
Abandon her sister Ding Jiali, turn her head to marry a 15-year-old wife, don't be "deceived" by Sun Honglei

author:Weiwei said classic
Abandon her sister Ding Jiali, turn her head to marry a 15-year-old wife, don't be "deceived" by Sun Honglei
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
Abandon her sister Ding Jiali, turn her head to marry a 15-year-old wife, don't be "deceived" by Sun Honglei

Among the star-studded entertainment circles, there is one name that is particularly eye-catching - Sun Honglei. This once unknown teenager has now become a star in the limelight.

However, beneath his glamorous exterior lies a little-known past.

Abandon her sister Ding Jiali, turn her head to marry a 15-year-old wife, don't be "deceived" by Sun Honglei

From a poor teenager who loves break dancing, to a student at the Central Academy of Drama, to a rookie who was made popular by "sister" Ding Jiali, and finally became a successful actor who married a wife 15 years younger, Sun Honglei's life trajectory is full of dramatic turns.

What is the untold story behind his success? How did the "Shuai Lei Lei", who was very popular in "Extreme Challenge", get to where he is today? Let's uncover the secrets behind Sun Honglei's road to fame.

Sun Honglei's childhood was not wealthy, but he always cherished the dream of changing his fate. When he was 18 years old, the god of fate favored him with his first smile. A breakdancing competition was a turning point in his life.

Abandon her sister Ding Jiali, turn her head to marry a 15-year-old wife, don't be "deceived" by Sun Honglei

On the day of the competition, the young Sun Honglei stood on the stage, his heart beating faster, and sweat soaked through the thin T-shirt. When the music played, he seemed to forget everything and threw himself into the dance.

His enthusiasm and talent infected the judges, and he finally won the second prize.

However, the cruelty of reality soon overshadowed his fleeting joy. The prize was a refrigerator, but in order to subsidize the family, Sun Honglei had to sell it in pain. This experience strengthened his determination to change his fate through his own efforts.

Abandon her sister Ding Jiali, turn her head to marry a 15-year-old wife, don't be "deceived" by Sun Honglei

Shortly after winning the award, the opportunity came again. A song and dance theater took a fancy to Sun Honglei's dancing talent and invited him to become a break dancer. Although the remuneration for each performance was only a mere 100 yuan, it was undoubtedly a rare opportunity for Sun Honglei at that time.

He cherishes every opportunity to perform on stage and watered his dreams with sweat.

Over time, Sun's efforts paid off. His monthly income gradually climbed to 4,000 yuan, and he became one of the "10,000 yuan households" at a young age. However, he was not satisfied.

Abandon her sister Ding Jiali, turn her head to marry a 15-year-old wife, don't be "deceived" by Sun Honglei

A colleague's words gave him a bigger dream - to apply for the Central Academy of Drama.

In order to realize this seemingly unattainable dream, Sun Honglei has made unimaginable efforts. He was determined to become a regular student of the music class, and for this reason, he did not hesitate to lose 36 pounds in just one month.

The hard training day after day and strict diet control made him so thin that he almost lost his appearance. However, this determination and perseverance eventually paid off.

Abandon her sister Ding Jiali, turn her head to marry a 15-year-old wife, don't be "deceived" by Sun Honglei

The hard work paid off, and Sun Honglei was finally admitted to the Central Academy of Drama as he wished. The moment he stood at the school gate, his eyes flashed with tears, which were tears of infinite longing for the future.

From a street break dancing teenager to a student at the Central Academy of Drama, Sun Honglei proved with his actions that as long as there is a dream, there is hope. This experience not only exercised his will, but also laid a solid foundation for his future development in the entertainment industry.

After graduating from the Central Academy of Drama, Sun Honglei stepped into the showbiz with great longing. However, the cruelty of reality soon made this young man with dreams taste bitterness.

Abandon her sister Ding Jiali, turn her head to marry a 15-year-old wife, don't be "deceived" by Sun Honglei

The lack of resources often makes him fall into the dilemma of having no scenes to film, and his former self-confidence is gradually smoothed out by reality. Just when he was hesitating and almost giving up, the god of fate reached out to him again.

During his participation in the drama "Marie Curie", Sun Honglei met Ding Jiali, who was already a movie queen. Although the age difference between the two is huge, they cherish each other because of their common attitude towards work.

Sun Honglei's diligence and hard work deeply touched Ding Jiali, and Ding Jiali's talent and charm also made Sun Honglei feel good. Gradually, emotions developed between the two that transcended a working relationship, and they soon fell in love.

Abandon her sister Ding Jiali, turn her head to marry a 15-year-old wife, don't be "deceived" by Sun Honglei

Ding Jiali not only became Sun Honglei's lover, but also a noble person in his career. With Ding Jiali's recommendation, Sun Honglei got a valuable opportunity to participate in "Like Fog, Like Rain and Like Wind".

This work is like a shot in the arm, which has made Sun Honglei's popularity a qualitative leap, and also allowed him to finally gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry.

In the face of these gossips, Sun Honglei's heart was full of contradictions. He is deeply grateful for Ding Jiali's help, but at the same time, he is eager to be recognized for his own strength.

Abandon her sister Ding Jiali, turn her head to marry a 15-year-old wife, don't be "deceived" by Sun Honglei

This complex psychological state became an important turning point in his later love life.

Ding Jiali's support undoubtedly gave Sun Honglei's career wings to take off. However, as his fame grew, the balance in Sun Honglei's heart began to tilt quietly.

He began to think: should he pursue a relationship that suits him better? Do you continue to rely on Ding Jiali, or find your own path? It was a difficult decision that would completely change the course of his life.

Abandon her sister Ding Jiali, turn her head to marry a 15-year-old wife, don't be "deceived" by Sun Honglei

This emotional experience with Ding Jiali is not only a booster for Sun Honglei's career, but also an important turning point in his life. It gave Sun Honglei a taste of the sweetness of success, but it also made him experience the complexity of the entertainment industry for the first time.

This experience deeply affected Sun Honglei and laid the groundwork for his future emotional choices.

The success of "Like Fog, Like Rain and Like Wind" opened the door to the showbiz for Sun Honglei. With the popularity brought by this work, his acting career began to enter the fast lane.

Abandon her sister Ding Jiali, turn her head to marry a 15-year-old wife, don't be "deceived" by Sun Honglei

However, success is often accompanied by skepticism and criticism. Some people say that he relies on his "sister" Ding Jiali to take the position, and some people question whether his acting skills can be independent.

In the face of these voices, Sun Honglei chose to speak with strength. He began to take on various types of works, striving to be fully engaged and perfectly interpreted in each role.

His efforts were not in vain, and with the accumulation of works, Sun Honglei gradually grew into a powerful actor recognized by the industry.

Abandon her sister Ding Jiali, turn her head to marry a 15-year-old wife, don't be "deceived" by Sun Honglei

In the process, Sun Honglei showed amazing versatility. Whether it's a drama or a comedy, he can handle it easily. His performance is delicate and nuanced, and he can accurately capture the inner world of the characters, and vividly show the joys, sorrows and sorrows of the characters in front of the audience.

This all-round acting has allowed him to gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry and has also won the respect of the audience and his peers.

In 2015, Sun Honglei's career ushered in another peak. He participated in the recording of the variety show "Extreme Challenge", in which he showed a completely different side from the past.

Abandon her sister Ding Jiali, turn her head to marry a 15-year-old wife, don't be "deceived" by Sun Honglei

The image affectionately known as "Shuai Lei Lei", humorous and witty, but also mature and steady, quickly captured the hearts of the audience.

The success of "Extreme Challenge" has allowed Sun Honglei to gain a large number of "girlfriend fans". However, he did not let this cause complacency or stagnation. On the contrary, the experience made him realize that he had more potential to tap into.

He began to hone his acting skills even harder, striving to surprise the audience with each new work.

Abandon her sister Ding Jiali, turn her head to marry a 15-year-old wife, don't be "deceived" by Sun Honglei

From "Like Fog, Like Rain and Like Wind" to "Extreme Challenge", Sun Honglei used his own efforts and talents to portray his own trajectory in the entertainment industry. His success is not just luck or someone's help, but the crystallization of his sweat over the years.

This experience also proves that as long as you work hard, you will definitely be able to shine in the field you love.

While his career is thriving, Sun Honglei's love life has experienced ups and downs. broke up with Ding Jiali, which made him once bear the notoriety of "negative man".

Abandon her sister Ding Jiali, turn her head to marry a 15-year-old wife, don't be "deceived" by Sun Honglei

Rumors abound, some people say he is ungrateful, some people say he has a new love. In the face of these doubts, Sun Honglei chose to remain silent, which instead led to more speculation.

Soon after the breakup, Sun Honglei fell into a new emotional whirlpool. He once passionately pursued the famous actor Gong Li, and this relationship once became the focus of the entertainment industry. However, this relationship ended in nothing, leaving a deep emotional wound on Sun Honglei.

The successive emotional setbacks made Sun Honglei begin to reflect on his life. He decided to turn his focus to his career and focus on creating great work. During this time, he precipitated himself, worked hard to improve his acting skills, and gradually gained a firm foothold in the entertainment industry.

Abandon her sister Ding Jiali, turn her head to marry a 15-year-old wife, don't be "deceived" by Sun Honglei

In 2009, an unexpected news shocked the entire entertainment industry. Sun Honglei suddenly publicly admitted that he had a girlfriend, and this girlfriend was not an insider, but an ordinary girl named Wang Jundi, who was 15 years younger than Sun Honglei.

The exposure of this relationship once again aroused public attention and discussion about his love life.

In the face of disturbing doubts, Sun Honglei chose to speak with actions. His relationship with Wang Jundi has developed steadily, and the two support each other and grow together. In the end, they walked into the palace of marriage hand in hand.

Abandon her sister Ding Jiali, turn her head to marry a 15-year-old wife, don't be "deceived" by Sun Honglei

In 2014, the crystallization of the love between the two was born, and Sun Honglei officially became a father.

After getting married, Sun Honglei showed a completely different side from the past. He takes great care of his wife and children and devotes most of his energy to family life.

Scandals that used to appear frequently in entertainment news are now no longer present. Sun Honglei, who was once labeled as a "negative man", has transformed into a "good man of the Gu family" in the eyes of people.

Abandon her sister Ding Jiali, turn her head to marry a 15-year-old wife, don't be "deceived" by Sun Honglei

From Ding Jiali to Wang Jundi, Sun Honglei's emotional experience reflects his inner growth and changes. Perhaps, it was these ups and downs that allowed him to finally find a life partner who was truly suitable for him.

This relationship process not only changed Sun Honglei's personal life, but also allowed the public to see his richer and more authentic side.

From a poor boy to a successful actor, from a "negative man" to a "good man in the Gu family", Sun Honglei's life has experienced too many ups and downs. In the face of doubts and controversies, he chose to respond with strength and action.

Abandon her sister Ding Jiali, turn her head to marry a 15-year-old wife, don't be "deceived" by Sun Honglei

In his career, he continues to break through himself, from a break dancing teenager to a student of the Central Academy of Drama, and then to a powerful actor, every step interprets his persistence and hard work.

In the relationship, he experienced the transformation from Ding Jiali to Wang Jundi, and finally found a life partner that suits him. Today's Sun Honglei strives to balance career and family affection in the family, showing the responsibility of a mature man.

Sun Honglei's story tells us that life is not perfect, the key is how to get back up after a fall and insist on oneself in the face of doubt. This may be Sun Honglei's philosophy of life - never give up and forge ahead.

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