
The 3rd Jiwei Semiconductor Human Resources Conference was successfully held

author:Set micronet

The "Heron Island Appointment" arrived as scheduled. From June 28th to 29th, the 8th Jiwei Semiconductor Conference was officially held in Xiamen. The conference was guided by the People's Government of Haicang District, Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, and the Management Committee of Xiamen Torch High-tech Industrial Development Zone, hosted by the Semiconductor Investment Alliance and the ICT Intellectual Property Development Alliance, and undertaken by Aijiwei and Xiamen Semiconductor Investment Group.

On the first day of the conference, the 3rd Micro Semiconductor Human Resources Conference was the first to be launched, attracting new and old friends to come to Tsinghua University, Peking University, Fudan University, University of Electronic Science and Technology and other well-known universities, nearly 100 deans of microelectronics colleges, experts and scholars, and nearly 100 enterprise representatives and industry professionals such as Huada Jiutian, Chipone North, and Primarius Electronics organized a delegation to attend the meeting, forming a fruitful result of "a major industry event, two blockbuster reports, and a series of autumn recruitment launches".

The 3rd Jiwei Semiconductor Human Resources Conference was successfully held

Chen Ran, general manager of Aijiwei

Chen Ran, general manager of Aijiwei, attended the conference and extended a warm welcome to the guests on behalf of the organizing committee. In her speech, she said: "Achievements are made by talents, and the industry is wide by talents. In the context of intensified global competition and rapid technological change, talents are the first element of innovation and development of the semiconductor industry, and we actively promote the close connection of talent chain, education chain, industrial chain and innovation chain through school-enterprise cooperation, integration of industry and education, and achievement transformation, and explore new models and paths for talent training. At this conference, we insisted on the word 'new' and explored the way of 'strengthening the core' of science and technology enterprises with the guests. ”

In the venue of Xiamen International Conference Center Hotel, the atmosphere was warm and full, and industry guests from all over the country gathered together; Outside the venue, the blue waves are like tilting, the coconut groves are chasing the wind, and the waves of the times are running from here to the distance, and the talents of the industry are vigorous here, and their hearts are stirring!

Work together to report the results of the exhibition

As one of the most influential talent cooperation and exchange platforms in the semiconductor industry, after three years of accumulation and upgrading, the Jiwei Semiconductor Human Resources Conference has become a conference that stirs wisdom and seeks consensus.

The 3rd Jiwei Semiconductor Human Resources Conference was successfully held

He Haiqiong, senior analyst of Aijiwei

On the morning of the 28th, the "Integrated Circuit Industry Talent Insight Report 2024" was officially released, which is the fourth consecutive year that Aijiwei has launched a series of reports on industry talents. He Haiqiong, senior analyst of Aijiwei, introduced that in the year-long follow-up survey, 81 target universities of integrated circuit enterprises, including Tsinghua University, Peking University and Fudan University, were analyzed in detail, and detailed first-hand information was obtained, and then the talent development of the integrated circuit industry was sorted out from the three dimensions of universities, enterprises and talents, providing important reference and guidance for the optimal allocation of talents, the integration of industry, university and research and industrial innovation.

According to the report, more than 70 percent of graduates expect to enter the design industry. The positions of digital IC design engineer, analog IC design engineer, and IC verification engineer have entered the "top three" preferred positions for 2024 graduates. Among them, graduates with suitable majors and graduates with expectations for high-paying jobs prefer IC design positions.

He Haiqiong pointed out: "The development layout planning of the integrated circuit industry in different cities and the distribution status of related enterprises have a great impact on talent attraction. According to the survey data, the 2024 class of graduates majoring in the integrated circuit industry expects an annual salary of 308,100 yuan. The average expected salary of undergraduate graduates is 209,800 yuan/year, the average expected salary of master's students is 314,400 yuan/year, and the average expected salary of doctoral students is 532,400 yuan/year. Through the comparative analysis of the expected salary of the 2024 graduates and the actual job offer salary, it is found that the expected salary of the graduates is higher than the actual offer salary.

The 3rd Jiwei Semiconductor Human Resources Conference was successfully held

The "Talent Development Guide for the Semiconductor Industry" was released

As the "highlight" of this conference, the "Guide to Talent Development in the Semiconductor Industry" (hereinafter referred to as the "Guide") was released. Dr. Wang Yingshuai, the editorial board of the guide, Zou Lanrong, the representative of Beijing Huada Jiutian Technology Co., Ltd., Professor Li Xiaochao of the School of Electronic Science and Technology of Xiamen University, and Han Pengkai, general manager of the workplace business of Aijiwei, jointly took the stage to promote.

Dr. Wang Yingshuai said: "I would like to take this opportunity to thank Aijiwei and the 42 participating units, 62 editorial board members and related units for their great support. The semiconductor industry in mainland China has been developing for many years, but there is a lack of systematic elaboration on industrial talents, especially the description of industrial architecture and related technical positions. In the process of compilation, we deeply feel that the development of the industry has a long way to go and still needs to continue to work hard. “

It is reported that the guide is jointly edited by Huada Jiutian, Loongson Zhongke, Aijiwei, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Xiamen University and other units, and published by the Machinery Industry Press.

Thousands of rivers meet the sea, and the wind is just sailing.

The wisdom of the crowd is stirred, and the theme is to share and listen to the core sound

At present, integrated circuits, as a strategic industry supporting the important development of the country, are crucial to the country's emerging technology research and development, science and technology industry transformation, digital economy development and the construction of new quality productivity, but it is still facing challenges such as a general talent gap and severe resource misallocation, among which salary is a key part that cannot be ignored and is closely related to the acquisition of talents. At the same time, the semiconductor industry is in the stage of cyclical adjustment, and the fluctuation of personnel compensation often reflects the downturn and recovery trend of the industry, which has an important weather vane significance.

Wisdom is sublimated in collision, and consensus is formed in communication. In order to clarify the trend and explore the trend, this year's Jiwei Semiconductor Human Resources Conference specially invited Tang Rongming, CEO of Juying Consulting, and Hu Wenhao, head of data insight business of Aon Consulting China's high-tech industry, to share their views.

The 3rd Jiwei Semiconductor Human Resources Conference was successfully held

Tang Rongming, CEO of Juying Consulting

Tang Rongming shared the theme of "Organizational Development is the Last Word - Process Steps and Capability Requirements for Human Resources to Promote Organizational Change and Transformation", and took the pulse of the key strategies of enterprise organizational transformation and upgrading from the perspective of human resources. He proposed that the life cycle of the development of traditional enterprises is the same as that of organisms, which goes through five stages: survival, growth, maturity, transformation and regeneration.

"In the VUCA era, the core competitiveness of enterprises is no longer technology, capital or resources, but organizational strength: organizational development is the last word!" Tang Rongming believes that HR should have six new capabilities, namely, strategic positioning, reliable activists, capability builders, change champions, human resource innovators and integrators, and technical supporters. In the process of organizational change, it is important to recognize that there are three major roles in the enterprise, namely CEO, HR (internal OD experts), and external OD experts, each of which plays an irreplaceable role in the development of the enterprise.

In the face of the new situation of industrial development, the requirements of semiconductor enterprises in human resource management are gradually "improved", not only need to think about how to jump out of the limitations of the old thinking, and actively seek human resource planning solutions to meet future challenges, but also need to "tap potential" in the stock or "pan for gold" in the big waves, find and cultivate more available talents and improve the talent system for enterprises, and further stimulate the potential of the organization through effective management methods, so as to help enterprises achieve technological breakthroughs, reduce costs and increase efficiency and generate value income.

The 3rd Jiwei Semiconductor Human Resources Conference was successfully held

Aon Consulting's Head of Data Insights for the High Tech Industry in China, Wenhao Hu

With his rich experience in the design and implementation of the global compensation system, Hu Wenhao pointed out in his keynote speech on "The Status and Trend of Salary in the Semiconductor Industry" that the performance of the semiconductor industry in 2023 will be mixed and polarized. Compared with the previous year, the proportion of semiconductor enterprises with business growth and decline in 2023 will be flat, of which enterprises with a business decline of 10% or less account for the highest proportion. In terms of turnover, semiconductor companies in the high-tech industry have the highest turnover rate, with 8.7% of new staffing in 2023.

On this basis, Hu Wenhao introduced in detail the changes and impacts of the enterprise performance appraisal cycle and attention indicators, and the distribution of performance appraisal results, and conducted an in-depth analysis through actual cases. "Think about how we can use limited funds and key talent in our core key areas at a time when total compensation incentive resources are becoming increasingly limited." Hu Wenhao said.

The achievements are eye-catching, and the school-enterprise cooperation has reached a new level

"Great influence, wide coverage, high professionalism", Jiwei Semiconductor Human Resources Conference has been held for three consecutive sessions so far, always highlighting the importance of talents, and putting talent work in an important position - in 2022, the first conference came into being, promoting the "National School Recruitment Escort Line" in the eyes of the industry, and effectively solving the employment problems of college students; In 2023, the second conference will return strongly and launch the "IC Employment 100 Meeting" to provide ideas for industrial technology innovation and talent system construction under the new situation; This year, the third conference is once again "new" in terms of content, and enhances the endogenous power of industry and talents to go in both directions.

The 3rd Jiwei Semiconductor Human Resources Conference was successfully held

The 6th Autumn Joint Double Selection Meeting of the Micro Semiconductor Industry and the 2024 Zhangjiang Hi-Tech "895 Talent Exchange" were launched

At the meeting, the 6th Autumn Joint Double Selection Meeting of the Micro Semiconductor Industry and the 2024 Zhangjiang Hi-Tech "895 Talent Exchange" were fully launched! Chen Ran, General Manager of Aijiwei, Sun Yan, Human Resources Director of Shanghai Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park Development Co., Ltd., Quan Jinlan, Head of Human Resources Department of Changxin Technology Group Co., Ltd., Huang Jie, Human Resources Director of Shanghai Primarius Electronics Co., Ltd., and Wang Jinlong, Director of Human Resources Department of Zhongkexin Integrated Circuit Co., Ltd., jointly took the stage to witness the launching ceremony.

In the face of the still severe talent employment situation, Aijiwei has always insisted on promoting the development of talents in the semiconductor industry, combined with its own resource advantages, built an authoritative recruitment platform in the industry, built a new recruitment service system, and linked 200+ pan-electronic information universities, 1500+ integrated circuit enterprises, 1000+ community channels, and 1 million+ student resources, and is committed to becoming a key link for in-depth cooperation between enterprises and universities. Through a series of activities such as double selection meetings, large-scale school recruitment escort actions, and campus industry exchange and sharing meetings, we will optimize the allocation of resources of enterprises and universities and promote industrial scientific and technological innovation.

One more point in scientific and technological innovation, one step ahead in the strategic layout, and the first moment in the competition for talents, it is possible to make the industry glow with new momentum and break into a new world, so it is a great test of the tacit understanding of industrial cooperation.

As an important agenda of this conference, school-enterprise cooperation and exchange have been extensively discussed around the "current situation and trend of talent training and demand in 2024", and many guests such as Xinyueneng, Aipu Storage, Maxtron, Primarius Electronics, Shangyangtong, Zhangjiang Hi-Tech, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Wuhan University, Southeast University, Xidian University, Nankai University, Xiamen University, East China Normal University, etc., have made suggestions and suggestions, focusing on specific issues such as industry salary standards, enterprise development needs, and talent training goals. And put forward ardent expectations.

The 8th Jiwei Semiconductor Conference lasted for two days, with the theme of "Crossing Boundaries and New Quality Future", and conducted in-depth discussions on cutting-edge topics, aiming to gather experience for industrial development and build a platform for exchange and cooperation between government parks, universities, and enterprises. After that, the agenda will also discuss the development trend of the industry through a number of theme conferences and professional forums, so as to promote the development of the integrated circuit industry to a wider field, deeper and higher quality, and contribute wisdom support to the construction of the chain and the industry to the "core".

The 3rd Jiwei Semiconductor Human Resources Conference was successfully held

The scene of the 3rd Jiwei Semiconductor Human Resources Conference

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