙缝藏菜 believes that people who really want the "wilderness" must be strong and confident enough; For those who were shaken by a few words from the outside world, she feared they might regret it. As a result, she doesn't want her resignation experience or remarks to be a reason for hesitant professionals to waver.

At present, @牙缝藏菜 rely on the support of his family for most of his living income, and his next plan is to start a business and set up a stall, but the situation does not seem to be optimistic. On the first day of setting up a stall, she earned 30 yuan, but was charged 55 yuan for parking.

The emotional catharsis of work, life choices after leaving the job, and the amplification effect of social media have jointly spawned a vigorous wave of Internet resignation bloggers, and everyone has accelerated the tide to fantasize about the possibility of breaking away from the shackles of work, but there are still more new problems when they turn around. The tide is receding, some are swimming naked, and some are already sailing.

There are more resignation bloggers who pretend to be slack than they go to work

@牙缝藏菜创业摆摊现场. (Photo/Photo provided by the interviewee)

(At the request of the interviewee, Xie Ziming is a pseudonym)

Proofreading: Huang Siyun; Operations: Hee Hee; Typography: Sweet

Cover: "Running with Good Slaughter on His Back"

There are more resignation bloggers who pretend to be slack than they go to work

[1] "The Departing Blogger: The Tyranny of Algorithms and the Real Problems That Have Been Ignored,"

[2] "2024 Most Crowded Track: Leaving Bloggers"

[3] "Leaving Bloggers" rushed into Xiaohongshu, who got the traffic password? 》

[4] "Naked resignation of big factory people, collectively rushed to Xiaohongshu to be a "resignation blogger""

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  • There are more resignation bloggers who pretend to be slack than they go to work
  • There are more resignation bloggers who pretend to be slack than they go to work
  • There are more resignation bloggers who pretend to be slack than they go to work
  • There are more resignation bloggers who pretend to be slack than they go to work
  • There are more resignation bloggers who pretend to be slack than they go to work
  • There are more resignation bloggers who pretend to be slack than they go to work
  • There are more resignation bloggers who pretend to be slack than they go to work
  • There are more resignation bloggers who pretend to be slack than they go to work
  • There are more resignation bloggers who pretend to be slack than they go to work
  • There are more resignation bloggers who pretend to be slack than they go to work
  • There are more resignation bloggers who pretend to be slack than they go to work
  • There are more resignation bloggers who pretend to be slack than they go to work
  • There are more resignation bloggers who pretend to be slack than they go to work
  • There are more resignation bloggers who pretend to be slack than they go to work
  • There are more resignation bloggers who pretend to be slack than they go to work

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