
This community is a place where the elderly have something to rely on and have fun!

author:East-West Lake release

On the morning of June 13, Uncle Li walked a few minutes from his home to the Xingyuan Community Elderly Service Center on Wuqi Street, first enjoyed a massage on the electric chair in the rehabilitation and health room on the first floor, and when the time reached 11 o'clock, he got up and walked straight to the Happy Canteen ten meters away. "I want braised fish pieces, fried eggs, and fried bean sprouts with leeks", queuing, ordering, and making soup, Uncle Li did it in one go.

Founded in 2000, Xingyuan Community, located at the northwest corner of Wujiashan Street, is an open community with a total area of 2.2 square kilometers and a total population of more than 10,000. In order to solve the problem of old-age care, in recent years, the Party Committee of Xingyuan Community has given full play to the leading role of the core of the party organization, created a brand of "Party Building Cohesion, Xingfu One Neighborhood", and let nearly 1,000 elderly people in the jurisdiction spend a happy old age through meal assistance, medical assistance and safety assistance.

This community is a place where the elderly have something to rely on and have fun!

"I can't finish eating alone, it's hot in summer and cold in winter, and I don't want to cook." Before last year, Uncle Li, like many elderly people, was worried about eating, "Since the Happy Canteen, I have become a 'rice partner' with many neighbors, blowing the air conditioner and eating lunch, and treating this place as a second home." ”

The Xingyuan Community Elderly Service Center was renovated from the old archives and put into operation in February 2023, integrating elderly care, entertainment, dining, and health care. The Happy Canteen is open at noon from Monday to Friday, providing 40 seats, 2 meats, 1 vegetarian and 1 soup, and the elderly over 60 years old only need 10 yuan. The canteen will announce the menu in the WeChat group one day in advance and count the number of meals ordered. At noon the next day, after chef Ouyang Changhuai finished stir-frying, he also turned into a delivery boy to deliver free meals to the elderly who are inconvenient to travel.

This community is a place where the elderly have something to rely on and have fun!

▲Elderly residents organized a group to go to the Happy Canteen to eat.

This community is a place where the elderly have something to rely on and have fun!

▲ 2 meat, 1 vegetarian and 1 soup are full of sincerity.

In order to care for people living alone and with inconvenient legs and feet in the jurisdiction, the community will also send free lunches from time to time. Granny Zhang, who is nearly 80 years old, lives alone, has poor eyesight and blurred hearing in her right ear. Children are busy with work, so they can only find time to help the elderly buy good food, and the elderly cook by themselves. After learning about it, Zhao Lu, a community officer, became a frequent visitor to her home, often caring for the elderly through phone calls and home visits.

In order to improve the quality of service, Xingyuan Community also invited party members and representatives to be the "partners" of the Happy Canteen, participate in the daily operation supervision and maintenance, and ensure the nutrition and health of the canteen's meals.

This community is a place where the elderly have something to rely on and have fun!

"Thanks to the angels in white in the community, the service attitude is good, the technology is excellent, and the door-to-door service has given our family great comfort." On May 1 this year, Xia Huaqing, a 60-year-old resident of Wuxi Village, wrote a handwritten letter of thanks of nearly 500 words, expressing his gratitude to the Xingyuan community and doctors.

On February 3, Xia Huaqing rushed to the Xingyuan Community Neighborhood Committee for help. It turned out that his wife Geng Jie was seriously ill and bedridden, and the urethra needed to be replaced once a week, otherwise the turbidity would breed bacteria and affect the patency of the urethra. "It's cold outside now, and it's a lot of pain to go to the hospital once, can you ask a doctor to come to the house and help us change it?" Knowing the difficulties of the elderly, the community immediately contacted the community health center, and two doctors, Li Hongmei and Wei Wanwan, quickly came to the door to provide services.

This community is a place where the elderly have something to rely on and have fun!

▲Community doctors come to check the health of the elderly in the jurisdiction. (Photo courtesy of the community)

Through careful assessment and communication, the doctors skillfully replaced the urethral catheter for the elderly, and guided the family to do a good job in the daily care of the urinary catheter, which solved a difficult problem for the family. After that, doctors were on call whenever needed.

The door-to-door service of the doctors in the health center is just a microcosm of the convenient medical care services in the Xingyuan community. Xingyuan community has abundant medical resources, in addition to the health center, it also has the District Maternal and Child Health Hospital and the District Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital. The two hospitals signed the "Three Ones" service agreement with the Party branch of Baobao Community to promote the solution of key and difficult problems that plague the community and community residents, and give play to the role of the sinking community in doing practical things.

In the free clinic activities held in the community, Yu Debiao, director and chief physician of the outpatient department of the District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, gave advice: "If you have low blood pressure in the morning and high blood pressure in the afternoon, it may be that the medication time is wrong, and it is recommended to do ambulatory blood pressure monitoring." The words immediately dispelled the long-standing confusion for the old man.

This community is a place where the elderly have something to rely on and have fun!

▲The hospital held a free clinic activity.

Since the beginning of this year, the District Maternal and Child Health Hospital and the District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine have carried out 5 convenient free clinics and health lectures in Xingyuan Community, so that the elderly can enjoy better medical services.

This community is a place where the elderly have something to rely on and have fun!

Shanshui Xingchen Community is a typical old community, which has been built for 20 years. Due to the aging of the building, cracks and hollow drums appear in the façade walls of some buildings in the community, which are prone to water seepage in the rainy season, affecting the normal life of residents.

Upon learning of this situation, Li Kaijian, a veteran party member and deputy director of the community business committee, took the initiative to invite Ying to convene representatives of the community, property and buildings to set up the "Shanshui Xingchen Council".

This community is a place where the elderly have something to rely on and have fun!

▲Volunteers patrol the lake (photo provided by the community)

"Where the water leakage is blocked, the symptoms are not cured", "You can take the opportunity of this water leakage to beautify the façade of the building", ...... the "council" at the meeting, everyone negotiated and conspired, and actively made suggestions for the renovation of the exterior wall, and finally decided to start the first batch of maintenance funds, first repair the exterior walls of 3 buildings, and elected Li Kaijian and other party member representatives to supervise the construction quality. After three months of renovation, the renovation work was successfully completed and passed the joint acceptance evaluation by the community, residents' representatives, community owners' committees, and representatives of the property and environmental supervision committee.

For many elderly people, the old have fun, and "happiness" is precisely to give full play to the residual heat and do something for the elderly. From "a thread" to "a rope", from a "bystander" to a "participant", in the Xingyuan community, veteran party members like Li Kaijian, who actively participate in community governance, are constantly emerging. Xingyuan Community has 5 district party branches, with 190 party members under direct management, including 78 old party members over 60 years old. Giving full play to the exemplary role of old party members, and the old party members are retiring endlessly, which is becoming a bright business card of the Xingyuan community.

This community is a place where the elderly have something to rely on and have fun!

Produced by Dongxihu District Rong Media Center| Please indicate the source for reprinting

Report supported - Wujiashan Sub-district Office

Text and picture - Li Dong

Correspondent - Jiang Ying

Editor-in-charge: Peng Wei, Wang Jiabei

Editor - Hu Weiqiong