
Won the "Plum Blossom Award" three times, remarried at the age of 47 to repay his kindness, and still has a loud voice in his 70s

author:Gu Sheng explained

Foreword: For friends who like to listen to Peking Opera, the name Pei Yanling must be no stranger. She has won the "Plum Blossom Award" three times, which is the highest honor in the Chinese theater industry. Although she is now in her prime, her voice is still sonorous and powerful.

Won the "Plum Blossom Award" three times, remarried at the age of 47 to repay his kindness, and still has a loud voice in his 70s

Pei Yanling's father was a highly respected martial arts actor in the Peking Opera industry, and he was known in the industry for his fierce and vigorous performance style. Her biological mother and her father divorced in the early years due to personality incompatibility, and her stepmother was a Dan actor.

Whenever her father and stepmother practiced at home, little Pei Yanling always sat quietly on the sidelines, engrossed in observing their every movement and expression. That curiosity about the world of opera took root in her heart.

Won the "Plum Blossom Award" three times, remarried at the age of 47 to repay his kindness, and still has a loud voice in his 70s

Normally, parents want their son to follow in his father's footsteps, but her father and stepmother don't want her to follow this path. Because they know very well what kind of hard training opera actors need to go through to be able to walk in front of the audience. As the saying goes, one minute on stage, ten years off the stage, but for opera actors, they have to pay more than just ten years of work. They prefer Pei Yanling to have a stable and ordinary life.

Won the "Plum Blossom Award" three times, remarried at the age of 47 to repay his kindness, and still has a loud voice in his 70s

However, Pei Yanling has been stubborn since she was a child, as long as it is something she decides, it will not be able to be pulled back by nine cows. People say that "love can overcome all difficulties", if she really loves opera, how can she retreat because of the hardships? Pei Yanling's father knew his daughter's personality very well, so he agreed to Pei Yanling's request and sent her to a professional opera class to study.

Won the "Plum Blossom Award" three times, remarried at the age of 47 to repay his kindness, and still has a loud voice in his 70s

Since then, Pei Yanling has been practicing her professional skills every day, and she longs for her to one day inherit her father's mantle. At the age of nine, Pei Yanling has already begun to take the lead in many Peking Opera troupes, whether it is martial arts or literary opera, she can easily control it. At that time, Pei Yanling became a genius opera artist in everyone's eyes, and people said that she would be better than her father in the future, after all, the tiger father has no dogs. In order to be one step closer to her dream, she joined the Hebei Bangzi Theater in 1960.

Won the "Plum Blossom Award" three times, remarried at the age of 47 to repay his kindness, and still has a loud voice in his 70s

Pei Yanling met many opera masters here, and in order to improve her skills, she worshipped Li Shaochun, Guo Jingchun and others as teachers. But the master leads the way, the cultivation depends on the individual, these masters can only guide her skills, and the key to whether she can succeed or not lies in herself. Pei Yanling also understood this, so she began to study hard every day, and she became the most diligent student in the class.

Won the "Plum Blossom Award" three times, remarried at the age of 47 to repay his kindness, and still has a loud voice in his 70s

It was also during this period of study in the theater that Pei Yanling made up her mind to do something she had always wanted to do, but was hesitant to do, that is, to divorce her husband.

Her first marriage was arranged by her parents. In that period of paying attention to "the order of the parents and the words of the matchmaker", she and her husband entered the palace of marriage without knowing each other. A marriage without an emotional foundation is unstable, and although two people try hard to enter each other's world, their inner barriers are always insurmountable.

Won the "Plum Blossom Award" three times, remarried at the age of 47 to repay his kindness, and still has a loud voice in his 70s

Later, as time passed, Pei Yanling began to emerge in the opera industry. She began to realize that she should find someone who could really understand her and resonate with her soul. So she filed for divorce from her husband after careful consideration, and the marriage that lasted for twenty years finally came to an end.

Won the "Plum Blossom Award" three times, remarried at the age of 47 to repay his kindness, and still has a loud voice in his 70s

After entering the theater, she was carefully taught by Guo Jingchun, and not only did she become more and more sophisticated, but more importantly, she and Guo Jingchun also established a deep friendship that transcended the master-apprentice relationship. With the passage of time, Pei Yanling gradually discovered the unknown side of her master.

He has had two marriages, the first time he lost his beloved wife because of the trick of fate, and the second time he finally broke up because of the age gap and the friction of life. Now that he is entering his old age, he has to face the future life alone, and his heart is full of indescribable loneliness and sorrow.

Won the "Plum Blossom Award" three times, remarried at the age of 47 to repay his kindness, and still has a loud voice in his 70s

Pei Yanling had a thought in her heart, she wanted to marry her master. She knows that it is Guo Jingchun's careful teaching and selfless care that makes her who she is today, so she has to take the initiative to take care of the responsibility of taking care of her master for the rest of her life.

Won the "Plum Blossom Award" three times, remarried at the age of 47 to repay his kindness, and still has a loud voice in his 70s

Her approach caused quite a stir at the time, and most people were opposed to her approach. Some people believe that "a teacher for one day, a father for life", and the teacher-student relationship should be clearly defined and pure, and they do so contrary to traditional morality.

Another part of the people think that Pei Yanling's approach is too hasty, if a marriage is not because of the emotional foundation, but out of the psychology of repaying gratitude, this relationship will not be happy. After all, marriage is not just a temporary sacrifice, but a long, long road that requires two people to go hand in hand.

Won the "Plum Blossom Award" three times, remarried at the age of 47 to repay his kindness, and still has a loud voice in his 70s

However, no matter how loud the opposition from the outside world was, Pei Yanling still insisted on marrying Guo Jingchun. On the one hand, it is to repay his kindness for many years, and on the other hand, it is because Guo Jingchun's pursuit of opera is consistent with himself. She has devoted herself to opera all her life, in fact, marriage is not so important to her, it is better to maximize the "benefits" of marriage.

Won the "Plum Blossom Award" three times, remarried at the age of 47 to repay his kindness, and still has a loud voice in his 70s

What really made Pei Yanling famous in the opera industry was the opera movie "People. Ghost. The successful broadcast of "Love". The film is based on her own experience and can be said to be a script tailored to her. The heroine Qiu Yun in the movie likes to sing very much, and she is like a self-taught person about opera.

However, Qiu Yun's mother left her and her father when she was very young, so her father resolutely opposed Qiu Yun's singing of Danjiao, because he felt that Danjiao was all those women who were not serious.

Won the "Plum Blossom Award" three times, remarried at the age of 47 to repay his kindness, and still has a loud voice in his 70s

However, he underestimated Qiu Yun's love for opera, Qiu Yun said that she had to learn to sing no matter what, even if she was singing a male role, she was willing. Her father really couldn't do anything about her, so he called her a singing role, Qiu Yun was very smart, and she quickly became a leader in the troupe with her talent.

Won the "Plum Blossom Award" three times, remarried at the age of 47 to repay his kindness, and still has a loud voice in his 70s

Later, Qiu Yun's performance was noticed by Teacher Zhang, so Teacher Zhang brought her into the troupe. Under the guidance of Teacher Zhang, she became the only female martial artist in the troupe, and her relationship with Teacher Zhang also grew. However, Mr. Zhang already had a family at that time, but he was willing to give up his family for Qiu Yun. After Qiu Yun became famous, she also suffered a lot of criticism because of this incident, which caused her to leave the troupe in the end.

Qiu Yun, who left the troupe, married Teacher Zhang and gave birth to two children. However, Qiu Yun's love for opera has not disappeared at all, and she finally returned to the stage of opera with "Zhong Kui Saves My Sister".

Won the "Plum Blossom Award" three times, remarried at the age of 47 to repay his kindness, and still has a loud voice in his 70s

In the end, Qiu Yun became the mainstay of the opera industry, and Pei Yanling, who was outside the play, also became famous with this movie. The film also won the Golden Rooster Award and has a high reputation internationally.

Won the "Plum Blossom Award" three times, remarried at the age of 47 to repay his kindness, and still has a loud voice in his 70s

Conclusion: Pei Yanling, who is now 70 years old, still loves opera, and she has dedicated her life to opera, truly interpreting "love can overcome all difficulties".

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