
The heroine of "Executive Judge" has a big failure with plastic surgery, and the 64-year-old Ding Jiali is amazing to the audience!

author:Entertainment guaguara

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Text丨Entertainment Guaguara

Edit丨Entertainment Guaguara

Welcome to Hot Theater! Today's focus is on "Executive Judge", this legal drama is comparable to the "courtroom version of the Avengers", which premiered on CCTV and was broadcast on the Internet, and it was very popular. Director An Jian's artistic skills are profound, and the starring Luo Jinshuai has reached a new height, but Yang Zishan's acting skills are online but have caused controversy due to plastic surgery. The plot is interlocking, and the puzzles such as the family inheritance case are addictive. Teacher Ding Jiali's acting skills are amazing, showing the depth of the role without lines, and becoming a role model for young actors. "The Executive Judge" not only entertains the public, but also popularizes legal education, reflects social issues, and triggers thinking about the nature of acting careers. Although there are shortcomings, on the whole, it is like a colorful feast, which is worth savoring.

The heroine of "Executive Judge" has a big failure with plastic surgery, and the 64-year-old Ding Jiali is amazing to the audience!

First of all, we have to talk about the layout of this play. "Executive Judge", it sounds like "justice will win", right? is broadcast on CCTV, it has its own halo, plus online platforms like Youku and iQiyi to help, good guys, it's hard to think about this drama if it's not popular! As soon as the broadcast started, Weibo, Moments, that is called a swipe, and the big guys are talking about it, what is the magic of this show? Let's talk about our director and starring team, this lineup is so luxurious! Director An Jian, who is an expert, every frame is full of artistic style.

The heroine of "Executive Judge" has a big failure with plastic surgery, and the 64-year-old Ding Jiali is amazing to the audience!

Luo Jin, our appearance is responsible, put on the judge's robe, that is the embodiment of justice, so handsome that people want to shout "Judge, I plead guilty!" "Let's talk about Yang Zishan, this time she took the lead and played the role of Chu Yun, the director of the second executive hall, the challenge is not small, and her acting skills are online, but the audience's attention seems to be a little off, let's talk about it later. The plot in the play is compact and the climax is repeated, especially the emotional evolution of Qi Lin and Chu Yun, the pair of "legal CP", is like a well-cooked delicacy, from the initial-for-tat to the later tacit understanding, their cooperation is like a violent reaction in a chemical experiment, sparks are flying and fascinating.

The heroine of "Executive Judge" has a big failure with plastic surgery, and the 64-year-old Ding Jiali is amazing to the audience!

The design of each case is like a chess game laid by a master, which is intricate and thought-provoking, and the audience can not only enjoy the fun of solving the puzzle in the process of peeling off the cocoon, but also find it difficult to suppress the curiosity about the next link. Among them, the family business inheritance case is particularly prominent, and its intensity is close to the battle of the ancient costume court, which is not only about the struggle for wealth, but also reveals the intricate emotional entanglements and grievances within the family at a deeper level, and the tense atmosphere makes people take their breath away. Next, the conversation turns to the subtle and sensitive side. Yang Zishan's performance in the play is indeed impressive, her acting skills are sometimes delicate and nuanced, sometimes explosive, which amazes the audience.

The heroine of "Executive Judge" has a big failure with plastic surgery, and the 64-year-old Ding Jiali is amazing to the audience!

However, along with the praise came an undercurrent of discussion — a discussion about the change in her appearance. While admiring her superb acting skills, some viewers couldn't help but question her facial state, thinking that some moments seemed unnatural, which quickly fermented and became a hot topic on the Internet. The appearance of the plastic surgery turmoil undoubtedly made some fans feel sorry, they thought that Yang Zishan's acting talent could have been more radiant, but it was overshadowed by the excessive attention of the outside world to her appearance, especially in those scenes that are full of emotions and require deep resonance, and the audience's emotional experience is sometimes interrupted by this visual "disharmony".

The heroine of "Executive Judge" has a big failure with plastic surgery, and the 64-year-old Ding Jiali is amazing to the audience!

This incident once again reminds us that in the bizarre entertainment industry, the core competitiveness of actors still returns to the acting itself, which is the artistic vitality that cannot be replaced by any modification. No matter how noisy the outside world is, the actor speaks with his work and proves himself with his role, which is the most powerful response. Then, let's turn the spotlight to the real acting master - Teacher Ding Jiali. In the drama "Executive Judge", she once again proved what "textbook-level" acting skills are in the role of Huang Chunxiang. There is no need for flowery rhetoric, with just a glance and a subtle smile, Mr. Ding can build the multi-dimensional character of the character in silence, and make people instantly fall into the complex emotional world she weaves.

The heroine of "Executive Judge" has a big failure with plastic surgery, and the 64-year-old Ding Jiali is amazing to the audience!

Her performance, like a delicate fine brush painting, is delicate and powerful, every touch of color and every line is just right, showing the magnificence of the character's heart. It is particularly worth mentioning that there is a scene in the play, where Teacher Ding Jiali doesn't even need to speak, just with a silent performance, he vividly interprets the deep city and complex human nature of the role of Huang Chunxiang. This is not only an accurate grasp of the depth of the role, but also a vivid interpretation of the supreme realm of performing arts.

The heroine of "Executive Judge" has a big failure with plastic surgery, and the 64-year-old Ding Jiali is amazing to the audience!

For young actors, every appearance of Mr. Ding is a living performance teaching, and the silent demonstration tells them that real acting skills are the communication of the heart, the flow of emotions, and the ability to convey a thousand words without words. Against the backdrop of Teacher Ding Jiali's superb acting skills, this battlefield of performance without gunpowder has become a precious opportunity for young actors to observe and learn, reminding everyone that on the road of acting, only by sincerely devoting themselves to the role, feeling with their hearts, and interpreting with their souls, can they transcend the superficial glitz and achieve a deep artistic expression that touches people's hearts.

The heroine of "Executive Judge" has a big failure with plastic surgery, and the 64-year-old Ding Jiali is amazing to the audience!

Teacher Ding Jiali's interpretation is undoubtedly the best interpretation of this, and it also adds a thick artistic background to "Executive Judge". Finally, we have to talk about the significance of this play. "Executive Judge" is not just a drama, it is also a small classroom of legal knowledge and a magnifying glass for social issues. It makes us understand that the law is not a cold word, but a weapon to uphold justice; It also makes us reflect on what is most important in an actor's career.

The heroine of "Executive Judge" has a big failure with plastic surgery, and the 64-year-old Ding Jiali is amazing to the audience!

All in all, the drama "Executive Judge" has slots and highlights, just like a plate of colorful and fragrant meals, although some dishes may be overseasoned, but overall, it is still worth savoring. We look forward to more film and television works, which can be as entertaining and in-depth as this drama, and can also bring some thinking to the industry inside and outside. Okay, that's all for today's sharing, let's see you in the next episode!

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